What Her Heart Desires [Loving in Silver 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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What Her Heart Desires [Loving in Silver 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 19

by Lynn Stark

  Moaning, Chase rolled onto his back, spreading his legs as Chance worked a finger into his ass, Chance’s thumb stroking Chase’s perineum until Chase began to pant. He needed fucked in the worst way and couldn’t pretend he didn’t. Chance sucked and licked Chase’s lips as their kiss ended.

  “Get the lube,” Chase whispered desperately. “I need you now.”

  “Hold on, baby,” Chance returned softly. Chase groaned as the finger left him as Chase turned to open the drawer on the bedside table. He was back a moment later, the lube and a condom in his hand. “Is this what you wanted me to get?” Chase nodded. “Hold out your hand. I want you to stretch yourself for me.”

  Lube was applied to his fingers. Chase immediately began stretching the tight ring of muscles, his gaze fixed to Chance as he rolled the condom down the length of his cock. The sight was enough to make Chase’s asshole clench, as he imagined Chase’s cock pushing deep into his dark channel, filling and stretching him.

  “I love watching you fuck yourself with your fingers,” Chance whispered, brushing his lips over Chase’s. “It’s hot.”

  “I love when you watch,” Chase told him, his voice a thin wisp of sound. His balls were beginning to tighten. It wouldn’t be long before he came. “I need you now.” Sliding his hands behind his thighs, Chase pulled his legs to his chest.

  Chance moved over him, guiding the head of his cock to Chase’s twitching hole. Their gazes locked as Chance pushed forward, connecting their bodies as intimately as two people could. They shared a breath, their hearts pounded, as Chance began to move slowly at first, and then with greater speed and intensity. Excitement rippled over Chase’s skin. It grew hot as his pulse raced and the world closed in around them, shutting out everything but what was happening between them.

  Shaking, Chase bit his lip to prevent himself from shouting at Chance to fuck him harder. He doubted Kane and Ellen would sleep through the activity on the bed beside him, but he didn’t want to scare them awake.

  A tortured groan left Chase’s lips as Chase changed the angle of his penetration and began to fuck Chase hard and fast, the head of his cock striking Chase’s gland with pleasing regularity. He dropped his legs onto Chase’s broad shoulders and reached between their bodies to wrap his fingers around his aching cock. He had held off long enough. He needed to come. Stroking his cock, his thumb swiping over the cum-slick head, Chase closed his eyes to once again focus only on what was happening between Chance and him.

  “Come, babe,” Chance whispered.

  Chase came, ropes of pearly liquid jetting out over his chest and abs. His asshole clamped down hard on Chance’s cock, making it nearly impossible for the other man to move. Muscles seized up as his orgasm crashed over him again and again. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t move. Then he felt it, Chance’s cock swelling in his ass, signaling Chance’s orgasm.

  Touching and kissing was as important afterward as the physical joining of their bodies as they made love. They remained together for as long as was possible, only necessity parting them.

  A short time later, Chase and Chance were settling down beside a pair of snickering lovers. Obviously Kane and Ellen had not slept through their romantic antics. Smiling, Chase reached beneath the blankets to find a soft middle. Ellen shrieked as he tickled her.

  When he stopped, the blankets were tossed back. “Thanks. Now I have to pee.”

  “Anytime.” Chase laughed as she crawled out of bed, making a point of coming close to squashing his nuts as she did so.

  Chance slapped Ellen on the ass as she crawled over him and out of the bed. Chase, Kane, and Chance propped themselves up on their elbows to admire Ellen’s beautiful moonlit backside as she walked to bathroom.

  When the door closed behind her, Chase turned to kiss Kane. Kane stroked the side of Chase’s face as their lips lingered. A sigh escaped him. The night was perfect.

  Life was good. As he settled in for the night, Chase hoped their lives together only continued to get better. Sure, there would be rough patches. There always were, simply because that was part of life. It was to be expected.

  At the moment, all Chase could see were good things, because that was the way he chose to look at life. He fell asleep holding hands with one lover and being caressed by another.

  * * * *

  Seven months later

  Raising children the second time around wasn’t much different than it had been the first time, Ellen thought as she wandered, accompanied by Kane, Chance, and Chase, through the department store, watching as Dirk and Derek began to make choices for their new school wardrobe. School started in a week and they had a lot to do.

  They laughed as Dirk tried making choices for his baby brother, all of which Derek rejected. He was at the age when he wanted colorful T-shirts and jeans. Derek was choosing mostly button-down shirts and slacks, with only a few T-shirts and jeans thrown in. Shoes and boots were tried on, tried out, and chosen. A saleswoman helped by carrying everything to the counter as decisions were made.

  After leaving the store, they had lunch at Vinnie’s Pizzeria before going to the office supply store to get school supplies. Of course, a visit to the mall always included going to the music store, because their sons had developed a love for their music on vinyl.

  “We can’t be too long,” Ellen reminded them as they left the music store and Dirk asked if they could stop by the pet store for food for his ferret. “Bart is expecting us for supper at seven.”

  Dirk began to dance around them. “Bart and I have to finish that game of checkers we started! He said he might teach me how to play chess. He says I have a good brain for games.”

  The elderly man and the boys had taken an instant liking to each other. They spent hours together on the weekends. The old hotel, Bart’s home since his own childhood, was getting closer to being fully restored. He kept after the workers and made subtle and not-so-subtle suggestions to Kane about how something in the hotel should be. Dirk and Derek followed Bart around the hotel, listening raptly to the stories the elderly man told. And he was full of stories, some of which had to be censored for younger listeners.

  Magnus, Kane’s brother and the new hotel manager, would also be there for supper. Ellen loved the man. He was a sweet character, but that sweetness was about all he shared with his brother. If she hadn’t known they were related, she never would have guessed, they were that different in appearance. He had been Kane’s best man at their wedding. Ellen and Kane were officially married to each other. They had then gone through a commitment ceremony with Chase and Chance. It was one of the best days she had ever experienced.

  “Oh, there’s Dirk’s boyfriend!” Derek told them, pointing.

  Derek had spilled the beans at the breakfast table that morning. Dirk had turned bright red with embarrassment and all but buried his face in his bowl of cereal, but he hadn’t denied that he had a boyfriend. Kane had quietly shushed Derek’s teasing. Derek had gone back to eating his own breakfast, but there was a pleased smirk on his freckled face.

  “Can I go talk to Micah?” Dirk asked, blushing slightly and not quite able to meet any of their gazes as they looked at him.

  Ellen looked to the teenager standing about thirty feet away. He appeared as nervous as Dirk did. She remembered young love, how terrifyingly wonderful it was.

  “Go ahead. We’ll be in the pet store,” Chance told him. “You might want to see if Micah wants to come over for supper some night. Maybe on game or movie night. We would like to meet him.”

  The smile Dirk gave Chance—gave them, was an incredible thing. It was full of love and gratitude. Derek received a playful punch in the arm for making kissing noises as Dirk headed in Micah’s direction. Ellen felt tears sting her eyes. It was moments like this that reassured her that she had made the right choices.

  The process of adopting Dirk and Derek had taken a few months, but she, Chance, Kane, and Chase were officially their parents. There had been some tense moments, as they were interviewed as pote
ntial parents. Not because they had anything to hide, but because of natural nervousness over the process. The boys were continuing with counseling to deal with their grief, for both their mother and their father. Although Derek wasn’t exactly clingy, there were times when he made a point of looking into a room they were in, or staying close to one or all of his new parents. School was going well for them, too. It had been shocking to learn they hadn’t been in school for over a year before arriving in Silver. They had worked hard during the summer to catch up, but testing had placed them with children their own age. They were making friends, too. There was a sleepover coming up. Six of Dirk’s friends were staying over Friday night.

  Ellen’s daughters had made the trip back to Silver to meet Dirk and Derek. It had been love at first sight for the four of them. The boys liked the idea of having big sisters, and ready-made nephews and niece, although they would meet the latter at a later date.

  So far, it was all working out well. Ellen had high hopes for the future.

  “I think Henry needs a buddy,” Derek announced as they walked through the dog toy department to reached, bringing Ellen back to the present and a potential problem. “Can we get another dog? That way Henry wouldn’t be lonely when everyone’s at work or Dirk and I’m at school.”

  Kane was the one to take this on. The man was fearless. “A second dog would mean a lot more work. You’re already taking care of Henry and Pokie,” he said, mentioning the pet ferret they were there to shop for. “Before we take on the responsibility of another pet, let’s take time to give it plenty of thought. Having another dog doesn’t just affect you. It’s a family decision. One we’ll all think about. Okay?”

  Derek didn’t look exactly happy, but he finally seemed to reason out that no one was saying no to the possibility of getting a second dog. Smiling, nodding, he hurried ahead to the small pet section of the store and began to look over everything for ferrets. Ellen knew there was allowance money burning a hole in his pocket. Considering the ferret had a passion for playing with dirty socks and stealing them, Ellen didn’t know why Pokie needed a new toy. Derek settled on a sleeping sack for Pokie and some chewy treats.

  Dirk was waiting for them at the doors they had entered through. Micah was with him, looking shy, but didn’t drop Dirk’s hand as they approached. Ellen remembered her first love and knew this was a very important moment for all involved. She saw Micah’s and Dirk’s gazes go to Chase and Chance, who were likely holding hands. They usually were. That didn’t mean Kane was hesitant to hold hands with either man in public. He was as open about his relationship with the other two men, as he was with Ellen. At the moment his arm was around Ellen’s waist, holding her close. His other arm was draped over Derek’s shoulders.

  “Hey, everyone, this is Micah. Micah, this is my mom and these are my dads. You know my goofy little brother.”

  Micah was a polite young man. He greeted them each and high-fived Derek.

  Once the introductions were made, Kane made a point of inviting Micah to supper Thursday night. They left soon after that, Derek being the annoying little brother again by making the kissing noises, when Dirk and Micah lingered to say their goodbyes.

  “You really are a rotten kid,” Ellen teased Derek, pulling him along when she feared his lips would go numb from the loud smacking kisses he was throwing at the pair. He giggled and bumped into her side. “Just you wait. Your turn is coming.”

  “Oh, no way! I’m not kissing anybody. Germs and stuff.” Derek’s mind switched gears. He was thirteen now. It worked like that. “I hope Pokie likes his new sleep sack. It’s nice and big.”

  “Do you think you can locate my socks for me?” Chance asked as they walked through the parking lot. “He took off with a pair last night. I don’t know what he did with them.”

  “He probably put them in the toilet. That’s what he usually does with them,” Derek told him in a serious tone.

  “What! Oh, hell no!”

  Ellen chuckled. “Yep, you’re a rotten kid.” Derek giggled and began to power walk toward the very large SUV they had purchased to carry them all, Chance close on his heels.

  “I think we should put him up for adoption again,” Dirk said, joining them. “I always wanted a little sister. Maybe we could trade him in.”

  “Did he really put my socks in the toilet?” Chance asked. He pushed the button on the remote and opened the doors. “If he did, we’re really going to have to have a serious discussion.”

  Derek jumped in to the rear seat, far away from where Chance would sit. Or so he thought. Chance handed off the keys to Kane and climbed in after their youngest son.

  “Mom! Mom! Don’t let dad hurt me!” Derek begged between bouts of laughter.

  Climbing up into the front seat, Ellen closed the door and fastened the seat belt. “Sorry, honey. You’re on your own.”

  The laughter filling the SUV as they headed home to get ready for supper with Bart Noolly, set the tone for the rest of the day. They shared a lot of laughter. Ellen wasn’t naïve enough to believe there wouldn’t be trouble from time to time. She had had trouble with the two daughters she had given birth to. The teen years had been particularly interesting. It came with being a parent. She wouldn’t, however, worry herself over things that hadn’t happened yet. Besides, she had a lot of support this time around. Kane, Chance, and Chase were proving to be excellent fathers. She had no doubt that they would be able to handle any problem sent their way by the two boys they loved so much.

  “Settle down back there!” Kane called out to the pair in the rear seat. “Don’t make me stop and separate you two.”

  Ellen shook her head and smiled. The future was not going to be boring. Not when she had five more such interesting characters to love and share her life with.

  She had exactly what her heart desired.




  Lynn Stark lives with her husband in Ohio, which is in the Midwestern section of the United States. While writing and reading are two of her passions, she makes time to travel, when time and schedules allow. She loves to meet new people. One of her dreams is to find a place that has the special magic her fictional town of Silver possesses.

  For all titles by Lynn Stark, please visit


  Siren Publishing, Inc.





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