Wives Who Stray: How Far Should I Go?

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Wives Who Stray: How Far Should I Go? Page 1

by C. K. Ralston


  How Far Should I Go?

  C.K. Ralston

  Cover Art by Kelly Shorten

  Copyright 2014 C.K. Ralston

  All rights reserved


  Harmless Flirting 3

  Niles Is Intrigued 8

  Helping Jake 16

  Driving Niles Crazy 25

  Free To Play 31

  Giving Jake What He Wants 39

  Niles 46

  Trudy And Niles 53

  Adjustments And Mara 61

  Something Entirely New 69

  Sharing With Miles 76

  The Wonders Of Electronics 82

  Dating Chase 90

  Watching Trudy And Chase 97

  Cutting Jake Loose 104

  Moving On 112



  “Yeah, well, that’s too bad, Mara.”

  As he spoke into the phone, Jake Watts had a look on his handsome face that seemed to say he was amused but not surprised by what he was hearing. He went on to add, “You can blow tonight off if you want, but just remember: I meant what I said. Everything of yours that’s still in my place by Friday either goes to Goodwill or into the dumpster, exactly like I warned you it would.”

  He listened to the reply and grinned. “Whatever, you do what you like, babe. You always do.”

  With that, Jake put his desk phone back in its cradle. He glanced up and saw Trudy Reed watching him as he sat behind the desk in his cubicle, the copies she had just retrieved from the big central copier in her hand.

  “Problems at home, Jake?” she asked him.

  “No, not really,” he answered, still smiling, “not for me, anyway. It’s not my stuff that’s headed for the dumpster.”

  He went on to say, “My girlfriend or I guess I should say ex-girlfriend…or maybe my sometimes girlfriend, Mara, is supposed to have all of her stuff moved out of my place by Friday. But she’s not coming over after work tonight--like she promised she would—to pick up more of it, because she met this hot new guy and she wants to go out and have a drink with him instead.”

  Jake was in his early-to-mid-twenties, and was tall, lithely built, dark haired, blue-eyed, and was, in Trudy’s opinion, just about as sexy as it was possible for one man to be. He shrugged his shoulders in an elegant gesture that seemed to ask: “what are you gonna’ do?”

  “That’s just the way she is,” he went on to explain to Trudy. “Mara’s got a very short, very focused attention span. When she sees something, or someone, she wants, she just drops everything else and goes for it; makes having a meaningful relationship with her hard, if you know I mean?”

  Trudy smiled uncertainly, not sure how to answer that. Jake was new in the office, having only been on board for a little over two weeks, so she didn’t know much about him, except that he was a charming, impossibly hot, and flirty young man.

  “You make it sound like this was never a serious relationship in the first place,” she ventured at last. “For one thing, you don’t seem too upset about her moving out, or that she’s meeting this other guy tonight.”

  “Why be upset? What would that accomplish?” Jake asked and shrugged again, “She’s a big girl, and she’s going to do what she wants to do. I’ll admit that I am a little down about the way things worked out between the two of us, of course, but there’s not much I can do about that either.”

  “Want to have a quick drink after work and talk about it?” Trudy offered, feeling sorry for her young co-worker; because she could hear in his voice that this breakup was affecting him more than he was willing to let on.

  She sensed his casual, I-don’t-care attitude masked some actual pain on his part. After all, in her experience, you didn’t move in with someone unless there was some expectation that it was going to amount to more than just a casual fling.

  “What would your husband say about you having a drink with a dashing man about town like me?” Jake asked.

  A coy smile had suddenly replaced the serious look that had crept onto his face as Trudy had been speaking. Flirting seemed to be a defense mechanism for her attractive young officemate.

  She thought to herself, and not for the first time, as she stared at his smiling face, that lopsided grin of his just drips sex appeal.

  “My husband won’t be home for hours yet,” Trudy told him truthfully, “and besides, I doubt my providing a shoulder to cry on for the lovelorn—especially in the case of a pup like you who is years too young for me—would bother him much.”

  Jake looked taken aback by that. He blustered,”Hey, I’m twenty-four, almost twenty-five years old. It’s not like I’m some inexperienced High School Harry whose prom date cancelled on him or something. I’m perfectly capable of getting through this on my own. But I would like to have that drink with you.”

  He shot her a canny look and asked in a sarcastic tone, “And just how old are you, anyway, grandma? Have you got a walker hidden away in your cubicle, to help you make it out to your car?”

  “I’m too old for you, sonny boy,” Trudy shot back with a saucy smile of her own.

  She glanced over at the clock and saw that it was five-twenty-five. Normal business hours lasted until five-thirty.

  “Come on, let’s close up this sweat shop and get out of here,” she told him, still smiling.


  “So, who is this Mara, and how did you get hooked up with her?” Trudy asked.

  They were seated in the back booth of a cocktail lounge a few blocks from the real estate brokerage where they both worked. Jake was a fledgling realtor who had just passed his state licensing exam a few weeks ago, and Trudy was a broker who had been with the firm for four years.

  “We met at a party,” Jake answered, taking a sip of his bourbon on the rocks. “She’s very hot looking, with a build that stops traffic, and you can tell when you first meet her that she’s crazy-wild in bed.”

  Trudy smirked at that typical male assessment of a woman’s desirability—as far as a potential relationship went--and had a sip of her vodka martini. She asked him, “And is she…crazy-wild, I mean?”

  Jake grinned widely, and then the grin gradually morphed into a small frown. He nodded his head affirmatively as he said, “Yeah, she definitely is, but that turned out to be a big part of the problem we had as a couple.”

  He swirled the ice around in his drink and offered, “After we’d been going out for a couple of months, she suggested we get a place together. I told her at the time that if we did, I’d want us to be exclusive. I didn’t want just a female roomie I could jump into bed with whenever we both felt like it. If we were going to actually live together, I wanted for there to be something more between us, you know?”

  Trudy nodded, suddenly feeling very old for her twenty-eight years. She had been married to Niles Reed, her husband, for just over four years now and had known him for around five. They had dated for almost a year before getting engaged and then eventually married. And they hadn’t lived together before they’d tied the knot.

  Shaking his head, Jake said, “It turned out that her idea of being exclusive was letting me join in a three way with the two of them when she met some other dude she really liked and wanted to ball him. She’d bring guys home with her and ask me if I wanted to mount up along with the other guy or right after he’d finished with her.”

  He gave out with a bitter little chuckle and said, “Or she’d ask me if I wanted to join her in bed with some red-hot chick she’d met that had caught her fancy.”

  When Trudy looked shocked at that idea, he merely waggled his eyebrows and gave her a devilish little smile, adding, “Tha
t was a lot of fun, actually. Some of those girls were really scorching hot, and they liked guys every bit as much as they liked girls. But it still wasn’t what I would call being exclusive with each other.”

  Trudy finished her drink and waved to the passing cocktail waitress, indicating another round. She asked Jake, “So, you finally decided enough was enough, eh?”

  “Yeah, I mean we might still see each other for sex once in a while—Mara really is sensational in bed—but I don’t want to live with her anymore,” Jake said, and then finished up his own drink.

  “It was just too weird; her bringing home guys a few times a month and having to watch her make it with them right in the bed we shared. It wasn’t like I was head over heels in love with her. But I did care about the two of us enough to where, in the end, I decided that I just wasn’t comfortable with that arrangement.”

  Their drinks came and Trudy had a big sip of hers. She liked Jake, what she knew of him, but she had to admit that she was a bit shocked at what a…interesting sex life the attractive young man had been leading.

  She couldn’t really imagine having two men in bed with her at the same time, and the idea of being in bed with a hottie like Jake and another girl? Trudy just smiled at that whole notion.

  I don’t know if I could ever be interested in another girl or not, sexually, she thought, I certainly haven’t been in the past. Some of the gals I knew in college were gay, or at least bisexual, but I was never at all tempted when they hit on me.

  “I guess this whole thing sounds pretty weird to you, being happily married and all, right?” Jake asked her just then.

  Before she could answer, he reached across the table and took her hand. Giving it a tiny squeeze, he whispered, “Or are you all that happily married? How is it that your husband doesn’t mind you not coming home to him right after work tonight, a girl who looks like you do, Trudy?”

  She laughed, amused by his slightly heavy-handed attempt at flirting, and asked him, “Oh--and just how is it you think I look, Jake?”

  “Hot as hell, the way you always do,” he grinned at her as he said it, squeezing her hand harder. “You’re a real MILF, Trudy. Half the guys who work for our firm would love to get you in bed sometime, along with most of the male clients who come into our office. From their twenties clear into their sixties, they all give you second and third looks, babe, as if you didn’t know it.”

  Trudy felt herself blush and was suddenly glad the cocktail lounge was as dark as it was inside, so that her flushed cheeks wouldn’t be so obvious. She pointedly slid her hand out of his and said, “I think you’re imagining things, Jake; projecting, perhaps? Just because you might find me attractive doesn’t mean everyone else does.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “Oh, come of it, Trudy; with those incredible knockers of yours and that ass, and those legs?”

  Leaning closer, he whispered, “And those eyes…my God, I’m just crazy about those sweet blue eyes of yours and that pretty face, along with all of that gorgeous brown hair!”

  Trudy felt herself blushing furiously now. She gulped some more of her drink, not knowing what to say in reply to all of that.

  Finally she stammered, “I…I don’t think I’m all that attractive! Maybe a few years ago, when I was just out of my teens…”

  Jake laughed again, shook his head in disagreement, and insisted, “No, you’re in your absolute prime! You’re just at that perfect age, when you don’t look like some high school kid anymore but you’re still years away from that used-up, middle-aged look that a lot of women get in their forties. You’re smokin’ fucking hot, Trudy, don’t kid yourself, and pardon my French, as far as my saying ‘fucking’ goes!”

  She felt her nipples start to elongate within her bra and she suddenly felt wet…down there, too. Trudy couldn’t quite believe how much having sexy young Jake openly drooling over her was exciting her!

  Actually, it was all she could do to not burst out laughing as Jake’s gushing praise about her looks suddenly triggered thoughts of her husband, Niles--and his favorite fantasy about her—and brought those flights of fancy abruptly to mind. In the past, Niles had often shared with Trudy his harmless little daydreams about her being pursued sexually by male clients or by some fellow worker in the office.

  Her husband was always whispering to her as they fooled around together in bed, about how hot it would be if some cute guy made a play for her and she went along with it, up to a point, and then came home and shared all of the titillating details with him, in bed. She could hardly wait to tell Niles that it had finally happened—that an extremely sexy young coworker had just about buried her in praise over how hot he found her to be!

  “Uh, well, thanks for sharing that,” she said a bit awkwardly, smiling encouragingly—but not too encouragingly, she hoped—back at Jake. “It makes a girl who is nearing her thirties feel great; knowing that she’s not over the hill yet, especially when it’s a handsome young guy like you saying it.”



  They had taken Jake’s old Camaro to the bar and left her car at the office. So, after a third and final drink, he drove her back over to retrieve it.

  Trudy had been the first one in the office that morning, as she often was, so she had been able to park under some big trees at the rear of the lot, where her car would be in the shade most of the day. But that meant it was now in deep shadow, as the trees also cut off the light from the streetlamp half a block down.

  “I’ll walk you over to your car,” Jake offered, pulling up near it in the dark end of the lot and cutting off his motor.

  “You don’t have to do that; it’s right there,” she told him.

  “It’s pretty dark here, I’d better make sure you get into it okay,” he said, smiling at her, undoing his seat belt as she undid hers.

  Just as she was about to turn and open her door, he put a gentle hand on her shoulder and said softly, “Thanks for the drinks and the sympathetic ear tonight. I do feel better, having talked to someone about all of that stuff with Mara.”

  She turned and smiled back at him as he finished with, “Especially someone who’s a knockout like you, Trudy. I meant every word I said about you being a real babe. Thanks again, for listening.”

  Trudy’s nipples throbbed in unison under her bra as he called her “a real babe”, his face just a foot or so away from hers. She started to say something back but just at that moment, he seemed to lose control of himself, blurting, “God, forgive me, but you’re such a beauty!”

  With that, he impulsively leaned forward and put his right hand behind her head, drawing her in for a kiss. It came out of nowhere, and it was so quick that she had no time to react.

  Before she even knew that it was happening, his lips were on hers and his tongue was sliding right into her surprised mouth. Trudy shuddered, so shocked she couldn’t move.

  God, he’s so handsome he’s almost pretty! That was the first thought that popped into her consciousness, and it wouldn’t seem to go away as he kissed her. And he’s so damned hot!

  She realized abruptly that she was sucking on his tongue and running her own tongue all over his as they kissed. And, somehow, her left hand seemed to have stolen up, of its own accord--she swore!—to toy with Jake’s longish, sexy-scruffy dark hair as their lips pressed against one another’s.

  I’ve got to stop this! She was dead serious as she thought that.

  But her hand just seemed to stay where it was. Her fingertips kept on teasing and stroking his hair and her tongue was all over his. And her nipples…those traitorous nipples of hers were now as hard as two brand new pencil erasers as they poked out against her bra and the conservative blouse she was wearing!

  At last, after what seemed like forever, but was probably more like ninety seconds, Trudy tore her mouth away from his and glared at him. Her anger probably would have been more convincing, she realized in that instant, if her breath wasn’t coming in ragged, excited gasps and her
nipples hadn’t been so prominently on display.

  “I’m married,” she panted, “and that was totally out of line, Jake!”

  “Yeah, but it sure was terrific!” He grinned at her like the bad boy he was. “You’re totally hot, Trudy, I knew it all along—you’re as hot as fucking Mara is, you just hide it better!”

  Trudy shivered at the thought of being compared to a young siren who brought home men for torrid double-penetration…fucks; and who loved being in bed with another woman and a sexy young stud like Jake—all at the same time! She wasn’t like that at all…was she?

  “I’ve got to get home,” she said, turning and opening the door, intent on getting away from Jake as quickly as possible.

  He jerked open his door and hurried around the car to meet her, just as she was closing the passenger door. She started to tell him that she didn’t need his assistance in walking the ten feet or so that separated his car from her BMW, but before she could speak, he was right there, closing the passenger door for her, and walking her over to her car. He stopped just at the front fender, and then unexpectedly swept her into his arms again.

  Oh, God, this kid is so fucking hot! Was her desperate thought, as she found his arms around her again, his lips on hers, and his tongue once more exploring the inside of her mouth.

  He had her bent back over onto the fender and down onto hood now, and his hands were in her long, lustrous brown hair as they kissed, his chest pressing down against hers. Trudy moaned and ground her still very erect nipples up against his pecs and her hands came up to glide all over his back and up into his hair, and then down onto his back again.

  It was all she could do to keep them from moving downward, onto Jake’s firm young buns, to squeeze them as they made out. She sighed, feeling her pussy leaking out hot, slippery lube in a steady stream.

  I’ve got to stop this, or I’m going to end up getting fucked on the hood of my own car, on a public street, in the parking lot of my own office building, she thought desperately.


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