A Sensual Situation

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A Sensual Situation Page 2

by Mistress Rae

  Grunting, he crushed her against the cold wall. Darla could barely breathe. This being had a stamina that no human male could ever possess. And her stamina was starting to dwindle.

  After ten minutes of this nonstop, lustful pounding, his body stiffened, and he roared. She remained still as felt his ejaculation shoot inside her. With his strong hands braced against the wall on either side of her shoulders, he pumped himself in her. Each throb of his penis expanded her opening, allowing his fluids to leak out and drain down her thighs. She felt like she'd accidentally peed on herself, he had so much coming out of him. With a small grunt, he gave one last thrust, held himself firmly in place, and reached down to fondle her clit again. He pushed her reddened bud like a button and set her off again. She gushed one more time, her thighs trembling with pleasure, ready to give out on her.

  He slowly pulled out and turned her around to face him. The last thought on her mind was if her womanhood would retract back to its normal size.

  Darla looked up at the darkly beautiful stranger.

  "I am Atreyu,” he said, before she passed out.

  * * * *



  Darla moved through her day's classes like an automaton. Had what happened last night actually happen? Had she truly conjured a sex demon that had pleased her the whole night?

  Guilt hit her like a Mack truck when she ran into Justin on her scheduled lunch break. Last night she had almost forgotten about him.

  "Hey sweetie,” he said and kissed her on her cheek. She almost flinched.

  How could I have done that to him? she scolded herself. I'm such a whore.

  "What's the matter, Darla?"

  She looked up at him. “Huh?"

  "You seem nervous about something.” Justin scratched his head.

  'That I let a pleasure demon fuck me last night might be a good reason why,' she thought. “Nothing. Took a test. Hope I passed. I barely studied for it.” She looked down, her heart racing.

  "Oh please. You'll pass. You're smart, Darla. You have yet to fail anything!” He gave her his winning smile, and she felt like shit all over again.

  I did fail. I failed your trust.

  He wrapped an arm around her as he walked to his next class. “Got any plans tonight? There's a movie I want to check out. You game?"

  She looked into his blue eyes and ran a hand through his curly, sandy blonde hair. His eyes expressed a certain quality she hadn't seen in the pleasure demon.

  Justin truly loved her.

  "Jus, do you ... love me?"

  His grin widened. “Without a doubt. You know that. Why ask?” She looked down, and his grin dropped. “What happened, Darla?"

  She looked at him again, her eyes wide in fear. “Nothing! I...” she glanced at two girls walking past them. “I ... noticed a couple of girls eyeing you, that's all."

  "Oh, c'mon. You're the one for me, now and always.” He held her in a strong embrace.

  "Are you sure?” she mumbled.

  He looked down at her. “Darla, enough with the mysterious talk. What's up?"

  "I wanted to know, that's all,” she said firmly. “I needed to make sure nothing could ever separate us."

  * * * *

  When Darla got home, it was like all her guilt disappeared once she stepped inside. The vibes in the house were intense, lustful and sexual. Again, Darla wasn't interested in being with Justin. She called him and faked being sick to get out of their date, then crawled into bed to await Atreyu.

  It had neared midnight when Darla felt the sheets slide down from her naked body. Her nipples hardened, and her vagina tightened. Atreyu's head appeared at the foot of her bed. His arms snaked upward, his hands running alongside her thighs, feeling her cool satin sheets. His face stopped at her mound, and she lifted her head slightly to see Atreyu's face buried between her legs. His tongue, unfailingly tireless, sucked on her fleshy folds, tickling her entrance and flicking her clit.

  Darla spread her legs wide, giving him total access. Atreyu enjoyed pleasing his new mistress; he was never allowed this much freedom before.

  She grabbed Atreyu's head and ran her fingers through his silky-soft hair. Near orgasm she cried out, holding his head firmly in place, and let her juices flow into his mouth. He drank her down deeply, his penis erect once more, pre-come dampening her sheets.

  She allowed him entrance, and his thickness filled her again. He slowly gyrated, touching all her walls, and made her reach the hottest point of total abandon. She bucked, his tip touching the length of her tunnel. Atreyu turned her over on her knees, and they braced on all fours as he rode her well into the remainder of the night.

  * * * *

  Atreyu and Darla's sexual romps continued for a few more days. Each day the guilt consumed her more and more, that was until she got home, then all sense of right and wrong vanished.

  This was the one catch that Darla had overlooked when going through the book of spells, to use the demon with the utmost care.

  Darla didn't realize that demons were tricky beings. She had read about them and their ways time and time again, but had failed to see that Atreyu had made her house his as well.

  Darla may have summoned Atreyu, but who was master and servant now?

  * * * *

  Justin had taken careful notice of Darla's actions over the past few days. She was more secretive and seemed guilty and nervous about something. He suspected that—God forbid—Darla was cheating on him. He had mixed feelings about that idea. He had the feeling she wasn't cheating on him with another guy, but something sexual was involved.

  One evening, Justin suggested they go to her house for the evening to hang out. Darla's eyes widened. Yikes! Would Atreyu show up? If she brought Justin over, how would she get Atreyu to go away if he came? She had checked the spell book and found nothing that would banish the lustful demon. Before this, she had thought all spells had counter-spells to go with them.

  Maybe she had to create her own?

  Darla had never made her own spells. She had always practiced time-tried, tested and true spells in compilation books she picked up in a bookstore. This situation called for ingenuity.

  She thought of that dark red crystal. She knew it was linked to him, perhaps if she destroyed it? But how? It was quartz crystal, practically indestructible.

  Although she had agreed to let Justin to come over, Darla worried about what might happen, and tried to figure out how to get rid of Atreyu without Justin knowing.

  But first things first. She had to protect Justin from anything Atreyu might have up his sleeve.

  She looked through the book of spells and found the perfect protection symbol for Justin. It would keep the possessor away from all danger. She scribbled it on a small piece of parchment and tucked it in her pocket to sneak to him later.

  Darla looked around her room again, and spied the reddish crystal on her nightstand. She grabbed it, and was overcome with a need to have Atreyu make her orgasm with his tongue. She made a noise of disgust and threw the crystal on the floor. She seized the cloth it had come in and wrapped the shard up. Darla had figured the crystal was Atreyu's link to the outside world. Darla banged it with a hammer, with no results. She had let it get run over in the street, tried heating it, freezing it and throwing it in fire. No chips, discoloration, nothing. Frustrated, she tucked the crystal in her pocket. Justin would be over any minute.

  * * * *

  It was 9:00. The doorbell rang and Kayla opened it.

  "Hey squirt,” Justin said, messing up Kayla's hair.

  "I'm not a squirt. I'm ten! I'm too old to be a squirt!"

  Justin got serious. “Kayla, this is important. I need to ask you something, and you gotta be serious, ok?"

  She nodded eagerly.

  "Is Darla seeing someone else?"

  Kayla gave him a funny look. “No. Why?"

  "She's been acting funny lately."

  "I do hear funny noises coming from her room sometimes."

  "Funny noises?"

  "Yeah. Ever since she found that spell book in the attic—"

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Spell book?"

  "Yeah! Darla's a witch. I'm supposed to be, too, but I don't know about all that stuff."

  Justin was speechless and simply blinked at the younger sister. He thought witchcraft and magick was bullshit, but could tell that Kayla was telling him the truth. He swallowed.

  "Okay, Darla practices magick. Have you seen her do it?"

  "No ... except for the time we were in the attic together the day she found the book. She sucks at drawing."

  Justin held Kayla by her shoulders. “What exactly did she do?"

  "I don't know. She was still drawing on the floor when I left her."

  "Did you see what she drew?"

  "Just some funny shapes in a circle."

  "Can you show me?"

  "It's in the attic."

  * * * *

  A pang of nervousness washed over Darla on her way downstairs.

  "Hey.” She waved nervously at Justin.

  "Hey.” He returned the gesture, looking at her in a different light. Maybe she did something that she was trying to hide from him. What was it, and why?

  "Show me later, ok?” he said to Kayla.

  "Okay,” she said and went to her room.

  Darla took a deep breath. She had to tell him something. Anything was better than nothing, and might as well start with the truth.

  "Jus, we have to talk."

  He sat on the couch. “Okay..."

  She sat next to him. “I love you. You have to know that."

  "Of course I do. And I love you."

  "I'm afraid what I have to tell you might make you change your mind."

  "Nothing has so far."

  She took a deep breath and held his hands. “I ... I know magick. I ... I'm a witch."

  He hid a smirk. “Okay..."

  She raised her eyebrow. “That doesn't freak you out?"

  "In this day and age? Well, I used to think spells and all that were shit, but things happen I guess."

  Darla breathed a sigh of relief. One hurdle cleared. “There's more. Um ... I brought something forth. To our world. Something that's been ... around me for these last few days."

  "Holy shit."

  "Here,” she slipped the paper in his back pocket. Don't look at it. It's to protect you. The thing I summoned ... he may be back tonight."

  Justin's eyes widened. “He?"

  "Maybe if he sees you here, he'll go away. I looked through my grandmom's old book of spells to find a way to banish him, but I couldn't find anything. And this,” she removed the crystal from her pocket, “is his link to this world."

  "Just smash the—"

  "It's quartz. I can't smash it. It won't work! I've tried everything."

  Justin looked at the crystal in her hand. “Don't worry. We'll get through whatever it is you've done together. I still love you, no matter what kind of weird shit you do.” They embraced, and Justin took the crystal from her. Immediately, the crystal started to warm up in his hand—a little too warm. Suddenly, it was too hot to hold and he dropped it.

  "OW! Shit!” He rubbed his hand. The crystal was glowing.

  "Oh my God ... what's happening?” Darla whispered.

  The crystal started to smoke, and burned a hole in the carpet.

  Kayla ran down the stairs.

  "Darla! I hear noises in the attic!"

  "Shit,” Darla looked at Justin in a panic.


  "I drew the symbol in the attic."

  "We gotta get rid of it,” Justin said, and they raced upstairs.

  The attic floor trembled, and the watery-like effect of the symbol on the floor creeped Justin out.

  "He's coming,” Darla whispered.

  "Kayla, I want you to run downstairs and make me a bucket of salt water, okay? If you have ammonia, put a little bit of that in there, too,” Justin said as he watched the circle.

  Darla stared at him. Didn't he just say he thought magick was bullshit? How would he know to say something like that?

  Atreyu rose from the circle. Fully emerged and naked, he stepped forward, ignoring Justin, and went straight for Darla.

  "This is how you repay me? You bring a man into our home?” Those fathomless eyes made her blood run cold.

  "OUR home? This is my house!"

  "You belong to me! Your pleasures are my pleasures, your flesh is my flesh!"

  "You were made to serve me, not control me!"

  "Yet you eagerly waited for me each night. I have you in my control now. We are one!"

  "Not on your life,” Justin said.

  Atreyu looked at him. “Out of my way, boy. There is no humanly way you can please her like I can."

  "But I love her. Can you say the same?"

  Atreyu stopped short. He stepped toward Justin, his black eyes dark and fathomless. It was like looking into an abyss. “There is no such thing as love, boy,” Atreyu responded in a low, dangerous tone, but did not touch Justin. The protective seal Darla made for Justin must have worked.

  Kayla spotted the crystal on the rug. She tilted her head, getting an idea.

  She grabbed the crystal and tossed it in the bucket.

  Upstairs Atreyu screamed. Justin and Darla flinched.

  Kayla rushed in with the bucket and dumped its contents on the circle, and the crystal spilled out in the process. Justin grabbed it.

  "Love does exist,” he said, and crushed the crystal in his bare hand. Kayla and Darla stared at him wide-eyed.

  Justin opened his palm and nothing but a shimmery, dust-like substance lingered. Atreyu screamed as he dropped to his knees. Within seconds, he became dust like his crystal.

  Justin, Kayla, and Darla stared at the powdery mass on the floor. Immediately, Darla burst into tears. Justin took her into his arms and stroked her hair.

  "Hey, hey, it's over now. No more of whatever the hell that thing was."

  "I'm so sorry, Justin,” she whispered.

  "That was so cool! How did you break the crystal like that?” Kayla asked excitedly.

  "Well, guess I have a confession to make too. I uh ... got a couple of uncles who are practicing warlocks.” Justin shrugged, looking down. “Just didn't want to believe I had any type of power."

  "That's awesome!” Kayla said and smiled. “You two are perfect for each other!"

  Darla sighed. “Justin, about—"

  "Whatever happened between you and that thing, I don't want to hear. Whatever you did was partly my fault anyway. I just ... wanted your first time to be special.” He looked down, blushing. “Guess I fucked that up.” He took a deep breath and released it. “Besides, you won't be the first one to have had their first time with something not human."

  Darla looked at him in shock. “You?"

  "A succubus. Yeah. Something I don't care to mention ever again.” He shivered. “So, let's pretend this mess didn't happen, ok?"

  "And maybe this time we can be with who we love,” Darla said, stroking the back of his head. Justin grinned.

  "Definitely,” he replied, his mouth covering hers in a deep kiss, as Kayla stood off to the side, pretending to gag herself.


  Mistress Rae


  Miss Santiago is the author of the Blood Touch series (www.BloodTouch.com), and has been writing for several years, the Goth and vampire scene being an inspiration to her. She currently lives with her fiancé and two rat terriers, Hades and Chaos.

  Other titles by Mistress Rae:

  A Love Story, or Be Careful What You Wish For

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