Saving Dallas Forever

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Saving Dallas Forever Page 11

by Kim Jones

  “Yes, I can see that you are having a very difficult time dealing with that.” I shut my gaping mouth and avoided his stare. He was right. I was not struggling with the death of Frankie. It was probably one of the easiest things I had ever done. “I once referred to you as a soldier, Dallas. One who defends herself against her enemies, both foreign and domestic. You have something you want to ask of me. I can see the fear in your eyes. You are afraid that Frankie borrowed money from me to pay someone to take your life and even though he is gone, you are afraid that that person will still follow through on their promise.” He knew. Charlie knew that I wasn’t sure how, but I wasn’t surprised either. He seemed to know everything.

  “I won’t ask you anything else. This conversation is over.” Even though I spoke the words, I remained seated. He smiled at my feeble attempt to deny him.

  “What is peace of mind worth to you? If you wish to leave without knowing, then by all means, do so. But, before you do, remember that I have the power to protect you, Dallas. While Luke is off fighting battles to protect his club, you have flown here to seek assistance from me. You know I am the only one who can help you. Why won’t you let me?” I’m not sure if it was the mention of Luke’s name or the unspoken accusation that he couldn’t protect me, but I lost it.

  “Luke doesn’t need your help. I don’t need your help. I came to you because you offered to help me and I would rather bother you than him. While you’re out destroying people’s lives, Luke is fighting hard to keep his and his family’s whole. Trust me, his time is much more precious than yours. I don’t need you, Charlie, I used you. Just like you have used so many others. Thank you for giving me exactly what I needed. Now, I can go back to living my life with people who care about me, and I don’t have to worry about killing someone in return for their support.” For the first time since I had encountered Charlie, I saw a genuine, hurtful expression cross his face. I’m not sure what part of my rant had affected him, and I wasn’t going to stay around long enough to find out. I stood up from the table, turning my chair over in the process, and stomped off toward the bar, collecting Maddie and Red with just a look. If I didn’t see his face for another three lifetimes, it would be too soon.

  “What happened?” Red asked, once we were back at the bed and breakfast.

  “Pack your shit. We are going home tonight,” I said, throwing my clothes into my bag.

  “Dallas, talk to me,” Red begged, following me from the bathroom to my room. The ride here had been silent, but now we were alone.

  “Stacy didn’t do it. Frankie got someone at the restaurant to do it, but luckily they fucked up, and that’s why I didn’t die. He wanted more, but I wouldn’t give it to him.”

  “How much more?”

  “He wanted to share with me some valuable information and in turn he wanted me to kill someone for him. He did the same thing to Luke, using him as his personal hit man. He is a sick, demented, human being, and, thank God, we don’t have to deal with him anymore. Now will you please get your shit together so we can go?” I asked, in a huff. Red didn’t argue, and, within the hour, we were flying back to Hattiesburg.

  Chapter 10


  I was in a shit mood the next morning at work, and Joanna and Kylie had avoided me at all costs. Lindsey had emailed me the list of investors that were interested in the new strip mall I was proposing. I sent the information over to the board for approval, knowing the mayor would be aware all too soon. He would take the bait, and soon the investors I had would be outbid by new ones that the mayor was backing. Ahhh, sweet victory.

  “Someone is here to see you,” Joanna announced, smiling like an idiot. Whoever it was must be hot.

  “Send them in,” I said, not caring to see anyone today, but knowing that now that they were aware I was here, I couldn’t refuse them. I heard her heels clicking as she hurried off to get my guest, while I tried to make my desk a little more presentable.

  “Babe.” My head snapped up to find Luke standing there, wearing worn, ripped jeans, a black fitted thermal, and his thick, leather cut that had seen better days. He didn’t look like the clean-cut Luke I was used to. No, this was bad boy, dirty-biker, Luke. And he was mouthwatering. He had not shaved, his jeans were filthy, and his boots were covered in dust. He looked huge and intimidating, standing in the doorway of my office. I was so shocked to see him that I couldn’t find the right words to say or the will to move my feet to go to him. Noticing the darkness in his eyes, I knew that I was probably safer behind my desk. I swallowed and cleared my throat, hoping my voice would come out strong.

  “Hey baby,” I said, as if I had something shoved up my ass. It was too high-pitched and he knew I was aware that he was pissed. His nostrils flared at the sound of my voice as he stepped inside, and closed the door behind him.

  “I sent Joanna and Kylie to lunch. I hope you don’t mind.” I shook my head, watching, as he slowly made his way to stand directly in front of my desk. He was too close. I could feel the anger emanating from him as I breathed deeply through my nose, trying to control my racing heart. He smelled like leather, and dirt, and Luke.

  “Wh-what brings you here?” I stuttered, mentally cursing myself for being so easily intimidated. Maybe he just missed me and was pissed because Joanna had come on to him or something.

  “I just wanted to see how you were doing. I wanted to make sure you were staying out of trouble.” His eyes widened and his breath quickened as he spoke. Luke was fucking livid, and it was taking everything he had to keep himself in check.

  “I’m good. You know, just work and stuff. Same ol’ shit, just a different day,” I said, with a small laugh, trying to convince him that I had been here since he had been gone.

  “Really?” he asked, letting me know that he didn’t believe a word I was saying. I didn’t care. I would deny it to the bitter end.

  “Mmm hmm.” I couldn’t speak. Hell, I couldn’t move in fear that he would snap my neck if I spoke the wrong words.

  “So, that couldn’t have possibly been you that was seen boarding Charlie Lott’s plane yesterday evening?” Motherfucker. I was as good as dead.

  “Uh-uh,” I responded, knowing I had been caught red-handed. Fuck, shit, dammit all to hell. I noticed the hold Luke had on each chair as he stood between them. His knuckles had turned white, and I was sure the expensive leather wouldn’t survive much longer under his grip. In a flash, Luke grabbed one of the chairs and threw it across the room, as he let out a deafening roar. I screamed and jumped back in my chair, gripping its arms, and sliding back until I hit the wall behind me, watching as the sheetrock crumbled under the weight of the heavy chair that Luke had thrown as if it weighed nothing.

  “Why the fuck would you go to him?” Luke yelled loudly enough that I was sure the windows would shatter from the boom of his thunderous voice. I shook my head, scared of what would happen if Luke didn’t get his temper under control. Speak, Dallas! Say something! My subconscious screamed at me, but I couldn’t find my voice. “After every fucking thing he has done, you are just going to hop on a plane and fly across the country to see him?” Luke asked, or more like screamed, at me. He was now leaning over my desk, shouting at me, his voice coming out as a snarl.

  “He gave his word,” I said weakly, wishing I had chosen to keep my mouth shut.

  “I don’t give a fuck about his word!” Luke barked in my face, sending the papers flying off my desk with a flick of his hand. He came round closer, and I cringed under his approach.

  “Luke, you are scaring me,” I said, trying to force my chair back further, but going nowhere.

  “You need to be scared,” he said, his voice a low growl, as he gripped the arms of my chair and brought his face frighteningly close to mine. His deep breaths flowed from his flaring nostrils. He looked and sounded like a bull ready to attack, and I was the matador dressed in red. “I made a four-hour ride in less than two to get here to give you a piece of my mind, and you are going to listen. I don’
t care what your problem is, if you need something, you call me. Not Regg, not Red, not Maddie, and definitely not Charlie fucking Lott. Now, you are going to tell me exactly what the fuck was said while you were there, and so help me God, Dallas, if you leave anything out I will tear this whole fucking office to pieces and lock you in my house until I get back. Now, start. Fucking. Talking.” Oh fuck. I was too scared to tell the truth, and too scared to lie. Maybe if I kept my mouth shut he would leave me alone. “Talk!” he snapped in my face, and although I might not have shit my pants, I suddenly had diarrhea of the mouth.

  “When I was in Tupelo I didn’t have the flu. I was poisoned. I thought it was Stacy. Charlie found out it was Frankie who paid the waiter with drugs to put arsenic in my drink. He messed up, and didn’t put in enough to kill me, just make me sick. I didn’t want to bother you and Charlie said he owed me a favor, but I had to see him in person ‘cause he refuses to talk on a phone that doesn’t belong to him.”

  “Is that all?” Luke asked, after a moment passed. Without hesitation, I responded.

  “Yes.” Liar. But thank God, I had answered fast enough that Luke didn’t find any reason to question me.

  “You could have been killed. You could have been hurt. You could be halfway across the country right now, and I wouldn’t even know it. Not only did you endanger your life, but Maddie and Red’s too. The only reason Regg isn’t here is because I knew if I told him he would likely kill you for putting Red through that shit.” Damn. I was glad Regg didn’t know. For some reason, I was sure he would be a lot more violent than Luke. “Get up.” I looked at Luke to find his tone was deadly serious. I shook my head. No fucking way. “I said, get up.” I shook my head again, afraid of leaving the safety of my chair. “I’ve had a really fucked-up day. I’m tired, and mad as hell, and have a long ride ahead of me. I think since you are the cause of it, you owe me something.” I saw the angry, feral need in his eyes and suddenly, I was happy Luke was pissed. I was about to be subjected to one of the greatest punishment fucks in history. “Don’t get too excited, babe. You won’t benefit from it,” he said, catching that gleam of hope in my eyes, and snatching it back out of my reach. There was nothing that could happen with Luke that I wouldn’t benefit from. But, if it made him happy to believe that, then I would let him. I managed to frown and make it look genuine as Luke moved back, allowing me to stand. “Lean over the desk,” he demanded and I smiled to myself, thinking how wonderful this was going to be. I had never been so thankful for skirts in all of my life. I leaned over the desk, giving Luke a tease by shaking my ass at him. Bad idea.

  “Ouch!” I yelled, my back straightening, and my hands flying to my ass, as I rubbed the spot where his hard hand had just landed.

  “Bend over, Dallas,” he said, his voice not holding even the slightest hint of remorse. I leaned across the desk once more, forgetting about my stinging backside as his hands gripped the hem of my skirt and brought it up around my waist. I felt my panties being tugged down my legs, and I widened my stance to accommodate what I knew was coming- a big, hard cock that was sure to send me to that perfect oblivion where nothing mattered but him and me. I heard his huff of laughter through his nose, and knew he was smirking. I was glad that he was finally showing an emotion other than anger, although I was clueless as to what was so funny. I heard the sound of his belt being unbuckled and my body broke out in goosebumps. Fuck, I wanted to see it. I wanted to watch him as he lowered his zipper and freed himself, but the sound of the zipper never came. Instead, I heard the sound of his belt being removed from its loops. Was Luke going to get completely naked? I felt his hand firmly on my back as I felt him move to the side of me. “I once told you something, Dallas, and today is the day I make good on my promise. You practically begged me to spank you, and I let you know that I only gave out spankings in the form of punishments. When I leave from here, I will be sure that you rethink your decisions to double cross me.” I struggled against the weight of his hand as I tried to lift myself from the desk. This was not happening. I was his lover, his ol’ lady, I was a fucking CEO. I was not going to be spanked like a child in my own office. I had never had a spanking in all of my twenty-six years, and I wasn’t going to have one now. I heard the belt before I felt it. It cut through the air, leaving a whistling sound in its wake. The pain was excruciating as I yelped and began to struggle harder against Luke’s hold.

  “Stop, Luke. I fucking mean it. Stop, right now.” He answered with another crack from his belt that landed hard on my ass, taking my breath from my lungs, and causing tears to prick the back of my eyes. “Dammit Luke! Stop!” I screamed in anger. This wasn’t just unnatural, it was fucking ridiculous!

  “Not gonna happen, babe. At least, not anytime soon.” By the tone of Luke’s voice, he was still pissed, and I knew there was no stopping him. I heard the belt once again, as it sliced through the air and landed on my ass in a stinging smack that forced another yelp from my mouth. Another, and another, and another, and I was squealing, begging for his mercy. My words fell on deaf ears, as my tears soaked my face and my desk. He continued with his vicious spanking, which I was sure would result in me sleeping on my side for weeks. He was angry, too angry to be touching me. My voice was hoarse from screaming. My make-up was smeared from crying, and my desk was covered in tears, spit, and snot. There was nothing pretty about this situation, and although my ass was taking the pain, it was my pride that was the most hurt. Eventually, Luke stopped. My hands remained balled into fists and my body stayed tight, anticipating another blow that didn’t come. When Luke’s calloused hand rubbed the raw and beaten flesh of my ass, the feeling was not nurturing and comforting, but revolting and painful. When I tensed at his touch, his hand stilled but remained. I was still begging for him to stop, even though he had.

  “Dallas.” This time I heard the remorse, but it was too late. He had stripped me of all my dignity as I lay in shambles across my desk. Luke was right. There was no cuddling or feelings of butterflies, only a whole lot of pain and discomfort.

  “Just leave,” I whispered through my hair, which was splayed over my face, blocking the view of my surroundings. I didn’t expect him to follow my wishes, but he did. I stayed in the position he had left me in until I was sure he was gone then I stood, wobbling slightly on my weak legs. I lifted my feet out of my heels and headed to my private bathroom to survey the damage. I gasped when I shut the door and my behind came into view in the full-length mirror that hung on the back of it. It was not pink and rosy, but welted with deep red stripes that were beginning to purple around the edges. I sank to my knees and cried harder into my hands. How could anyone do this? How could I ever get past it? I wished Luke had told Regg, I would rather have suffered death at his hands than be subjected to Luke spanking me with his belt, an idea that I had once found appealing. I heard my office door being opened and silenced my tears, not wanting Joanna and Kylie to be the least bit aware of what had just taken place. I pulled myself up, using the sink for support and removed my panties from around my ankles. I grabbed the hem of my skirt, easing it down over my ass, wincing as the material made contact. I did my best to fix my make-up, and smoothed my hair back into place. If they asked, I would just say I was having a bad day. I opened the bathroom door to find an expressionless Luke propped up against the edge of my desk.

  “You can’t imagine what I have been through today. All I knew was that you had boarded Charlie’s plane, but were back in Hattiesburg safe and sound. I knew you were not hurt, but just the thought of you seeing him did something to me. Dallas, he is not your friend. He is not someone you can confide in or trust. But, I would be lying if I said he wasn’t different with you. I don’t know what happened when he had you for those two days, but whatever it was gave him hope. He wants you, Dallas. He is drawn to you and will do anything to have you. A man like his is used to getting what he wants. I can’t let that happen.” I stared at Luke, wondering where he was getting this information. Charlie wanted me? That wasn’t po

  “Maybe he is my friend,” I said weakly, my voice still hoarse and unfamiliar to me.

  “Charlie doesn’t have friends. He has people he hates and people he employs, but with you there is more. He likes you. I’ve never seen him look at anyone, woman or not, the way he looks at you. It’s as if he thinks he has some connection with you. You can’t give a man like Charlie false hope.” I walked past Luke, and winced as I leaned down to grab my purse, struggling as I stood, then remembered my heels. I contemplated leaving them there, but Luke reached down and grabbed them before placing his hand on the small of my back, and guiding me toward the door. I should have resisted. I should have told him to just leave me alone, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. As much as I hated him at this moment, I loved him a hundred times more. I had missed him, and having him here reminded me that I did not need Charlie in my life. Maybe what Luke had said was true, and Charlie really was infatuated with me. I didn’t need him thinking I had feelings for him, or that I needed him. Not only did it give him false hope, but it gave him the wrong impression. We met a wide-eyed Joanna and a drooling Kylie at the door, and before I could speak, Luke handled the situation. “Dallas fell. I think she sprained her ankle so I’m taking her home.” The girls didn’t answer, only gaped and nodded their heads as Luke graced them with his smile. My limp was not exaggerated as Luke led me to the passenger side of the car, and opened the door for me to get in. I just looked at him, wondering if maybe he had lost his fucking mind. I would rather walk home than ride on my ass. He leaned in, whispering in my ear and I could hear the regret in his voice. “Crawl in and lie on your side, babe. Let the seat back first.” He pulled away, acknowledging the girls still on the sidewalk with a flick of his eyes. I reclined the seat back and slid in, hissing through my teeth as the fabric of my skirt stretched across my ass, and rubbed roughly against the sensitive flesh. Luke gracefully seated himself next to me and sped off, being extra careful to not sling me around too much. I couldn’t look at him. I didn’t want to, and I damned sure didn’t want him to see my agony. Although if it made him feel worse, then he deserved it. I turned over, tears pricking the back of my eyes as I did, but I would be damned if I shed a single fucking salty tear in front of him. I leaned the seat back more, finding myself lying almost flat in the most comfortable position possible.


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