Johnnie Walker: It’s All In The Whiskey

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Johnnie Walker: It’s All In The Whiskey Page 13

by Talty, Jen

  The dogs stood in the foyer, looking between the door and her, confusion etched in their eyes. But that wasn’t as bad as the hurt she’d seen in JW’s. It was as if someone deflated all the positive happy energy from his body, leaving him with nothing but misery.

  “Crap.” She sat down on the sofa, patting the cushions. King barked, racing over and jumping on the sofa, resting his nose on her lap. Kong did a little dance before climbing up on the other side, curling up in a tight ball next to her. Opening Safari on her phone, she googled JW Whiskey and Bella Brothers.

  No matter what happened next, she needed the truth.

  “Wow,” she whispered. A dozen or so hits came up. She clicked on the one that read: JW Whiskey, Vindicated.

  Today, Bella Brothers admitted she lied about her ex-fiancé beating her two months ago. Her attorney held a press conference on her behalf, stating that Bella had been suffering from depression. He hinted, but didn’t state specifically, that Bella blamed JW for her mental state but was doing her best to move past the bad decision. When asked who actually beat Bella, her attorney said steps were being taken to make sure the perpetrator would be brought to justice.

  “Well, that’s vague.” She clicked on another article.

  Rodeo Weekly has obtained a statement from JW Whiskey regarding his ex-fiancée’s recent admittance that he did not abuse her physically on the night he broke his own world record. In an interview, JW stated he’s deeply saddened by Bella’s mental state and wishes nothing but the best for her. He would not comment on the rumors Bella may have hired someone to hurt her in order to get back at him for calling off the wedding.

  Well, shit. If only he’d come home twenty minutes later, after she’d read the other articles. She’d have to make him understand the timing had been horrible and that she fought believing he could have ever committed such a horrific crime. Not to mention that her ex hadn’t sent her all the information. She scrolled through a few more articles, all indicating that JW had been falsely accused, and he’d been exonerated from all offenses. Based on what Kitty had read, Bella had gone into hiding, while JW remained in the public eye, constantly trying to show, without telling the world, he was indeed a good man, incapable of intentionally hurting anyone.

  She tapped on Preston’s contact information and set the phone to speaker, resting it on her lap while she petted both dogs, feeling the comfort and love they provided.

  “Finally,” Preston’s voice rang out so loud, both dogs popped their heads up, staring at her like she’d committed a crime.

  “Why did you send me that link and not the rest of it?” No point in beating around the bush.

  “What do you mean? I’ve talked with his ex. He’s a monster.”

  “She’s a liar and a bitch,” she said with venom lacing every word. Any woman who would falsely accuse a man of such atrocities was no woman at all. “If you Google him and her, you will find out she made up the entire thing. He never laid a finger on her, and all charges were dropped.”

  “That’s not what she says, and Eric said he’s—”

  “Eric is a self-absorbed asshole who will do just about anything to get into a woman’s pants, or have you forgotten about him making a move on me while we were dating?”

  The silence on the phone grew until it became deafening. Of course, Preston had forgotten considering he’d easily forgiven Eric, actually suggesting she’d led Eric on, as if his hands on her ass was her fault.

  “I’m trying to protect my wife,” he said. “JW isn’t the man for you. I still love you, Kitty.”

  She laughed.

  “I don’t see what’s so funny.”

  “For starters, I’m not your wife.” She cleared her throat. “You and Bella trying to break up me and JW, that’s what’s hysterical.” Only it worked. “I don’t love you, and I don’t want you in my life. Back off or the second I land in Baltimore, I will file a restraining order. And tell Eric and Bella to fuck off as well. JW has had it with her drama.” Before Preston could say another word, she hit the end button and dropped her head to the back of the sofa. “King and Kong, how the hell am I going to win JW back? If he was ever mine to begin with.”

  Chapter Eleven

  JW waited until well after two in the afternoon before heading back to the main house. He avoided going back there until after he knew Kitty had to leave to catch her flight; he had plenty to deal with, considering he almost lost a cow last night. Thankfully, he’d been able to save the cow and the calf. Both were thriving, and there was no reason for him to hover over them. Hell, technically, he was still on vacation, and everyone on the ranch had reminded him of that.

  He checked with the housekeeper who had informed him that the dogs had been let out and fed. He hadn’t asked if Kitty had done it or if she’d left the ranch, and his housekeeper hadn’t offered the information. He had to assume Kitty was now tucked away on a plane somewhere in the sky. He thought about checking with his driver, but he figured if there had been a problem, his driver would have called.

  He pushed open the garage door, heading into his house through the family room instead of the foyer. King and Kong greeted him in their usual fashion with their tails wagging, but Kong kept rushing toward the entrance to the kitchen. “What is it, Kong?”

  He jumped on his hind legs and yelped, something he did when he was happy, which sent JW into a darker mood. If his dogs were happy she was gone, that said a lot.

  Digging into the jar of treats by the door, he pulled out some jerky. “Here you go.” He patted the dogs on their heads before dropping the treats to the ground. They were all he needed. They were loyal and understood that actions spoke louder than anything else, including stupid, outdated newspaper articles.

  He reminded himself that Kitty leaving had been for the best. No need to drag out a long-distance relationship that was doomed regardless of whether she believed in his innocence or not.

  After kicking off his boots, his nostrils picked up the scent of buttered potatoes and if he wasn’t mistaken, beef and onions, much like the shepherd’s pie he’d experienced at McCurdy’s.

  Wishful thinking on his part.

  All he wanted was a hot shower and a bed, but not his bed. Not until he got the sweet smell of strawberries out of his sheets.

  Kong stopped at the entrance to the kitchen and started barking nonstop. It was more like a frantic yelp. King started running in circles and growled.

  “What the heck has gotten into the two of you? Do you need to go out?”

  Neither dog stopped their insanity.

  “If you’re missing Kitty, get over her. She’s not coming back.”

  “I never left.” Kitty’s voice slapped his ears like a bull stepping on his chest.

  His pulse jumped right out of his skin. Standing in the opening to the kitchen, he tilted his head, staring at the redheaded raven who wore an oversized apron.

  He raised his wrist, glancing at his watch. “You missed your flight.”

  “I know,” she said, tossing a dish rag over her shoulder like she’d done a dozen times in the pub.

  The dogs continued to go nuts.

  “To your beds,” she commanded as if she’d been dealing with King and Kong for their entire lives.

  The dogs stopped barking and stared at her for a long second before scampering off to the doggie beds they almost never used unless commanded to when people other than family had been in the house, so the fact they did what she asked was beyond amazing.

  “Classes start on Monday,” he said.

  “There is a flight tomorrow morning at seven.”

  “That is going to make for one exhausting first day of classes,” he said, setting his hat on the counter as he pulled back the kitchen stool. Last night, when he’d gotten closer, she’d moved away from him out of fear.

  Today, she held her ground.

  He wasn’t sure if that was good or not.

  “We need to talk about what happened last night,” she said, bending i
n front of the oven. “Are you hungry?”

  “I am,” he admitted. He wanted to let his guard down. He cared more about this woman than he dared to admit, but he didn’t want his heart stomped on again.

  “Good. I made one of my favorites.” She pulled out one of his glass dishes. The fond memory of corn, onions, peppers, meat, and potatoes assaulted his good senses. “I’ve come to love that dish.”

  “I’m glad,” she said, scooping out a healthy portion and slapping it on a dish.

  He desperately tried to hold on to his anger. He told himself he was just protecting himself from the kind of pain that could kill a man.

  “I’m sorry about I how reacted last night. You came home at about the worst time possible.” She leaned on the counter, her elbows resting on the granite, her hands cradling her cheeks. She held his gaze, her soft, green eyes lulling him into a world where Kitty became the center of attention.

  “How so?”

  “I’d read only the link my ex sent me.” She held up her hand, cutting him off from saying something really stupid, because the words forming in his brain would have come out sarcastic, not helping the situation at all. “All I knew the second you walked through the front door was that you’d been arrested, not that your ex had falsely accused you of something you didn’t do.”

  “But you believed it.” He stumbled over the words, wishing he could forget the fear etched on her face. He appreciated she stayed to apologize, and he’d accept her apology, but it in no way erased that she thought the worst of him.

  “That’s not true. I couldn’t fathom you doing anything like that, but the images were fresh in my mind. I hadn’t had time to process it and search for more information.”

  He pushed the food around on the plate, taking a couple of bites. He could imagine the shock of finding out the man you’re sleeping with had been accused of physically hurting a woman. “You were still afraid of me,” he said.

  “Not of you, but of what I read. And I was angry that you hadn’t told me about what happened. Finding out like that made it feel like you were hiding it from me.”

  He lifted his gaze. Her green eyes filled with anxiety, not horror. “It’s not something you toss out there on the first couple of dates, especially when it’s supposed to be a one-night stand.”

  “You knew what I went through with Preston.” She cocked her head. “And the second I got on that plane, we entered new territory.”

  “Put yourself in my shoes. You saw how people reacted to me the other night. It doesn’t matter that I’m innocent; people still gossip, and Bella can still put on a show. To see that kind of distress in your face killed me.” A knot of anger fisted inside his gut. His family had thought he should have been more outspoken about his innocence from the beginning. They also thought he should have trashed his ex every chance he got, but that would have just made him look like an asshole.

  In silence, Kitty untied the apron, folded it neatly, and set it on the counter. She dragged her fingers across the counter as she made her way to his side.

  He swiveled the stool, and she eased herself between his legs, resting her soft hands on his shoulders. Holding her gaze, he took in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “I’m sorry I doubted you for even a second. I can’t take it back, but I’ll try like hell to make it up to you.”

  “The shepherd’s pie was a good start.” He smoothed his hands over her hips. “Staying tonight might help.”

  “Might help?”

  He nodded, biting back a smile. “Letting me pay to rebook your flight might seal the deal.”

  She pressed her chest against his, her fingers clasped behind his neck. “I might let you do that since I choked on the change fee when I looked into it.”

  In a matter of minutes, his entire world changed.


  “There is something you should know before you head home,” he said, wanting to make sure he didn’t fuck up his second chance.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “Well, two things. First, I’m coming with you.”

  “I’m going to be working, and I’ve got school,” she said with her lips less than an inch from his. “I’m not going to have a lot of free time.”

  “I’ll take the breadcrumbs.”

  “What’s the second?”

  This was certainly going to be a buzzkill. “Bella will be in Baltimore.” Her name burned his tonsils as if he’d swallowed the stick he used to brand his logo onto his cattle.

  “I know.”

  He jerked his head back. “How? I just found out the day we got to the ranch.”

  “Preston told me.”

  “I’m not a jealous man, but I really hate that guy and wish you’d tell him to fuck off,” he muttered.

  “I told him last night if he didn’t back off, I’d file a restraining order.”

  He slipped his hands under her shirt, his fingers tickling her spine, forcing her to arch into him. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the arrest.” When his lips touched hers, a spark ignited deep in his soul. “I want this—us—to work.”

  “It’s not going to be easy,” she said. Her eyes seemed to search his face for some kind of answer, or maybe understanding. “I’m not going to give up school. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am, and I want to be a teacher.”

  He cupped her face, fanning his thumbs over her cheeks. “I’d never ask you to give up your dreams for me. I only ask that maybe there is a place for me, and this ranch, in your future.”

  “In less than six months, I’ll need to put applications in for grad school. Let’s see how things go, and maybe I can get my master’s degree here.”

  “You could really make a difference here on the ranch with the educational programs I’ve started.”

  “I’d like to learn more about that.”

  “Looks like I’m going to be racking up the frequent flyer miles over the next year.” He pressed his lips over hers and tangled their tongues in a promise of love and admiration. “You’re all I’ll ever need,” he whispered.


  One year later…

  JW leaned against the wall, staring at Kitty while she talked to her brother. She had removed her cap and gown, but the smile on her face when the dean handed her a rolled-up piece of paper that represented her degree probably would remain forever. He’d beamed with pride when they called her name and she walked across the stage. The last year had been tough and long. He’d flown out to Baltimore every chance he could, but it was never often enough. She’d only been to the ranch twice in the last year. Once during the holidays and once shortly after for an interview at the university. Teaching jobs were scarce in his community, but he knew how much teaching meant to her and how much taking care of his employees meant to him.

  Her ideas for the educational expansion on the farm were nothing short of spectacular, and he wanted her to spearhead it.

  Now, all he had to do was ask her.

  And not just about the job.

  He dug his hand into his pocket, fingering his mother’s engagement ring, second-guessing whether he should give it to her or not. The last woman had refused because it wasn’t glitzy enough.

  “You look like a man who’s terrified of what he’s about to do,” Patrick said as he handed JW a drink.

  “I’m afraid she’ll say no,” JW admitted.

  “She’s moving to Idaho; I doubt she’ll say no.”

  “There is room at the ranch for everyone.” JW had offered it before, and her family knew they were always welcome, even if they wanted to make it permanent.

  “Trust me, we’ll be visiting on a regular basis.” Patrick slapped JW on the shoulder. “Now tell me what is bugging you, son.”

  Over the course of the last year, her father had become more than possibly a future father-in-law, but a man JW valued and looked up to. Patrick had worked hard his entire life to support his family. He was a proud man.

  A good man.

/>   The kind of man, husband, and father JW aspired to be.

  “I’m honestly afraid she’ll hate the ring.” His mother’s elegant, but small diamond was nothing like the extravagant ring set he’d seen in pictures from when she’d been married to Preston. Sure, JW could more than afford to buy her whatever she wanted, and he would, but having the woman he loved wear his mother’s ring meant the world to him.

  “You’re overthinking this.” Patrick gave him a nudge. “Now get over there and ask my daughter to marry you before my wife lets the cat out of the bag. Twice today, she’s taken Kitty by the hand, looking at her finger, then frowning when there is nothing there to scream over.”

  “What, here? Now?” JW swallowed the thick lump that had formed in his throat earlier that day, making it impossible to propose anytime they had been alone. What made her father think he could do it in front of her family?

  “Yes. Hey, Kitty.” Patrick waved. “JW needs a word with you.”

  “I can’t believe you just tossed me under the bus,” he muttered.

  “Break my little girl’s heart, and I’ll drive the bus over you.”

  “Not helping.” JW sucked in a deep breath as Kitty glided across the room like an angel floating down from heaven. Everything about her made him want to be a better person. Her smile filled the room and his heart with love.

  “Hey there, Cowboy,” she mused, gliding her fingers up his one and only sport coat. “You dress up real nice.”

  “I feel naked without my hat, which by the way, I’ve finally broken in.”

  “I was thinking that one might look better—”

  He pressed his index finger to her moist, plump lips. “Break in your own and before I lose my nerve.” He cleared his throat. “I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” With a shaky hand, he held up the ring.

  She gasped. “Is that an engagement ring?”

  Butterflies filled his stomach. Kitty was his life. His future. Nothing made sense without her. But the memory of his mother was equally important. He wanted to honor her in a way that would have made her proud. “It was my mother’s.” He slid it onto her finger.


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