Lilith's Legacy

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Lilith's Legacy Page 8

by Aubrey Ross

  The handmaiden stood, not bothering to don her gown. “Can we play with him again tomorrow? This was fun.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Will I ever see you again?” Cain’s gaze lingered on the handmaiden’s naked body.

  “Time will tell, but I doubt it will be necessary.” With another mocking laugh, Lilith led Byleth up the hill.

  Chapter Nine

  “I thought having them thrown out of the garden would be enough for you.” Jetrel solidified inside Lilith’s private chamber. She gasped and turned from the mirror she’d been using to arrange her hair.

  “I didn’t have them thrown out of the garden. I can’t say the event upset me, but I had nothing to do with what took place.”

  Jetrel had to consciously unclench his teeth before he could speak again. “You made the deal with Balam that set the whole thing in motion.”

  “Balam fully intended to tempt the woman. Don’t be a fool. He overheard our argument and exploited my anger to further his cause.”

  “When will it be enough? What will make you feel vindicated for Adam’s insult?”

  “This isn’t about Adam!” She gestured angrily with her hairbrush. “They are the enemy. Your affection for them is far more twisted than my disdain. They’re human. God’s chosen creatures. We are demons! We’re supposed to hate them. What the heaven is wrong with you?”

  “I followed Cain after you left with Byleth.”

  She squared her shoulders and met his gaze. “And?”

  “And he took his offering and presented it to the Creator.”

  “That’s what he intended to do with it before we came. What’s your point?”

  “His brother sacrificed the firstborn of his flock.” Jetrel stalked toward her, his angry gaze boring into hers. “God was pleased with Abel’s sacrifice, but rejected Cain’s. How did you know this would happen?”

  “Educated guess,” she said stiffly. Actually, she’d been watching for weeks, searching for the perfect strategy.

  “Cain was furious. The seeds of insecurity you planted burst into a bumper crop.”

  “How poetic.”

  Jatrel grabbed Lilith’s upper arm as she started to turn away. “He lured Abel to his field and murdered him! Cain killed his brother.”

  Her delicate brows drew together over eyes clouded with confusion and…regret? Was it possible? Jetrel released her arm. She rubbed it, averting her gaze.

  “I didn’t realize he would… I just wanted him to be jealous.”

  It would be so easy to berate her further, reiterate what her meddling had wrought. But that spark of compassion gave him pause. Perhaps there was hope for her after all. Jetrel believed in balance. He embraced his demonic nature. Despite Lilith’s insistence that he was too easy on humans, he understood his role in life.

  “Why are you all dressed up?”

  “Sammael heard about my petition and demanded that the council convene. I’m out of time. It’s now or never.”

  “You must face the council tonight?”

  “Yes.” She tucked the last strand of hair into place and conjured a pin to secure it. “They’re waiting even now.”

  “Declare me your mate.”


  “It will limit them to oral tribute.” Possessive passion wrestled with his need to protect her. Lilith would soon be the most powerful female hell had ever known. He wanted to solidify their bond before she presented her case to the Council of Seven. “Do you want the leaders to fuck you one after the other…or worse? They can be quite creative when they feel coerced.”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then announce your acceptance of my suit before the ceremony begins. I cannot interfere once the proceedings start, but as my mate you will be protected.”

  “This is my fight. I must win this battle alone.”

  “I understand that. Still, let me help you.”

  * * *

  Sammael’s angry voice echoed down the stone corridor. Excitement surged through Lilith. If he was shouting already, it stood to reason the council was not sympathetic to his plight.

  The guards silently stepped aside as she neared the doorway. She paused in the open archway, assessing the scene. Firelight emanated from the walls, casting a red haze over the large room. Sammael stood at one end of the heavily carved table. The other leaders had assembled according to their clan’s current standing. Balam sat at the head of the table, Arioch on his right, the official representative from Serpent Clan on his left. Because Serpent Clan was Prime, they were allowed two representatives. The Prime Leader only voted when the council split evenly on an issue.

  Cat Clan’s chair next to Arioch was empty as Sammael stood at the foot of the table facing the others. The leaders of Raptor, Shark, and Canine Clans completed the assembly.

  “Here is your accuser now,” Balam said, gesturing toward the archway.

  Slicked straight back from his high forehead, Sammael’s hair was raven black. Massive shoulders and a broad, muscular chest narrowed dramatically to his lean hips. He was a spectacular specimen of male flesh, but Lilith felt only hatred as she looked at him now. His brutal features twisted with fury, his pale blue eyes glowed.

  “I have spoken only the truth and offered witnesses to verify my claim,” she stated clearly. “Do you deny offering me your blood oath that you would restrain your behavior?”

  He snarled, blue-tinged lips drawing back from his teeth. “No female will dictate my actions. I take only what is offered to me. As clan leader I am entitled to—”

  “You are unfit to be clan leader. You exploit the position for your own pleasure while your clan flounders in uncertainty. I renounce you, Sammael. Not only as my mate but as the leader of Cat Clan.”

  Four male gasps followed her statement. Balam folded his hands on the tabletop, watching her closely. Arioch lounged in his chair, amusement clear in his bright blue gaze.

  “You dare humiliate me publicly?”

  “I’ve not decided on your punishment. Public humiliation may well be part of it.”

  Lumbering toward her, he swung his meaty paw. Lilith sidestepped the clumsy blow and kicked him squarely in the chest, knocking him back several paces. “I will suffer your abuse no longer!”

  He howled in outrage and he advanced again. Grabbing his forearm, she shoved her shoulder into his midriff and flipped him. His scream ended abruptly as his back slammed against the warm stone floor. She planted her boot in the middle of his chest, sneering down into his startled face. “Did you give your blood oath to me?”

  “A blood oath to a female is—”

  She moved her boot to his throat, constricting his airway. He grasped her ankle, but her anger and her newfound strength made it impossible for him to budge her. “Yes or no!”

  “Yes.” The word was barely understandable with her foot on his throat.

  Easing the pressure a bit, she asked, “And did I witness you breaking that oath with your Shark Clan whore?”

  He hesitated. She kicked the side of his face.

  “Yes, I fucked Azza. So what?”

  She left him flat on his back and turned to address the clan leaders. “A blood oath is sacred. According to the Demonic Charter, I am entitled to determine his punishment.”

  “Only if we approve,” Agreas, Raptor Clan Leader, quickly pointed out.

  “My punishment is simple. I demand that Sammael and Azza be restricted to their animal forms for the remainder of their lives. A cat can’t very well share Dark Splendor with a shark, now can he?”

  Several chuckles were quickly disguised as coughs.

  “That will leave Cat Clan without a leader. Have you selected your mate’s replacement? Is that what this is really about?” Agreas spoke again.

  “I intend to lead Cat Clan myself.” Before the barrage of objections could manifest, Lilith rushed on. “My father was clan leader before Sammael. I am just as qualified to lead the clan as that creature.” She motioned toward her
foe, who sat rubbing his throat. “I intend to complete what my father began.”

  “Your father wanted the clans combined. United, if you will. He believed we would be stronger if we worked together toward common goals.” Arioch supplied the information as if on cue.

  She smiled at him and nodded. “Precisely. Once I am officially named Cat Clan leader, my first priority will be to solidify an alliance between a majority of the clans. Those who do not join us will be subject to our rule.”

  Sammael recovered enough to stand. “I will not tolerate your—”

  “Silence!” Balam cut him off. “By your own admission you offered and then broke a blood oath. Lilith is entitled to name your punishment. I, for one, think her solution a fitting consequence for your misconduct. My vote is not necessary unless the council is split, but I want everyone to know she has my support.”

  Arioch quickly followed with an affirmative vote. The Serpent Clan emissary offered his aye and the others realized Lilith had not entered the confrontation unprepared. One by one they agreed to her terms and approved the punishment she’d proposed.

  Sammael growled his fury, rushing toward the door. The guards stopped him before he could pass beyond the archway.

  Balam stood and crossed the chamber as the guards forced Sammael to his knees. “I hereby sentence you to remain in animal form for the remainder of your days.”

  Fighting the transformation, Sammael screamed and writhed. Bones cracked, joints popped, and his skin mutated to fur. Usually a fluid, effortless change, he frantically hindered every stage of his shift. Lilith watched the metamorphosis in macabre fascination. He deserved this and a whole lot more.

  “Get him out of here and apprehend Azza,” Balam ordered. “I will see to her punishment as soon as the council adjourns.”

  Lilith straightened her tunic and tucked a loosened curl behind her ear. That had been the easy part. The Demonic Charter had been all the ammunition she needed against Sammael. Gaining the acceptance of the clan leaders was another matter entirely.

  “Do you have the support of Cat Clan in this endeavor? Have they agreed to follow a female?” Agreas voiced the questions.

  Lilith clenched and unclenched her fists.

  Raptor Clan had aided Sammael as he overthrew her father. Agreas indulged many of the same indiscretions as Sammael. Her handmaiden’s existence was proof of Agreas’ indiscriminate lust.

  “Once I explain the alliance I have formed, they will follow me.” She focused on her most vocal adversary, moving to stand in front of Agreas. “As will you.”

  He laughed. Mockery sparkled in his golden gaze. “Nothing could make me bow to a female!”

  “Nothing?” With challenge ringing in the one word, she walked proudly to the head of the assembly. Balam pulled his massive chair away from the table.

  The next few minutes would establish her standing among the clan leaders, or shame her beyond bearing.

  The choice was hers.

  With purposeful calm, she tugged off her boots and untied the waistband of her pants. The pants slithered down her legs and she kicked them aside. Every eye in the room now followed her every movement, so she took her time, reveling in the power surging through her. She drew her tunic up slowly, revealing her body one tantalizing inch at a time. Then she dropped the tunic to the floor and stood before them naked and unashamed.

  “I am Cat Clan leader! I have the strength and intelligence to lead my clan, and I possess the ability to bring forth life. Can a male—of any clan—make that claim?”

  Arioch grinned, sweeping his hand toward her. “Behold the beauty of Cat Clan!”

  “I’d be happy to give her a good fucking, but I have no intention of bowing to a cunt!” Agreas snarled.

  “Then Raptor Clan will be shut out of the alliance,” she responded in a calm, even tone.

  Arioch stood and joined her at the head of the table. He brushed his thumb across her bottom lip, his gaze intent upon her mouth. “Shadow Clan accepts you into our midst. Let me be the first to—”

  “I will accept your sexual tribute gladly, but know this. Jetrel is my mate, so only oral tribute is allowed.”

  He caught her under the arms and raised her to eye level. “When did this come about? When last we spoke he was just wooing you.”

  “The specifics are incidental to this ceremony. I welcome the worship of your mouth, but keep your cock to yourself.”

  The others chuckled at her boldness. Even Arioch smiled, slowly lowering her to the floor.

  “Serpent Clan is Prime. My emissary should lick her first.” Balam motioned toward his chair. “Have a seat. Let the ceremony begin.”

  Shaking just a little, Lilith sat in Balam’s chair and hooked her knees over the padded arms, proudly displaying her sex for the other clan leaders.

  This was it. There was no turning back. She must be proud and brave, and revel in their tribute. Anything less would mark her a coward, unworthy of leadership. The thought of these six males bowing before her, submissive and respectful, made her breasts swell, her nipples harden. “I am ready.”

  The Serpent Clan emissary went first. Kneeling between her widespread thighs, his tongue flicked out, lashing her folds again and again without ever touching her clit. “Serpent Clan accepts Lilith into our midst.” He licked her one last time from back to front and then returned to his seat at the table.

  Exhaling a relieved breath, Lilith relaxed against the chair. That hadn’t been so bad. He’d kept it professional.

  She watched the leader of Shark Clan rise. Every muscle in her body tightened. Azza was of Shark Clan. Lilith didn’t want this creature touching her.

  “Relax. He will smell your fear,” Balam whispered from beside her.

  “I’m not afraid. I’m disgusted by the thought of any Shark Clan—”

  The leader knelt, his face hovering over her pussy. “My clan has done you a great wrong. I beg forgiveness and would not defile you with my touch. Know that Shark Clan welcomes your presence within the Council of Seven.”

  She touched his smooth gray scalp and he glanced up at her. “I accept your apology, and I’ll react to Shark Clan according to its merits from this day forth.”

  Acknowledging her pronouncement with a solemn nod, the gray demon returned to his seat.

  The leader of Canine Clan shoved to his feet, toppling his chair in the process. His hostile gaze darted to each leader in turn. “I will bow before no female—ever! If the rest of you are so enthralled by this cunt, have at her. Canine Clan will hold to its own.”

  He stormed from the council chambers.

  Distracted by the Canine leader’s angry retreat, Lilith gasped when she turned back to the assembly. Agreas stood directly in front of her, his golden eyes leering at her sex. She must control him or he’d use this to humiliate her. Defiance hardened his expression. He bent to one knee and smirked. Without warning he crammed two fingers into her core.

  Twisting her fist in the back of his hair, she yanked his face up to hers. “Remove your fingers. Now!” She tightened her hold until his eyes watered. He pulled his hand away. “Perhaps you should join Canine Clan in exile. I will not tolerate such disrespect.”

  “Please.” He gasped. “I apologize. Allow me to demonstrate my respect.”

  She glared at him for a silent moment, then released his hair. “Clasp your hands behind your back.” He did. “Lick me gently. Reverently. Until I tell you to stop.” Using only his tongue, he traced her slit, licked her folds, and circled her clit. The little nub tingled in response and Lilith shoved him back. “You are not worthy to witness my pleasure. You will leave the assembly now and contemplate a suitable penance for your attitude.”

  Panting, still on his knees, Agreas whispered, “Yes, Mistress.”

  Invisible yet able to see and hear everything that transpired, Jetrel watched Agreas walk from the council chambers in defeat. Good! The arrogant bastard deserved this and more.

  Lilith was handling herself beaut
ifully. Jetrel was awed by her daring and proud of her cunning. But it didn’t change the fact that others were touching her, tasting her!

  Arioch knelt before her next, his gaze bright and caressing. Jetrel clenched his fists. Balam cupped her breast, gently toying with the hardened nipple. Caressing her inner thighs, Arioch tested the resilience of her flesh.

  “You seem tense,” he taunted. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather take my cock?”

  “No! I am Jetrel’s mate. Only oral tribute is allowed.”

  “Then lift your legs to my shoulders and accept the worship of my mouth.”

  Her gaze searched the room. She was looking for him!

  I’m here, love. He sent the reassurance directly to her mind. Despite the jealousy clawing at his gut, he went a step further. You’re strong and beautiful. These males should be on their knees before you. Revel in your power. Be unashamed!

  Arioch chuckled. “I’m waiting.”

  Wetting her lips, Lilith raised her legs to Arioch’s shoulders and looked directly into his eyes. “So am I. Pleasure my flesh.”

  She spoke calmly, clearly. Her voice filled with challenge. She offered her flesh and only her flesh. Jetrel understood the distinction.

  Arioch traced her slit with his tongue, thoroughly exploring every fold. “Delicious! She is sweeter than honey.”

  Balam stroked her breasts, bending to taste her nipple. She arched into his caress, surrendering to the pleasure. Jetrel watched as Arioch parted her folds. She moaned softly. Jetrel ground his teeth.

  Lilith was magnificent. What male would not want her? Arioch stroked her skillfully, building her passion by degrees.

  Join me, my love. Share this pleasure. Partake of the power!

  Sinking deeper into her mind, Jetrel accessed the portion of her brain receiving the sexual stimuli. He felt Arioch’s tongue slide across her flesh and the pressure building within her core. Her clit engorged, the hood puffy and swollen. Arioch curled his tongue around it over and over, never touching the ultrasensitive center. Never before had Jetrel experienced release from a female perspective. It thrilled him yet tormented him. He wanted to be the one pleasuring her.


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