Give Me Another Chance: The Raven Brothers Book 3

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Give Me Another Chance: The Raven Brothers Book 3 Page 4

by Kaylee, Katy

  I tweaked one of his nipples.

  “Fuck,” he said at my touch. He was a flurry of movement as he undid his pants and sheathed himself with a condom, something neither of us thought of the first time. “I’m going to come and I’d rather it happen inside you.”

  His dick was as I remembered, thick and long, and beautiful. I wanted to hold him, but he was gripping my hips and pulling me over him. “Ride me, Beth, and put me out of my fucking misery.”

  I straddled him, as his fingers pulled my panties aside.

  “You’re so wet,” he groaned. “God, fuck…I need you.” He leaned forward and sucked at my nipple again as I positioned myself over his dick. The tip teased my pussy, and that was all I needed to send any doubt or concern out of my mind. The feel of him at my core sent a blast of electricity through my body. Torturous need vibrated through me and the only remedy was Ash.

  I lowered myself over him, wondering if it would hurt this time too. He was large, filling me, but there was no pain. Just a feeling of stretching followed by other delicious sensations.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He ground out, as his fingers dug into my hips. “Jesus fuck you’re tight…so good, Beth…God so good.”

  I loved how frenetic and desperate he sounded. It was like a triumph. The man who left me without a glance back was now a slave to his desire for me.


  Ash – Saturday

  I was going to fucking explode. My dick was so hard I was seeing stars.

  There was a time, months after I was forced to leave Beth six years ago, that I wondered if my mind was remembering accurately what it had been like to fuck her. That night on the beach, she’d been so tight, so responsive, and I’d come so hard I thought my dick had burst out of its skin.

  But with time away, had I remembered our encounter better than it had actually been? I mean, a pussy was a pussy, right? In an attempt to prove that theory right, I’d fucked a variety of women since then. I always orgasmed with them because the physiology of how dicks worked resulted in coming. But none of them felt physically or emotionally like it had with Beth. With her, it had been something different. Special.

  It was only a few days after my time with Beth when I remembered I hadn’t used a condom, and after the initial panic about that, I’d hoped she’d gotten pregnant. If she had, then we’d have no choice but to be together. We were lucky in that our families had money, and I had a job with my father, so the financial aspect wouldn’t be a problem. I knew our parents couldn’t keep us apart if we were having a child.

  I’d tried to contact her to find out about it, but she’d changed her number. I even sent a letter, but it went unanswered. By the time six months had passed, I’d figured she hadn’t gotten pregnant. After all, she would have told me about a baby. That much I was sure of.

  So, I had to accept that she had no interest in seeing me and I worked to forget her, and yet, never could. Over the last year or so, I’d given up trying. At least through other women. What was the point? My hand and imagination could do as good of a job of making me come as another woman.

  When my father came out with his new inheritance requirements, I was pissed mostly because he made me give up my one chance to have what he said he wanted to; a loving wife and family. That ship had sailed for me, so now, unless I was willing to try Chase’s marriage-of-convenience-method, I was truly fucked when it came to my inheritance.

  Except now, maybe not. As Beth took my painfully throbbing cock inside her body, I wondered if maybe I’d have a second chance at the life we planned.

  Jesus, she was still tight and felt so fucking good. It wasn’t just the physical sensation, but something more intense. Like emotions were invading every cell in my body.

  Now if I could just hold off coming until she was ready, it would be good, but it was so fucking hard.

  I groaned as she finally took all of me in. “Hold on, Beth…good, Christ, I’m going to come.” I gripped her hips to hold her still as I worked to rein in my orgasm so I’d have time to give her one first.

  I sucked on her nipples as I kept her from moving over me. Not that it helped because with each tug of my lips on her hard peaks, her pussy gripped me.

  “Ash.” Her voice was a mixture of whining and begging. “Please…I need to move…” She broke away from my grip and started to ride me, and holy fuck, I thought I was going to die as each slide of her body shot me higher and higher. Her pussy was wet heat and smooth velvet as she moved up and down.

  I tweaked her nipples, hoping it would help get her off. “Come on, Beth…come on my cock.”

  Her head dropped back as she cried out and her mouth formed a perfect O. Then her pussy clamped down on my dick like it wanted to hold on forever.

  A white blast of light burst behind my eyes as pleasure rocketed through me. “Fuck, yeah.” I gripped her hips as I bucked up, moving with her as we rode out the storm together.

  Even when I felt completely boneless, my dick twitched and pulsed inside her. I slid my hands behind her back wanting to stay steeped inside her forever.

  “You’re fucking amazing,” I managed to say. “I can’t wait to spend the rest of the night making you come over and over.”

  She released a breath, that I thought was from sex, but as she moved off of me, I realized was regret. Ah fuck.

  “What’s wrong?” I wanted to hold her, but first I removed the condom filled with my cum. I tied it off and tossed it in the trashcan.

  “Nothing,” she said giving me a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. It barely reached her lips. “I just have things I need to do.”


  “I have to be up early tomorrow. I had a lovely time, but… can you take me back to the club?”

  I was baffled. Two seconds ago, she was riding my cock like her life depended on it and now she couldn’t be any more cool and distant. “I can take you home.”

  “The club is fine.”

  I wasn’t a man to beg or push myself on a woman so I pressed the button to intercom the driver. “Take us back to Jet.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I buttoned my pants and shirt still trying to decide what happened. Did I say something wrong? Was it bad to want to spend the night with her? She’d had an orgasm, a powerful one if the pressure on my dick and how she cried out was any indication.

  She sat next to me, not looking like a woman who just got thoroughly fucked. What the hell?

  Deciding she didn’t want to talk about what just happened, I switched tactics. Maybe she didn’t want to have more sex, but she did want to sell Ben’s half of the club.

  “When would you like to get together to discuss the sale of Ben’s share in Jet?”

  “Why don’t you email me what you think is fair?”

  I felt like I was stabbed in the gut. Was she really going to fuck me and then act like nothing happened and never see me again? Was this payback for what I did six years ago? I supposed I couldn’t blame her, and yet this type of retaliation didn’t seem like Beth. Then again, I hadn’t seen her for six years. People changed a lot between eighteen to twenty-four. I’d changed in the last six years, although I didn’t think I’d become more callous.

  “Usually the one initiating the deal makes the offer,” I said.

  She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes at me like she was offended. “I know how business works, Ash. But this is different, isn’t it? You and Ben used to be friends.”

  “Used to be?” Clearly, I was missing something. Yes, I hadn’t seen Ben in a while and I was remiss in reaching out to him, but as far as I knew, we hadn’t had a falling out.

  She shook her head and looked away. “I just meant that this is more personal. I hope you’ll keep that in mind and come up with something you think is fair.”

  Annoyed now, I said, “You mean you want me to pay more than what it’s worth because we’re old friends. Is that why you fucked me? To up the price of Ben’s share?”

  The minute the words left
my lips, I regretted them. I might have wondered if she was getting back at me for leaving her, but I didn’t really think she’d pimp herself out over a business deal.

  Her eyes widened in shock and pain.

  “I’m sorry, Beth, that was wrong. I didn’t mean it… but I don’t know what’s going on here.”

  The limo pulled up to the curb.

  “I’m here to sell Ben’s share of the club.” She opened the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk.

  I slipped out after her, but she was already heading up the street. I watched her as she moved away wondering what the fuck happened. How had a lovely evening, and the best fuck of my life ended so disastrously?

  Cupid was a fucking sadist, I decided as I got back in the limo and had the driver take me home. Or maybe because he was male, he didn’t know the first thing about women. That was why poisoned arrows were needed to bring women and men together. Because neither understood the other.

  Back home, I was too wired to go to bed even though it was after midnight. So, I opened my laptop and began to work on what I’d offer for Ben’s share of the club. It was annoying that Beth wanted to keep everything business-oriented, and at the same time wanted me to keep in mind that Ben and I were friends. Were we? Her comment about how we used to be friends sat uncomfortably in my gut. I’d figured he was MIA because of his father’s illness and subsequent death but was something else going on? All of a sudden it felt like I was going behind his back by dealing with Beth. Not that I thought she’d pull something over on him, but he was my partner, he was the one I should be talking to.

  Pulling out my phone, I called him. It seemed unlikely he’d be in bed since he was a pretty heavy partier. His voicemail picked up.

  “Hey man, it’s Ash, how are you? Listen Beth has been talking to me about buying your half of Jet. I don’t want to go any further without hearing from you. Give me a call.”

  With that out of the way, I went back to putting together an offer. While I wanted to be generous, I also had to consider that Ben had been away for nearly two years, forcing me to hire a manager and deal with all management issues without his input. I wasn’t sure that offering him fifty percent of the club’s value was fair to me, considering he’d done nothing for two years. Tuck had been right, he’d helped boost the club’s income over the last year with some innovative ideas of his own.

  I made a draft of my proposal and would review it later. Next, I started doing some basic online research about Beth, Ben, and their father’s business. There wasn’t a whole lot on her. I found an article on their father’s death. With him gone, and my father’s change of heart, it seemed like Beth and I could have another go at things without their disapproval. Then again, I didn’t give a fuck what either thought now. All that mattered was what Beth thought, and based on how she walked off, odds were slim she was interested in finding out if we had what it took to finish what we started six years ago.

  With fatigue finally hitting me, I turned off my computer and got ready for bed. As I lay naked in the cool sheets, I chose to remember the better parts of the evening, like how graceful and sexy her body moved on the dancefloor, how sweet her lips were and how slick and tight her pussy was. As I drifted off, my last thought was how it would be a fucking shame if like last time, I’d only get one chance to have her.


  Beth - Saturday

  What the hell had I been thinking? I had sex with Ash in the back of a limo. I hadn’t been thinking. That was the problem. And goodness, was it good. Great. Fantastic. Better than I remembered the first time being, and the first time had been wonderful. But no, Beth, you’re supposed to be getting money for the club and then moving on.

  I chastised myself the whole way home even as my body felt gloriously satisfied. I had to blame the booze and letting myself go at the club for my lapse in judgment. That and the fact that Ash had been kind, sweet, and too sexy for me to resist. I’d let my hormones have their way and now I was having to pay the price. At least there was no chance of pregnancy this time. Not that I was complaining about the first time, because my precious little girl was the one bright spot in my life right now. My father’s illness and subsequent death, Ben’s problems, and the company’s financial trouble all were taking a toll on me, but my Hannah, she was sweet and kind and the one source of happiness in my very difficult life. A life I just complicated more by sleeping with Ash.

  He clearly expected us to spend the night together, and then accused me of prostituting myself for a good deal. God how that burned. I believed he regretted saying it, but the words still escaped his lips. It proved true the rumor that all the Raven boys were even more ruthless than their father had been.

  When I arrived home, I thanked Morgan and offered her the guest room, but she declined and called a car to take her home. I checked on my daughter. Hannah slept peacefully under a foamy bluish canopy that was supposed to represent the ocean in her mermaid themed room.

  Then I took a shower to wash Ash away and climbed into bed.

  You’re fucking amazing. I can’t wait to spend the rest of the night making you come over and over.

  His words came back to me, making my body heat again. I wondered if he said that to all his women or if he meant it.

  I’ve never forgotten you, Beth.

  For a moment, a part of me wanted to believe he meant he’d never forgotten our love, but I knew now he meant the sex. I supposed I should feel good that even as a virgin, he remembered that night six years ago, and today still wanted me. The fact that he walked away without a word told me that sex was all it was and an affair was all it would be. I couldn’t afford any more complications in my life. Especially one involving Ash.

  I turned over, wishing the room would stop moving like a boat on the water, a sure sign that I drank too much, and willed sleep to come.

  The next morning, I woke feeling like I had cotton in my mouth and a cleaver in my head. Groaning, I made it to my bathroom where I downed water and pain reliever, brushed my teeth and then headed downstairs to start breakfast.

  “Mommy,” Hannah trotted into the kitchen wearing her pajamas and mermaid slippers. Her usually sweet voice rattled around in my brain making me wince.

  “Inside voice, baby.”

  “I am using my inside voice,” she said, her round face contorting into a quizzical frown.

  I hadn’t been hungover since that summer six years ago. Ash had been the one to sit with me as I puked my guts out. At the time, I’d had a crush on him, but we weren’t together yet. I remember being mortified, and at the same time thinking how sweet he was to hold my hair out of my face for me as I wretched.

  “Can you set the table, Ms. Banana?” I said, referring to her Hannah-Banana nickname. “Pancakes are almost ready.”

  She blew out a breath, clearly not liking being put to work. I brought her plate to the table and helped her into her booster seat.

  “Not too much syrup. Pancakes don’t need to swim.”

  She laughed. “You’re funny mommy.”

  I brought my plate and sat with her, but I wasn’t sure it was a good idea to eat. My stomach roiled at the sight and smell of the syrup.

  “Did you have fun with Morgan?” I asked her as I sipped water instead.

  “Yep.” Hannah forked a large piece of pancake and shoved it in her mouth. I studied her. Her features favored me with her blonde hair and blue eyes. But there was no mistaking Ash in her as well. The shape of her eyes and slight cleft in her chin were all from Ash. She was probably the reason I couldn’t hate him completely. I’d have rather we raised her together, but he forfeited that right when he left and refused to respond to my letter telling him about my pregnancy.

  Guilt flared in my gut. Now that he and I were talking, I really should tell him. And yet, we weren’t forming a long-term relationship. We were engaged in a business deal, and then we wouldn’t see each other again. Especially if I followed through on my idea to relocate to the west coast. Once I liquidated al
l our assets to pay our debts, I’d be free. I had to hope Ben would use his portion, plus whatever he got from Ash’s buyout of Jet to get help, but it was time that I focused on pursuing my own life and raising Hannah. I had no clue what I’d do career-wise, but I had skills. I felt confident I could get a job or maybe I’d start my own consulting business. Either way, out west, Hannah and I could have a fresh start. Ben could come too, but only if he got his shit together.

  There was a bang against the door, and then noise as if someone was trying to use their key.

  Speak of the devil, I thought. Hannah seemed to ignore it, although she was used to Ben’s behavior, which was another reason I needed to get her away from him.

  I rose from the table and went to the door to let him in. He stumbled in as I opened the door.

  “I had it.” His voice slurred and his eyes were glassy. He’d probably had his last drink of the night ten minutes ago. He bumped into the side table, bounced away until he hit the couch. He was like a pinball, which would have been funny if it wasn’t so tragic.

  “Are you hungry? Want coffee?” I asked, hating that Hannah had to witness this, but I needed to get food or coffee into him.

  “Nah…” He pushed me away as I tried to steady him, but it only served to put him off balance. I was able to maneuver him to the couch, where he tumbled down. I think he passed out before his head hit the cushion.

  I reminded myself of the tremendous pressure he was under. Pressure he wasn’t ready to take on as my father got ill and died. He’d loved managing Jet and had been successful enough to invest in a few other restaurant ventures without Ash. But he wasn’t ready to take on my father’s empire. The stress of it led to his increased drinking which contributed to the company’s current financial difficulties. I was hoping that selling most of our assets would prevent us from having to declare bankruptcy. While I didn’t care so much about the stigma of going broke, I hated to ruin my father’s legacy.


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