The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land

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The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land Page 81

by Thomas Asbridge

  Saladin’s post-illness return to, 337

  Second Crusade retreats from, 235

  Second Crusade targets and besieges, 233–5

  surrender of, to Mongols, 618

  Tughtegin takes power in, 135

  union between Cairo and, 298

  Zangi aims to conquer, 191–2

  Zangi lays siege to, 192–3

  see also Syria

  Damascus expedition, 199

  Damietta, 278, 298, 552, 555–61, 562, 592, 594, 600, 601, 602, 604, 606, 628

  Louis IX’s assault on, 585–8

  Dandalo, Enrico, doge of Venice, 528–9

  Danes, 212, 403

  Daniel the Abbot, 122

  Dante, 670

  Dar al-Harb, 25

  Dar al-Islam, 25

  Darum, 278, 354

  Richard I conquers, 496

  Dead River, 465

  Dead Sea, 159

  Destroit, 464

  Dirgham, 267, 269

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 672

  Divine Comedy (Dante), 670

  Diyar Bakr, 157, 193, 237, 258, 321, 333, 338, 406, 499

  Dog River, 135

  Doukas family, 530

  Duqaq of Damascus, 22, 66, 71, 119, 135

  Durazzo, 144–5

  Edessa, 60, 61, 69, 141, 146–7, 150, 151, 154, 161, 230–1, 233, 370, 500, 663

  agrarian and commercial resources of, 146

  Antioch effective overlord of, 146

  ‘crusader state’, 115

  dismemberment of, 236–7

  Eugenius’s lack of clarity over, 205

  rebuilding programme in, 226

  Zangi attacks and conquers, 194–5, 225–7

  Edward I of England (formerly Lord Edward), 640, 651

  Baybars’ assassination plot against, 644

  Louis IX’s second crusade continued by, 641, 643–4

  Egypt, 1, 19, 21, 22, 23, 56, 89, 134–6, 183, 238, 265–75, 425, 552–62

  abolition of Fatimid caliphate in, 280, 339

  al-Adil assumes full control of, 540

  al-Kamil installed as regional emir in, 540

  al-Salih Ayyub secures position in, 574

  audit of revenue of, 283

  Bahriyya mamluk regiment flees, 612

  Baldwin I’s ambitious raiding campaign into, 159–60

  Baldwin I’s counter-attack on, 134

  Battles of Ramla and, 128–34

  Baybars assumes authority in, 621

  dominant position lost by, 546

  Louis IX accepts blame for setbacks to, 607

  Louis IX’s assault on, see Louis IX: Crusade of

  Mamluks in, see Mamluk dynasty

  non-Koranic taxation of trade abolished in, 278

  Pharos’ Lighthouse in, 267

  Qutuz proclaimed ruler of, 616

  Raymond III’s truce with, 332

  Richard I favours attack on, 502–3

  abandoned, 510

  Saladin’s return to, 297

  Saladin’s rule of, see Saladin

  Saladin thrown a lifeline by continued prosperity of, 499

  Shi‘ite caliph established in, 266

  spiral of chaos in, 267

  struggle for control in, on al-Kamil’s death, 573

  Uthman appointed ruler of, 338

  see also Nile

  Eisenhower, General Dwight D., 674

  Eleanor of Aquitaine, 207, 217, 376, 385, 389

  Henry of Anjou marries, 369

  Raymond and, 233

  Ellenblum, Ronnie, 312

  Emma (daughter of Arnulf of Chocques), 127

  End of Days, 5, 19

  England, 208, 323, 369, 372, 378, 386, 388, 526, 534, 555

  Anglo-Saxon, 8

  civil war in, 198

  crusading tax in, 385

  Innocent III seeks to broker peace deal between France and, 526

  Richard I becomes king of, 383

  Richard I’s time in, 375

  see also Edward I; Henry II; Henry III; Richard I

  Enlightenment, 670, 671

  Ephesus, 220

  Eschiva of Tiberias, Lady, 301, 346

  Étampes, 215

  Eugenius III, Pope, 201, 202–6, 211–14 passim, 216

  in Paris, 217

  Quantum praedecessores encyclical of, 202–3, 204–6, 210

  Euphrates River, 20, 60, 138, 317, 320, 321, 500, 628, 648

  Eustace Garnier, 127

  Everard of Brienne, 403, 405, 407

  Excalibur, 374

  al-Fadil, 276, 279–80, 287, 297–8, 333, 334, 336, 354, 363, 392, 514

  Fakhr al-Din, 566, 568, 586, 588, 589–90, 593–5, 596

  Famagusta, 429

  Farrukh-Shah, 292, 295, 298, 317, 318

  Fatima, 20, 21

  Ferrand, 408

  Fertile Crescent, 20

  Field of Blood (Ager Sanguinis), 164–5, 166, 172, 178, 225, 243, 310

  Fifth Crusade, 533–5, 550–62, 614

  Egypt targeted by, 552–4

  indecision paralyses, 558–9

  lost momentum of, 554–5

  response to preaching of, 533–4

  scurvy among, 556

  First Crusade, 33–104, 51, 108–15, 197–8, 199, 200, 203, 202–3, 208, 658

  act of Christian aggression, 4

  advance on and besieging of Jerusalem by, 89–96

  first direct assault, 94

  Antioch’s famine during, 76–7

  apparel, armour and weaponry of knights in, 42n

  Arabic poets commemorate, 113

  Asia Minor crossed by, 56–61

  assault on Jerusalem by, 96–103, 111

  aftermath of, 103–7

  recorded casualties in, 102

  return to Europe after, 106–7

  Baghdad sends huge relief force during, 72

  Battle of Dorylaeum during, 57–9

  cannibalism during, 84

  disjointed beginnings of, 40

  Firuz’s betrayal and, 72–3

  Franks suffer illness and malnourishment during, 68–9

  group discussion determines direction of, 57

  Historia commemorating, 109, 111

  histories of, 108–13

  Islam’s response to, 111–14

  lack of water during, 59

  Latin Christendom stunned by success of, 108

  Muslim envoys discuss negotiated settlement during, 71

  numbers involved in, 42

  ‘People’s Crusade’ and, 41, 48, 52

  propitious timing of, 22

  purgative rituals during, 69

  retrospective interpretations of, 39

  return to Europe after, 106

  Siege (1st) of Antioch during, 61–74

  Siege (2nd) and Battle of Antioch during, 74–82

  Siege of Nicaea during, 52–6

  in Syria, 62–88

  Urban instigates, 10, 33–9, 202

  First World War, 673, 674, 675

  Firuz, 72–3

  fitz-Fulk the Leper, Robert, 157, 165–6

  Flanders, 212

  Flori, Jean, 474

  Fontevraud, 384

  Fourth Crusade, 525–32

  Constantinople and, 529–32

  Doge Dandalo commutes debt of, 528

  diversions from, 527–32

  excommunication of, 529

  financial shortfall hits start of, 528

  initial manpower shortages for, 528

  Innocent imposes minimum terms of service in, 525

  laity largely shapes, 526

  preaching of, 525

  Venice deal and, 527–8, 531

  Fourth Lateran Council, 535

  France, 6, 39, 143, 144, 173, 215, 323, 369, 373, 378, 382, 384, 527, 533, 555, 649, 667, 673

  call to cross in, 372

  courtly life and chivalry in, 372

  crusading tax in, 385

  derivation of name of, 6

  fighting aristocracy of, 43

cent III seeks to broker peace deal between England and, 526

  involvement of, in Second Crusade, see Louis VII; Second Crusade

  involvement of, in Third Crusade, see Acre: Great Siege of; Philip II Augustus; Third Crusade

  Islam reaches, 19

  Michaud on, 672

  polities in, 7

  Roman ecclesiastical authority consolidated in, 9

  Urban seeks to extend papal influence to, 35

  Urban’s message to, 41

  see also Capetian dynasty; Louis VII of France; Louis IX of France; Philip II Augustus of France

  Francia, 6

  Frankfurt, 209, 213, 215

  Frederick I of Germany (Barbarossa) (‘Red Beard’), 303, 367, 369, 381–2, 416, 420–2

  cross taken by, 381

  death of, 421–2, 426

  see also Germany

  Frederick II of Germany and Sicily, 522, 550–1, 556, 558, 562–72, 580

  al-Kamil agrees terms with, 569

  anointed emperor, 559–60

  crown rights to Germany and Sicily removed from, 577

  Crusade of, 562–71

  death of, 572

  excommunications of, 567, 572, 579

  Gregory IX calls for crusade against, 572

  Gregory IX excommunicates, 567, 572

  Gregory IX lifts excommunication of, 571

  illness spreads through army of, 566

  Jerusalem entered by, 570

  Jerusalem recovered by, 569

  return to Italy by, 571–2

  weakened authority of, in Palestine, 568

  see also Hohenstaufen dynasty/empire

  Frederick of Swabia, 381, 421, 424

  Freiburg, 209

  Frisia, 381, 403

  Fulcher, of Chartres, 56, 109, 118–19, 121, 129–30, 177, 183

  Fulk V of Anjou, king of Jerusalem, 173, 174, 185, 193, 379

  Fulk Nerra, count of Anjou, 4–5, 6–7, 11

  monastery established by, 12

  pilgrimage embraced by, 13

  salvation sought by, 5, 12

  Fulk of Neuilly, 525, 527

  Fustat, 266, 269, 278, 279, 298

  Gabriel, Archangel, 17

  Galeran, bishop of Beirut, 576, 577–8, 580

  Galilee, 117, 154, 260, 318, 342, 344, 345, 346, 393, 548

  Baldwin I divides, 127

  Ibn Jubayr’s description of, 181

  Muslims raid, 127

  Raymond’s plan to seize lordship of, 342

  Saladin invades, 326

  Saladin’s winter campaign in, 396

  Sea of, 136, 310, 313, 408

  strategic, political and economic significance of, for Ayyubid realm, 330

  Tancred reinstated as lord of, 150

  Gallipoli, 382

  Garnier of Nablus, 471

  Garnier of Rochefort, 469

  Gascony, 12

  Gaston IV of Béarn, 12

  Gauclem Faidit, 373

  Gaul, north-eastern, Franks take control of, 6

  Gaza, 171, 251, 354, 575

  Gazelle (warhorse), 129, 132

  Geddington, 372

  Genghis (Chinggis) Khan, 613

  Genoa, 7, 182, 213, 298, 436, 547, 627–8, 649, 650, 652, 666

  fleet from, 95, 122, 124, 147, 149, 394

  St Lorenzo Cathedral in, 124

  Geoffrey of Lusignan, 400, 405, 436, 437, 478

  Georgia, 321, 541, 614

  Gerard of Ridefort, 344, 346, 354

  death of, 406

  Gerbod of Windeke, 131, 133

  Germany, 6, 45, 198, 215, 216, 369, 381, 534, 551, 615, 649, 667

  call to cross in, 372

  Empire of, 550

  fighting aristocracy of, 43

  internal rivalry racks, 198

  involvement of, in Second Crusade, see Conrad III; Second Crusade

  ongoing power struggle in, 526

  polities in, 7

  pressure on Rome from, 198

  Rome’s acrimonious dispute with, 208

  see also Frederick I of Germany; Frederick II of Germany; Hohenstaufen dynasty; Teutonic Knights; Welf dynasty

  Gerold, patriarch of Jerusalem, 568, 570, 572

  Gervase of Bazoches, 127

  Gesta Francorum (Deeds of the Franks), 108–10, 111

  Gibbon, Edward, 670

  Gilbert of Lacy, 257

  Gillingham, John, 375, 454, 490

  Gisors, 380

  Godfrey of Bouillon, 45–6, 50, 57, 86, 92, 97–8, 99–100, 106, 111, 116–18, 160, 575, 670, 672


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