Sasha: The Wallflower (The Wallflower Series Book 1)

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Sasha: The Wallflower (The Wallflower Series Book 1) Page 6

by Fletcher, R. J.

  Changing the subject, Sasha asked, “So how did your date with Slade go?”

  Dina’s mood immediately lifted at the turn of the conversation. She scooted closer to Sasha as if she was going to tell her a secret. The look of interest in Sasha’s eyes was genuine and Dina felt that she could trust her with anything. At the thought of Slade, Dina’s mind was overcome with the feelings he had wrought from her in their brief date. She had never met a man so romantic and giving before. In her previous relationships, she had often been used or cheated. But this one felt different somehow. She knew it was the start of something great.

  “He was wonderful, Sasha. He knew me so well. Instead of dinner, we went to a gorgeous walk through the park with his dog, Sam!” She began to explain the date from start to finish as Sasha listened attentively.

  Dina had been deciding on the perfect top that would show the perfect amount of cleavage when she had received a call from Slade.

  “Hey, Dina. I’m really sorry for this but would you mind driving to my house. I would pick you up but there has been a bit of logistical issues.”

  Having been afraid he was cancelling, Dina immediately agreed and took his address. It wasn’t until she had been driving to his home that she questioned what he had meant about logistics. Thinking of the worst, her nerves increased. Even though she had been seeing Slade almost every week at the diner, their conversations had usually been impersonal. It hadn’t been until the last few weeks that she had seen a spark of interest in his eyes when she served him.

  While not arrogant, Dina had always been aware of her attractiveness. But she had never imagined her overly curvaceous figure would spark interest from him. Usually, she had only been approached by black and/or Hispanic men. It had been a first for her but his interest was definitely not unwelcomed. Since she had first met him, she had been overcome first by his sheer good looks and then by his sweet nature.

  Through the few conversations they had in the beginning, Dina had noticed that while not always right, he stuck to a moral code that was quite endearing. And, unlike other men who approached her, he had shown a genuine interest in getting to know the Dina outside of Al’s Diner. She had been able to tell just by his clothing that he was well-off but he had never bothered to talk about his career outside of causally mentioning that he worked in PR. So, she was not surprised when she first entered his neighborhood and rolled up in his driveway to see a home that was unique and beautiful.

  Double checking herself in the reflection from the glass door, she had knocked and taken in a deep breath. The door opened but as she opened her mouth to say hello her body was flung back into the lawn before her face was covered excitedly by the swipes of a fairly large tongue. She heard Slade yelling, “Sammy! Stop!” as she tried to roll away from beneath what was obviously a large dog.

  She kept her eyes and mouth shut to avoid the slobber until the heavy weight atop her chest was finally removed. Just as quickly, she was picked up and settled onto her feet.

  “Are you okay? I am so sorry. He tends to do that to people he meets for the first time.”

  Dina opened her eyes and found Slade looking down at her in concern. Tall herself, this was the first time she had noticed how much he towered over her. He had to be at least 6’ 2. Taking in his gorgeous features, Dina was speechless for a few moments before she nodded her head slowly.

  “D-do you mind if I use your restroom to wash my face?”

  Slade burst out into laughter at that. “Of course, Dina. Again, I am really sorry about this.” He grabbed her hand into his and led her inside. Dina looked behind her and saw a Bernese mountain dog with a shiny black coat follow behind them, panting with excitement. Sammy, as he was apparently called, sniffed at her in curiosity as Slade closed and locked the front door.

  “This day keeps getting worse. I never meant to have you come all the way out here to my house but my babysitter sort of cancelled on me last minute.”

  Dina perked at this. “Babysitter? I didn’t know you had children.”

  Slade grinned mischievously. He nodded at his dog. “Well, Sammy is the closest I’ve gotten. He is quite a little brat and prefers to always have company.”

  Realizing he meant a sitter for his dog, Dina laughed at herself. “Oh, that’s what you mean!” She shook her head at her mistake.

  Slade pointed her to his nearest bathroom. After she came back from washing her face and reapplying some make-up, she found him sitting on a large white couch in his living room. Dina approached shyly; he was petting his dog Sammy. At the sound of her appearance, he turned to her with a smile and stood up.

  “So, I was thinking about it and since it is such a wonderful day, would you mind visiting a doggy park. We could grab a bite to eat from a street vendor and walk around the lake.”

  Dina, a lover of the outdoors, nodded enthusiastically. She reached out a hand to pet Sammy, who licked at her palm and then followed Slade to the front door.

  “He sounds like he is a very sweet guy, Dina.” Sasha confessed, enjoying the look of contentment on her friend’s face as she relayed the events of the date.

  Dina felt her face heat at the thought of Slade. Throughout their time at the park, he had held her hand and led Sammy with the other. For the first time, she had felt as if a future was truly possible for her relationship with Slade. What had been weeks of mindless flirtation seemed to be budding into something meaningful and she honestly couldn’t wait until she saw him again.

  “Slade said that he and Dmitri would probably be very busy the next few weeks because of a really important client and changes in the firm so I don’t know when I’ll see him again. Do you think I should call since he hasn’t really called me back?”

  Sasha couldn’t give her an honest answer considering her own inexperience in such situations but she put on a brave face. “I don’t think there would be any harm in being the initiator. This time maybe you should be the one to ask him out.”

  They both watched as Faye and Jaelynn made their way over. Sasha took in a deep breath almost as if in preparation for a storm. Putting on a smile, she welcomed them with a hello. Dina said nothing, preferring to watch the dynamic between the three.

  “So”, Faye started, “I heard from Teagan that you are with Dmitri.” Jaelynn said nothing, obviously very intoxicated as she swayed back and forth with a silly grin on her face.

  Sasha was taken aback by Faye’s directness but waved it off as just friendly interest. “Yes, we actually started dating. I’m very excited!” As she expressed this, she felt a chill in her spine as Faye’s face turned into a grimace.

  “Well…I wonder how long it’ll last.”

  Dina, seeing the eventual turn of the conversation, intercepted. She realized in that moment just how naïve and innocent Sasha was. Could she not see that Faye was not at all trying to congratulate her? This person was not a friend! “Judging from what I’ve seen of them, I think they have as good a chance at becoming serious as anyone else.”

  Faye ignored her. She leaned in closer to Sasha and grasped her chin in sweaty fingers. Sasha could smell the hard liquor on her breath as she whispered, “Count your blessings because there is no way in hell a hot guy like Dmitri could ever stay interested in someone like you.” Jaelynn giggled and expressed her agreement in a drunkenly loud voice, “You got that right, girl!”

  Rage encompassed Sasha’s body as she saw in red. Shoving Faye’s hand off her face, she stood up and began to walk away. Something stopped her though. She remembered the many times Faye had given her a backhanded compliment or flat out mistreated her. This was supposed to be the night that she built a bridge in her friendship with both of them but now it seemed almost impossible. She wanted to believe that Faye’s hurtful remarks were only a result of a night of drinking but knew that alcohol usually brought out the truth. Faye had no filter that night, not that she tended to use it anyway.

  “You know, I wanted to be your friend,” Sasha revealed to Faye. “I thought we wer
e. How could you say that to me? Have you always disliked me?”

  At first, Faye said nothing to this. “First he chooses Teagan. Which I can understand to a certain extent. But then…you! Look at me, Sasha!” She gestured to her figure in the skintight dress. “I was offered a fucking modeling career! You’re nothing but a short, fat black virgin! You will never compare.” In her drunken rant she stood up and pointed a well-manicured finger in Sasha’s direction accusingly.

  Dina, having heard enough and frustrated with Sasha’s lack of response at Faye’s insults, stood up as well. She grabbed Faye’s blond locks from behind and pulled. Shoving the screaming blonde down onto the couch, Dina pressed a hand down onto her shoulder and spoke confidently, “Listen you blonde bitch, if you ever speak that way to Sasha again I will personally come and kick your skinny ass!”

  Faye shoved her hand away and scowled as Sasha pulled on Dina’s arm.

  “Don’t Dina. Let’s just go,” Sasha stated firmly.

  Reluctantly, Dina moved away. Her fists curled in anger as Faye yelled back after them, “Go, Sasha! And take that fat, ghetto bitch with you!”

  After ensuring that Teagan had a ride back to the apartment, both Dina and Sasha made their way from the club to Dina’s car. While pulling away from the curb, Dina glanced over at Sasha and saw her in a daze. Her face was completely blank, almost as if she hadn’t fully taken in the event at the club. She had always looked upon Sasha like a little sister since she had first started working at the diner. It had been pure instinct to stand up for her when she apparently still lacked the toughness needed to defend herself against people she wanted to still consider friends. Dina wondered why Sasha felt such a need for friendship, one that was clearly superficial from the beginning at best.

  “Forget about her, Sasha. I know this may sound cliché but she obviously is just jealous of your budding relationship with Dmitri.”

  At the mention of his name, Sasha automatically asked, “Could you drop me off at the Ritz?”

  Dina asked why but she didn’t bother to answer. Instead, she looked out the window at the passing lights until she saw the familiar building. Quickly, she thanked Dina for the ride in a small voice before leaving the vehicle. In the back of her mind, she heard Dina call out to her but she had complete tunnel vision. Passing security with no problem because of her continuous visits to his place, Sasha made her way to his floor and rung the bell.

  Her hands felt clammy as she waited. It was at least three in the morning on a Sunday but she honestly didn’t care. There was a silent craving to see him that she had held back in order to go out with ‘friends.’ But now she had finally succumbed.

  The door opened slowly to reveal Dmitri in just a pair of boxer briefs with his chest bare. His hair was messy with spikes and his eyes were narrowed, sensitive to the bright hallway lights. He had obviously been sleeping. He looked down at her in shock. Before he could speak, she interrupted.

  “Dmitri,” Sasha whispered. “I-I needed to see you. Can I come in?” As soon as she spoke, she felt her throat clog with unwanted tears. Sasha quickly shook her head reminding herself to be strong.

  Without saying a word, Dmitri took her hand and closed the door. Though exhausted from an interrupted night of sleep, he could tell from just one glance that Sasha was holding back tears. Still holding her hand, he led her to his bedroom. Taking a t-shirt from one of his drawers, he gave it to her and watched as she began to undress.

  Self-consciously, Sasha slid her feet from the high heels and wriggled her body from the form-fitting black dress. Dmitri didn’t bother to look away; taking the opportunity to look upon and admire her form in only a lace bra and panties. Though he felt aroused, he didn’t initiate anything. He knew that wasn’t what she needed right then. Instead, he waited until she had slipped on the shirt before grasping her hand and climbing into the large king size bed.

  Sasha felt her body melt into the sheets and fluffy comforter. She rested her head on the firm pillow and felt Dmitri’s body spoon behind her. His large arms wrapped around her waist and he rested his beard roughened chin on the top of her head, breathing in the familiar scent of her hair. Sasha placed her hands on Dmitri’s forearms. Caressing the hair she felt there, she smiled in contentment and wriggled closer to him before falling asleep.

  Chapter Eight

  The next morning, Sasha squirmed in the comfortable bed. She felt something hard between the cheeks of her butt and unconsciously swiped at it sleepily. The unfamiliar grunt she heard as her hands connected with warm, hairy flesh made her eyes pop open in alarm. She made the effort to sit up in bed but a strong grasp around her waist prevented movement. She looked down and the events of last night came flooding back as she saw Dmitri’s forearms resting against her stomach. The t-shirt he had given her, which was much too big, had bunched up around her waist so that the only thing separating her from his obvious and impressive morning wood was skimpy lace panties and the thin cloth of his boxer briefs.

  In an effort at self-preservation, she attempted to scoot farther away from his warm, hard body but his grasp around her waist only tightened. Mumbling in his sleep, he protested her movement by only scooting closer. Her eyes bugged out in horror as his erection once again settled between her butt cheeks. To add to her embarrassment she felt the slight back and forth motion of his hips. For a minute she misread his movements as a means of getting more comfortable, but soon realized that he was pumping his hips into her.

  Her cheeks became heated as she felt her body respond in kind. Dmitri released a guttural groan in her ear and his hands began to explore her lower body. Her breath hitched when his palm cupped her sex possessively and his hips began to pump with greater fervor. Sasha quickly grasped his thick wrist and tried to pry his palm away but instead released a deep moan of pleasure as his long, thick fingers began to play with the lips of her pussy through the lacy underwear.

  Her mouth opened in a silent gasp as he played with her clit. “Dmitri,” she mewled out loud. “You have to stop. Wake up.” She felt herself begin to lose the willpower to halt his actions as spurts of pleasure coursed through her body. She had never felt such desire before; her body was responding so easily to his machinations as indicated by the thorough wetness of her underwear.

  She gasped once again as he quickly moved on top of her, his hip and hand movements not pausing for one moment. Sasha rested on her stomach with Dmitri’s hand still grasping her pussy and the weight of him on her back. Her head tilted back in pleasure as he dug his face into her neck, groaning with desire. She knew he had to be awake by this point because his lips began to softly play with the delicate skin of her neck as he continued to grind his erection into the crease of her ass.

  “Ugh,” he grunted. “Take it baby.”

  Sasha’s hips began to move in rhythm with his, grinding simultaneously into the palm of his hand and his erection. She felt him reach down and release his cock from the confines of the boxer briefs, placing the length against her panty-covered pussy. Her flesh jumped at the touch of the hot organ but she instinctively raised her hips, arching her back to press back into him as hard as she could. Her fingers grasped the sheets roughly as she fought to hold back the primal moans that rose up into her throat. Sasha bit her bottom lip and enjoyed the feel of his cock rubbing back and forth against her soft and swollen lips.

  She loved the heat of his breath against her ear as his breathing steadily increased and the feel of his heavy weight bearing down on her. Dmitri reached out and interlaced their fingers as he ground his hips harder. It felt like he couldn’t get close enough to the warm wetness emanating from her pussy. He held back the strong desire to thrust inside her warmth and instead concentrated on giving her as much pleasure as possible. He had woken up in shock at the feel of her juicy ass cheeks hugging his cock but was even more surprised by her responsiveness to his pumping hips. He had been having a wet dream exactly about her when he had bothered to open his eyes.

  ‘This is so
much better than a fucking dream,’ he thought to himself.

  He could feel the sloshing of their privates as she became wetter with each grind against her lips. It was as if there was a river between her thick thighs. He pressed his lips against her ears,

  “Mmm, you like that, baby? I want to be inside you so bad.”

  Sasha shivered at his exclamation. “Not...ready,” she was barely able to get out.

  Reaching a hand beneath her body, Dmitri fingered her clit and began to grind faster. He felt the cum boiling in his balls; he was ready and, judging from the shivers that violently rocked her body beneath him, he knew his baby was close too.

  “Dmitri!” she screamed.

  Wanting to get even closer to her, Dmitri grasped her small chin in his large palm and turned her face to him. Taking her lips, he caressed her tongue with his own in a sloppy kiss. They moaned, overcome by their desire for each other. Simultaneously, he pressed harder on her clit and enjoyed the sharp clenching of her muscles beneath him as she jerked uncontrollably and came. Thoroughly enjoying the rush of wetness released by her orgasm, Dmitri ground closer to her pussy as much as possible and released a stream of cum directly onto her lips.

  “Ugh,” he grunted, still kissing her roughly.

  In jerky movements, he continued to pump his hips until his cock had completed spurting onto her underwear and the sheets. For a moment, he held himself over her, exchanging between nuzzling her neck and kissing her lips possessively. With a regretful sigh, he eventually rolled over, immediately missing the contact of her small body beneath his.


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