Rules-Free VRMMO Life: Volume V - Power Base

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Rules-Free VRMMO Life: Volume V - Power Base Page 3

by Stuart Grosse

Seduction – Basic 1 (0%)

  Kylana was still looking a bit shell shocked, so I broke the ice, and said, “Hmm, it looks like we each got a stat boost, immunity to one of our partner’s racial abilities, and four of the partner’s highest skills at Basic 1. Sound about right to you?”

  Kylana, finally shaken out of her ‘fish out of water’ impression by a direct question, nodded. “Y-yes. But you’re a warlock, right? Why are swords and seduction in this list for you?”

  I grinned at that, and said, “Well, I have some swords that grow with me as I level, so I’ve been using them for most of my kills. And I’m an incubus. Seducing pretty ladies like you is what I do.” And before she could react, I leaned in and gave her a peck on the cheek, before pulling out the scepter and robes I’d found earlier. “Here, use these. They should provide you with a better boost than what you just conjured for yourself. And while you change, tell me about this ‘Shapechange’ skill.”

  “Pretty?” It seems I broke her for a second as she rubbed her cheek, which was cute, but we had things to do, so I cleared my throat, and she blushed again, before going to take the items. A shimmering wall appeared between us, and she began changing. “Right, I became a Fleshwarper about a month or so ago? And I got the Shapechange skill along with it. Basically, someone with the skill is able to change their shape within certain limits at will. The speed and control of the transformation depends on the skill. You’ll need to be at Intermediate, though, in order to do anything complex like creating working wings. And if you want to change other people, you’ll need spells like normal.”

  That was a very useful skill to have. I’d have to spend some of my downtime practicing it. I wasn’t sure what immediate use it would have, but being able to do the whole ‘doppelganger’ thing would have uses, I had no doubt. Just had to arrange opportunities for myself to use it. But I was stalling. Looking over to Kylana, who looked more mage-ly now that she was armed and had proper robes on, I said, “Let’s see what the next step is.” And with that, we walked through the now open doors.

  Step 2: Warrior

  Slay the Gaia’s Champion

  The room we entered was again made of stone, except this time it was overgrown with vines and other plant matter. In the center was something that reminded me of that old Batman character, Poison Ivy, and her crazy plants. But then, that was a natural place for one’s thoughts to go when faced with a twenty-foot tall plant with a sinewy ‘neck’, vines, and a bulbous head full of teeth.

  Gaia’s Champion

  Level 50

  Kylana gasped, “A Gaia’s Champion! They’re a rare kind of plant usually only seen in a far-off continent!”

  I drew my swords as I considered our options. “So, what do you know about them?”

  “Well, they’re plants, so things like striking at weak points don’t really work on them. They’ve also got a resistance to elemental magic. And their hide is stronger than leather. Oh, and it can move its vines for attack and defense.”

  “How do I kill it?”

  “Unfortunately, it earns the name Gaia’s Champion for a reason. You’ll just have to hit it until it stops moving.”

  Crud. I’d gotten too used to cheating and striking weak points, and it was showing now. Nodding my response, I considered for a second, and decided that Hellfire may work to help even the odds a bit. Looking over to Kylana, I asked, “If you have any buffs you can lay on me to help me fight, now’s the time. After that, stay back, and watch out for surprises.” After all, boss fights ALWAYS had surprises if you let the boss live long enough to use them.

  Kylana nodded, and proceeded to lay some simple (but impressive) buffs on me. They all lasted only a little while, but all my stats except Luck and Leadership went up by 20, and then she laid a Stoneskin spell on me, giving me another +50 to Defense. That would have to be enough. I activated my Hellfire Blade ability, and charged in.

  We had been hanging back, barely inside the cavernous room, but the moment I got ten feet inside, the vines on the floor began rising up, trying to attack me. Of course, my DEX was well over 200 now, and my Defense was approaching 600, so I was able to dodge or shrug off most of those weak outer vines. It was the ones closer to the plant’s core that I’d need to worry about.

  I unleashed Munsuraisa’s Crescent Moon Slash as I ran, and was both surprised and pleased to see that the normally typeless magical attack was now wreathed in hellfire like the blade itself. The slash severed a couple of the large vines that rose up to protect the core, proving to me that my thought was correct. The creature may have resistance to Fire and the other typical elements, but Hellfire was a different beast entirely.

  A grim smile crossed my face as I went to work. I didn’t cast any spells, in part because any of the ones I knew would be useless in a direct confrontation with the plant’s magical resistances, and also because I wanted to save my MP for my Hellfire Blade and recasting my Nether Shield any time the damn plant got a good hit in and broke it. At its current level, Nether Shield would prevent 200 damage before breaking, so if I could manage my MP well, that would give me a lot of ‘extra’ HP.

  The problem, of course, was with Hellfire Blade. 10 MP/Second was harsh. Even if I didn’t cast anything else, I still had little over five minutes until my MP went dry. I couldn’t count on that happening. In this fight, I needed MP. So, I did something most people would call ‘risky’ or, more likely, ‘bat-shit crazy’. I activated my Health Funnell spell, dropping my HP regen to 0, but tripling my MP regen. That would let me stretch things just a little bit further. I’d still need to end this fight inside six minutes or I’d be in serious trouble.

  This was no clash of duelists, dancing blade to blade. This was a brawl, a fight between a monster with metal claws and a giant man-eating plant. I was relying on Nether Shield and Munsuraisa’s vampiric abilities to keep me in the game. This was no one-sided slaughter, like most of my fights so far. For once, I was being truly tested. To be honest, if I wasn’t such a cheat character, I would have died long ago. But I had insane stats, and I’d made sure to make myself as hardy as any caster-type could possibly expect to be. Hell, I gave main tanks a run for their money in terms of sheer survivability.

  I needed all of that in this fight. I honestly could have used more. By the time the plant’s burning corpse finally fell to the ground, I was panting, out of breath. At that moment, my MP ran dry, and the hellfire on my blades extinguished itself. Head spinning from the mana drain, I checked my bars real quick, and was shocked by what I saw. MP was at 0, that was no surprise. But my HP was at 80/3540! As I collapsed with my back to a treasure chest that appeared once the Gaia’s Champion was no more, I released the Health Funnel, and sighed.

  Second step completed. Continue on to the third step.

  On the far side of the room from the door we entered, I heard the sound of a door opening. I couldn’t bring myself to care at the moment. I wasn’t going anywhere for at least a couple hours, so I could get my HP and MP back. Plus, I could really use a nap…

  Chapter 52 – The Trial of Ascension, Part III

  When I came to, I found my head being cradled in something soft. A quick check of the game clock showed that I’d been out for about an hour. Yawning, I looked and saw a blushing Kylana giving me the legendary lap-pillow! I grinned as she sputtered, “W-well, you looked like you were more comfortable this way!”

  I responded by reaching up to lightly flick her nose with my finger. “Thank you, Kylana. And don’t worry, as soon as we get through with this challenge, I’ll be sure to make you see just how much I appreciate your service.” I chuckled as she somehow managed to blush further, and got up, stretching to work out the kinks.

  Only then did I realize that I still hadn’t opened the chest Gaia’s Champion left behind. Opening it, I found a nice sum of gold and jewels, as well as some tokens I could give away to people as gifts, but a few things really caught my eye.

  Ring of the Emerald Rainbow

/>   Ring



  This jade ring inset with a stone that changes colors at random intervals is fashioned to look like a creeping vine. The wearer possesses some of the powers of the Gaia’s Champion, a magical plant creature.

  Plantform – Your creature type changes to Plant.

  Immune to Critical Hits and Charm effects.

  Enchanted: Apotheosis – When the wearer dies, they are reborn as a Gaia’s Champion.

  Cursed: This ring may not be removed once worn.

  Champion’s Might





  This belt, while made of leather, is infused with the power of Gaia’s Champion. As such, it conveys a portion of the magical plant’s abilities to the wearer.

  +100 HP

  +2 HP Regen/Min

  +20% to all Resistances

  Enchanted: Greenshield – Plant Creatures will not attack wearer unless attacked first.

  Bloodcursed Crown of Dragons





  Forged from adamantine stained the color of dried blood, this spiked crown is fashioned to look like two dragons circling the wearer’s head. Between their opened jaws lies a ruby two inches across. The Crown was forged in the fires of Bhirdorul, the ancient dwarven stronghold of the deeps. Quenched in the blood of dragons, it gives the wearer resistance to their abilities, and grants them power when fighting dragons or bending them to their will.

  +100 Defense

  +20 CHA

  Immune to Frightful Presence of Dragons

  +80% Resistance to Dragon breath weapons

  +100 Attack vs. Dragons

  +200% to Spells vs. Dragons

  Enchanted: Dragonsense – Able to sense hidden treasures within 60’.

  Blood-forged Shoulders of Cursed Hope




  Unique Artifact

  Forged from corrupted mithril and quenched in the blood of both angels and demons, this set of pauldrons is a unique piece of work, created by the dwarven craftsman Brakgrin Lavagrip of Bhirdorul. Thought lost after the sack of that city before the Scourge, these pauldrons convey the power of both the Higher and Lower planes to the one who wears them.

  +20 STR, +20 WIS

  +200% to all movement speeds

  Immunity to negative effects of Higher and Lower planes.

  Enchanted: Hidden Mind – Wearer is immune to magical scrying and divination spells.

  Since some of these were great for me. The Ring of the Emerald Rainbow, however, was definitely out. I’d find an auction house for it, since I was sure someone would want it, even if they didn’t know what a ‘Gaia’s Champion’ was. The immunity to Charm and Critical hits would be worth it alone to some types.

  The pauldrons were badass. A unique artifact of awesomeness that gave me immunity to scrying and mind-reading was always a big perk. But I didn’t want to put them on, just yet. I’d lose the armor set bonus from the gear I was wearing if I did, so I’d need to get her to make me a new set. Same for the crown and belt, too. But I’d gone twenty levels without bumping up my armor. It was time to get new gear, anyways. Really, the only reason I hadn’t outgrown it long ago was because I was a cheat character.

  Still, that was enough introspection for the moment. Looking over to Kylana, I said, “Well, my dear, I’m feeling much better now, so let’s get on with it. One more challenge to overcome.” And with that, I led the way through the second set of doors.

  Step 3: Cruelty

  Decide the truth of Iqnora the Red’s fate.

  Iqnora the Red was a famous elven wizard who lived long before the Scourge. It was she that first came up with the idea of using thaigs, protected underground cities, to escape the Terrors during the Scourge. She disappeared one hundred years before the Scourge, and her true fate remained unknown, until now.

  Before you are three possible fates Iqnora may have suffered. By your choice, the events of the past will conclude in the present.

  This room was different, essentially divided into three different scenes. All three showed the same elf woman, but in various degrees of ‘trouble’. Given what the blue box had said, I was able to guess what the setting here was. Iqnora was a wizard that helped fight the Terrors. The Terrors must have caught her, and somehow unstuck her in time, probably making her experience eternal tortures or some crap like that. So here I come, and am able to choose the elf’s final fate. Interesting set-up, and not something the ‘good’ crowd would be able to handle.

  I briefly looked at the women in the three scenes, and notice a few differences.

  Iqnora the Red

  High Elf Female

  Level 140 Fatespinner (Diviner) / Dragonfire Mage (Flame Sorceress)

  Titles: Seer, Undead Bane, Guardian of the Realm, Destiny’s Child, Temptress of Fate, Sacrifice, Broken One, Slave

  Iqnora the Red

  High Elf Female

  Level 140 Fatespinner (Diviner) / Dragonfire Mage (Flame Sorceress)

  Titles: Seer, Undead Bane, Guardian of the Realm, Destiny’s Child, Temptress of Fate, Sacrifice, Hunted

  Iqnora the Red

  High Elf (Terror-Possessed) Female

  Level 140 Fatespinner (Diviner) / Dragonfire Mage (Flame Sorceress)

  Titles: Seer, Undead Bane, Guardian of the Realm, Destiny’s Child, Temptress of Fate, Sacrifice, Corrupted

  OK, if the woman had an advanced class like Fatespinner, I was going to change my guess. She wasn’t trapped outside of time, she used her powers to change her fate when the Terrors tried to get her. Probably using herself as a sacrifice so that whatever she was working on could be completed. The different titles at the end (and the template on the race in the third one) must reflect the different realities her fate splintered into.

  In the first scene, Iqnora was stripped naked, her head falling low as her hands and feet were spread apart, chained to two nearby columns. Her back was a mess of crossing scars from a whip, some of which were still bleeding. Around her neck was a slave collar of an interesting design. As I approached, I saw a… creature behind her, like a man, but cloaked in darkness.


  Minor Terror

  Level 40 Lashlord (Fighter) / Rogue

  Titles: Sadist

  Iqnora’s face rose to meet mine, and when she spoke, it was clear that the magic guided her, instead of any will of her own, since the rest of the scene remained frozen. It was like a puppet talking. “Hail, Adventurer. I am Iqnora the Red, Master Wizard of the Wyrmwood. When the Terrors came, I attempted to change my fate. I failed, and now you must decide it for me. Slay my captor, and I will be your slave.”

  The second scene showed Iqnora, dressed in tattered robes, trapped in a ring of what looked like twenty wolves, each cloaked in darkness like the ‘Hateling’ in the first scene. Which made sense, since they were all, apparently, ‘Hateling-Possessed Wolves’, and level 35. Iqnora looked at me as I approached her encirclement, and said, “Hail, Adventurer. I am Iqnora the Red, Master Wizard of the Wyrmwood. When the Terrors came, I attempted to change my fate. I failed, and now you must decide it for me. Rescue me from these wolves, and I will be your servant.”

  The last scene had Iqnora, again, but this time standing alone, dressed in exquisite robes, but with eyes that were wholly black, and a sneer across her face. A dark aura surrounded her. When she spoke, it was like two voices were speaking, one the elf’s and one much deeper, full of power and malice. “Hail, Adventurer. I am Iqnora the Red, Master Wizard of the Wyrmwood. When the Terrors came, I attempted to change my fate. I failed, and now you must decide it for me. Choose me, and I will be your teacher.”

  I stepped back, and considered the choices. Kylana, thankfully, didn’t interrupt my deliberations. The third choice was obviously a fast-track to forbidden knowledge, if you could trust something that wor
e people like a cheap suit and was full of malice and trickery. (Hint: you can’t.) So, obvious trap there. The first was a straight-up fight, I kill the hateling, and get a new, powerful slave. The second one, though, was interesting. If I could defeat the wolves, then there was a chance to get a powerful new thrall.

  Or, I could follow my MO so far, and go for the crazy. I took a breath as I buffed up as much as I could, with Kylana’s help, and then dove into the fray. Hellfire coated my blades as tentacles erupted in the midst of the wolves, grappling and crushing several, even as my blades began striking killing blows. But as the pack began to turn to me, I sprang to the side, entering into the first scene. As I’d hoped, the Hateling came to life as well, and tried to attack me, only to find my blade buried in its gut.

  I spun, and then kicked out, sending the Hateling into the frenzied pack. Turns out, even if they’re both my enemies, that doesn’t mean they get along. Several of the possessed wolves began attacking the Hateling. Leaping back into the chaos, I focused on keeping myself moving, crippling and maiming enemies as I went if I couldn’t get a clean kill shot. Some of the wolves managed to get a hit here or there, but the vampiric effect of my sword and the buffs I had helped to keep the damage down. Compared to the boss fight I just went through, this was nothing. I just had to focus on sticking and moving.


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