A Christmas Kiss

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A Christmas Kiss Page 25

by Celeste O. Norfleet

  Ethan walked her to her car, his hand resting on the open driver’s side door. “Thank you,” he said.

  “For what?”

  “For a great night. I had a lot of fun. Shopping with you is definitely an experience.”

  She giggled. “But you did finish all of your shopping.”

  “Yes, I did. And I think Jarrod will really like the present you helped me pick out.”

  Bianca took a quick glance down to her wristwatch. “I should probably be going. I’m sure my mother is chomping at the bit wondering where I disappeared to.”

  Ethan nodded as he stared into her eyes. She had beautiful eyes, and he found it easy to lose himself in their depths.

  “I really should be going,” she whispered softly.

  Ethan shook his head. “What are we doing, Bianca? Is this a game?”

  She inhaled deeply. “The only time I do games well, Ethan, is when I have a willing partner.”

  He nodded. “So you’re not going to break my heart?”

  The smile she gave him was sweet and endearing. “Your heart is safe with me, Ethan. You can trust that,” she whispered softly.

  As he smiled back, Bianca reached up to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek. Then she slid into the driver’s seat of her car, waved good-bye, and headed home.

  Chapter 6

  The Christmas oratorio was being performed in the sanctuary of the Biltmore United Methodist Church. The place was packed, with seating by voice type on the main floor, surrounding the small orchestra, and with a few onlookers in the balcony. There was a slew of soloists of mixed quality who occupied the front pews. In the orchestra there was a harpsichordist, an organist, a cellist, the concertmaster, and a trumpet player. The rest of the orchestra was populated by some of the region’s leading freelancers, many of whom had years of experience with the music, and other artists at varying stages of musical and technical development. It was a motley crew of performers who came to sing and play from their heart, moved by the spirit of the season.

  Ethan looked particularly dashing in a black tuxedo. He was polished and pretty, and as she sat waiting for the evening’s performance to begin, Bianca found herself fantasizing about the two of them together, the thoughts deviously decadent.

  Meeting the look she was giving him, Ethan tossed his hand up shyly, waving in her direction. He’d noticed her the minute she’d arrived, taken aback by her stunning appearance. The dress she wore was red velvet and formfitting, complemented by four-inch love-me pumps that accentuated her toned legs. She’d pulled the length of her hair back in a slick ponytail that was braided down her back. Her makeup was tasteful, and simple diamond drop earrings pierced her lobes. She was intoxicatingly beautiful, and as he stole glances in her direction he was suddenly fearful of being too distracted to sing. He took a deep breath and tore his eyes away.

  He turned abruptly, almost slamming directly into his son. Jarrod looked distressed.

  “Yo! Sorry about that. I didn’t see you standing there,” Ethan said. “Are you all right, son?”

  “Just a little nervous. It’s been a long time since I’ve sung in public.”

  His father smiled. “You’ll be just fine. I don’t think you realize just how talented you are.”

  He shrugged his shoulders, not overly convinced. “How soon before this thing starts? I need to make a phone call.”

  Ethan tossed a quick glance around the room and down to his watch. “You’ve got a good ten minutes. People are still coming, and we advertised that we’d begin promptly at seven.”

  Jarrod slapped his father warmly against his arm. “It shouldn’t take that long. I’ll be right back.”

  Ethan nodded.

  “Hey, did you see Bianca?” Jarrod asked, pointing in her direction.

  Ethan’s head continued to bob up and down against his thick neck. “Yes, I did.”

  “She looks great, doesn’t she?”

  Ethan was still nodding, his gaze having shifted back to Bianca. “She’s absolutely gorgeous,” he said, his tone wistful.

  His son laughed. “Down, boy! You do need to focus.”

  Ethan laughed with him. “I’m trying, son. Believe me, I’m really trying.”

  The two men hugged before Jarrod turned and headed out the sanctuary doors, his cell phone in hand as he exited the room.

  Ethan heaved another deep breath. His own cell phone suddenly vibrated in his breast pocket. Reaching for the device he pulled it to his ear. “Hello?”

  “You look good, Mr. Christmas!”

  He grinned as he turned his eyes back to Bianca. “Thank you. And you are stunning. Red is a beautiful color on you.”

  “I figured we should both look pretty when you take me to dinner after this sing-ding thing.”

  He chuckled softly and his voice dropped to a low whisper. “You don’t know how badly I want to come up there and kiss you right now.”

  “Come on.” Her tone was teasing. “We could give this small town something to talk about in case someone sings off-key tonight or the tuba player down there blows a wrong note and ruins the performance.”

  Ethan laughed. “There is no tuba player. That’s a trumpet.”

  “Same difference. He blows wind and it’s loud.”

  “I see we’re going to have to work on your musical appreciation.”

  “I’m sure I can find a few things you can help me work on, Mr. Christmas.”

  The lights overhead suddenly flickered on and off, indicating it was time for the show to begin.

  “Break a leg, handsome,” Bianca said.

  He was still staring as she blew him a kiss and winked her eye.

  As they disconnected the call and Ethan turned his attention to the orchestra, Jarrod came back through the door. His face was reddened and he was obviously flustered. He tossed Bianca a wide-eyed look, his gaze sweeping between her and the back of his father’s head as he tossed up his hands in frustration.

  Uneasiness washed over Bianca’s face. Her gaze narrowed as she mouthed her concern, a silent Are you okay? blowing past her lips.

  Jarrod shook his head no as he began to type a text message. He’d just pushed the send button when his father gestured for his attention and Mrs. Florence Peacock, the ceremony mistress, signaled for the opening of the show.

  Ethan’s voice was pure silk. His tone was full and rich as it echoed out of the microphone and around the room. He stood there, tall and magnanimous, his eyes closed as he belted out a pitch-perfect concerto. Bianca had never heard anything as beautiful. The repertoire of music was full of passion and drama, the works of music inspiring. She was filled with such awe and reverie that tears misted her eyes. The entire room overflowed with holiday spirit against the backdrop of twinkling white lights and the aroma of sweet pine that wafted through the room.

  She was so distracted by the sheer magnitude of the evening, it wasn’t until the room stood for the “Hallelujah Chorus” that Bianca remembered the incoming text message on her phone. Staring down at the device, she read the message Jarrod had sent. Then she read it a second time, a smile pulling at her lips as amusement danced in her eyes. Jarrod’s boyfriend was coming for Christmas!

  Both Bianca and Jarrod watched as Ethan strolled the length of the restaurant, heading in the direction of the men’s restroom. When he was out of sight, Jarrod’s head snapped in her direction.

  “What am I going to do, Bianca?”

  She leaned back in her seat. “I told you, secrets always come back to bite you. Just tell your father the truth. I’m sure it’ll just be fine.”

  “You don’t know my father like I do.”

  “I know your father loves you. I also know that he is a very kind and generous man with a compassionate spirit. He’s also open-minded and non-judgmental. I don’t see that you’ll have a problem.”

  “My father is a card-carrying, Bible-thumping Christian. He subscribes to the biblical teachings that he was raised on, and he is not going to just accept that he h
as a gay son.”

  Bianca shook her head. “I think you’re wrong. I’m willing to bet that your father’s love for you will transcend any other feelings that he might have about your sexuality.”

  Jarrod heaved a deep breath, tears burning hot behind his eyelids. “I’m not ready for this, Bianca.” He suddenly thought back to the conversation he’d had earlier with his partner. Dr. Stefan Hunter had called to say that he was coming to Boone to be with Jarrod for Christmas. An unexpected schedule change had given him a whole week off. There had been no changing his mind.

  “Then tell him not to come,” Bianca said. “If your boyfriend loves you, he’ll understand.”

  Jarrod shook his head. “Do you know I’ve met Stefan’s entire family? I call his parents Mom and Dad. His twin sister will text me every day. Her children call me Uncle Jarrod. I cannot tell him that I’m afraid to introduce him to my father. I don’t want him to know that I’m scared to death that my father is going to reject him, and me.”

  Bianca reached across the table and dropped her hand atop his. Her touch was soothing, and Jarrod clasped her fingers tightly between his own.

  “Ethan is not going to reject you. Tell your father, but don’t wait until Stefan is standing on your doorstep. Tell him now.”

  Before either could say another word, Ethan was recrossing the room toward the table. Bianca gave Jarrod one last look, her eyebrows raised. She pulled her hand back into her lap, the gesture catching Ethan’s eye.

  Ethan looked from one to the other as he returned to his seat. The air was thick with tension, giving him reason to pause. “What’s going on?” he asked, looking first at Jarrod and then Bianca. “You two okay?”

  Bianca nodded. “We’re good. Jarrod was just saying . . .”

  “I was telling Bianca how much we appreciated her coming out to support us tonight,” Jarrod said, interrupting. He gave her a quick look before shifting his eyes toward his father.

  Ethan nodded. “I hope you had a good time,” he said, turning to give her a smile.

  She nodded. “I really did. You both sang beautifully. My mother actually got this one right. I had such a good time.”

  “Jarrod doesn’t appreciate just how good he is,” Ethan noted, paternal pride gleaming from his eyes.

  His son rolled his eyes skyward as he lifted his wineglass to take a sip.

  She smiled. “You’re quite the crooner yourself!”

  Ethan brushed the backs of his fingers against the lapels of his tuxedo jacket. “I try,” he said, grinning broadly.

  A round of laughter rang across the table.

  “So, who’s having dessert?” Ethan asked.

  “I’m going to pass,” Jarrod said, shifting his chair back from the table. “I’m actually going to turn in early. It’s been a long day.”

  “Don’t rush off!” Bianca exclaimed. “The evening is still young.”

  “Are you sure, son? Bianca said she was going to take us dancing after this. It should be quite entertaining since you know I don’t dance.”

  Jarrod laughed. “Don’t believe that, Bianca. He can dance almost as well as he can sing.”

  “I’m not bad, but I’m definitely no Fred Astaire,” Ethan chuckled.

  Bianca’s brow furrowed slightly. “Who’s Fred Astaire?” she asked, her tone teasing.

  Jarrod laughed. “Before our time, Bianca. Before our time.”

  “No, you didn’t!” Ethan exclaimed, the trio laughing heartily.

  “I did,” Jarrod said as he leaned to kiss his father’s cheek. The two men hugged warmly. “I’ll see you in the morning, Dad. You and Bianca have fun tonight.”

  Jarrod leaned to give Bianca a kiss on her cheek. The two exchanged a look between them. Promising to give her a call, Jarrod waved good-bye to them both and headed for the exit.

  After Jarrod was gone, an awkward lull fell over the table. Ethan and Bianca sat staring at each other, neither saying a word. The moment was interrupted when their waiter stepped forward with the dessert menu. After ordering two slices of New York-style cheesecake, both sat savoring the decadent dessert accompanied by freshly poured coffee steaming in oversized mugs.

  “This is really good!” Bianca purred. “I really like this place.”

  “Me, too. It’s one of my favorite restaurants,” Ethan said.

  She reached her fork across the table, lifting one of the strawberries from his plate. Pulling it to her mouth, she teased it with her tongue before allowing it to slip past her lips. Amused, Ethan watched as she chewed it slowly, her eyes locked with his.

  “So you’re eating my cake,” he said when she reached for a second bite.

  She shrugged her shoulders slightly. “I know what my cake tastes like. I just thought I’d try yours.”

  “I think you just get a kick out of teasing me.”

  “That I do,” she responded, a seductive smirk pulling at her lips.

  He nodded. “Not to dampen the mood,” he started as he laid his own fork against the plate, “but did Jarrod seem out of sorts to you? I got the feeling something’s going on with him.”

  Her eyes flitted from side to side as she pondered how to answer his question. “I think he has a lot on his mind,” she said finally, lifting her gaze back to his. “You should talk to him.”

  “Did he say something to you?”

  “He said he had a lot on his mind.” She smiled.

  “You two are quite comfortable with each other, aren’t you?”

  “Are you jealous?”

  “Should I be?”

  “I hope not. I think that would be a little weird.”

  “Me, too.”

  That blanket of silence dropped back between them.

  Ethan broke the silence. “I know I told you this earlier, but you look absolutely stunning tonight, Bianca,” he said, his voice a loud whisper. “You’re the most beautiful woman in the room.”

  Bianca smiled, a hint of blush warming her cheeks. “Thank you.”

  Ethan twisted his cloth napkin nervously between his two hands. “You really have me feeling some kind of way.”

  She grinned, leaning forward in her seat. She dropped a warm palm against his knee. She gestured with her other hand, a crooked finger motioning for him to come closer. When he leaned in, mere inches separating them, Bianca gave him a wink of her eye, that index finger caressing the profile of his face.

  “You’re not feeling anything yet! Just wait until I get you on the dance floor, Ethan Christmas!”

  Hearing the front door close, Sharon Torres called her daughter’s name. Bianca stood in the front foyer with her high heels in her hand. She blew a heavy sigh, having no interest in dealing with her mother at this late hour. When her mother called a second time, she moved into the family room, finding the matriarch waiting in her wheelchair, a hardcover book in her hands. In the corner the Christmas tree flickered softly, the bright white lights illuminating the space with a warm glow.

  “Hey, why are you still up?” Bianca asked, dropping onto the loveseat.

  “I was waiting to hear how your evening went. Did you have a good time?”

  Bianca nodded. “I really did. The Messiah Open Sing was spectacular. Ethan was brilliant! He and Jarrod both have magnificent voices! Then we went to Limones for dinner. After that, we went to Tressa’s. They had a live jazz band tonight.”

  Her mother clapped excitedly. “That’s great! I’m glad you had a good time.”

  “I did. I’m glad you made me go.”

  “So things with you and Jarrod are good?”

  Bianca smiled. She blew another low sigh. “Things with Jarrod and I are fine, Mom. We’re friends and that’s as far as our relationship is going.”

  “It probably just takes a little more effort from you, Bianca. He’s a doctor!”

  Bianca laughed. “He could be a plumber and it wouldn’t make any difference. He’s not interested in me like that, and I’m very comfortable just being his friend. Neither one of us needs yo
u playing matchmaker.”

  “That’s not what I was doing, Bianca.”

  “Yes, you were, and you need to stop. I really don’t have any problems finding a man, Mom. I’m just not ready for a serious relationship right now.”

  “So when are you going to be ready, Bianca? You’re not getting any younger, daughter.”

  Bianca laughed again. “Good night, Mom!” she said as she moved back onto her feet and headed in the direction of her room.

  “I’m still talking to you, Bianca.”

  “We can talk in the morning, Mom. I’m exhausted. Take your meds and go to sleep. Please.”

  When Bianca closed and locked her bedroom door, her mother was still calling her name. Stripping out of her clothes she crawled into bed, her mind muddled. Thoughts of Ethan consumed her and she hadn’t wanted her mother’s dramatics to crush the decadent thoughts she was having of him and her together. It had been a very good night and all Bianca wanted was to fall asleep fantasizing about Ethan and how their being together could get even better.

  When Ethan finally found his way home, Jarrod was sleeping soundly, having passed out on the living room sofa. He snored loudly, his body clearly craving a good night’s rest. After tossing a warm blanket over his only child, Ethan cut off the lights that blazed brightly in the room and headed up to his own bed.

  After a quick shower, he lay himself down, pulling the blankets up beneath his chin. He was anxious for sleep himself, his body in a state of complete chaos. Being with Bianca had left him in turmoil, his muscles knotted so tight that every joint was cramped.

  They’d danced cheek to cheek, every inch of her cradled against him as if they were one body instead of two. She’d fit in his arms as if she’d been born to be there, and he’d held on to her, unwilling to let go. The music had been slow and seductive. They’d done a dirty shimmy, pelvis to pelvis, the rich bass guiding them across the dance floor. As they closed down the club, it had taken every ounce of his fortitude not to take her right there. He’d wanted nothing more than to make the sweetest love to her.


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