Ann H

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Ann H Page 6

by Unknown

  “Reed, I can’t hold back any longer!” Brent cried out.

  One last thrust into her backside and Reed could feel his brother swell. The extra tightness for that action had his own climax coming and Reed didn’t even bother with holding it back. He came the same time as Brent, yelling, and holding Jennifer tight.

  “Oh shit!” Brent said.

  Reed felt like he was drained, but knew he wasn’t. “Go get something to clean us up with.” Brent nodded and slowly pulled out of her. “Is that enough?”

  “I don’t know,” she whispered, licking at his mark on his chest again. Brent came back and touched her backside with a washcloth. She moaned against him. “Shit even that feels good.” She turned in Reed’s arms, sat down between his legs, and parted her legs further for Brent. “Do something else.”

  Brent stopped, looked up at Reed. Reed knew what she asked for and by the look on Brent’s face, he also knew. Reed once more nodded and mouthed the words ‘anything she wants’.

  Brent tossed the washcloth aside, then bent to her pussy. He began to lick, and then suck at the clit, and Reed watched. He didn’t think he could be so turned on by watching another please his mate, but he was. He slid his hands down her sides to her legs, picked them both up, and placed them over his shoulders. Reed then reached down to her pussy, opened the folds up more for Brent and Brent dove in like a starved man.

  “Yes,” Jennifer cried out. “Oh shit, don’t stop. Keep sucking!” She reached back to Reed’s hair, pulled hard. Reed hissed and gave her clit a little slap. “Do it again!”

  He pried her hands from his head, placed them on Brent’s and fisted his own hand into hers, tugging her head to the side so he could suck on his mark. Before he did that, he got his lips close to her ear.

  “Do you like my brother sucking your sweet pussy?” he purred low in her ear.

  Jennifer was breathing hard now, her body shivered and the sweet scent that came off her told him how close to her release she was. “Yes,” she breathed out.

  “Does he suck you better than me?”

  “No.” She turned her head, kissed him deep, and cried out in the kiss. He smelled her pleasure.

  She pulled away from him, took hold of Brent by his cock, and had him lie down on the bed, this time in the center. Reed didn’t understand what she was doing at first. He watched her have his brother scoot to the center, spread his legs and she crawled up between them, her ass up in the air. With a grin, he got up, went around the bed behind her, and took hold of her hips. She took hold of Brent’s cock, sucked it slowly into her mouth, just as he sank slowly back onto her pussy. A deep moan came from her, Brent swore, and Reed growled.

  He took her hard. Slammed everything he had left to give into her, and she sucked just as hard it seemed on Brent. Brent simply laid back, the pads of his hands pressing into his eyes, fingers gripping his hair and his chest rising and falling fast. It became very apparent that he was working to hold back his climax.

  Jennifer pushed back with Reed, meeting him thrust for thrust, and Reed gave it all. The sounds of sucking and bodies slapping seemed to echo off the walls. Grunts, moans and a few pleads, mixed with the sound. The burn in him finally began to pool between his legs, and her scent also started to change. Soon it would be over. Soon he would be able to think about something else besides this crazy red moon, and what it would do to them and then back to thinking about what they needed to do.

  “Argh!” Brent yelled, rose up, fisted his hand into her hair, and held her still. He came first.

  Jennifer kept right on sucking Brent, until Reed started his own downfall. She let him go, knees spread more and she once more reached up for him. Brent scooted closer to her, reached down between her legs, and played with her pussy one last time. Lips closed over her breasts, sucking the nipples.

  “I’m coming!” she cried out while Brent played with her pussy.

  Sure enough, Reed felt her pussy tighten. It was enough for him. One last thrust and he too climaxed. He didn’t yell as the other two did. No, his mouth was on her shoulder, biting and sucking at the mark he left, his cock spiriting his release, leaving him weak and shivering inside her.

  How long the three of them stayed like that, he couldn’t tell, but when he finally was able to let her go to take a hot shower, Reed stripped the bed and remade it. Brent didn’t say a thing, just got his clothes and left. Reed had a strange feeling that his brother felt bad about tonight and come morning Reed would make it right. After all, as much as he hated admitting it, he enjoyed himself big time.

  * * * *

  Jennifer stood under the hot spray of water, eyes closed, and hands on the walls sighing in bliss. Her body hummed all over. She was tender in places and smiled at it all. Tonight, without a doubt, she enjoyed very much and a small part of her wanted to do it all over again.

  Washing her body—slow and easy, she thought about Reed and Brent. When she told them to fuck her hard, boy, they sure did. Her ass and pussy both were sore, but she didn’t mind it. What had her really shaking her head was how much her clit still throbbed and yet it was hot, tender, and sensitive. She had half of a mind to go back in there and make Reed take her once more, but doubted he would.

  The water turned cooler, and she decided then it was time to get out. Turning it off, she grabbed the towel, dried off, and wrapped it around herself. With a smile, she wondered what her father thought she was doing. What went on in his mind tonight? She doubted he would think that she’d have two males.

  Walking out of the bathroom, she stopped and frowned. “Where’s Brent?”

  Reed stopped with the bed to look at her. “He went back to his own room.”

  “I’m sorry.” She lowered her eyes to the floor, staring at her feet.

  “For what?”

  “For making him do this. I shouldn’t have expected him to.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I think he figured we’d want to have the bed to ourselves. He’s fine.”

  She looked up. “You sure?”

  “Trust me. He wouldn’t have done this for us if he wasn’t okay with it.”

  She nodded and went over to the bed, dropping the towel right before slipping in under the cool sheet. She heard Reed growl and cocked her head to the side, “What’s wrong?”

  He came round the other side, slipping in also. “You keep showing me that cute little ass of yours and we’ll never get any sleep. I’ll be forced to keep pounding it until we both drop.”

  She smiled, snuggled up to his warm body and sighed. “Such promises.”

  His arm went around her. “You okay?”

  “Never better. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so special as what you two just made me feel.”

  “Well, don’t expect it to always be like that on the full moon now.” She rose up to get a better look at him. “I don’t share.”

  “I don’t think there are very many males that do.” He kissed her and closed his eyes. Jennifer rested her head back on his chest. “So why did you share me?”

  “Because I knew you were going to need it with this strange ass moon. In case you didn’t notice, I had my heat with you. What does that tell you?”

  She tried to go to sleep, but it just wouldn’t come. Her mind refused to let her. “Reed?”


  “What’s next?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean we can’t keep staying in a cabin. What happens next?”

  “I need to find the one who sold my brother and had my family killed.”

  “Then what?”

  “Then I kill him.”

  Chapter Seven

  Jennifer jolted awake. Taking a glance at the clock, seeing it was only four thirty in the morning, she frowned at the reason why she might be awake. She should be sleeping pretty much of the day away after the night she had.

  Slipping from the bed slow and easy so she didn’t wake Reed, she looked around for something to put on and found his shirt. Putting it on
while she headed for the front window, Jennifer still frowned, wondering why she was awake in the first place.

  She didn’t see anything, so decided to go back to bed when a dark shadow caught her eye. Jennifer stopped and squinted at the side of the cabin Brent was in and waited with still breath for that shadow to move again. It did.

  “Reed!” she gasped, gripping the window frame, not taking her eyes off what she was seeing. Reed only groaned in his sleep. “Reed, wake up!” Again he groaned and moved. She turned her head to see him turn over. “Damn it.” Turning back around, Jennifer let out one hell of a scream. A man stood in the window, staring at her!

  His fist broke through the glass and she fell back on her ass. Reed snarled and lunged at the man, stopping him from grabbing hold of her. Unfortunately, more came in with a kick to the door.

  “Ah shit!” Jennifer said, rolling to her feet. She took a glance at Reed who was outside, changing as men surrounded him. One guy decided to reach for her. A mistake. Jennifer opened her mouth and bit his hand hard, reaching the bone. He screamed. “Fuck you!” she spit out right before kicking him hard in the stomach. By the way, he went flying back, she knew then humans were attacking.

  Jennifer quickly found a pair of pants, wiggled her ass into them quickly and had her shoes on her feet by the time another guy decided to take his chance with her.

  “Really?” she asked, irritated.

  He lunged and she changed just enough to get extra strength. With her own snarl, she grabbed the guy by the front of his dark outfit and picked him up. Right before throwing him, she showed him some very sharp teeth, and then tossed him away into two others, knocking them down like pins on a bowling lane.

  Jennifer grabbed Reed’s clothing, shoes, and ran to the door, stopping to give a hard kick to one of the guys who was still there. “Bastard.”

  “Jennifer!” Reed yelled.

  She rushed out, skidding to a stop next to him. On the ground were the other men that came with the ambush. “What took you so long?”

  He grinned, took the jeans, and yanked them on. They both turned to see a dark van peel out of the driveway. Reed was the first to break off and run to Brent’s cabin. Jennifer was right behind him and stopped or more like bumped into his back. Inside the place was a mess.

  “What happened in here?” she whispered.

  The whole place was trashed. Furniture was turned over, broken, and windows smashed. Clearly one hell of a fight took place here. Jennifer brushed past Reed to go further into the room. There had been a huge fight in here and Brent didn’t come out a winner.

  “I need to talk to your father again,” Reed said.

  Jennifer swung around with a frown on her face. “Why?”

  “Because he knows something.” He turned, headed out and she was right behind him. She had to jog to keep up.

  “What do you think he knows?”

  “That’s what we’re going to find out.” He got into the truck, felt under the seat and brought out an extra set of keys. Keeping her mouth shut, Jennifer sat in the passenger seat.

  Reed drove fast so it didn’t take them long to go back to her home. However, what she saw once they got close had her speechless. The home in which she grew up was on fire.

  “Oh, my God!” she gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.

  Jennifer couldn’t believe what she saw. Her home was in flames. Before the truck even stopped, she had the door open and was jumping from it.

  “Jennifer, wait!” Reed yelled.

  But she couldn’t wait. Her father might be in there. “Dad!” she screamed.

  She couldn’t get close to the house or even up to the driveway for that matter. Intense heat waved out to her, stopping Jennifer in her tracks. She saw his car in the drive and knew without a doubt that her father was still inside.

  “Dad!” she yelled again, looking around with a small amount of hope that he wasn’t inside.

  Fear gripped her hard, and with the thick smoke she didn’t think she could breathe. She was so worried that he was still in the house and just about gave up when her eye caught an outline on the ground that didn’t match the rest of the yard. She took off in a run, she headed for it and lost her cool when she discovered it was her father.

  “Oh shit, Dad!” She rolled him over to his back and wanted to throw up. His face was badly beaten. She cradled his head in her lap, tears blinding her. Reed joined her and she looked up at him, “What’s going on here?”

  “I don’t know.” He shook his head, reaching for her father. He pressed fingers at his throat, sighed, and shook his head.

  “No!” she sobbed, lowering her own face to his, crying.

  “I’m sorry, Jennifer,” Reed said gently. “He’s gone.”

  She cried, fisting her hands into her father’s chest wishing like hell that this was nothing more than a bad nightmare.

  “You hear that?” Reed asked.

  She looked up, sniffed, and shook her head. He frowned and began to search her father. “What are you doing?”

  “There’s a phone ringing.” He brought out a cell phone that sure enough was ringing.

  She held her breath, waiting to see who was on the other end.

  “Who the hell is this?” Reed demanded.

  Jennifer still frowned, shook her head, and tried to get Reed to tell her who might be on the phone.

  “Wait!” he yelled. “Shit,” closing the phone he looked back at her. “Those bastards have Brent again, and it also looks like they have my friend, Brandon.”


  “Yeah and this time they have sold them,” he went on. “Motherfucker!”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Reed rubbed his face, took a deep breath, and reached for her hand. “Someone is selling us as sex slaves. Males only. I don’t know who is giving this woman the information to find us, but I think one of our own kind is selling us out. It’s why I was at that warehouse. Brent was taken, our house burnt and my parents killed also. It’s their calling card.”

  “But what does that have to do with my father?”

  “I think he knew who was selling us out.”

  Jennifer didn’t know what to say. She looked down at her father, fresh tears falling.

  Off in the distance she could hear sirens. “We need to go,” Reed said.

  “Who’d do this?” she whispered, tears falling freely down her face. “Who sells out their own kind?”

  “I don’t know.” Gently he pulled her from her father. “But you can bet I’ll find out.”

  “Wait!” Jerking free from his hold, Jennifer went back to her father, pulling out a piece of paper that was with the phone. She unfolded it and gasped. “Oh shit. Reed, look at this!” She handed it to him, watched as he read it. “We’re going to have another one.”

  “Fuck!” he groaned.

  Another full red moon is due to hit in one day. Another anomaly.

  “We need to go, come on.” He took hold of her arm, yanked her back to her feet, and ran to the truck.

  Jennifer looked back at her father lying on the ground and started sobbing again, not wanting to leave him behind but knowing it was too late to save him.

  They got in. He started it up and pulled away as fast as he could. Right back to the cabin, Reed took them and this time it was to pack up everything they had, including Brent’s things.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “We have a small place out by a bigger lake,” he told her. “Handed down to my father by my grandfather. We use to go out there when we were kids and learn how to hunt and shit. We’ll go there and wait out this second full moon.”

  “Then what?”

  “Then I’m going to go and find my brother and put a stop to this shit.”

  * * * *

  Brent came awake slowly. He shivered in cold, not understanding why he would be cold that is until his eyes opened and looked around. He jolted up and back, breathing fast, looking all around him in a panic. I�
�m in a fucking cage and naked!

  Brent moved to the door of the cage and tried with all his strength to pop the lock. Damn thing didn’t budge one bit. Therefore, he rattled it only to find that it still wouldn’t open.

  “They keep you drugged for a reason,” a female voice said. “So you can’t open the door.”

  Squinting, Brent turned his head to the soft sound in the dark. “Why?”

  “You’re his pet.”

  He could hear her move around, but couldn’t see her. Yet there was something about her voice that fueled him. It calmed and had him raging inside.

  “Who are you?”

  “The only one who can help you now. So take my advice and keep quiet. Do as he tells you and you’ll live longer. Disobey, and he’ll punish you.”

  He could smell her walking around the cage, keeping to the darkness. “And what is it he’s going to tell me to do?”

  “You’ll see.” Now she sounded further away.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Missy,” she sighed softly, giving Brent chills he never experienced in his whole life.

  “Missy, huh,” he said to himself. “Alright then. Let’s play the pet game, for now.”

  To Be Continued……

  Red Moon Heat

  Jaden Sinclair

  Chapter One

  Brent Pearce sat in his small cage, waiting, the room so dark he could barely see the hand in front of his face. Time also felt and seemed as if it didn’t exist. How long he had been here, he couldn’t say. How long he was going to stay, no clue either.

  “I think I can hear you thinking.”

  Brent jumped, and then stood up quickly. He fisted both hands on the bars, straining to hear anything. “Missy?”


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