Arranged Marriage, Wanted Wife

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Arranged Marriage, Wanted Wife Page 5

by Mary Goldberger

  Jassi gave a chuckle shaking her head at him. “With all the girls in your little black book, I’m sure you have learned to be the ultimate gentleman.”

  Pulling away from the house, Waren scoffed lightly eyes on the road. “What black book? That’s what my cell is for, sweetheart.”

  Waren waited for the comeback so he was surprised when Jassi busted out laughing, and he smiled eyes glinting with emotion.

  “Don’t you have to work,” Jassi remembered after her laughter subsided and they were on their way to her grandmother’s house.

  “I gave myself the day off,” Waren shifted Jassi a quick look seeing the frown that crossed Jassi’s face. “It’s rare and my secretary exclaimed that it was about time.”

  Jassi nodded her head before turning to stare out the passenger window and Waren tightened his hands on the steering wheel feeling anger rise in him, and it wasn’t aimed at Jassi. He wondered how he could bring back the young laughing woman from a moment ago.

  They arrived at Jassi’s old home and Waren sensed that Jassi wasn’t as thrilled about spending her time with her relatives.

  “Jassi,” the door was opened by an older woman who smiled when she saw Jassi. “I’m sorry, sweetie, but your grandmother isn’t here. She told me to tell you that something urgent came up and that she had to cancel today.”

  Jassi had a feeling that it was going to happen but she nodded her head in understanding seeing how the old servant’s eyes filled with sadness.

  “Just tell my grandmother that we stopped by,” Jassi spoke quietly her voice devoid of emotion. “Waren, I need to get something. Can you please wait outside in the car? It shouldn’t take too long.”

  Waren nodded his head confusion rolling around in his mind and yet his face was calm with no hint of what he was feeling.

  He was just closing the door suddenly stopping when the servant who had opened the door for them spoke. “Happy birthday, sweetie. I’m sorry that your grandmother couldn’t share it with you.”

  “When has she ever shared my birthday with me, Ms. Peggy? I need to get something from my old room,” Jassi called out heading for the stairs when Peggy stopped her.

  “Your room has already been cleared and your grandmother is having it redone,” Peggy watched as Jassi stilled on the steps before she turned back around and started toward her.

  “I see,” was the only thing Jassi said on that. “I’m guessing that all my things were thrown away.”

  Peggy smiled resting a hand on Jassi’s arm. “Now, Miss Jassi, would I do that to you? Wait right here and I will go get the box for you.”

  “Thank you, ma’am,” Jassi called out when Peggy walked away.

  Her eyes closed and she put her head down unaware of the sharp eyes that watched her through the crack in the door before he firmly closed it not making a sound.

  Walking to the car, he pulled out his cell phone intent on calling his secretary only to be distracted when it rung in his hand and he frowned seeing the number on the window.

  “Hello Pricilla,” he answered reluctantly turning when he heard the door open behind him barely listening to Pricilla’s sharp tones asking him about the other night.

  Jassi strolled out of the house a big box in her hands while Peggy waved to her before closing the door behind her.

  “Pricilla,” he uttered stepping forward to take the box from Jassi who only shook her head and tilted her head to the trunk of his car.

  He pushed a button on the fop connected to his key ring watching as the trunk opened and Jassi put her things inside before closing it back up.

  “Pricilla,” Waren finally catching what she was saying, “I can’t today. I already have plans for lunch and I’ve no thoughts on changing them at the last moment since it took me some time to arrange it.”

  He frowned at her sobbing and he was about to intervene when Jassi spoke quietly. “Drop me off and then go see what’s wrong. It sounds like she needs you.”

  Jassi didn’t wait for a response as she got into the car and Waren shut the door behind her telling Pricilla. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  He could tell that she didn’t like his words, but what she wanted wasn’t on his list of priorities as he hung up after a brief ‘goodbye’.

  “Where would you like to eat,” he suggested getting behind the wheel. “I didn’t eat breakfast this morning…”

  “Waren,” Jassi began just as his cell went off again which he ignored.

  “I think I’ll decide since I doubt you can make a choice,” he mocked getting a glare from the woman sitting next to him before she folded her arms across her chest and stared straight ahead out the windshield.

  “Good choice,” Waren praised seeing Jassi tense at his words but he smiled driving away from the house. “So, Jassi, what do you like to do?”

  Jassi shot him such a look of shock that Waren laughed missing the blush that stained Jassi’s cheeks before she answered him. “I like picnics although it’s been a long time since I’ve been on one.”

  She paused briefly before admitting, “I like to read, but only romances” shooting him a quick look as if waiting for him to laugh. “I also enjoy watching TV, but I’m picky about what I watch.”

  “What do you like to watch,” Waren asked changing lines.

  “Mostly action flicks, but I enjoy a good romantic comedy once and awhile,” Jassi admitted with a soft smile. “I rarely watch TV shows since I can never really get into them or more honestly, I miss too many episodes with my work schedule.” Then Jassi changed the subject. “Why the sudden questions, Waren?

  “You are my wife,” Waren stressed making another lane change missing how Jassi’s whole face reddened at his words. Although when he did sneak a peek at her, Waren caught the glimmer in her eyes that Jassi probably wasn’t aware of and yet Waren mentally smiled refocusing his attention on the road. “I thought a full breakfast would do since I rarely eat in the morning.”

  Jassi was quiet before she admitted lowly. “Neither do I.”

  “Good, so it’s a first for us both,” Waren agreed sending Jassi a conspirator smile watching Jassi shake her head once, but an answering smile lifting the corners of her mouth.

  Almost an hour later, Waren glanced over his coffee cup staring at Jassi across the table moving her fork around her plate.

  “Did you have anything planned for the rest of the day,” he spoke suddenly watching Jassi slightly wince at his words.

  “No, but…” Jassi began only to be interrupted when her cell phone rang.

  “Hello,” she answered before mouthing to Waren ‘excuse me’ getting up from the table.

  Waren watched her walk away sitting back in his seat when his name was called and he turned to see Pricilla walking toward him.

  “Waren, you didn’t call me especially after standing me up,” Pricilla pouted at him taking Jassi’s seat not mentioning their phone call earlier.

  “I’ve been busy. Besides, didn’t we speak about an hour ago and I told you that I had lunch plans,” Waren spoke bluntly eyes shifting when he caught the perfume Jassi wore coming toward them. He decided to omit after talking to Jassi that evening, he hadn’t felt like spending it with another woman.

  “Waren, I…” Jassi began only for her words to stutter to a stop when Pricilla turned to her with a smirking smile.

  Waren pushed his chair back and stood up eyes watchful on Jassi who nodded her head at Pricilla before turning to him.

  “The hospital called to see if I could cover a shift,” she informed him glancing down at her watch. “Do you mind taking me back to the house so I can get my uniform?”

  The server came over just as she finished telling him and hearing it, the server immediately handed over the check for their meal.

  “Is there anything you would like to box up,” she asked getting a ‘no’ from both Jassi and Waren.

  “Waren,” Pricilla cooed standing up and latching onto his arm a glint in her eyes that Waren caught and read a
ccurately. “Could you give me a ride? I came with a friend, but she is still eating.”

  Waren patted her hands before unhooking them from around his arm. “Pricilla, I plan on going straight to the office after I drop Jassi off at home.”

  Waren noted the stunned look that Jassi threw him at his words but her face went blank when Pricilla turned to her.

  “Can’t you find another ride,” Pricilla asked with the right touch of sympathy in her voice although her eyes were glaring at Jassi. “I need to talk with Waren about something, if you don’t mind, Jassi.”

  “I’m the one who brought Jassi, my wife, here so I’ll be the one to take her home,” Waren was offended that Pricilla would even suggest such a thing in front of him. “I’m sure that your friend won’t be much longer. Goodbye, Pricilla.”

  He reached out and grabbed Jassi’s arm escorting her out of the restaurant after nodding his head at Pricilla who stared after them with a scowl on her face.

  “She wasn’t very happy,” Jassi commented after they pulled out the parking lot heading home.

  “She’ll get over it,” Waren stated watching traffic as he switched lines.

  Jassi gave him a quick glance before she returned her gaze out the passenger window watching the scenery pass them by. Jassi could feel her heart returning to normal after their confrontation with Pricilla, and although she appreciated Waren’s support from her snarky comments, she wondered what was going through his mind to treat the woman like that. Didn’t he love her, Jassi wondered shifting him another look.

  “Your favorite color is blue, right,” Waren said out of nowhere. “I noticed that you wear that color often.”

  “It compliments my eyes I’ve been told,” Jassi responded honestly her mind still thinking about earlier.

  “Hmm,” Waren uttered absently before making an inane comment drawing Jassi into a conversation not touching on any more personal issues.

  At the house, Jassi opened the door the minute Waren parked the car and gave him a brief ‘thank you for breakfast’ before closing the door heading inside.

  Waren stepped out of the car and standing in the open driver’s door, he called out “I’ll wait so I can give you a ride to work” getting a shocked look from Jassi who stilled in the doorway.

  “Go,” Waren waved her inside the house getting a disgruntled look but she turned around and walked inside the house.

  Waren knocked a fist against the hood of the car before sliding back inside letting the engine run waiting for Jassi to come back out.

  Almost fifteen minutes later, Jassi came striding out the house in her nurse’s uniform a purse over her shoulder.

  Jassi didn’t say a word just climbed into the car and shut the door buckling her seat belt giving him a brief glance.

  Waren hid the smile shifting out of park pulling away from the house making idle conversation until he pulled into the hospital parking lot.

  “I can get a ride from one of the nurses when the shift is over,” Jassi told him unbuckling her seatbelt and reaching for the door handle.

  Waren grabbed her arm stopping her from leaving the car telling her in mocking tone. “I’ll be here when your shift is over so call me and Jassi…”

  The tone of his voice had her stilling in the seat turning her eyes to him seeing the sudden pleading look he gave her although there was a heated glimmer behind int.

  “Call when your shift ends, please” he requested, and Jassi bit her lip staring at him hesitatingly before responding.

  “I can’t promise that I will, but I’ll try.”

  Jassi saw the smile that crossed his face at her words, and she mentally sighed, feeling her heart melt more before she glanced down at the hand on her arm.

  “But now I need to get to work so do you think I can have my arm back,” Jassi asked a teasing note in her voice.

  Waren was slow to remove his hand as if reluctant to let her go.

  “I guess so,” he finally stated letting her go, and Jassi shot him a small smile. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he told before she shut the door.

  Jassi gazed at him briefly before nodding her head when Waren waved her inside, and striding through the doors, Jassi wondered for what felt like the umpteenth time, what was going through Waren’s mind. He had confused her today, and she didn’t like being confused because knowing her place kept her from getting hurt.

  Entering the elevator, Jassi closed her eyes briefly and clenched her hands realizing that maybe it was too late for that, maybe Waren could hurt her more than she had ever dreamed.

  Contrary to what Waren told Pricilla, instead of heading to the office he went to see Craig and Delilah at their home almost an hour away.

  “Waren,” Delilah welcomed him with open arms ushering him inside the house. “I was telling Craig how nice it would be to see you at our party when suddenly you arrived on our doorstep.”

  “Although I wish you would’ve brought your wife with you,” she muttered under her breathe going into the kitchen.

  “You didn’t,” Waren asked in a low rough voice.

  Craig gave his friend a disgruntled look which he wiped away when Delilah returned from the kitchen with drinks for the two of them.

  “I have to go finish my project if I want to get it done in time for the party,” she sighed in a loud voice causing both her husband and Waren to laugh.

  She glared at them for laughing before walking out of the room only to be stopped when Waren called out. “Unfortunately, my wife had to work or I would’ve introduced you to her today.”

  Delilah threw a smug smile over her shoulder and continued out of the room.

  After she left, Craig leaned forward with a small smile. “Are you still planning on wooing your wife, Waren?”

  A grin began to sneak across Waren’s face, and Craig settled back in his seat. “I don’t even have to ask, so what else would you have in mind?”

  “Jassi’s birthday was today,” Waren suddenly informed him seeing Craig’s eyes widen at the news. “Unfortunately, she was called into to work so I couldn’t do anything for her, but l learned a few things about her today.”

  He went on to tell Craig what he and Jassi talked about before asking. “Do you think Delilah would help and organize a picnic lunch for me? Jassi said she likes picnics and I thought a picnic on my land might make a lasting impression on Jassi.” He sat forward a thoughtful look on his face. “Do you know any blue flowers?”

  “Blue flowers,” Craig repeated thinking only to shake his head.

  “I do,” Delilah’s voice rung through the room. Her eyes shifted between Waren and her husband that had Craig clearing his throat and Waren coughing lightly. “I don’t know why you are trying to woo your own wife, but if you are going through the trouble then she must be someone important so of course we will help you. Organizing a picnic for two won’t be hard, but is there anything particular you want or…”

  Waren scowled to himself. “I didn’t ask what her favorite food was,” he muttered aside to himself not seeing the look Craig and Delilah shared.

  “I’ll figure something out,” Delilah assured him. “As for the flower, I know a great flower boutique that can find what you are looking for and if you would like, I can call them for you.”

  “Please,” Waren asked his face animated with anticipation. “Although I’m not sure just yet what I’m going to do with them…”

  “Normally they are given to the woman we care about,” Craig interjected in a dry note although laughter echoed on his face.

  “So I’ve been told,” Waren shot back and Delilah standing by the door, folded her hands across her chest watching them banter back and forward a thoughtful look on her face.

  “Jassi, huh,” she whispered to herself a gleam in her eyes which intensified after she left the room heading for her office. Before she started on her work, she made one quick phone call and satisfied that her friend could help her, Delilah went to work with determination.

  This party was becoming more and more interesting, she thought to herself, and not just for their own special news.

  Chapter 4

  Jassi yawned into her hand for the third time in six hours and her friend Dana Mathews, the other nurse working with her, frowned catching it.

  “Isn’t today your birthday,” Dana asked while they changed the sheets of the bed of a patient released not too long ago. “Why did you agree when they called you in?”

  “I had nothing planned,” Jassi spoke in a low voice unable to hide the hint of hurt that flickered across her face.

  “What about your husband,” Dana persisted. “You’ll telling me that he didn’t have any plans to celebrate your birthday.”

  “My husband,” Jassi laughed at the term getting a bewildered look from Dana. “Let’s just do our work before Supervisor decides to write us up.”

  Jassi went back to work aware that Dana was staring at her in confusion unable to get into personal issues at the moment.

  The shift went by fast and it was coming to its end when she was finally able to corner Jassi in the nurses break room.

  “What it is really going on, Jassi,” she asked bluntly watching Jassi sigh leaning back against the lockers that the nurses were assigned.

  “My husband, as you call him, hasn’t spoken to me since we got married until maybe a few weeks ago,” Jassi revealed closing her eyes shaking her head back and forward. “It was an arranged marriage to settle a debt that my grandmother had with my husband’s father and instead of paying the debt…”

  “You became the sacrificial lamb,” Dana interjected with a scowl.

  “Something like that,” Jassi mumbled lifting her head up with a weak grin.

  “Jassi, why didn’t you…” Dana began only to stop shaking her head putting out a hand to Jassi’s shoulder. “I tried to warn you, but you didn’t want to hear it.”

  “I wanted to believe that my grandmother had finally come to accept and love me as her only son’s daughter,” Jassi admitted in a low voice tears shining in her eyes although she blinked them away.


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