Seth, 22, 66, 72
Seven Wonders of the World, 24
Augustine on, 92–93, 107–10, 114–19, 121, 217, 341
concupiscence, 341, 342, 344, 345
in Enuma Elish, 27–29
in Gilgamesh story, 56
humans cleaving together, 60
implications of Adam and Eve story on, 8, 9, 254
involuntary character of, 114–16
and lust, 114–15
in Modi, 169
as natural and healthy, 107–8, 116
and procreation, 107, 110, 114, 115–16, 118, 217, 293, 345–46
and sin, 107–8, 119, 225
solitary arousal, 121
and “vital fire,” 108
sexual selection (Darwin), 271
Shakespeare, William, 150, 168, 201, 203, 213, 228, 283
First Folio, 209–10
King Lear, 37, 330
Much Ado About Nothing, 84
Shamash (sun god), 42, 54
absence of, 9, 62, 137–38, 142, 153, 156, 174, 212, 233, 238, 293, 295, 304; see also innocence
of Adam and Eve, 63, 141–43, 144, 145–50, 154, 225, 292, 348
artistic depiction of, 7, 141–50, 348
as cultural circumstance, 62, 63, 146–47, 212, 233–34, 280, 292
and evolution, 280
phenomenon of, 8, 9, 53, 146–47, 148, 149, 233, 234, 292–93, 348
and procreation, 345–46
and sex/lust (Augustine), 114, 115, 117, 142
and sin, 233, 263, 345
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 283
Siberia, origin story of, 317–18
Sidney, Sir Philip, Arcadia, 37
Simon, Richard, 330
and death, 106, 280, 336
of infants, 191
legacy of, 99, 296
Original Sin, 109–10, 128, 225–26, 250, 260–61, 272, 342
and pride, 119
punishment for, 102–3
questions about, 255
and redemption, 151
and sex, 107–10, 119, 225
and shame, 233, 263, 345
Sin-lequi-unninni (scholar-priest), 51
Sistine Chapel, ceiling of, 151, 154, 207
Ska, Jean-Louis, 330
skepticism, 10, 26–27, 75, 137, 252, 257
slave revolt, 298
slavery, 248–49
Smith, George, 44–46, 50–51
Smith, Joseph, 262
Solomon, King, 22
Soloveitchik, Joseph, Lonely Man of Faith, 337–38
South America:
Darwin’s visit to, 278, 283
discovery of, 235
Spartacus, 190
authors of, 11
creation (evolution) of, 238–39
discovery of, 10–11
grasped from particular example to universal, 11–12
holotypes, 10–12
named by Adam, 11
numbers of, 11
Spencer, Herbert, 282
Spenser, Edmund, Faerie Queene, 37
Spinoza, Baruch, 10, 330
Sprenger, Jacob, 131–33, 137
action in, 16, 17
allegories, 76–77, 91, 110, 205, 261, 276, 295, 337, 338
alternatives to Bible, 238–43
artistic depictions of, 145–46
authorship of, 37, 50
changing through time, 23, 34–36, 48, 250–52, 255, 261, 267–68, 284
choice and its consequences depicted in, 16, 17
of creation, see creation stories
documentary hypothesis of, 36–37
drifting toward make-believe, 251–52, 255
entertainment via, 17
fabliaux, 211, 218
fantasies, 3, 23, 255, 260
and lies, 2
and literature, 284
medium of record, 40
mortality of, 251
myths, 16–17, 48, 121–22, 206, 238, 244, 254–55, 284
oral tales, 16, 18, 23, 39, 111
power of storytelling, 5, 16
purposes of, 17–18
redaction of, 35–36, 37, 330
sacred, 32, 33
telling and retelling, 17–19, 23
in the Torah, 35–36
traces of, 40
written, 21, 39
Strafford, Earl of (Thomas Wentworth), 351
Sumerian language, 32, 40, 43
Sumerian origin myth, 59
Sunday, John, 285, 286
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, 10
Syncellus, George, 307
Talmud, 215, 325
Tarabotti, Arcangela, Paternal Tyranny, 134–36
telescope, invention of, 275
Tertullian, 122–23
Testimony of Truth, The, 66, 67
Thagaste (provincial city), 81, 89
Theophilus of Antioch, 305
Thomas, Gospel of, 66
Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 129–30, 205
Thompson, Melissa Emery, 285, 291
Thoreau, Henry David, 262, 263
Tiamat (Mesopotamian goddess), 27–29, 328, 331
Tierra del Fuego:
natives of, 279–80, 283
origin story of, 320
Timothy, Paul’s letter to, 126
Tintoretto, Jacopo, 154, 206
Titian (Tiziano Vecelli), 154, 206
Togo, origin story of, 319
Adam and Eve story in, 22, 35
beginning of, 23, 34–36, 39
dictated by God to Moses, 22, 23, 36, 70, 326, 336
J, E, D, and P sources of, 36
and People of the Book, 35
redaction of, 35–36, 37, 51
scrolls, 65
similarities to stories in Babylonian clay tablets, 45–48
strata of, 36–37
study of, 6
Tower of Babel, 27, 58–59
Traherne, Thomas, 191
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, 362
artistic depiction of, 152–53
innocence before eating from, 293, 294–96
prohibition of, 2, 9, 66, 75, 253–54, 259, 304
serpent urging Eve to eat from, 67, 70, 75, 305
Tree of Life, 3, 12, 56, 76, 153, 345
Trinity, 70
Trinity College Cambridge, 171
True Chronicle History of King Leir and His Three Daughters (Anon.), 37
Twain, Mark, 10, 264–68
“Adam’s Diary,” 264–65
“Eve’s Diary,” 265–66, 267
Innocents Abroad, 264
type specimens (holotypes), 10–12
typology, 74–75, 205
Uccello, Paolo, 206
Uganda, Kibale Chimpanzee Project in, 285–302
United States of America:
Emerson and Thoreau, 262, 263
as Garden of Eden, 262
Jefferson, 193, 261
Mormonism in, 262
Puritan founders of, 261
Twain, 264–68
Whitman, 262–64
creation of, 23, 29, 38, 44, 207
immensity of, 20
master of, 38
Ur, Abraham’s origins in, 24
Urania (Milton’s muse), 201, 204
in Gilgamesh, 52–55, 58
political influence of, 51
Ussher, James, 190–91
Valladolid, Great Debate in, 233–35
Vandal warriors, 97
van Eyck, Jan, 150–52, 154, 277
van Leyden, Lucas, 154
Vatican Library, 143
vegetarian diet, 7, 60, 153
Veronese, Paolo (Paolo Callari), 154
Vetus Latina translation, 86
Victorian England:
cultural beliefs of, 281
texts interpreted in, 45, 50
Viking expeditions, 242
Virgil, 86, 191, 203, 209, 210
Aeneid, 90, 208
Virgin Mary, see Mary
Visigoths, 97
Voltaire, 265, 266, 268
Philosophical Dictionary, 258–61
Wadi Rum, Jordan, 19–20
Watchers, story of, 335
Wellhausen, Julius, Prolegomena to the History of Israel (Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels), 36
Weyden, Roger van der, 128
whales, songs of, 17
White Cliffs of Dover, 275, 363–64
Whitman, Walt, Leaves of Grass, 262–64
Wilberforce, Bishop Samuel, 296–97
William IV, king of England, 279
Wilson, E. O., 326
Winstanley, Gerrard, 194–96
wisdom, age of attainment, 326
witchcraft, 131–33, 137
Witter, Bernhard, 329–30
Witzel, E. J. Michael, The Origins of the World’s Mythologies, 319
wolf, gray (Canus lupus), 10
Wollstonecraft, Mary, A Vindication of the Rights of Women, 136–37
woman, 120–38
apparel of, 122–23
creation of, 11, 60–62, 131, 216
dehumanization of, 131–33
fertility of, 47, 48
first, see Eve
intelligence of, 126
and legacy of Eve, 91, 136
man’s domination of, 3, 91, 125, 126, 127, 135–37, 218, 224, 229, 294–95, 298, 333–34
as man’s enemy, 131, 226
and misogyny, 121–23, 125–27, 129–33, 136–37, 211, 220, 342, 347
and pain of childbirth, 91, 241, 243, 272
procreation as primary purpose of, 130
punishment of, 3, 91, 122–23, 243
and salvation, 134
and sexual arousal, 115
“… she for God in him,” 218, 221
as source of temptation, 121–23, 135
in Nazi Germany, 149
in nunneries, 125, 134, 135, 167
relationships of men and, 239
saintly, 127
victimization of, 131
as witches, 131–33, 137
Wollstonecraft on, 136–37
Woodcock, Katherine, 197–98
Wordsworth, William, 283
Worm, Ole, 241–42
Wrangham, Richard, 285
writing, idea of, 72–73
xenophobia, 34
as chief god and protector of Jews, 25, 33, 41, 49
as creator, 44, 57, 59, 70, 74
cult of, 34, 74
and day of rest, 44
disobedience punished by, 26–27, 50
failure to protect his chosen people, 26–27, 38
negotiations with, 49
new covenant with, 35
prohibitions of, 67
ritual observances to, 25, 33
skeptics’ views of, 87
supreme power of, 38
and Torah, 35
York Minster, 279
Zedekiah, 25
Zeus, 70, 121–22
Zeuxis (Greek painter), 158
Zimbabwe, origin story of, 318
Zion, memories of, 30–31
Zionism, 248
Zoroaster, 87
Zosimus, Pope, 340
The Swerve: How the World Became Modern
Shakespeare’s Freedom
Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare
Hamlet in Purgatory
Practicing New Historicism (with Catherine Gallagher)
Marvelous Possessions: The Wonder of the New World
Learning to Curse: Essays in Early Modern Culture
Shakespearean Negotiations: The Circulation of Social Energy in Renaissance England
Renaissance Self-Fashioning: From More to Shakespeare
Sir Walter Ralegh: The Renaissance Man and His Roles
Three Modern Satirists: Waugh, Orwell, and Huxley
Shakespeare’s Montaigne: The Florio Translation of the Essays (with Peter G. Platt)
Religio Medici and Urne-Buriall (with Ramie Targoff)
Cultural Mobility: A Manifesto
The Norton Anthology of English Literature (general editor)
The Norton Shakespeare (general editor)
New World Encounters
Redrawing the Boundaries: The Transformation of English and American Literary Studies
Representing the English Renaissance
Allegory and Representation
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The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve Page 48