Valentines Heat IV

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Valentines Heat IV Page 1

by Anne Lange, Nikki Dee Houston, Arianna Archer

  Table of Contents


  Table of Contents

  Look for these titles from the Authors

  Title Page

  Copyright Warning



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  About Anne Lange

  Also by Anne Lange

  FLIGHT OF FANCY by Nikki Dee Houston

  About Nikki Dee Houston

  Also by Nikki Dee Houston

  RUBY’S VALENTINE by Arianna Archer

  About Arianna Archer

  Coming Soon from Arianna Archer

  More Valentines Heat from Etopia Press

  Look for these titles from the Authors

  Now Available

  By Anne Lange

  The Vault Series

  Friends with Benefits

  (Friends and More Book One)

  Hers to Own

  (The McBride Men: Kade)

  Worth the Risk

  Coming Soon

  Wicked Indulgence

  The Vault Series: Friends and More

  By Nikki Dee Houston

  All Fired Up

  Picture Perfect

  By Arianna Archer

  Coming Soon

  The Alchemist

  Red's Wolf

  More Valentines Heat Anthologies

  Valentines Heat I (Paranormal/Urban Fantasy)

  Ally Shields, Nessie Strange, Keith Melton, CL Bledsoe

  Valentines Heat II (Historical/Contemporary Romance)

  Elizabeth Ellen Carter, Cynthia Hampton

  Valentines Heat III (Erotic Paranormal/Sci-Fi Romance)

  Christy Gissendaner, Jayne Ripley

  Valentines Heat IV (Erotic and Ménage Romance)

  Anne Lange, Nikki Dee Houston, Lyssa Jackson, Arianna Archer

  Valentines Heat IV

  Erotic Romance and Ménage

  Anne Lange

  Nikki Dee Houston

  Arianna Archer

  Etopia Press

  Copyright Warning

  EBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold, shared, or given away. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is a crime punishable by law. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded to or downloaded from file sharing sites, or distributed in any other way via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000 (ttp://

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Published By

  Etopia Press

  136 S. Illinois Ave. Suite 212

  Oak Ridge, TN 37830

  Valentines Heat IV

  “The Perfect Moment” Copyright © 2015 by Anne Lange

  “Flight of Fancy” Copyright © 2015 by Nikki Dee Houston

  “Ruby’s Valentine” Copyright © 2015 by Arianna Archer

  ISBN: 978-1-941692-54-7

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Etopia Press electronic publication: February 2015


  The Vault Series: Friends & More, Book 1.5

  ~ Dedication ~

  For the fans who wanted to see more of Tyler, Angela, and Connor from Friends with Benefits.


  “Hey, Tyler. What’s up?” Connor Jones paused to peek into the family room as he passed by on his way into the kitchen, his cell phone pressed tight to his ear. Thankfully he’d set it to vibrate so the ringing wouldn’t disturb Angela, who was crashed out on the couch in their family room.

  “Just wanted to let you know I’ll be heading home shortly. I have to send a few emails before I leave. Do I need to pick anything up on the way?”

  This had been the routine since they became a family—him, his best friend Tyler, and Tyler’s wife, Angela. Now his wife as well, though perhaps not legally, but the three of them didn’t require a piece of paper to define their unique bond. And to those few people invited to their special commitment ceremony last summer, there was no question she belonged to the two of them equally, and they to her.

  Because both he and Tyler each owned their own company, their jobs granted them a certain amount of freedom. And since Angela’s firm had officially granted her mobile worker status, she spent half her week working from their home office. So when at all possible, either he or Tyler spent the day at the house so they could each spend some one-on-one time with Angela—even it was a simple as existing in the same space—leaving the evenings free for the three of them to be together.

  “No. We’re good. I’ve got a roasting chicken ready to go in the oven.”

  “How’s our girl?”

  Connor knew his mouth curled up into a smile. It always did when he looked at the woman he’d do anything for. “Sleeping like an angel.”

  Angela lay curled up on her side, sound asleep on the sofa, a soft smile played on her lips, her blond hair curling around her face. Soft rock played low through the television. She looked so peaceful, but as he narrowed his eyes, he noticed, not for the first time this past week, the dark circles under her eyes. He’d discuss it with Tyler later tonight. She had to be working too hard. Between the contracts she was working on and trying to keep up with the needs of two men and the house, she clearly needed some down time.

  If somebody had told him just two years ago, that he’d be here now, living in a new city, owning his own construction firm and part of a ménage relationship, he would have called them a fool for even suggesting such a thing.

  And yet, this was his life. Connor was totally head over heels in love with his best friend’s wife and committed through a formal ceremony to her, and she to both of them. Not everyone in their community was aware of the lifestyle they lived. Most family and friends who knew them accepted it. Others did not. Some presumed he and Tyler were gay, missing the whole I’m-with-her, she’s-with-us vibe they each generated.

  Thankfully they had The Vault to go to when they needed a night out without placing restrictions on how they behaved or having to explain the nuances of a male-female-male ménage.

  Those times they ventured out into a public venue, not sure of who might condemn their threesome, Tyler took the lead, and Connor played the part of a close friend. After the scene at that bar that very first time they’d gone out two summers ago, they never wanted a repeat. Angela had been more upset about the fight Tyler got into with the jerk who had manhandled her on the dance floor, figuring she was fair game since he’d seen her dancing with two men. He and Tyler had been more concerned for her reputation and refused to put her through that again.

  It meant that they carefully selected the family and friends they told. But they’d made many new friends through Gabe McBride and his brothers who owned The Vault, an exclusive adult club. There, they didn’t have to hide their relationship from anybody. They didn’t have to curb their desires. They could play and display their affection openly.

  “She’s been doing that a lot lately. She e
ven fell asleep watching the movie last night, and it was one of her favorites.” He could hear Tyler clicking away on his computer as he spoke, but not wanting to wake Angela, Connor waited until he reached the kitchen to respond.

  “I know. Maybe she just needs a night out, some fresh air. Valentine’s Day is next week. Why don’t we plan a nice dinner out and then end the evening at The Vault? Gabe’s probably planned a lovers’ theme night.”

  “Good idea. I’ll make a reservation at that steakhouse she likes and we’ll surprise her.”

  Connor cringed inwardly. “Not sure that’s a good idea, buddy. I tried surprising her last week with lunch and she almost took my head off.”

  Tyler’s deep laughter resounded through the phone. “Must have been in the delivery.”

  “Are you telling me that ‘honey, I picked up some fresh salads and submarine sandwiches for our lunch today’ is the somehow offensive?” He remembered how she’d looked at him as though he’d offered a measly piece of moldy bread and a glass of water. The woman had growled like a wild animal and retreated to her office, slamming the door in her wake. He’d actually contemplated grilling a steak for her instead. But then she’d emerged an hour later, a completely different woman. All cuddly, sexy, talkative, and starved, like she hadn’t had a meal in days. She’d devoured the sandwich and salad, humming in pleasure the entire time, and followed it up with an apple and a large glass of milk. Then she’d fallen asleep by mid-afternoon.

  Maybe she needed to see a doctor.

  “She definitely has been a touch moody lately. I caught her reading one of her books the other day, sobbing like somebody had died. When I asked her about it, she said the couple had just gotten married.” He paused. “Just to be on the safe side, I’ll make the reservations and then we’ll tell her. Better to be cautious. I wouldn’t want to be kicked out of our bed.”

  Connor chuckled. “I’ll see you soon, Ty.”

  They ended the call and Connor started dinner preparations. Since he had his foreman overseeing his current project, he’d been able to work from home for the last couple of weeks while he did some research and scoped out a few potential projects to bid on. He needed some smaller filler jobs for one of his crews and with spring only weeks away, by the time he submitted his proposals and negotiated any offers, they’d have just enough time to mobilize and begin work as soon as the ground thawed.

  He’d just put the chicken in oven and was tidying up when he heard the quiet patter of Angela’s sock-covered feet coming up behind him. She slipped her hands around his waist, linked her fingers together and pressed her cheek to his back, pinning him to the kitchen counter he’d been wiping down.

  “Hey, sweetheart. Nice nap?”

  “Yes. I swear, I only sat down for a few minutes to read over a report I’ve been working on and I guess I fell asleep.”

  He heard her jaw crack, she yawned so wide. “Sounds like you’re still tired.”

  “Nope, I’m good. That cat nap did wonders.”

  “That wasn’t any cat nap, Angela. You’ve been asleep for over two hours.”

  “What! That can’t be right. Damn. I guess I should get dinner started then. Tyler will be home any time.”

  He turned around, placing his hands on her hips. “Already taken care of.”

  “Awe, aren’t you a fantastic husband. Thank you.” She cocked a delicately arched brow and gave him a naughty leer. “I think for that you deserve a treat.”

  His breath stuttered and his cock twitched in delight, but he tamped it down and placed his hands on her shoulders with the intent of setting her away from him. “Seriously, sweetheart, why don’t you take it easy? Read for a bit or watch some television. I’ve got things covered in here.”

  Angela edged closer and batted those baby blues of hers before she dropped her gaze, her hands moving to his belt—those dainty fingers fast and loose with the buckle.

  “But I’d much rather give you this present. And, in fact, this particular type of gift not only gives, but it also receives,” she said, her voice all husky from her nap. She glanced up at him from beneath a fringe of dark lashes. “And I’m definitely in the mood to receive.”

  He sucked in a breath as she tugged the leather through the metal buckle, then undid the button on the top of his jeans. Angela lowered the zipper, her gaze glued to his, her eyes widening ever so slightly, her pupils dilating as she pulled it down, tine by tine, drawing out the moment, building the anticipation for both of them.

  The furnace kicked on and the hiss of heated air being forced through the vents filled the kitchen, along with a few sizzles and pops from the chicken in the oven. He could smell the garlic salt he’d been liberal with, mixed in with a hint of fresh rosemary. His mouth watered, but it wasn’t for the food.

  He should stop her. “Angela—”

  “Take off your shirt, Connor. I want to see that hot-as-hell six pack.”

  He smirked at the order. Knowing she had no intention of listening to him, and unable to resist her, he did her bidding, yanking his shirt over his head and tossing it to the opposite counter. He didn’t want anything obstructing his view.

  Angela’s warm hands slipped into the waistband of his pants. She slid them around his body, her touch lighting a fire beneath his skin, causing his muscles to quiver. Pushing the denim over his hips, she tugged them down his legs until they settled around his knees.

  Slowly, she lowered to the floor, finally removing her gaze from his as she came face to face with his hard cock. Her tongue slipped out to caress first her top lip, then her bottom, leaving them shiny and kissable.


  Angela wrapped both hands around his length, left on top of right. She leaned forward and kissed the tip. Connor gulped as her tongue darted out and licked across the top of his cock. Her eyes drifted shut, her long lashes resting against the top of her cheekbones. Her hair spilled down her back in thick waves. God, she looked beautiful. Truly like an angel resting at his feet.

  When she opened her mouth wide and took him inside, Connor gripped the counter on either side of him. She swirled the flat of her tongue over him, dipping to rub back and forth under the crest of his dick. He hissed a breath between his teeth. So warm. So soft and delicate. So incredibly sexy.

  Such a fucking turn on.

  She removed one hand and stroked the other one lower, following with her mouth, taking him inch by inch, her mouth stretching wide around him. She came up and bobbed back down, her hand meeting her lips each time.

  Her other hand wasn’t idle. She cupped his balls, gathered them into her palm, warming them, massaging them. Just gentle movement. Light enough to drive him crazy. Firm enough to lock his knees in place.

  Connor focused on the top of her head, targeting in on the varying shades of blond as her head moved up and down and dipped and twisted in her maneuvers. Then she released him. Immediately, he felt the loss as cooler air swept over his slickened flesh. She tilted her head, angling to lick a sensual path up his shaft. The process slow, a little rough, but utterly erotic—especially when she opened her eyes to catch him watching her. She sat back on her heels, her swollen lips pursed, and used her hand to pump up and down, her grip firm. Just how he liked it.

  “Feel good?”

  He growled. “You know it does. But, baby, you don’t need to—”

  “Mmm. Tastes good too. I wonder how fast I can make you come.”

  Any further argument died on his lips. Maybe if they took it slow. “At the speed you’re going, I can probably last a while.”

  She returned her attention to her task, swirling her tongue around his length, moving up one side, lightly grazing her teeth along the skin, giving the head some suction before teasing the tiny slit, and then working her way down the other side.

  And maybe not. “Then again, if you’d care to increase the pace, and perhaps the pressure of that hot little mouth of yours, I’m sure I can accommodate your wish.”

  She smirked, or rather, he gu
essed she tried to, but it was kind of difficult with her mouth full.

  Connor slid his fingers into her soft tresses, gripped the sides of her head, and took control.

  “Put your hands on my thighs, honey.”

  She did, the tips of her finger nails curling into his skin like a cat trying to find purchase. He groaned at the bite of pain. Using just his firm hold, Connor rocked his hips forward, pushing his cock past her lips and to the back of her tongue. He withdrew before her gag reflex could kick in and then thrust forward again. Drops of saliva pooled at the corners of her mouth as he tunneled in and out, his speed increasing progressively, his breath coming in harsh pants, sweat popping out on his forehead.

  “God, that feels like heaven, Angela. I wish you were naked so I could watch you play with yourself.”

  Balancing herself with one palm on his leg, she grunted and shoved her hand down the front of her dark grey leggings. He might not be able to see her flesh or watch her spread her pussy lips and dip a finger inside, but he could see the outline of her fist as she worked her clit and then slipped down so she could plunge a finger deep into her hole.

  Connor groaned as the image filled his mind.

  His ears registered the sound of the front door opening and closing. Then booted footsteps as they echoed on the hardwood, approaching the kitchen. Connor glanced up just as Tyler appeared in the doorway and came to an abrupt stop. His friend’s gaze darted down to his wife. Tyler watched with rapt attention as Connor fucked Angela’s mouth and she did something just as naughty inside her pants. Connor fought to keep his rhythm when Tyler tossed him a grin and then refocused on Angela. When Tyler leaned a shoulder against the door frame and got comfortable, Connor closed his eyes for a brief moment, letting the pleasure of Angela’s mouth take over.


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