The Cowboy and the Girl in the Hot Pink Chaps

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The Cowboy and the Girl in the Hot Pink Chaps Page 14

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Whaaat? Dad, that’s absolutely fantastic,” she exclaimed. “How did this happen, when did this happen?”

  “The man who had the position retired a little while ago. I was interviewed before I went out on this last run. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. Anyway, I had some ideas and I mentioned them in my interview, and I guess the bosses liked them. They want me to start implementing a few of them when I take up the new job.”

  “Dad, I’m so happy for you.”

  “They’re giving me a week off to catch my breath, and the money, it’s way better,” he grinned.

  “This is such fantastic news. You deserve it,” she declared moving around the table to hug him, then looking across at her mother, she realized she hadn’t said anything. “Mom, are you okay? You’re so quiet.”

  “I’ve just been hoping for this day for so long, and now that it’s here…”

  Her voice drifted off as the emotion took hold, and stepping away from Dusty, Tom put an arm around his wife and joked with her to help her feel better. Picking up her glass of champagne and watching them, Dusty felt a warm shiver ripple through her body.

  That’s what I want. Right there. I don’t care that Matt is the owner of some big saddle company. I just want him, and to be loved like that.


  It was a few minutes after closing time at Silver Streak saddlery, and the employees had vacated the building. Matt left his office and wandered through the large work space, Jinx trotting along at his side. Though he was waiting for Dusty, he was always the last to go.

  Paranoid about security, he checked every door and window before leaving, made sure no-one was left behind, then set the alarm. He was also fastidious about the work space, and would pick up any bits of leather that had been left on the floor, or any garbage spilling out of waste bins. The cleaners came every other night, but weren’t allowed in the big room. That was cleaned by two of the junior staff, and they were required to take the trash bins out to the hallway for emptying.

  He pushed through the heavy steel door, walked down the wide hallway and into the reception area, but he was suddenly jolted by a spike of panic. Out in the parking lot Dusty was pinned against her car, Slim Jim leaning over her.

  His first reaction was to bolt through the door, grab the man, hurl him to the ground and beat the crap out of him, but he paused.

  Shit. Am I bein’ baited? He’s gotta know I’d see him. He’s not touchin’ her. If I punch his lights out I could be the one in handcuffs. Shit, this is one smart guy.

  Sensing something was wrong Jinx began barking, and as Slim Jim spun around at the noise, Dusty dashed across the parking lot. Matt ran to the front door and held it open for her, managing to grab Jinx by the collar as he was about to charge outside.

  “Hey, you, Montgomery,” Slim Jim shouted as Dusty ran past Matt into the reception area. “Twenty-five grand in cash, tomorrow, four-o’clock at Patrick O’Neal stables. I’ll have a truck and trailer with me. No money, I take the horse, and if anyone tries to stop me there’ll be trouble, big trouble. Got it?”

  Jinx was growling, snarling and barking, and realizing Matt was barely able to hold him Dusty stepped up and slipped her hand through his collar.

  “I’ve got him, I’ve got him,” she said urgently.

  “You’ll have your money,” Matt called straightening up, “but if you come near Dusty or show up at Patrick’s barn before then, you’re the one who will have big trouble. You understand me?”

  “Just have the money,” Slim Jim scowled, “or that girl of yours will be real sorry.”

  “You come near my horse and I’ll blow your fucking brains out,” Dusty yelled.

  “Okay, Dusty, okay,” Matt said quickly as he began moving backwards and closing the door.

  “I mean it,” she screamed. “I’ll get my dad’s shotgun and blow your fucking brains out.”

  “That’s a real spitfire you’ve got on your hands,” Slim Jim yelled back. “I’d sure like to get me some of that. Is she a whiner or a screamer?”

  “You’re an idiot, Lewis. You think I’m gonna fall for that old trick? You think I’m gonna lose my temper and come at you? You’re outta your mind. Get lost, this is private property and you’re trespassin’. I’m callin’ the police.”

  “Glad you mentioned the police,” Slim Jim shot back. “One word to them, and that girl of yours will arrive at the barn one day and find her horse either gone, or dead, and I’ll be miles away. You got me? Not one fuckin’ word. I keep my promises. Screw this up, and she gets screwed, and when I say screwed, I’m not just talkin’ about her horse.”

  Closing the door and turning the bolt, Matt watched as Slim Jim jumped in his car and sped from the parking lot. Pulling her hand from Jinx’s collar, Dusty fell into Matt’s arms.

  “You’re trembling,” he murmured. “Come on over and sit down. Tell me what happened. Did he follow you here?”

  “I have no idea,” she quivered. “I pulled into the lot, got out of my car, and he was just there. I mean, I wasn’t really paying attention. Before I got out I looked down to pick up my bag and I guess he must have driven up right then.”

  “I have a feelin’ you bein’ here was dumb luck. Good for him and bad for us. He must have been watchin’ this place, saw that I was always the last to leave and planned on confrontin’ me.”

  “You think?”

  “He’s a bit smarter than I gave him credit for. What did he say to you?”

  “He said if you didn’t show up with twenty-five grand cash, he take Licorice and I’d never see him again. He said he already had a buyer lined up in another state. Then…uh…he said some other stuff.”

  “He threatened you, I mean, personally?”

  “He was starting to when Jinxy barked.”

  “Figures. He wanted to goad me into doin’ somethin’ stupid. Are you okay?”

  “I guess. I’m so glad my dad is home.”

  “He’s back?”

  “Yes, and I’m so glad,” she repeated.

  “How about we go up to my office for a bit, have a drink and calm our nerves.”

  “That sounds good. Sorry I started yelling at him. I couldn’t help myself.”

  “That’s what guys like that do. They try to provoke you, and if they can get you to react badly it gives them the upper hand. If I’d jumped on him, which believe me I really wanted to do, I could have easily wound up in the back of a police car.”

  “How? I don’t understand? He was threatening me.”

  “Yep, but he didn’t lay a finger on you. There are security cameras lookin’ down on the parkin’ lot, and whatever happened would have been caught on tape. The guy who throws the first punch is the guy that gets hauled away.”

  “Oh, Matt, you’re so smart to think of that.”

  “Come on, let’s go get that drink.”

  Taking her hand he led her down the hallway and through the heavy steel door, but as they headed across the expansive workroom, Dusty spied the saddle on display. Eyeing it, her dream flashing through her mind, in spite of her unnerved state she felt a flutter in her stomach.


  “Yes, darlin’?”

  “Can we just go over here for a minute?” she asked guiding him to the display.

  “You like this saddle?”

  “I do, but the thing is…”

  “The thing is what?” he asked puzzled by her expression.

  “Believe it or not, I had a very naughty dream about a room just like this, and, um, a saddle.”

  “Ahh, I see,” he grinned. “You wanna make that dream come true?”

  “Uh-huh,” she blushed.

  “It’d be my pleasure. First, though, a drink.”

  “Yes,” she nodded. “I do need a drink.”

  Moving up the stairs and into his office, she sat on the couch while he opened a locked cabinet behind his desk.

  “I have, beer, brandy, win
e, scotch, vodka-”

  “Vodka,” she interrupted. “A shot, that would be perfect. Why do you have such a well stocked bar?”

  “I have visitors. They come and have a tour, then end up here in my office. I get them a bit buzzed, and they place an order,” he chuckled.

  “Women too?” she asked quietly.

  “There have been some,” he said as he poured her the shot. “I’m not gonna lie to you.”

  “Have you ever done anything with a woman in the workroom?”

  “No, Dusty, I haven’t,” he said patiently as he handed her the glass. “On to another subject. What did you mean today when said you had a close call?”

  “I plead the fifth,” she retorted, then downed the shot of vodka. “Oh, yes, I needed that.”

  “Pleading the fifth doesn’t hold water here. You want another?”

  “I think so, yes,” she replied holding out her glass.

  Taking the bottle to the couch, he poured in a second shot and stood over her while she drank it.

  “Out with it. Tell me what almost happened.”

  “It was nothing,” she insisted.

  Returning to the cabinet, he put the bottle back, grabbed a glass and splashed in some whiskey, then returned and settled next to her on the couch.

  “Let me guess. You were ridin’ down the hill to Circus Farms but saw Jim’s car drive in, so you turned around and hightailed it back up the hill.”

  “Not exactly,” she replied. “I did start riding down, but I remembered what you said about not going anywhere I might run into him, and that’s when I turned around and went back up the hill. It was when I’d reached the top that I saw him pulling in and called you.”

  “So, you did as I said, just a bit late.”

  “Yes,” she said, “but I did listen.”

  “Hmmm, muddy waters,” he frowned.

  “That vodka is kicking in already,” she sighed. “What a day. My dad has been made a manager. He’s not going back on the road. Mom is so happy, they both are.”

  “That’s rare, a driver breakin’ through like that.”

  “Dad’s a smart guy, but he didn’t go to college. That’s why he was so determined that Rob and I get an education. He’s talented too, with his hands. He can figure things out, make things work.”

  “I’m lookin’ forward to meeting him,” Matt smiled, “but right now I’d like to spend some quality time downstairs with his daughter, bent over a certain saddle.”

  The butterflies burst to life, and moving against him Dusty curled into his lap.

  “Can we start up here?” she murmured.

  “Sure we can,” he said, and grabbing a fistful of hair he tilted her head sideways and dropped his lips to her neck.

  “That makes me crazy,” she breathed.

  Moving to the hollow of her neck he tightened his grasp, then traveled his mouth to her chest. She was wearing a pink and white checked shirt, and with nimble fingers he quickly popped the buttons. As it fell apart, he gazed fondly at her naked breasts.

  “No bra, what welcome surprise,” he muttered lowering his lips to mouth her nipples.

  Continuing to hold her hair, he devoured her breasts, his free hand holding them as he sucked and nibbled and tongued. Her moans guided his attention, and when she split her legs and arched her back, he released her hair and sat up.

  “I think it’s time to take this downstairs,” he breathed. “Pull off your jeans and boots but leave your panties on. You are wearin’ panties, right?”

  “Uh-huh,” she managed.

  Gazing at her flushed face and sparkling eyes, he sank his lips against hers, kissing her softly and teasing the inside of her mouth with his tongue.

  “Do as I say,” he whispered as he pulled back, then rising to his feet he added, “I’ll be right back.”


  He was gone only a few minutes, and when he returned he was wearing a terry cloth robe and carrying another.

  “Here,” he said offering her one.

  “Where did these come from?”

  “There’s a small workout room with a shower. I had it put in when I first took over for dad because I was puttin’ in such long hours I couldn’t get to the gym.”

  “Dare I ask, why two robes?” she said with a twinkle.

  “Not what you think,” he said moving towards her and kissing her softly. “Jeanette thought I needed a new one. It was a Christmas present. I just never took the other one home.”

  “A likely story,” she quipped.

  “Come on, sassy girl,” he grinned smacking her. “Get your butt down those stairs. Your saddle awaits, and Jinx, you stay here and guard the office.”

  Closing the door behind them, holding hands they started down the stairs.

  “Why didn’t you want Jinx down here?”

  “If there are leather scraps around he eats them. Don’t ask me why.”

  “Oh, like a puppy tearing up shoes.”

  “Somethin’ like that I guess.”

  They’d reached the bottom of the stairs, and turning to face her, he put an arm around her waist and locked her eyes.

  “You might be getting a bit more than you bargained for,” he warned.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ll find out, but if it’s too much, you say red. Red means stop, but only say it if you mean it.”

  Her heart jumped, and feeling the result of his words between her legs, she leaned her head against his shoulder.

  “Matt, you’ve made me weak again.”

  With a swift move he lifted her up and carried her to the display, then standing her in front of it, he untied the robe, slid it off her shoulders and draped it over the saddle.

  “Spread your legs and lean across it,” he muttered.

  Her fantasy was becoming a reality, and with her heart racing she bent forward. A moment later he had wrapped a cord around each of her ankles, tying them to the display stand, and she suddenly felt completely exposed. He had moved in front of her, and bending down he whispered in her ear.

  “First, we’re gonna have a reminder lesson. It’s good you saw sense, but halfway down that hill was halfway too far. You understand?”

  “Yes, Sir, I understand,” she mumbled.

  “You look gorgeous, all laid out for me. This may be the first time you’re over this saddle, but you can bet it won’t be the last. I like you this way, I like it a lot.”

  A shudder of need rippled through her sex, making her thighs tense, and as he moved behind her she couldn’t contain the cry that escaped her lips.

  “What is it?” he asked as he began to play with the elastic of her panties.

  “I’m just so turned on,” she bleated.

  “You sure are,” he mumbled as his finger slid inside the gusset.

  She felt him jerk her panties into her crack, then something thin and smooth slid across her cheeks.

  “This is a stick. I pulled it from a flower display in my ad girl’s office. I can’t let you go unpunished. You were right, it was a close call, much too close. You understand, Dusty?”

  “Yes, Sir, I do. At least I turned around and went back.”

  “Yep, at least you turned around and went back, and if you hadn’t you’d be in a mess of trouble about now,” he declared tapping the stick against her cheek.

  He had no intention of smacking her hard, just enough so she’d understand her sins would be dealt with. The decorative stick was thin and light, but when he’d tested it on his thigh it carried a smarting zing.

  “Three quick licks on each cheek,” he announced, “and we’ll say no more about it.”

  Dispatching the first triple on her right check, he was delighted to see the bright red stripes bloom to life. She gasped and squirmed but did not cry out.

  Not a cane, not even close. Good, I must remember this, it’s quiet and easy to carry. I might swing by the florist and buy a few of these.

  Moving to her opposite side he repeated the t
hree riffs, and received a single, loud ouch for his effort.

  “I hope that was enough,” he said sternly.

  “It was, Sir, it was,” she panted.

  She heard him move away, and turning her head she him stop at a nearby workbench and pick something up. He returned, and moments later a knife sliced through the sides of her panties.

  Leaving them as they were, torn and held in place by her pelvis, Matt lowered the remaining fabric sitting inside her cheeks, letting it drop between her legs. Holding his cock, its umbrella on and ready for action, he touched it against her pussy, sliding it back and forth, teasing her by slightly pushing, then pulling way.

  She bleated and moaned and begged for him to slide inside her, and though he was tempted he had other plans.

  “In a few minutes,” he promised. “I don’t think you’re quite ready.”

  “I am, I am,” she wailed.

  “Nope, I think your kitty here needs some discipline.”


  “Discipline, I said your kitty here needs some discipline.”

  Cupping her cunt, he squeezed gently, then moving his hand back a few inches, he brought it down with a soft spank. She gasped, but before she could mutter a complaint or bleat out a moan, he spanked again, then again, landing a flurry of light tantalizing slaps.

  “Let’s see if it’s behaving itself now,” he rasped sending two fingers deep into her cunt.

  “Ooh, please,” she groaned.

  Sliding his fingers in and out, he moved his thumb across her clit, and as she wriggled under his loving torment, he felt his own hunger growing.

  “The only problem havin’ you over this saddle,” he remarked his voice low and deep, “is that I can’t get to your tits. I’m gonna have to make up for that. One night real soon, I’ll spend an hour with each of them.”

  His promise delivered a fresh tide of moisture through her already saturated sex, and smiling, he presented his cock and thrust forward.

  Being stretched over the saddle, the soft robe offering a comfort she hadn’t anticipated, her legs spread and bound, the reality was far more electrifying than the fantasy. His hands, his words, and her helplessness, wrapped around her like a shroud. She was utterly at his mercy and she loved it.


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