Saving Dallas Forever

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Saving Dallas Forever Page 21

by Kim Jones

  “Oh, I don’t know.” Dallas said, blushing and playing with her food. I gave Brooklyn a face that said “that’s what you get” when she realized that her comment had made Dallas uncomfortable. But it didn’t faze Brooklyn.

  “Well, I think he should get you a car or a big flashy diamond. Or a kitty cat.” Bitch. She knew I hated cats. And of course, Dallas turned into a drooling mess over the mention of a fucking pussy.

  “I love cats!” She announced, looking at me hopefully.

  “No fucking way, babe.” I said, shaking my head as I looked to my brother for help. He nodded at me and his face turned serious.

  “Alright now, Brooklyn. That’s enough.” I smiled like an immature prick at Brooklyn’s scolding. We just had that kind of relationship. “You know he can’t get her just one kitty cat. It would be lonely.” Brooklyn laughed until tears rolled down her cheeks at her victory, while an oblivious Dallas looked on and smiled in confusion, her mind filled with thoughts of two little kittens playing in my fucking front yard. Shitting and pissing on my shit. Clawing my fucking Harley seat. Just the thought of one of them furry bastards climbing on my bike had me seeing red.

  “You ain’t gettin’ no fuckin’ cat. You might as well get that shit out of your head,” I said to Dallas, who pouted. She poked that fucking lip out, and I wanted to cave right then. I pushed my chair away from the table, standing and looking down at Ronnie and Brooklyn’s laughing faces and Dallas’ exaggerated pouting one. I had to get away from this table before I did one of two things, choked Brooklyn, or asked her to find Dallas a kitten. My money was on the latter.

  Plan A involved Dallas having a gun. She needed to know how to shoot, just in case she found herself in a situation she couldn’t get out of. I figured that if she practiced over the next week and a half, she’d be ready. I walked her down to the river behind the house, where Ronnie had set up a shooting range. Behind the targets across the river was a huge bluff, so shooting someone accidentally wasn’t an issue. He had rigged up a pulley that could go back as far as one hundred yards, depending on how far away you wanted your target to be.

  “Okay, babe,” I said, pulling my Beretta M9 from under the back of my shirt. “We are going to start at close range. Hold the gun like this,” I said, holding the gun in my hand and showing her the stance she needed to take. I turned to look at her and found her looking at me like I was crazy. “I just want to show you how to shoot. I thought it would be fun.” Shit. Had I freaked her out?

  “Luke, I know how to shoot a gun.” All chicks said that.

  “I’m sure you do, babe, but I want to show you the proper way.”

  “Give me the gun, Luke.” She said, as if my lecture was boring her.

  “Babe, let me show you first.” She gestured with her hands for me to go ahead, and I shot her a warning look. She rolled her eyes, and I was tempted to throw her ass in the river. So I could see her in leather. Wet. And shivering. I could warm her up. By taking her clothes off. I bet her nipples would be hard as fuck. I could warm them up with my mouth, along with other parts of my body. Like my cock. In her smart mouth. She let out an impatient breath, and I was snapped back to reality. I seriously needed to get my shit together. I showed her how to hold the gun, informing her of the safety, and how to load one in the chamber. She stood listening, completely uninterested in anything I had to say. That pissed me off. “Here,” I said, holding the gun by the barrel in my hand and offering it to her. “Since you’re so fucking smart, you do it.”

  “Thank you.” She replied in that smart ass tone of hers, greedily grabbing the gun and mirroring my stance. I had set the target ten yards away. If she had to shoot, it would be at close range. She squeezed off five rounds without even flinching. I didn’t have to pull the target in to know she had delivered five perfect head shots. Without looking at her gloating face, I moved the target back five yards just because I was an ass. I crossed my arms, waiting for her to continue to show her skills, hoping like hell she would miss. Again, she squeezed off five rounds, and this time, I retrieved the target to find five perfect neck shots. Ha! She missed. “I shot him in the neck so that you wouldn’t say I missed. His head is already almost blown off.” I would be lying if I said it didn’t get under my skin that she was good. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t proud either.

  “Who taught you to shoot like that?” I asked, praying to the gun gods that she wouldn’t say an ex-boyfriend.

  “My ex,” she said simply, and I wanted to kill someone. “I’m kidding.” She said, laughing at my murderous glare. “You’re such a man.” I ignored her comment. Our shooting session was over.

  “Let’s get back,” I said, grabbing her hand in mine.

  “Baby. Don’t be mad at me.” She whined, her voice laced with laughter and amusement.

  “I’m not mad,” I said, acting like a stubborn kid. She was killing me. My balls were now non-existent.

  “You’re better than me. I’m sure of it.” I stopped in my tracks, smirking at her lying face. She didn’t believe that in the least. I grabbed the gun from my back, changing out the clip with the spare I had in my pocket. I loaded it and eyed in on the target that was now about 40 yards from us. I fired ten perfect shots into the chest of our paper villain. She couldn’t see if the target had been hit from where we were, but I knew I hadn’t missed. I turned and started walking back toward the house. “Aren’t you gonna see if you hit it?” Dallas called from behind me.

  “Nope,” I said as I kept walking. I knew she would stay behind and look. And when she did, she would know for sure who was better. I took the small hike back to Ronnie and Brooklyn’s house alone, with a smirk on my face, and a pair.


  “Well I’ll be damned,” I muttered, looking at the paper that was now home to ten, perfectly delivered holes in the heart of it. What was it with men and their pride? Luke had gotten pissed that I knew how to shoot. I knew he was proud, but mad because he wasn’t the one to show me how to do it. Fucking caveman. I was surprised he didn’t carry around a big stick and grow his hair long. I found him in Ronnie’s shop, shirtless, and squatting beside one of the many bikes inside. I eyed the tribal tattoos on his arms as his muscles flexed while he tinkered with the motor. I pulled my eyes from him, refusing to get lost in the sight of his half nakedness and searched the room for a topic of conversation. “Is this a Harley?” I asked, eyeing one that sat low with a huge tire on the back. It was painted black, with chromed-out Ape Hanger handle bars, and looked beautiful and manly at the same time.

  “Yes, babe. It’s a Harley,” Luke informed me, acting as if the answer was obvious.

  “I wish I knew something about bikes just to piss you off,” I mumbled to myself, but Luke was closer than I thought and heard my every word. He had deserted the bike he was working on and was now at my side.

  “Have a seat,” Luke said, unaffected by my words.

  “What?” What if I broke something or messed it up?

  “Sit,” Luke commanded, pointing to the seat on the bike. I did as bid and straddled the seat. “This is the throttle.” Luke said, pointing to the handlebar before placing my hand on it and covering his with mine. I pulled back, feeling it twist in my hand trying to ignore the closeness of Luke’s body, and the sexiness of his voice. My arm was stretched out, causing my leather corset top to ride above my belly button. “This is the brake and the other is the clutch,” he said, moving my hand to pump the brake. He released my hand, dragging his fingers down my arm slowly, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He threw his leg over the bike, straddling it and facing me before placing his hands on my waist and lifting me, pushing me back further on the seat. I leaned back against the cool fender as he grabbed my left leg and positioned himself between my thighs. “The greatest thing about this bike is that it’s the perfect height.” My breath caught in my throat as his hips pushed into me, treating me with the feel of his rock hard cock against my leathered crotch. “You have the perfect amount of leverage
to get just the momentum you need,” he said coolly, pushing against me deeper.

  “Is that so?” I asked breathlessly, enjoying my lesson.

  “Do you want me to fuck you on this bike, Dallas?” His words caught me off guard. They were so forward and to the point, just how I like them.

  “Yes,” I said, with a relieved sigh. I thought he was just teasing me before, but now I knew he would deliver.

  “I know you do,” he said, his voice filled with arrogance. He released my leg to unzip his pants and free himself. I moaned at the sight of him, thick and hard and all for me. He grabbed my pants, and I lifted my ass so he could peel them off of me. Instead of removing them, he slid them just low enough to expose what he needed, leaving me restrained and my legs forced to come together. He draped them over his right shoulder, before guiding himself inside me.

  “Yes!” I said, as he sank into me. I was immobile. I couldn’t move an inch due to my position and my clothes, leaving me at his mercy.

  “This is gonna have to be quick, babe,” he said, hammering inside me as he grabbed my hips and pulled me to him. I couldn’t get the right angle for him to hit that spot that would have me coming in minutes. As I tried to move my legs, I felt his grip tighten, forcing me to stay still.

  “Luke,” I said, distressed at the situation. He felt so good inside me, but I knew I would never reach that climax in this position. I needed to open my legs. I needed to arch my back. I needed more.

  “Talk to me, baby,” he said, his thrusts becoming more urgent and his breathing ragged and fast.

  “I need to move. I can’t come like this.” I wished I could take back the words as soon as I said them. How could I have been that forward and honest? And selfish? It wasn’t always about me.

  “You don’t trust me?” Luke asked, his voice calm, unlike his movements. What? Of course I trusted him! But this wasn’t about trust. It was about me coming apart beneath him. It was about me having an orgasm on Ronnie’s motorcycle. It was about my juices soaking into the thick leather on the seat and possibly staining or even ruining them. How dare he think this was about trust. It was about me getting mine, him getting his, and Ronnie wondering why the fuck his bike smelled like sex. I closed my eyes, trying to force all thoughts from my mind other than him inside me. I was trying too hard to concentrate on my release that I wasn’t even enjoying the moment and what it had to offer. Luke, noticing my despair, or proving his loyalty, moved his hands from my waist and grabbed my ankles, pushing my legs over my head as he repositioned himself and began driving into me again, making me cry out on contact.

  “Yes! Fuck yes!” I said, my voice loud enough to prompt Luke to place his hand over my mouth.

  “Okay baby, now you can scream all you want.” I don’t know if it was his command, the challenge to see how loud my screams could get with his hand muffling them, or the feeling of intense ecstasy as Luke pounded relentlessly in me, giving that delicious spot all the attention it had been deprived of, but I screamed. My screams thrilled Luke, and he let me know it. “That’s right, baby. Let me know how good it feels when I fuck you with this cock.” I moaned against his hand, letting his dark, beastly voice and his expert, assured movements push me into the climactic state that had my eyes rolling into the back of my head. When Luke stilled, I felt the warmth of him engulf me as he stayed buried deep inside me. “Motherfucker,” he groaned, and I agreed with a nod, finding the bike becoming rather comfortable. “Come on, babe.” Luke said, pulling out of me and pushing my pants up my thighs before anything he had left inside me had a chance to run out onto Ronnie’s seat.

  “Now?” I asked, with a whine. Why couldn’t we just stay here?

  “Yes, beautiful. Now,” he said, lifting me from the bike and swatting my ass to encourage me to walk. I was fully sated and sleepy. I just wanted a nap. He grabbed my hand to lead me out of the shop, stopping at the door and turning to me to fix my unkempt ponytail. “Babe, could you try and look a little less fucked?” Luke asked, with a smirk as he dressed himself. I rolled my eyes at him and smoothed my clothes and hair, placing a smile on my face to appease him. It worked. We walked inside and I began cleaning the breakfast dishes, while Luke went in search of Ronnie. Brooklyn joined me soon, and by the look on her face, I was not the only one recently fucked, and in need of a nap.

  “So how’s shit going baby?” Brooklyn asked, once the dishes were cleaned and we were seated in the living room. Brooklyn sat in an overstuffed camouflage recliner and I lay sprawled on the couch petting little Dawall, who had taken a liking to me.

  “You know, for the first time in a long time it’s going really good. No one is out to kill me, I’m not surrounded by people I don’t trust, and Luke and I get closer every day.” I scratched Dawall’s ears, as he sat on my stomach, his eyes getting heavy much like mine.

  “What if there was?” Brooklyn asked, her legs crossed, as she sat with a cigarette dangling from her fingers.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, not looking too much into her question.

  “What if there was someone out to get you or some shit came up, like more drama. I mean, there is always a chance with this life and with Charlie still out there,” she said, her eyes appraising me. I shrugged my shoulders, still not worried about her inquisition.

  “Charlie is not a threat to me, and even if he was, we would deal with it like we always do. I’m not some weak woman who can’t handle her own, but when I need someone I know Luke will be there. Not much scares me anymore, and if it ever comes to a war with Charlie, then I will fight just like I know Luke will. Life is too short to not fight for the things we love. If anyone tries to take my happiness from me then they are gonna have a helluva time getting it.”

  “Good answer, baby. Good answer.” Brooklyn said, dropping the subject, and turning up the volume on the T.V. The conversation was over, and sleep was in my near future.

  Chapter 19


  My nap was fabulous and so was the ride home. I found out why Red stretched her arms out and moved with the bike to the tune of the music. It was relaxing and liberating. I felt free, and if I closed my eyes, it kind of resembled flying. It was mid-afternoon when we arrived back at the clubhouse to find Red, Regg, Marty, and Maddie playing pool. Luke informed them they were leaving at five, and the girls suggested we find something to get into ourselves. Luke didn’t like the idea, and suggested we found something to do around here if we were still planning to go out tomorrow night.

  “Why?” Red whined, but changed her tune when Regg gave her a look that told her to shut up. “Okay,” she said in defeat, not bothering with anymore questions.

  “I’m sure you three can find something to get into around here,” Regg said, enjoying his moment of authority. I fought hard to control my laughter, as Red stood behind him and rolled her eyes. Everyone else was at work or at home with their kids and back to their normal lives, while we were forced to stay inside the clubhouse, which was not built to entertain three, young women who were itching to go out.

  “So what are the plans for tomorrow?” I asked Maddie, who sat perched on the pool table trying to ignore Marty as he pulled his t-shirt over his head revealing his abs before the one he wore under it was pulled back down to conceal them. She ignored me or didn’t hear me, but Red answered my question excitedly.

  “It’s a surprise! And you are gonna fucking love it!” She said, clapping her hands and bouncing around like a child.

  “She’s gonna love it or you’re gonna love it?” Regg asked, trying to steal Red’s glee, but she wasn’t having it.

  “She’s gonna love it,” Red said, still grinning from ear to ear.

  “Who all is going?” Luke asked, half-interested, as he thumbed through some papers that lay strewn on the bar.

  “All the girls,” Red said, dancing over to Luke and eyeing what he was doing, then dancing away when he gestured with his hand for her to get lost. Wherever it was we were going, it made Red very happy. Almost
too happy, and it showed on Regg’s face.

  “Where they going?” Marty asked, looking at Regg’s perplexed face and smiling.

  “Amateur night,” Regg said in a huff.

  “Dammit baby! Hush!” Red commanded, her hands flying to her hips as she glared at Regg, who just shook his head. Amateur night? For what? Luke laughed, finally getting the joke and pointed at Regg from across the room.

  “You’re gonna have to keep your shit together,” he warned with a smile. Everyone laughed, but me and Regg; me because I had no fucking idea what they were talking about, and Regg because he didn’t find it very funny.

  “Well y’all ain’t going. It’s just the girls,” Red informed them, this time it was her who sent Luke a look of warning.

  “Oh, I’m going,” Regg said, and the fight was on.

  “The fuck you are! We are going to have a ladies night out. There are only women there Regg, so don’t go giving me that lecture and shit.” Red snapped, her face turning red with anger, and I felt like it had a lot more to do with something that wasn’t being said, rather than actually going out.

  “I ain’t giving you no damn lecture. I’m just telling you that if you plan to get on a stage somewhere then I’m gonna be there to make sure nothing happens,” Regg said, but I could already tell some of the fight had gone out of him. Amateur night must have been at a club, and he knew Red would want to dance.

  “Nothing is going to happen. I’m just going out with my sisters to have a good time. Stop treating me like I am that same coke whore you met ten years ago. I haven’t danced in years, and I have no desire to. You of all people should know that.” Red was pissed, but she was hurt too.


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