Arranged Marriage, Wanted Wife

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Arranged Marriage, Wanted Wife Page 21

by Mary Goldberger

  “I take it you are happy with my plans,” he asked letting his chin rest on top of Jassi’s head.

  Jassi giggled tearfully but nodded her head against his neck.

  “Thank you,” she whispered pulling back to look up at him.

  Waren shook his head staring at her with loving eyes. “No, thank you, sweetheart,” he leaned down and kissed her gently before continuing. “I won’t waste the second chance you gave me.”

  Jassi smiled and rested back against him, and they sat that way for a few minutes until Waren reminded her about her ice cream.

  As Jassi grabbed her bowl, Waren reached for the remote resting his arm along the back of the couch where Jassi leaned back against eating her ice cream while Waren looked for a movie for them to watch.

  He found a decent one, or so he thought, and they sat there watching it although once done with her ice cream, other things tended to interrupt their moment.

  “Tell me more about tomorrow,” Jassi muttered after putting her bowl on the table.

  “Well,” Waren started hesitantly before explaining what he had planned, and Jassi listened intently adding a little input.

  She fell asleep against him and Waren stared down at her with a smile on his face before he shifted to his feet bringing her up with him.

  “Bed time,” he uttered in a low voice.

  “Uh huh,” Jassi whispered snuggling closer to him.

  Waren laughed walking to their room where he whispered something causing Jassi to giggle even as he closed the door behind them.

  “Are you ready,” Siria asked the next day straightening Jassi’s gown while Jassi stared at herself in the mirror tears filling her eyes.

  Siria noticing told her softly. “He wanted me to find the same gown that you wore when you first were married.”

  “Why,” Jassi asked her voice shaky with emotion.

  Siria shook her head a soft smile playing along her lips. “I’m not sure although I can guess, but you need to ask Waren.”

  Jassi stared at herself in the mirror her hand going to the slight bump underneath the dress that hinted at her pregnancy.

  “I’m scared,” Jassi admitted aloud. “The last time I got left...”

  Siria stopped her there with a confident shake of her head. “That won’t happen this time I promise you. Waren had me planning this before he even found you so it is a safe bet that he won’t let history repeat itself.”

  Jassi stared at her sister-in-law before laughingly lightly. “I’m still scared, but thank you for the encouragement and confidence you have in Waren.”

  “He is my brother-in-law,” Siria stated with a sly smile and a shrug of her shoulders. “So what else can I say?”

  Jassi chuckled glancing one last time at her reflection in the mirror before she turned away straightening her spine.

  “Then I guess I’m ready,’ she stated clearing her throat once getting a laugh from Siria who rearranged her gown one last time before nodding her head in satisfaction.

  “You look beautiful,” Siria told her with a hint of excitement. “I can’t wait for Waren to see you, but more importantly I can’t wait to see the look on your family’s faces.”

  Jassi gave her an astonished look. “They were invited?”

  Siria heard the hint of panic in Jassi’s voice and she put a hand on her shoulder. “Waren wanted them to be here. In his words, he wanted them to see what a real wedding should look like especially for the woman he loves.”

  Jassi gave a weak laugh but her eyes flashed with worry and fear, and Siria sighed sliding an arm through hers.

  “Let’s go meet your groom.”

  With those words, Siria ushered Jassi out of the room and Jassi followed deciding to let what will happen, happen but to enjoy the day that Waren had worked to give her.

  Pricilla took her seat gracefully even as her eyes darted around the occupied chairs, and a frown settled on her face.

  “Ooh isn’t it beautiful,” the woman next to her gushed. “I always thought it was pitiful about how the first wedding was done and I hear that the groom went all out for the bride this time to make up for it. And yet, it seems so simple.”

  “Because that’s how the bride wanted it,” the man next to her explained. “Siria told everyone that Waren wanted everything just the way he knew his wife wanted it, and Jassi is no superficial young woman.”

  “True,” the woman agreed when music, soft and romantic, filled the air.

  Everyone turned and Pricilla followed suit a smirk on her face, which fell when she saw Jassi, dressed in her wedding gown.

  “Isn’t that the same...” another woman muttered under her breath.

  “I heard that the groom searched everywhere for the gown she wore the first time,” another muttered. “I think it’s romantic that he remembered the gown so well to find one exactly like it.”

  Pricilla narrowed her eyes while Jassi made her way down the makeshift aisle heading for Waren who watched her with hooded eyes.

  Jassi kept her eyes on him seeing the slow smile that crossed his face unaware of the tears that filled almost every woman’s eyes at the look he gave her.

  “You are beautiful,” he uttered passionately when she reached his side. “I thought so the first time I saw you in it.”

  “You barely looked at me,” Jassi mumbled as Waren took her hand and the sound of laughed echoed around the yard causing the wedding guests to stare at him with smiles and awe although there were a few looks of confusion.

  “I noticed everything about you that day,” Warne assured her tightening his hand around hers. “I had been looking for you for over a year.”

  Jassi lifted her head to meet his eyes while her own began to shine and Waren had to catch his breath at the love blazing through those orbs.

  “Ready to get married then,” Jassi teased him eyes flashing with anticipation.

  “More than you know,” Waren confirmed turning them both to the preacher that stood in front of them waiting patiently while laughter lines wrinkled across his face.

  “Are we ready,” his voice boomed out over the yard and everyone laughed while Waren and Jassi nodded their heads. “Then let’s began.”

  “Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join, Waren and Jassi, in the hands of matrimony,” the preacher began sending a slight glance when someone in the back commented. “They are already married.”

  “As I was saying,” the preacher stated a little louder, “Waren and Jassi are reaffirming their vows to one another and this time under a clear blue sky with loved ones watching them from both above and around them.”

  Jassi’s eyes filled with tears at his words and Waren squeezed her hand knowing what she was thinking.

  “I’ve known Waren since he was a child although he never came one day to church,” he stated and Waren grimaced. “But I won’t hold that against him because I know what a gentle and caring person he is although he does have a temper.”

  There was agreement in the background and Jassi giggled causing Waren to send her a narrowed look although there was no anger behind it.

  “I’ve seen him with plenty of young woman and I know that he cared about one for many years,” the preacher continued staring at the two in front of him. “But I can honestly say that I’ve never seen the look in his eyes that he has now when looking at his bride to be. As for Jassi…”

  He stopped here briefly and Jassi bit her lip watching him smile. “I don’t know her personally but after talking with Waren, and a few others, I will say that she is a compassionate person who does what she can for others even at the expense of her own happiness. I also believe that she is the only woman who can handle Waren without changing him.”

  Again, laughter rung around the backyard and Waren shook his head saying dryly. “Thank you, sir.”

  Jassi laughed at his side leaning against him and he sent a smile down at her while sliding an arm around her waist and grasping her hand again with his other one.

nbsp; “So with that said,” the preacher stated chuckling with Waren and Jassi’s eyes lit up. “Let our couple say their vows.”

  He started the wedding ceremony watching while Waren and Jassi answered solemnly although the look in their eyes affirmed what he had already discovered.

  Once the vows said and rings exchanged which he noted held sentimental moment for both of them, he said teasingly. “Now you may kiss the bride or…”

  Waren didn’t let him finish pulling Jassi up against him to kiss her without restraint and passionately in front of their family and friends.

  When he broke the kiss, the guests were clapping while a few were making catcalls causing Jassi to blush and Waren winked at her devilishly causing the blush to darken.

  “Now I pronounce you husband and wife.”

  Both Jassi and Waren turned to him with laughing looks. “I think your order is a little wrong,” Waren teased him gently while Jassi smiled giggling.

  “Just a little,” the preacher admitted although there was a look of wisdom in his eyes that Waren and Jassi found slightly unnerving, but he merely smiled before congratulating them.

  They turned to face their guests who got to their feet clapping and whistling at them.

  Waren put his arm back around Jassi’s waist allowing his fingers to settle comfortably against the swell of her belly.

  Joining his family, Jassi was welcomed with a hug by both Waren’s father and brother while Siria was last giving her a quick hug with a whispered. “I told you that this time would be different.”

  Jassi laughed nodding her head getting a questioning look from Waren.

  “I’ll explain later,” Jassi finally told him after hesitating briefly.

  Waren nodded turning his head when other guests approached to congratulate them.

  The wedding reception went on from there with laughter and chatting filling the backyard and Jassi watched everyone with happiness shining in her eyes.

  “Happy,” Waren asked jokingly handing her glass of juice kissing her lightly before sitting down next to her.

  “Does it show,” Jassi mocked sending him a flirty look.

  “Only to those who love you,” was his prompt reply causing Jassi to gasp slightly and a blush coming to her cheeks.

  “I never noticed how easily you blush,” Waren stated thoughtfully before leaning forward to whisper wickedly in her ear. “I must find other ways to make you blush. Besides, I’m curious to see how far down that blush goes.”

  Jassi gasped loudly at this turning to him with her mouth opened with a quick retort only for Waren to take it from her with a passionate kiss.

  A few hours later, Waren and Jassi were sending their guests off getting sidelined looks and gruff smiles causing Jassi to blush and Waren to smile wickedly.

  “You must be keeping him satisfied,” a sharp voice said.

  Jassi stiffened at the tone her head turning to meet her cousin’s hard glare and Waren slipped an arm along her shoulders.

  “That she does,” he agreed with a sharp nod of her head. “Considering the fact that along with agreeing to marry me again, she is letting us start a family.”

  He gave Jassi a loving look that annoyed her cousin even more while they were joined by her mother and grandmother. Her sister had decided not to come having better things to do.

  “Like mother, like daughter,” her grandmother snapped getting their attention. “I thought you would be useful to me, but of course you disappoint me just like your father.”

  With those words, she walked away with her daughter and granddaughter following shooting Jassi hateful looks.

  Waren gritted his teeth and tightened his arm around Jassi who was shaking lightly.

  He was about to say something when another voice distracted them.

  “You’ve been thinking about her from the beginning even when we…” Pricilla’s voice dropped off.

  Jassi looked at her without any emotion while Waren’s arm stiffened around her.

  “Your games are getting old,” Jassi stated suddenly reaching over to lace her fingers with Waren’s free hand. “And if I may add, very tiresome. I do believe you told Waren last time that even if he had chosen you it would’ve been for a short time.”

  Jassi lifted her eyebrows at Pricilla who scowled at her until Siria joined them commenting, “Getting caught with a woman’s husband tends to have a lasting effect.”

  Waren sighed while Jassi’s eyes widened in shock.

  “Don’t look so shocked,” Pricilla snarled tossing her hair over one naked shoulders. “I’ve slept with your husband too.”

  “Before we met,” Jassi shot back her eyes narrowed, “and after our wedding, I chose not to have say in what Waren did.”

  Waren couldn’t help but laugh at her words and both women turned to him. “I remember you telling me to take Pricilla with me to visit my friends.”

  Jassi gave him a hard look before shrugging her shoulders. “You came out of nowhere telling me that you needed your wife to attend your friends’ party. What else did you expect to me to do?”

  Waren wrapped his arms around her. “I would’ve found a way to get you to attend no matter what,” he suddenly told her getting a gasp from Pricilla.

  Pricilla glared at them before turning on her high heel and striding away from the backyard.

  “I’m so glad that she is gone,” Siria muttered getting a frown from Jassi although humor flared in her eyes.

  “Siria,” her husband said in exasperation.

  “I never liked her,” Siria stated without hesitation being called away by her father-in-law.

  Waren hugged Jassi to him leaning down to whisper in her ear and Jassi giggled leaning against him with a flirty look.

  He lifted her up into his arms and with a loud ‘goodbye’ he strode to their car placing Jassi in the passenger seat while everyone laughed.

  “Home for the night,” he told her with a slow grin. “Then tomorrow we will go on our honeymoon.”

  After a quick kiss, he closed the door and Jassi put on her seatbelt resting a hand against her belly, which Waren caught sliding into the car.

  Starting the car and putting it in gear, he reached over covering her hand that rested against the swell of her belly where their child was safe and well protected.

  “I love you,” Jassi uttered in a soft voice.

  Waren smiled slowly while his hand gently stroked her belly. “I love you, too, Jassi.”


  Seven months later

  “Breathe, honey,” Waren urged getting a glare from Jassi even as she breathed in and out wincing when pain went through her.

  “Is something wrong?” Waren asked turning to the doctor sitting at the end of the hospital bed in between his wife’s legs.

  The doctor smiled behind her mask. “Everything is fine,” she told him turning her attention back to her work. “It just seems that this young lass is being stubborn.”

  “Like mother, like daughter,” Waren teased sending Jassi a loving look.

  Jassi took heavy breaths before she uttered breathlessly. “She’s probably going to be more like you than me.”

  She cried out when pain went through her and the doctor nodded her head. “The contractions are coming closer and she is almost fully dilated. I don’t think it will be much longer.”

  Jassi collapsed back against the bed closing her eyes heaving heavily and Waren grabbed her hand squeezing lightly.

  “You’re doing great, Jassi,” he vowed in a warm, encouraging voice.

  Jassi opened her eyes a little to stare up at him before smiling weakly until another contraction had her gritting her teeth.

  “Another one,” the doctor reported obviously. “This time I want you to push until I tell you to stop.”

  Jassi nodded her head gritting her teeth and her hand tightened around Waren’s while he sat on the bed holding her as she pushed.

  “Stop,” the doctor commanded a few minutes later and Jassi colla
psed back against Waren breathing heavily.

  “She’s almost here, honey,” Waren promised using a damp towel to wipe sweat off her forehead that he had grabbed earlier.

  Jassi started to say something when another pain came and she let a small cry before starting to push again.

  Waren held her encouraging while Jassi worked to give birth to their daughter and what felt like hours, they both heard a small cry.

  “There you are,” the doctor pronounced in a soft voice. “Giving your mommy such a hard time, little one.”

  Waren stared in awe at the small life in the doctor’s hands when she turned handing their baby to a waiting nurse who immediately moved away to clean her up and take measurements.

  The doctor went back to Jassi who gave another push and the doctor nodded her head while Jassi collapsed against Waren again.

  “Your baby girl,” the nurse said softly cradling a small girl swathed in a pink blanket, and Jassi looked up wearily but her eyes were shining.

  The nurse laid the baby in Jassi’s waiting arms and Waren, holding Jassi and their child, glanced down while Jassi eased the blanket back from their daughter’s face.

  “Oh my,” Jassi whispered letting one finger trace down her daughter’s face while Waren put one hand to the back of her head. “She’s gorgeous.”

  “Just like her mom,” Warne proclaimed unaware of the smiles that went around the room behind the masks.

  Jassi and Waren counted fingers and toes while the doctor finished up, and the nurses noted down the measurements of the new life.

  The nurse came over to get the child smiling at the look on both Waren and Jassi’s face. “We’ll only taking her to get a checkup by an on-call pediatrician and then I will bring her back,” she announced watching them smile.

  They watched the nurse leave with their child until the doctor got their attention.

  “The birth went well, but I want you to take it easy for at least a day or so,” she told Jassi smiling. “As a nurse, Jassi, I’m sure you know what to do. Besides, I doubt your husband will let you overwork yourself after giving him such a precious daughter.”


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