The Cowboy and the Girl in the Hot Pink Chaps

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The Cowboy and the Girl in the Hot Pink Chaps Page 7

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Could you fellas help me take all this back to my van. I think I know which saddle I have that will be a good temporary.”

  “Sure, happy to help,” Patrick said. “I’m sorry I was so late.”

  “Thank you, thank you so much,” Dusty exclaimed. “I’m so grateful.”

  As Kevin and Matt packed up the equipment, and with Patrick’s help began to carry it away, Dusty gave Licorice her last carrot, and ran her fingers over the sore spots Kevin had pointed out.

  “Poor guy,” she crooned. “Don’t you worry, this is all going to be taken care of.”

  In the driveway, while Kevin was packing away the equipment, Matt pulled Patrick aside.

  “We have a situation,” Matt said quietly.

  “What kind of situation?”

  “Licorice isn’t Licorice. Licorice is a champion barrel racer from New York called Black Lightenin’. His owner was a wealthy guy who had a string of horses and was wipin’ the floor with everyone. Lightenin’ was one of his barrel racers. Somethin’ happened, I don’t know what, but he dropped outta sight. Somehow, Lightenin’ ended up all the way out here, wastin’ away in that backyard where Dusty found him.”

  “Oh, shit,” Patrick groaned.

  “Yep. He could’ve been stolen, he could’ve been sold, we dunno, but we need to get his ownership real clear, or we could be seein’ that horse bein’ loaded into a trailer and hauled away, and have a brokenhearted girl on our hands. Did you get any kinda receipt, or bill of sale when you picked him up?”

  “I know I wrote one out,” Patrick said thoughtfully. “I’m particular about that kind of thing. It will be in her file. I’ll check the minute I get home. Give me your number and I’ll call you.”

  “At least that’s somethin,” Matt sighed. “Let’s try to keep this under wraps until we know more. No need upsettin’ Dusty just yet.”

  “I agree,” Patrick nodded. “You think he’ll be recognized when she goes to the State Finals?”

  “Not sure about the State finals, but chances are he will if he makes it to the nationals. I know she’s not in the pro-circuit, but it’s a small world at the top. Word could get around, and Licorice is a unique lookin’ horse. That’s the problem. He’s solid black with that white patch between his front legs, and I’ll bet he’s registered.”

  “Shit,” Patrick repeated. “We don’t have much time.”

  “I know, but with my dad’s contacts, and some careful diggin’ I think we can get the back story, and then we can figure out if we do have a problem, and what can be done about it. The priority though, is to protect Dusty.”

  “Right,” Patrick nodded. “Agreed.”


  Dusty and Matt waved goodbye to Patrick and Kevin from the driveway, and returned to the backyard, pausing to gaze at Licorice. Having explored for an hour, Jinx had settled on the patio and was sleeping in the sun.

  “Licorice is just so handsome,” Dusty said proudly. “Almost as handsome as you, cowboy.”

  “That right? I’m glad you think so.”

  “Do you want to go inside and have some coffee?”

  “What I want, is some Dusty,” he grinned pulling her into his arms.

  “That saddle felt amazing,” she sighed leaning against him. “It was so comfortable. I can’t wait to ride in it, properly I mean, not just walk around and trot a bit.”

  “I sure enjoyed watchin’ you, but I’m surprised,” he murmured closing his eyes and feeling her body.


  “Isn’t your butt a bit tender?”

  “Stop it,” she retorted feeling a fresh blush crawl over her face.

  “Are you sayin’ it isn’t?”

  “Okay, yes, it is a bit,” she admitted.

  Grabbing a fistful of hair, he tugged it back and stared down at her.

  “It will be again, I can promise you that.”

  “What if I’m an especially good girl?” she whispered trying to ignore the onset of butterflies.

  “I’ll still warm your backside.”


  “An ounce of prevention, now quit talkin’ and kiss me.”

  His voice was gruff, his eyes were filled with lust, and when he dropped his lips against hers and began to devour her mouth, she could feel his cock surging to life as it pressed against her.

  “Matt,” she mumbled as they broke apart, “it’s like you…you…”

  “What?” he asked, his voice a hoarse whisper.

  “I can’t explain it,” she breathed. “This will sound so corny, but when you kiss me, I swear, you set me on fire.”

  “Kinda goes both ways,” he mumbled. “Maybe we should have that coffee.”

  “Maybe we should,” she breathed, wishing they could just fall on the ground and consume each other.

  Arm in arm they headed into the kitchen, Jinx waking from his nap and following them in. Matt poured them both a cup while Dusty retrieved the creamer, sugar, and the plate of cookies.

  “You still live here, with your folks,” he asked, sitting at the table and wishing his cock would go back to sleep.

  “I’d like to have a place of my own, but dad’s gone so often and Brian’s away at school, so I feel I need to stay here for mom. I don’t mind. I couldn’t afford much if I left, so it works for now.”

  “Can you come and go as you please? I mean, uh…”

  “Are you asking me if I can stay out all night if I want?” she giggled.

  “Sorry, I guess that was kinda clumsy.”

  “It was a bit, and here I thought you were such a smooth talker,” she teased.

  “Smooth talker? Hell no, I’m just a simple cowboy,” he grinned.

  “Yeah, about as simple as an algebra problem,” she quipped.

  “So, about tonight, I’ll pick you up around seven, and I’d like to take you to this place that’s about twenty minutes away. It’s got a view of the lake, it’s quiet and private, and a really great chef.”

  “That sounds wonderful. I didn’t know there was another restaurant at the lake. Is it dressy, like The Sunset Lodge?”

  “Um, you can dress however you want, though I am partial to skirts,” he winked.

  “What’s the name of this place?”


  It took a moment for the penny to drop, and when it did she began to laugh.

  “Are you taking me to your house for dinner?”

  “No, I told you, Matteo’s,” he replied with a straight face.

  “It’s your house. Don’t you lie to me!”

  “I’m not lying,” he said with a grin. “Tonight my place is called Matteos, and the chef will be serving salmon in a lemon-dill sauce with saffron rice.”

  “Oh, my, gosh, are you serious? You’re making that?”

  “Did I say that?”

  “Now you’re just being difficult.”

  “You’ll just have to wait and see,” he grinned rising from the table. “Now I’d best be goin’.”

  Dusty pushed back her chair, and slowly standing up she slipped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him.

  “I’d be careful if I were you,” he warned reaching his hands around to cup her bottom. “I might have a real hard time leavin’ if you keep this up.”

  “I’m in need of a goodbye hug,” she purred, “and maybe another kiss?”

  “I don’t wanna spoil you,” he muttered.

  “Spoil me, go on,” she softly insisted. “You can always spank me later.”

  “Damn, girl,” he growled.

  Unable to resist he crushed his lips against her mouth, kissing her with lust-filled abandon, and engulfing her in his arms he didn’t release her until they were both breathless from lack of oxygen. Knees about to buckle, she fell against him.

  “Holy crap,” she whispered.

  “Now I am goin’,” he panted, “and if you stop me again I’ll pick you up and throw you on to the first bed I find.”

’ll work,” she stammered, “that’ll work just fine.”

  “You, little lady, are definitely, gonna get spanked tonight, and you can take that to the bank.”

  “Huh? Why?” she mumbled gazing up at him.

  “Cos you’re a siren, you’re a siren in hot pink chaps, and you need a spankin’. Don’t forget your toothbrush.”

  “You’re taking a lot for granted,” she murmured.

  “Are you sayin’ you won’t bring your toothbrush?”

  “I’m saying, you’ll have to wait and see,” she smiled.

  “Touche!” he chuckled. “Come on, Jinx, I think it’s time we rolled.”

  Jinx had found a spot near the glass slider, and yawning, he sat up, stretched, shook his body, then slowly ambled over to them.

  “I’ll see you soon, Jinxy,” Dusty smiled leaning down to rub his head.

  Matt took her hand as they headed down the hallway, and when he kissed her goodbye, a long, lingering warm kiss, she felt herself melt all over again.

  “I’ll see you tonight, beautiful girl,” he whispered.

  “I’m really looking forward to it,” she whispered back.

  Closing the door behind him, she leaned against it and let out a sigh.

  I suppose I should have gone out with him a few times before jumping into bed, but I want him so bad. I’ve wanted him and waited for him forever, and I’m not going to hold back now. I refuse.

  Filled with longing, she moved down the hallway to her bedroom, and quickly pulling off her jeans she fell on her bed, pressing her fingers urgently against her sex. Closing her eyes she imagined herself laying naked with him, his hands exploring her body, tweaking her nipples, his fingers whispering across her sex, and unexpectedly his threat echoed through her mind.

  You, are definitely, gonna get spanked tonight, and you can take that to the bank

  It abruptly sent her over the edge, and as the shuddering climax rattled through her, she could feel the residual scratchiness from his quick, sharp spanking on the patio at his office. Dropping her hand away she fell limp, and softly moaning, let herself drift into an easy nap.

  Driving home, Matt was absently tapping his steering wheel as he thought about his spontaneous dinner invitation. The words had spilled out of his mouth before he’d even realized what he was saying, and he had much to do before picking her up for their date.

  I probably shouldn’t have been so hasty. I probably should’ve asked her out somewhere to dinner first, maybe taken her to a movie, or to visit the barn where I keep Jackson, but it just felt so damn right. I want her, I want her bad.


  When Matt pulled into the driveway of Dusty’s house a few minutes after seven, he couldn’t recall the last time he’d felt so nervous. He’d even taken a swig of whiskey before leaving his home, then brushed his teeth a second time because he didn’t want to smell of alcohol. He’d thought about buying flowers, changed his mind, then stopped at a grocery story on the way and picked up a bouquet of various blooms wrapped in yellow cellophane with a large satin bow. Sitting in his truck, he stared at the flowers lying on the passenger seat next to him.

  “Too much? Not enough? Is it cheesy?” he muttered. “Why am I even doubtin’ this? Since when did it stop bein’ okay for a guy to bring a girl flowers on their first date?”

  He may have felt less stressed if he’d known that Dusty was just as anxious. Nothing she’d taken from her closet was right. The skirt was too long or too shirt, the shirt was too tight, or not tight enough, and she’d finally settled on the very first dress she’d tried.

  Crimping her eyelashes with a curler, she smudged her mascara as she attempted to apply it to the very tips of her lashes. Cursing under her breath she painstakingly removed the black mark with a cotton swab, trying not to make it worse, and when the doorbell rang she almost shoved the swab into her eye, missing it by centimeters.

  “I’ll get it,” her mother called.

  Anxiously pulling on her pink cardigan, she thought it would compliment the black dress dotted with tiny pink tulips, but taking a last look in the mirror, she groaned.

  “Now I look twelve years old! Screw it. It’s too late to change, it’ll have to do,” she muttered.

  Picking up her handbag she moved down the hall, and hearing Matt and her mother talking in the living room, she took a deep breath and walked in.

  “Matt brought you some flowers,” her mother beamed. “Isn’t it wonderful that some men still know how to treat a woman?”

  “Thank you,” Dusty smiled. Not sure you would feel that way if you’d seen him whacking my butt.

  “I’m an old-fashioned kinda guy,” Matt said offering Dusty the bouquet. “I hope that sits okay with you, Dusty.”

  “It sits with me just fine,” she nodded.

  “Here, I’ll take them and put them in a vase,” her mother suggested, and taking them from Dusty’s hands she bustled from the room. “You two have a lovely evening, and don’t worry about waking me when you get in. I’ll be dead to the world. I plan on an early night.”

  “Thanks, mom,” Dusty grinned.

  “You ready?” Matt asked.

  “Yes, sure. Is Jinx in the truck?”

  “No, I didn’t think you’d want to share the front seat with him, and if I put him in the bench seat in back he insists on leaning over the front console. It’s not real comfortable for anyone.”

  “I can imagine,” she giggled.

  She looped her hand through his elbow, and they headed for the door.

  “You look very pretty in that dress,” he remarked.

  “Thank you, you don’t look so bad yourself,” she replied, feeling as if she was on the very first date of her life. What’s wrong with me? I’m being ridiculous. He’s already kissed me. I’ve already been out with him, well, kind of.

  “So, tell me how you became such a terrific rider,” he said settling into the truck next to her.

  “I guess, just hours in the saddle. Riding was all I had growing up. Patrick took me in, let me work at the barn and gave me lessons. I loved it, and when I told mom and dad I wanted to be a horse professional they were all for it. It worked out well. I was able to stay here and go to the County Agricultural College. It saved money staying at home, and I was able to keep riding with Patrick. When I got Licorice, being here was fantastic,” she exclaimed, then added, “I’m really lucky I found him. I would never have been able to afford a horse to compete at the level I’m at now. He’s been a gift from God.”

  “Was Licorice his name when you got him?”

  “No, the woman called him Knight. I’m surprised she called him anything. She had no idea how to take care of a horse, but at least she kept him shod. I guess that’s something.”

  “Did she give you any information about him? If she wasn’t a horse person, why did she have him?”

  “She said she’d promised to look after him for a month or so for a friend, but the friend disappeared so she just kept him. I don’t know why. She had no saddle, nothing. He was like some kind of backyard ornament. Do you ride? You must, surely.”

  “Yep, I keep my horse over at Circus Farms. Jackson is his name. I ride real early in the mornin’ and on the weekends. I’d like to take you over there sometime, introduce you. It’s just on the other side of the hill where you live.”

  “I know,” she smiled. “I look down on it when I trail ride up there, and yes, I’d love to meet Jackson.”

  Though the conversation between them had been easy and comfortable, a subtle electricity had been dancing in the air, and when Matt rolled his truck into his garage, Dusty felt a sudden surge of nerves.

  “We’re here. Matteo’s Restaurant,” he grinned.

  “You really made salmon with a sauce and saffron rice?” she giggled. “Did you wear a frilly pink apron or a big chef’s hat?”

  “Keep on talkin’ that way,” he winked climbing from the truck. “You’re just givin’ me more reason to spank your cute tush.�

  “You’ve already told me you don’t need an excuse,” she quipped, fighting a fresh onset of butterflies.

  She watched him walk around to open her door, and as his hand wrapped around hers to help her out, she caught his eyes.

  “It’s real nice to have you here,” he said softly, and without warning he dropped his head down and kissed her.

  It wasn’t the kiss that took her breath away. It wasn’t how delicious his lips felt, or how warmly he kissed her, it was that the kiss was completely spontaneous. He couldn’t help himself, and he was so drawn to her he simply had to kiss her.

  “Welcome to my home,” he whispered as he pulled back.

  “Mr. Montgomery, you can welcome me to your home that way, any time you want,” she breathed, her lips still tingling.

  Still holding her hand he led her through the door. Jinx was standing in the kitchen eagerly waiting, and when he saw Dusty his excitement bubbled over.

  “He sure is happy to see you,” Matt chuckled as his dog barked and danced around her.

  “The feeling’s mutual,” she laughed. “Wow, something smells really good.”

  “That’s dessert. I just pulled it out of the oven before I left to pick you up. It’s apple crumble.”

  “You’re kidding? You’re an impressive man, Mr. Montgomery.”

  “You can thank my mom. She said a woman likes a man who can cook, not that my dad could. I think she wanted to be sure I didn’t starve when I left home.”

  “Smart woman. It also meant you wouldn’t be on her doorstep begging for food,” Dusty grinned.

  “True!” he chuckled. “I hadn’t thought of that. How about I give you a tour of the house, maybe have some wine, then we can eat.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  With Jinx in tow, he took her through the living room out to the patio that overlooked the lake, then showed her his den and the guest room, and as they approached the double doors that led into his bedroom, he paused.

  “This is more than just a bedroom,” he remarked. “I knocked out the wall to the second guest room.”

  “Sounds great. Are you going to show me or just stand there and tell me about it?”


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