Ryder, Luxie - A Ballad for Her Cowboys [Hot Off the Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Ryder, Luxie - A Ballad for Her Cowboys [Hot Off the Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Luxie Ryder

  Seth stared into her face, searching for some sign that he should let her know what was in his heart. Her huge brown eyes seemed to beg him to open up to her, but a part of him dreaded to see them go hard and cold if she didn’t want to hear what he had to say. He smiled when he saw tears welling up in them, not because it pleased him to see her cry rather because it showed him she cared as much as he hoped. But maybe just not in the same way he cared for her.

  Seth sighed, turned his hand over so she could place hers into his upturned palm. He wrapped his fingers around hers and rubbed his thumb across her knuckles while staring at them until he found the courage to speak.

  ‘I’m in love with you, Misty. Have been since the day we met.’

  Silence followed his whispered confession. He had to lift his gaze and look at her to be sure she’d heard what he said. The color drained from her face, and she’d closed her eyes. She heard him fine. Seth wanted to keep talking, to tell her that he wasn’t the only one who felt that way, but if Aiden wanted her to know, it was his job to tell her. Seth didn’t want to rob him of the right to do it on his own terms.

  The loud ticking of a clock on the wall made the only other sound Seth could hear except for his own heart pounding while he waited for her next move. He thought he might have to repeat himself, until Aiden spoke, surprising Seth probably as much as he did Misty.

  ‘I feel the same way as he does.’ Aiden groaned and sat forward, rubbed his jaw, and smiled ruefully as she turned to stare at him. ‘I didn’t want him to tell you, but now he has. There’s no point in my keeping silent about it. I love you, too.’

  Seth smiled at Aiden, remembering again how much he loved the man who backed him up even when he was dead set against what Seth had done. Aiden was his big brother in all but name and his friend. In fact, he was the only family Seth really ever had. If Misty rejected them now, it wouldn’t have been caused by Aiden’s inability to be honest with himself or her. Seth would always thank him for it.

  That just left Misty. Why hadn’t she said anything—done anything—to let them know how she felt? She still had her back turned to Seth, so he could only assume she didn’t yet know how to react. His gaze flicked up to Aiden’s face again, trying to find some clue as to how she took the news reflected in his expression. Aiden looked as confused and nervous as Seth felt.


  She jumped at the sound of Seth’s voice and got to her feet, her back to both of them. Her hand came up to the tight knot of hair at the crown of her head and she let it fall free, shaking the strands loose. The shiny raven curtain fell to her waist and settled there, mesmerizing Seth. That is until she moved again in a way he could never have guessed she would or could have hoped for. She reached around her torso, grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and tore it over her head.

  She turned then, placing a hand on her hips as she stood legs apart in front of them as if daring them to follow her lead.

  ‘Uh—do you want to talk about this?’ Seth said. He took some pride in his ability to speak at all, when all he wanted to do was rush to her and tear away the pathetic scrap of lace hiding her breasts from him.

  Misty smiled and shook her head. ‘We talked plenty. I don’t want to talk anymore.’ She reached behind her to undo her bra, but paused when Aiden got to his feet.

  ‘Are you okay?’

  Aiden grabbed her arms and brought them to her sides, forcing her to stop undressing and look at him. Misty stepped closer, wriggled her wrists until he let her go, and then slid her hands up into his hair.

  ‘I’m more than okay, Aiden. I’ve never felt so good or so sure of what I want.’ She kissed him softly, almost chastely, and then turned to Seth. ‘Come here, baby.’

  He got to his feet and took her outstretched hand, trying not to feel disappointed when she didn’t kiss him before she led them to her room.

  Misty left them by the bed and turned her back to remove the rest of her clothing. Seth cast a glance in Aiden’s direction and found he stripped down to his underwear already. Damn that boy could move fast when he wanted to. Seth rushed to shed his clothing and raced to lie beside Misty when she crawled over the covers.

  Aiden reached for her, but she raised a hand to stop him. ‘Hold on there, cowboy. Last time, we did things your way. This time, I’m in charge. You guys just do what I tell you to, okay?’

  She addressed the last part of her sentence to Seth. He nodded eagerly, mesmerized by her and excited at the thought of what she might want him to do.

  She rewarded him for his obedience by crawling onto his torso and dragging her moist flesh over the skin on his stomach. The heat from her pussy branded him when she slid farther down him. Her lips found his, and he groaned in delight at her boldness. Misty’s mouth felt as hot as her cunt, and Seth couldn’t help but lift his hands to her hips to try to guide her onto his aching cock as he plundered her mouth with his tongue.

  Misty chuckled against his lips and squirmed away, sliding even farther down the bed to kneel between his thighs. Her head tipped forward as she leaned over him and her glorious hair fell onto his groin in an inky pool, hiding her face. Torn between moving it away so he could see what he knew she was about to do and keeping his hands to himself, he lay still and held his breath. Misty tossed her head, threw her hair over her shoulder so both he and Aiden could see her, and wrapped her tiny hand around his prick. Her tongue darted out, moistened the tip of Seth’s penis, causing him to buck beneath her, and Aiden to groan low in his throat. Seth turned his head, surprised to hear a noise coming from his friend, only to find Aiden flat on his back with his eyes closed. Seth’s gaze travelled downward, discovering the reason for Aiden’s arousal. Misty’s hand held onto his cock as firmly as her other held Seth’s.

  She flicked her tongue again, which brought his focus back to her instantly. This time, she followed it with a little kiss pressed onto the head of his penis. Her lips stayed against his skin and she opened her mouth wider to swirl her tongue all over him inside the warm vacuum she created. Seth shuddered when she lowered her head, flattened her tongue, and glided halfway down his shaft. Misty pulled back quickly and dipped again, this time taking even more of him in.

  Seth sat up. He tried to lift her too, but she fought him. ‘I’m gonna come if you don’t stop.’

  Misty looked up at him with a grin. ‘Isn’t that kinda the point?’

  His cock throbbed again when he saw the moisture on her lips and knew she sucked some of it out of him. ‘I want to be inside you. I want to fuck you. Please, Misty.’

  Seth didn’t want to take her power away, but if he didn’t feel her pussy clenching him around him sometime soon, he knew he was going to explode. Aiden moved, getting to his knees beside her as she crawled and straddled Seth. With her hands braced on his chest, she held still, allowed him to line his cock up with her dripping wet opening. He bit her lip when he pushed inside.

  ‘Fuck!’ he shouted, barely able to control his urge to pump her too hard when he felt her cunt quiver around him. Seth raised his head a little to watch his prick disappear inside her, but his view was blocked by Aiden’s elbow. The motion of his arm told Seth that Aiden had placed his hand on Misty’s clit to rub her hard and fast. She gave a small scream and Seth looked up at her face just at the moment her perfect white teeth bit into Aiden’s shoulder.

  ‘You like me touching your ass?’ Seth heard him say. Misty groaned but Aiden wouldn’t let her get off so lightly. ‘Tell me you like it—that you like having Seth’s cock inside your cunt while I finger your ass. Tell me that you want more.’

  Seth pumped into her harder, helping Aiden in his quest to get her to admit that she loved what they were doing to her.

  ‘I want more…I want more,’ she moaned and Seth felt her muscles tighten around him. ‘I want you both inside me.’ She started to gasp. ‘I want you both to fuck me.’

  Seth knew what she was asking for but it would have to wait. Her words, Aiden’s hand, and his cock tipped her ov
er the edge into a screaming orgasm that had her bucking over him and clawing at Aiden’s arm. And of course, when he had to watch and feel her come that hard, Seth had no choice but to follow her.

  Chapter 5

  Misty swallowed hard when Seth slid more lotion into her ass and Aiden’s prick jerked against her tongue in response. She groaned and pushed back against the sensation, feeling nowhere near as full as she wanted. Seth had two fingers buried inside her pussy and a third working in and out of her butt, and she wanted more.

  She lifted her head, letting Aiden’s cock fall from her lips. ‘More,’ she pleaded. She turned to look at Seth and shoving farther onto his hands.

  ‘Okay, baby, okay,’ he whispered, smiling at her.

  Aiden twisted her nipples, which caused another wave of pleasure to course through her. Misty felt bad. She begged, maybe even demanded, more and he hadn’t been taken care of even once. She dropped her head, ready to suck him into her mouth again and give him the orgasm he needed, but he stopped her by grabbing her shoulders and pulling her forward. The movement forced Seth’s fingers from her and she groaned in complaint without meaning to.

  Misty lay over him, her body stuck to his with sweat, their lips tangled in a kiss that told her how insanely aroused Aiden still was. His hands moved to cup her thighs, and he lifted her up just enough to allow her hand to slide between them and guide him inside her.

  ‘That’s it. That’s what I wanted,’ he muttered, his head falling to one side.

  Seth’s hands found her body again, and he continued teasing her butthole, sliding his fingers smoothly in and out. Misty screamed at the combined torture and pumped herself harder onto both of the men claiming her. Too soon, her craving for more returned, and she found herself pleading again, not caring if they thought her greedy or selfish.

  ‘Seth, please. Please, I need more.’

  Aiden stopped driving her down onto his cock again and again, his chest heaving as he struggled to speak. ‘Fuck it, man. What are you waiting for? You know what she wants. Give it to her.’

  Misty whimpered and kissed everything within her reach…his chest, his jaw, and finally his lips. Aiden chuckled against her mouth when she gasped at Seth pressed against her back and parted the cheeks of her ass.

  She held her breath. A little unsure she could handle what she begged for. Misty had no fear of taking one of them at a time, but two would be a first for her. She tensed when she felt the first gentle probing of Seth’s penis.

  ‘Relax, Misty,’ Aiden whispered, moving his hand from her hip to her groin and rubbing slow, lazy circles on her clit with the pads of his fingers.

  She jerked at his touch and opened her legs wider, allowing Seth the space he needed to push into her. She dug her nails into Aiden’s shoulders. Tears streamed down her face, caused by an almost unbearable surge of pleasure that made her groan.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Seth asked.

  ‘Don’t stop,’ she croaked, barely able to force the words out of her constricted throat.

  Seth pushed in a little further, drawing out and sinking into her quicker than he had before. Aiden thrust at the same time and Misty jerked backward, craved even more. Seth thrust again, almost instantly and she pushed back to meet him, surprising them all when he slid in to the hilt. Seth’s hand slapped down onto the small of her back as he shuddered against her. Aiden’s fingers dug into her thighs, his head falling away from hers and onto the pillow, his throat convulsing at the spasms she could feel going through him.

  Someone’s fingers—maybe Seth’s—found their way to her clit again and Misty’s control came undone.

  ‘Yes, yes,’ she shouted, spurring them on while they pummeled their cocks into her and she began to come. Misty didn’t make another sound. Her breath caught in her throat. She could do no more than lie between them with wave after wave of pleasure, and the hard jolt of her muscles clenching tighter and tighter, rendering her helpless.

  Somewhere at the edge of her consciousness, she heard one of them cry out and the other begin to pant. She knew they had come when she did.

  In the morning, she would remember no more than the sound of ragged breathing as they all struggled for air and the sensation of being encased in the warm flesh of the two men who had claimed her body forever.

  As it turned out, Misty remembered nothing in the morning because she didn’t wake until early afternoon. She sat up in the wreckage of her bedding and looked around. Of course they had gone, maybe even left last night. The three of them couldn’t have slept in her relatively small bed whether they wanted to or not. Seth and Aiden needed to be on site at first light anyway.

  She hoped they felt as utterly exhausted but deliriously happy as she did. Misty flopped back down onto the pillows and shook her head in wonder at how quickly things could change. Just yesterday, they’d all been no more than friends who’d ‘gone there’ once. But now she knew she could never be simply friends with them again.

  They loved her. The thought scared her over again. Misty could handle whatever they wanted to do to her body, but her heart would be a different matter. She wanted to be with them every waking moment. Misty valued them as friends, and loved what they did to her body, but did that add up to the kind of love they had professed for her?

  She threw back the covers and staggered into the bathroom, laughing ruefully when her muscles screamed in protest. That would teach her to beg two strapping cowboys to give her everything they had. She’d spent the last two hours in the bathtub, enjoying the cool water on a steaming hot Arizona afternoon, when someone knocked her door. Had the guys skipped out of work? Her heart started to race at the thought they were outside her apartment and hot for her again.

  Misty smiled at her reflection in the bathroom mirror and wrapped her wet body in a towel. She didn’t need to question how she felt for them. Her reaction to the idea of seeing them again told her all she needed to know.

  Her hand was on the latch. She’d been about to fling the door open and drag Aiden and Seth back to bed with her when she realized a little caution might be wise. It could be the sleazy Hoagie waiting on the other side, and she didn’t even want to think about what he’d make of seeing her wrapped in no more than a towel.

  ‘Who is it?’ she called out. She wished she had a spy hole.

  ‘It’s me.’

  Misty staggered backward, recognizing the voice only too well. Oh, God. How had he found her this time? She toyed with the idea of simply waiting until he went away, but he began to pound the wood loud enough to make the neighbors come out to investigate.

  ‘I know you’re in there,’ Wade shouted. ‘And I won’t give up so you may as well just let me in.’

  ‘Just hold on and shut the fuck up,’ she muttered, clenching her fists at the urge to let him in just so she could smack him upside the head.

  She ran into her room and put on a robe before she opened the door. Misty didn’t need to worry that Wade would read too much into her appearance. The only way he’d been interested in what was under her bathrobe would be if he thought her credit card was inside.

  She threw back the door without looking at him and walked away and into the main living area, sure he would follow.

  ‘That’s not very welcoming, darlin’. Aren’t you pleased to see me?’

  ‘I’ve got no money left, Wade, so you’ve wasted your time hunting me down.’ She cut to the chase, unwilling to play his games again.

  He looked like shit. What she had once thought of as a hippie-inspired, rebellious air he had about him just seemed messy. His shoulder-length, dirty blond hair had been her favorite thing about him, but now she couldn’t stand the thought of running her fingers through the greasy strands. A few days’ worth of beard covered his strong chin, and he smelled like he needed a bath. A leather biker jacket he shouldn’t have been able to tolerate wearing in the Arizona desert, did nothing to hide how much weight he lost.

  ‘Now don’t be like that. I have good news for both of us.’

  ‘I can’t imagine anything you could tell me that I’d consider good news. Unless it’s that you agreed to sign the papers?’

  Wade laughed at her snippy comment and Misty remembered the grudging admiration she had for his ability to let everything roll off his back.

  ‘I got you a gig—a huge one.’ He put his hand up, stopping her when she opened her mouth to tell him to get out. ‘Seriously, this is what we’ve been waiting for.’

  ‘First, what’s with the ‘we’? There is no ‘we’ anymore. And second,’ she sighed, angry at herself for even asking, ‘where exactly is this huge gig?’

  He paused for effect and then opened his arms as if bestowing peace on mankind. ‘You mean ‘what’. It’s a twenty-city tour, kicking off at The Bergen.’

  Misty couldn’t believe her ears. ‘In Nashville?’ He nodded. ‘What are they offering?’

  ‘A slot as a support artist on a show called Women of Country. I told them you were a headliner, but they weren’t buying.’

  She shuddered. Misty could only imagine what Wade had said. Not that he’d done it for her benefit, more to increase the value of his percentage.

  ‘They wanted me?’

  Wade nodded a little too enthusiastically. Misty raised an eyebrow and waited for him to tell her the truth. ‘I know the guy organizing the talent,’ he confessed. ‘So what do you think?’

  She didn’t know what to think. Sure, she needed a job she could take after this gig was over, but she didn’t want to get involved with him or one of his scams.

  ‘Before you start getting all fired up and thinking to yourself that it’s just Wade and one of his usual cons, I swear I’ve stopped drinking and whoring around—’

  ‘Just wait up. Why are you telling me this? I don’t care if you are still drinking, whoring, and gambling. We’re not together any more, remember?’

  Wade took a step toward her, smiling indulgently when she took a step away. ‘Come on now, Misty. You’ve punished me for being a bad boy and I deserved it. But that’s behind us now and I want you back.’


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