Right Arm of the Saint

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Right Arm of the Saint Page 8

by Gakuto Mikumo


  “Yes. Convinced him that there was an evil aura filling the room, that the ghost of the man who killed himself previously remains here, how he would die in an unfortunate accident at this rate, that I know a very reliable spiritual medium…”

  “In what world is that not intimidation?! Are you some kind of con artist?!”

  “I’m joking.”

  Yukina ended with the same demure expression with which she’d begun, letting out an amused sigh. Kojou was simply and completely bewildered.


  “The previous occupant of room seven-oh-five moved out after being properly paid to relocate. I heard he was provided with a nicer place than this to move into.”


  “Yes. Though we have our faults, we are a government agency, after all.”

  Ah yeah, they are, thought Kojou as he patted his chest down in relief. Though he’d never even properly said hello, he still wouldn’t sleep soundly if it’d been his fault someone who’d lived right next to him went through a hard time.

  The shipping company deliverymen stared at Kojou and Yukina with expressions as if they wondered what in the world these two were talking about. Finally, the elevator reached the seventh floor, and the door opened.

  The freight they carried in was only three corrugated cardboard boxes. After getting Yukina to sign for the delivery, the deliverymen gave modest waves and made their way out.

  “Senpai, could I get you to bring these boxes inside?” Yukina asked without hesitation as she opened the exterior lock.

  “Why do I have to…”

  Grumbling under his breath, Kojou picked up one of the corrugated cardboard boxes. What was the point of a vampire’s physical strength if you couldn’t use it at a time like this?

  Yukina’s room 705, constructed just like room 704 next door, where Kojou and Nagisa lived, was a three-bedroom apartment with a living room, dining room, and a kitchen.

  It was a bit cramped for family living but had an overabundance of space for a single person. The lack of a single piece of furniture made it seem especially desolate.

  “Hey, uh, Himeragi, is this all you have?”

  “Yes. It is, but…”

  Yukina tilted her slender neck a bit as she looked back at Kojou.

  “I didn’t have much for personal belongings when I lived in a student dorm. Is there something wrong with that?”

  “There’s nothing wrong, but looks like you’re hard up for stuff. I don’t even see a futon here.”

  “I can sleep just about anywhere. Plus I have the cardboard boxes.”

  “Please, just…stop.”

  As Kojou spoke, he leaned against a wall with an exhausted look. He’d never get a good night’s sleep while thinking about a female junior high school student watching over him, sleeping on cardboard the next room over.

  “I did actually mean to go buy necessities later, but…”

  Muttering as if making excuses, Yukina glanced over at Kojou’s face. Seeing on Yukina’s face there was something left unsaid, Kojou raised an eyebrow with an mm sound.

  “Wait, you figure you can’t take the time and go shopping because you have to watch me?”

  “Well, yes. It is my duty, after all…”

  Watching Yukina nod with a straight face, Kojou made an exasperated sigh. He thought it was easier to just cover it up with something convincing after the fact, but the thought didn’t seem to occur to Yukina.

  “If that’s the case, I go shopping with you and it’s fine, right, Himeragi?”

  “Together with…you, Senpai?”

  “That way you don’t have to skip watch duty.”

  “That’s true, but you’re all right with that?”

  “I have make-up exams till afternoon, but I’ll go with you after that. I owe you one for helping me study for the exams anyway.”

  Kojou checked his watch as he spoke. He’d lost quite a bit of time due to unexpected events. If he didn’t finally get to school, he really would be late for his make-up exams.

  “Is that so? That being the case, I’ll wait for you inside school grounds until you’ve finished your exams, Senpai.”

  Having said this, Yukina made a somewhat happy smile. Then she picked her guitar case back up and returned it to her back. It was the black case that contained the silver spear she’d called “Snowdrift Wolf.”

  “Hey, do you, ah…need that spear for shopping?”

  Kojou’s face grimaced as he asked. If possible, he didn’t want to bring something that dangerous along when shopping for daily necessities, but—

  “Of course. I’m on duty, after all.”

  As Yukina spoke in a composed tone, Kojou made an exhausted sigh.


  Kojou brought Yukina to a nearby home and garden center that promised one-stop shopping for all your household needs. The moment they entered the store, Yukina’s eyes widened and stayed that way.

  There was nothing unusual about the store itself. Itogami Island, a research city far from the mainland, did have its share of disreputable shops selling suspicious devices and drugs, but compared to that, this was just a robust general store for daily needs.

  However, it seemed Yukina had never been to one of the places known as a home and garden center. The girl was bewildered at seeing a store of this scale for the first time in her life. She gazed at the products that lined the shelves with open suspicion on her face.

  “Is this a weapon? It appears to be some kind of mace.”

  “Uh, no, that’s just a golf club. It’s for a sport.”

  Kojou replied to Yuki’s completely straight-faced question with a quizzical look. He didn’t know how seriously she’d asked that question.

  “Is that so? Then what of this heavy gear that looks like a flamethrower…”

  “That’s a pressure washer. They use it to wash cars.”

  “This is most definitely a weapon. I’ve seen it in movies.”

  “A chainsaw, huh? Well, I suppose that is a weapon…”

  “Ah, I learned about this at the Lion King Agency. What a frightening store, to even sell this.”

  “Isn’t that just liquid detergent…?”

  “Yes. You can use this to create poison gas. By mixing an acidic compound with a chlorine compound—”

  “No! You do NOT use it like that, EVER!”

  After buying anything and everything Yukina needed, Kojou was completely and utterly exhausted. The damage from the morning make-up test and the half marathon had added up, too.

  On the other hand, a rather cheerful expression had come over Yukina. It seemed that she was really fond of the home and garden center. She also looked happy just from going shopping with someone else like this.

  “By the way, are you all right paying for all this, Himeragi? You bought quite a bit of stuff here.”

  They’d left the store and were on their way to the bus station when Kojou asked. Yukina nodded casually.

  “Yes. I was paid an expense allowance in advance for things like this.”

  “Ahh, so that’s it.”

  Kojou accepted this without any particular doubt. Even if she was an apprentice, it would’ve been odd to send an Attack Mage into unfamiliar territory without at least that level of support.

  “Expense budget, huh? How much are we talking about here?”

  “Err, ten million yen.”

  “Ten mil…?!” Kojou exclaimed, gawking at Yukina’s calm reply. Any way you sliced it, that wasn’t the kind of money you just handed over to a junior high schooler. Seeing Kojou standing still with a dumbfounded look, a mysterious expression came over Yukina’s face.

  “The Lion King Agency accountant lady said that against the Fourth Primogenitor, I could perish at any time, so I ought not leave behind any regrets, so…that’s what the expense budget is for.”

  “It’s my fault?! You’re rich because of me?!”

  No way, Kojou wanted to shout. He c
ould understand the logic of an expense budget rising the more dangerous the mission, but the inconvenience of Yukina’s arrival had mostly been his: dragging him into a fight with demons, watching his private life, threatening him with that crazy spear. So why was her piggy bank bigger than his?

  But, if Kojou yelled out all his troubles, Yukina would take it the wrong way.

  “I’m sorry, Senpai, making you carry all the baggage like this.”

  “Oh, that’s no problem, really. You can’t carry it all yourself, right?”

  “Yes. Having you with me really helped, Senpai.”

  Yukina smiled as she spoke. Kojou silently shrugged his shoulders. Inside the bags swinging from Kojou’s hands were the daily necessities Yukina had bought: bedroom curtains, bath mats, toilet slippers, cups and toothbrushes, mugs. Kojou thought, it’s just like what a pair of students would get right after moving in together.

  And, just as Kojou, carrying the bags, and Yukina arrived at the monorail boarding platform…


  There was a surprised voice right in front of them.


  Kojou reflexively lifted his face as someone called out his name. Standing there was an attractive—even gorgeous—female high school student. Her face was very familiar to Kojou.

  “Er, Asagi? What are you doing here? Your place ain’t this way, is it?”

  “It’s not. I was coming home from work… I thought I’d bring that World History report you asked me for over to your place, but…”

  Though Kojou was speaking to her the same as usual, Asagi seemed to have her guard up for some reason as she replied. Her gaze flowed over the baggage filled with that daily-life feel.

  And then Asagi’s eyes turned toward Yukina, who stood beside Kojou.

  “Who’s the girl?”

  “Oh, Himeragi? Err, she’s a transfer student who’s entering middle school right about now.” Kojou introduced Yukina in a carefree tone.

  Yukina lowered her head in a little nod. Asagi stared squarely at Yukina.

  “And what are you doing with a transfer student going into middle school, Kojou?”

  “Er, that is,” Kojou mumbled. After all, he’d promised to keep secret the fact she was from a special national agency and had come to watch over Kojou.

  Not that he thought Asagi would believe any of that even if he told her, but…

  “R…right, she’s Nagisa’s classmate.”

  Kojou’s voice sprang out as he finally remembered that. Asagi suspiciously raised an eyebrow.


  “Yeah. Apparently she and Nagisa got to know each other when she did the formalities for transferring.”

  “…So, Kojou, you’re saying Nagisa introduced this girl to you?”

  “Yeah, that’s it.”

  As that wasn’t really wrong, Kojou deftly parried. As Yukina listened to the exchange between Kojou and Asagi, an expression came over her like she’d just realized something.

  “Pretty girl, isn’t she…”

  Asagi turned her face to Kojou’s, speaking in a soft voice. She had the usual leering smile on her face, but she didn’t look like she was smiling when you looked at her eyes.

  “Well, yeah.”

  Kojou honestly agreed without any special thought involved. When he saw Asagi’s cheek twitch, he amended his words in a bit of a hurry.

  “…Er, Nagisa said that, too.”

  “Hmm. I see.”

  Asagi distanced herself from Kojou, an artificial smile still on her face. From the way she looked, Kojou felt a dangerous aura about her.

  “Ah, Asagi?”

  “Well, the train’s coming. I’m heading home.”

  Just as Asagi said, the train was just arriving at the monorail loading platform. She turned in the opposite direction of the stop toward Kojou and Yukina’s apartment complex. Kojou hurriedly called out to her, “Huh? Weren’t you gonna show me that World History report?”

  “Yeah. I meant to, but apparently I forgot it somewhere.”

  Asagi spoke with a smiling face filled with quiet rage. Her eyes conveyed a silent message that he would be explaining this at school tomorrow.

  “Huh? Hey, Asagi!”


  The train doors shut right in front of the bewildered Kojou’s eyes. For some reason, Asagi ignored Kojou, waved amiably to Yukina alone, and left.

  “What’s up with her?”

  Kojou tilted his head as he muttered. Yukina had an expression on her face as though she felt responsible.

  “I’m sorry, Senpai. It may be my fault there’s some kind of misunderstanding…”


  Kojou glanced back with a mystified look at Yukina, who was dejected for some reason. Finally, he ahhed as it clicked.

  “Er, no way. There’s no misunderstanding. She’s just a friend, you see.”

  “Just…friends, is it?” Yukina asked back as if weighing whether that’s what Kojou really thought. Kojou nodded without hesitation.

  “Well, we go back a long way. It’s like we’re best buds.”


  For some reason, Yukina was looking up at Kojou with a scolding look over his indifferent reply.


  “No, it’s nothing.”

  Her words were accompanied by a deep exhalation.


  In the end, it was nearly evening by the time Kojou and Yukina arrived back at their apartment building.

  The sun’s rays were as strong as usual, but the breeze was just starting to have a bit of nighttime chill mixed in.

  “—Huh, you and Kojou-kun are back only now? Pretty late, isn’t it?”

  As Kojou and Yukina dove past the apartment complex’s entrance, as if fleeing from the setting sun, someone’s voice was there to greet them. With the elevator door still open, a female junior high school student, in uniform, motioned with her hand for them to hurry over.

  “Nagisa, huh. What’s with the bags?”

  As Kojou entered the elevator, he raised an eyebrow at his little sister’s appearance. Nagisa’s right hand had a sports bag packed with her baggage for club activities in it. And her left hand held a shopping bag filled with a large amount of cooking ingredients.

  “What do you mean what? It’s for our transfer girl’s welcome party.”

  Looking at the surprised Kojou, Nagisa spoke in apparent amazement.

  “Welcome party?”

  “That’s right. I mean, she only just moved here, so she can’t prepare supper for today, right?”

  “Well, you’ve got a point there.”

  Kojou nodded, remembering how Yukina’s room had lacked cooking utensils and even basic tableware. Then a suspicious look came over him.

  “Wait, Nagisa, did you know Himeragi was moving in next door…?”

  “Yeah. I mean, she came over to say hi this morning. You were asleep, though.”

  Nagisa spoke in a tone that seemed to fault him for sleeping in late. She was more reserved with the amount of words out of her mouth than usual, though, and was no doubt being prudent in front of Yukina.

  “That so?” Kojou asked Yukina in a low voice.

  “Yes,” Yukina replied, nodding.

  “Er… But is it all right, having a welcome party?”

  “Totally all right! I already bought meat for it anyway. Kojou and I can’t eat it all by ourselves.”

  Nagisa had a warm, affable expression as she spoke. That’s for sure, thought Kojou with a strained smile.

  Thanks to their parents divorcing four years before, the Akatsuki household was currently a three-person family. Furthermore, their mother, working as head of research for a corporation based in the city, would be away from home for one or two weeks at a time depending on circumstances with her work.

  Since her children could go meet her at any time, it didn’t feel all that lonely, but Kojou and Nagisa substantially lived on their own together as b
rother and sister. Though not by a giant margin, they couldn’t eat the 1.5 kilograms of on-sale, special-cut beef that Nagisa held in her arms.

  “Thank you very much. As you prefer, then.”

  Yukina said that after a bit of thought. She was probably telling herself it was just another part of her duty to watch Kojou. Hearing those words, Nagisa made a happy-looking smile.

  “I’m so glad. So come over after you’ve put your stuff away. Ah, are you all right with only a pot of stew? I hope there’s nothing you can’t eat in there, Yukina. It sure feels like a luxury having the air conditioner on full blast and eating stuff like this in the middle of summer. Which do you like the taste of better, miso or soy sauce? Yukina, is there anything you can’t eat, or can you eat everything? It really does feel like a luxury, eating stew in the middle of the summer with the AC turned up. For the broth, I use bonito, kelp, chicken bones, and potatoes, but today I prepared some crab, too, so maybe I should use soy sauce. The crab’s hair crab from Okhotsk. Today’s just the right season—”

  “Leave it at that, Nagisa. Himeragi’s in shell-shock.”

  Kojou lightly tapped his little sister on the head to quiet her motormouth down. Nagisa went, “Ow,” and glared at Kojou with tearful eyes.

  A look of being completely overwhelmed came over Yukina, but even so:

  “Er, how about I help you with it? If it’s just preparing a stew, then…”

  “No, no, today you’re our guest, Yukina. You must be tired from having come a long way. Hey, Kojou, entertain Yukina, would you?”

  “Don’t say something you just came up with like you planned it. I’m goin’ to my room to finish off my homework.”

  Kojou let out a small sigh as he gazed at the setting sun. Before he’d realized it, his remaining summer vacation time had become all too brief. He couldn’t conceal his sense that he might already be too late.

  “If that is the case, how about I help you with your homework, then, Senpai?”

  Yukina spoke as she left the day-to-day goods she’d bought in the entryway to room 705.

  Her unexpected offer threw Kojou off. He was truly grateful for the suggestion, but there were too many problems with his little sister’s classmate helping him study, at least as far as his dignity as an older brother was concerned.


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