Mail Order Bride: Westward Christmas Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides, Book 11)

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Mail Order Bride: Westward Christmas Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides, Book 11) Page 15

by Linda Bridey

  Sasha’s furniture and other possessions were delivered and Ben’s prophecy about her being busy was fulfilled. She decided on an arrangement of the furniture in each room that pleased her and Ben helped hang pictures and with other jobs that required more strength than Sasha possessed.

  She moved out of her hotel room and was relieved to be in her new home. The house was indeed cozy and the fireplace in the parlor and the cook stove in the kitchen heated the house nicely. Raven had started his job with her and had made sure there was plenty of wood on hand.

  One night as she and Ben sat on her sofa together enjoying the fire in the hearth, Sasha said, “I have something for you.”

  “Oh?” Ben said.

  Sasha felt shy as she reached into her dress pocket and pulled something out of it. “Hold out your hand.”

  Ben smiled and did so. He was surprised to see her put a key in his palm and looked at her with questions in his eyes.

  “That is your key for my house so that you can come and go as you please,” she said, and looked him in the eyes.

  “Are you sure?” Ben said. “That’s a big step.”

  “I’m sure. I’m ready for it,” Sasha said.

  Ben grinned. “Thank you.” He pulled out his key ring and put the key on it. Then he pulled Sasha closer and said, “Don’t be surprised if I wake you up in the middle of the night.” His smile had turned roguish.

  She arched an eyebrow at him and said, “How do you know that’s not what I was hoping for?”

  Ben laughed and the sound made Sasha feel as if she would melt. “It seems as though I have a seductress on my hands.”

  “Well, you’re always telling me I’m a she-devil. I think it’s time I live up to that nickname,” Sasha said as she undid the top button of his shirt.

  Ben said, “Why, Ms. McCall, whatever are you doing?”

  The fiery desire in her eyes made his heart race. Her answer was to slip her hand inside his shirt and kiss him. Ben was happy to forgo conversation in lieu of a more primal form of communication.

  The next night, Ben took Sasha to the Watering Hole after dinner at Wolfe Point. When they entered the bar, they were greeted warmly by Jake and Rebecca and Gus, who flirted with Sasha. Ben gave Jake their drink order and they went to sit down. Joe and Jamie, accompanied by Seth and Luke, sang and the place was a little rowdy as a result.

  When their song was over, Ben went up and spoke to Joe, who then smiled.

  Sasha wondered what was going on when Ben came to her and held out his hand. She put hers in his and let him lead her up on stage. He sat her down on the piano bench of Rebecca’s baby grand piano with him.

  “I want to play, but I need a little moral support, if that’s all right with you,” Ben said with a smile.

  “Of course. I would love to watch you play,” Sasha said, and settled in for the treat.

  Joe announced that Ben was going to play and the room quieted. Ben flexed his fingers and settled them on the piano keys. Closing his eyes, Ben listened for the melody in his mind and recalled the notes that he hadn’t played in so long.

  Once he was ready, Ben opened his eyes and began playing Beethoven’s Sonata in D minor, Op. 31 No. 2: III. Allegretto. The piece was tender, joyful, and passionate by turn and Sasha couldn’t take her eyes from Ben’s hands as they moved expertly over the keys. She closed her eyes and visions of their lovemaking rose in her mind.

  The music flowed and ebbed around her, creating a spellbinding, sensual cocoon in which she was willingly trapped. Her breath came a little quicker and when she opened her eyes, she found Ben looking at her even as he played and the intense love and passion for her in his sea green eyes astounded her. She’d always dreamed of having someone look at her like that, but thought it was just that; the stuff of dreams.

  Yet, here he was, the man of her dreams, playing for her, telling her with the music he created of his love for her. As the notes grew louder and the melody soared, so did her heart and she couldn’t prevent the tears that filled her eyes. They were tears of joy and wonder.

  Ben saw the effect his playing had on her and tried to convey all that was in his heart for her. Tears trickled from her eyes and he had to turn his attention to the keyboard for a moment while he reined in his emotions a little so that he could continue playing. Then he looked back at her. She had closed her eyes again. Her lips were parted slightly and her quick breathing made her chest rise and fall. Sasha’s cheeks were flushed and her hands clenched in her lap.

  Ben then knew she felt all the love and desire for her he was pouring into the beautiful sonata. As he neared the end of the song, Ben gentled the piece a little more, perhaps, than it was written because more so than passion, what he wanted her to remember last was the tender love he felt for her. When he stopped playing, Sasha opened her eyes and locked onto Ben’s gaze.

  Joe was doing his part and kept the audience quiet. Ben slid off the piano bench onto one knee and took out a ring box from his suit jacket. He opened it and Sasha gasped at the stunning cushion cut diamond ring. It shimmered in the bright lamp light.

  “Sasha, you are the most enchanting, beautiful, intelligent, and brave woman I’ve ever met. You have captured my heart and soul and I know that I cannot live my life without you by my side. Will you do me the great honor of becoming my wife?” Ben said eloquently.

  Sasha’s breath caught in her throat and she couldn’t speak for a moment, so she nodded vigorously and then got out, “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you, Ben!”

  Elation filled them both and Ben slipped the ring on her finger. Ben picked her up and spun her around on the stage as the bar erupted in applause. They kissed as Ben sat her on her feet and they didn’t care who saw or what anyone thought. Sasha shed tears and Ben wiped them away with his thumbs and held her close for a few moments. Then he took her hand and led her from the stage, where they were congratulated by their family and friends. Jake got out some very fine champagne and popped the cork. He poured it and then raised his glass in a toast to the happy couple.

  The rest of the night, Sasha felt as though she’d slipped the bonds of reality and that she was walking through the most wonderful dream of her life. She and Ben barely looked away from one another and held hands as much as possible. Sasha adored the ring Ben had given her and she could tell that he’d put much thought into choosing it.

  The women present all complimented Ben on picking such a lovely ring. It made Ben very happy that Sasha loved the ring so much. He’d bought it because he thought it captured her essence and he thought the ring looked perfect on her finger. She was his now and the ring was an outward sign to everyone of how much he loved her.

  “How very romantic!” Maddie exclaimed the next day as Sasha told her friends about Ben’s proposal.

  Tessa said, “It certainly sounds wonderful. To have a man play such a lovely song for you before proposing? That is the kind of thing that we women dream about.”

  Sasha’s smile was radiant as she said, “I felt as if I was in a dream. I still do.” She looked at her ring. “I can’t believe that helping Sparrow escape would lead to all of this.”

  Sparrow laughed and said, “So, you really have me to thank for you getting engaged.”

  “I suppose I do, don’t I?” Sasha said.

  “Yes,” Sparrow said. Her dark eyes reflected her amusement.

  Dean came into the kitchen and said, “So I hear congratulations are in order, Sasha.”

  She blushed and said, “Thank you, Dean.”

  He came over and looked at the ring. Dean let out a whistle. “That’s some ring, all right. Well, at least if Ben is stealin’ away my other woman, he’s doin’ it in style.” Then he kissed her cheek and said, “I’m very happy for you.”

  “Thank you. And along with Sparrow, I am grateful that you invited me here for the holidays last year. If you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have met Ben,” Sasha said.

  “Well, I didn’t really do much, but you’re welcome,” Dean said, and then g
rabbed his wife and proceeded to kiss Tessa senseless. When he released her he said, “That’s so you don’t get jealous,” and walked back out the door again.

  Tessa’s eyes were slightly unfocused and the women laughed at her dazed expression.

  She fanned herself and said, “Oh, that man. All these years later and he still has the power to make me dizzy when he kisses me.”

  Sparrow said, “He’s so serious most of the time that when he does things like that, it’s such a surprise.”

  Tessa cleared her throat and said, “It seems as though he’s mellowing with age and I confess that I’m enjoying it.”

  Maddie said, “So are we, when he does things like that to you.” Her blue eyes held mischief.

  Tessa swatted her sister. “Hush, Maddie.”

  Footsteps sounded on the stairs and Mike trotted into the room dressed in his new suit. He said, “What do you ladies think? Will I be presentable enough when I go to school next month?”

  The camel brown suit emphasized his broadening shoulders and went well with his dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. He turned around a couple of times and laughed.

  Maddie said, “You look so handsome in that suit, Mike. You’ve grown over the last year. You’re filling out. All the girls in Chicago are going to be mooning over you.”

  Mike grinned. “Thanks, Aunt Maddie. They can moon all they want, but Jenny’s the only girl I care about.”

  Tessa noticed again that Mike was close to Dean’s height and just about as broad in the shoulder. The suit he’d worn for Jack and Sparrow’s wedding didn’t fit him anymore, so a new suit was in order. She sighed and tried not to spoil everyone’s good mood by getting misty-eyed.

  “Yes. Our son is very handsome and I’m glad to hear you say that about Jenny, since she’s agreed to wait on you,” Tessa said.

  Mike smiled. “May will come around before we know it and I’ll be home again for the summer.”

  “It’s too bad that you can’t come home over Easter,” Sparrow said.

  “The break is too short and I wouldn’t make it back in time for class. That’s okay. Uncle Marcus says there are a lot of beautiful churches in Chicago. I’m sure I’ll find one I like,” Mike said.

  Mike was the only one in the family who showed interest in going to church. He’d started going with Jenny’s family over the summer.

  Tessa said, “Yes, I’m sure you will. Perhaps we should get you a couple more suits so that you don’t have to wear the same one for church each week.”

  Mike’s eyes lit up. “Could we? Mr. Jacobs had a really nice charcoal gray suit. I had a hard time making up my mind which one to buy.”

  “Yes, we can. I think you’re worth it, my smart boy,” Tessa said. Her pride in Mike was unmistakable.

  His grin was bashful all of a sudden. “Aw, Mama. You’re embarrassing me.”

  The women laughed and Mike blushed. He shook his head and ran back upstairs to change. Tessa blinked back tears even as she laughed over Mike’s discomfort. Maddie put her hand over Tessa’s in a comforting gesture.

  “Being a parent at any age can be difficult, but when they’re just about ready to fly from the nest, I think it’s the most difficult time. I felt the same way when Sadie got married and then when Jack moved out,” Tessa said. “And now it’s time for Mike to fly and I’m a mess. I’m trying very hard not to show it, but I don’t think I’m doing well at it.”

  “You’re doing fine,” Maddie assured her. “I don’t know how I’ll handle it when J.R. and Kayla get to be that age. It’s hard enough with my niece and nephews. It will be much harder with our children.”

  Tessa sighed and said, “Yes, it will.”

  Joe surprised Ben at the clinic the next day.

  “Hello, Dr. Walker. How’s bein’ engaged agreeing with ya’ll?” he asked as he walked into the office.

  Ben grinned and said, “Wonderfully. What can I do for you Mr. Mayor?”

  Joe dropped into Marcus’ chair and put his feet up on the desk. “Well, I’m here to collect on our bet. I did not gamble one little bit, and I have witnesses to prove it should you request them.”

  Smiling Ben said, “I was so sure you couldn’t hold out. I’ve never seen anyone gamble the way you do.”

  “You mean did. Our bet ended on Monday and this is…Friday and I have yet to gamble,” Joe said.

  “Really?” Ben asked. “Well, that surprises me even further. I figured that you’d be right back at it.” He got out his wallet and started counting money.

  “No, no. Put that away. I don’t want your money,” Joe said.

  “Joe, a bet is a bet. I’m giving you what I owe you,” Ben said.

  Joe put his feet on the floor and leaned forward. He glanced down at Marcus’ messy desk and said, “Huh. Looks like my office, only without a bed.”

  Ben laughed. “There’re times when I wish we had a bed in here.”

  “Yes, but my bed is not used for sleeping,” Joe said with a wink at Ben.

  Now Ben leaned forward. “You’re kidding.”

  “Nope. That bed has very special significance to us,” Joe said. “You can take that any way you’d like. Anyway, your money isn’t what I’m after. I want to thank you for making that bet with me because it helped me see how much of my life I was wasting on gambling. So, thank you for that.”

  “You’re welcome, but that wasn’t my intent at all,” Ben said.

  “I know it, but all the same. So, I have been putting my attention to more mayoral pursuits,” Joe said. “We’ve got some strange things happening around Dawson.”

  “We do? Such as?” Ben asked.

  Joe got up and shut the door then sat back down. “Missing money, maps not matching up, that kind of thing.”

  Ben’s eyebrows rose. “Do you think someone’s embezzling money? Or that they were?”

  “I hope not. I’ve got Geoff O’ Connor going over some things. If anyone can figure it out it’s him. I’d ask Claire, but she’s busy enough as it is,” Joe said.

  “I’m sure he’ll get to the bottom of it,” Ben said. “What’s the significance of the maps?”

  “Ben, you can’t tell a single soul, not even Jake,” Joe said. “Can I have your promise about that?”

  “Yes. I promise,” Ben said.

  “One of those maps shows that the property where the new Watering Hole stands falls within the town limits,” Joe said.

  Ben blinked a couple of times as he understood what that could mean for Jake and Joe. “That would put you out of business again, since Dawson is a dry town.”

  “Yes, sir, it would. The problem is that I don’t know which map is accurate or why there’re so many different maps. Hell, one even shows that where the Lakota camp is falls in town limits and that one disturbs me as much as the one concerning the bar.”

  “It does? That’s a lot of land, Joe,” Ben said. He was as confused as the mayor.

  “I know it, Ben.” Joe ran a hand through his hair and said, “The other part of that is I had a visit from a Calvary officer yesterday wanting to know about our tribe. He wanted to know if they were peaceful and that kind of thing. I assured him they were. Somehow word got to the army about what happened in June.”

  Ben blew out a breath and leaned back in his chair. “Damn it.”

  “Yeah. I have to go talk to Black Fox today and that is a conversation I am dreading, Ben. I’m telling you all of this to put you on alert in case there’s fighting and such. Can you help out at the Watering Hole a little since Sammi quit? We’re looking for a bouncer as fast as we can,” Joe said.

  Ben grimaced. “Joe, I hate to say no, but…”

  “Then don’t. Okay, how about this; just on Saturdays. It’s one night,” Joe said.

  “It’s the worst night,” Ben said.

  Joe rolled his eyes. “I know. That’s why I’m asking for that night. Do I have to get down on my knees? I’m that desperate that I will, Ben.”

  Ben sighed. “All right. Just Saturda
ys until you find someone else.”

  “You have saved my hide, at least where that’s concerned. I don’t know what the hell I’m gonna do about all of this other stuff. See why I don’t have time to gamble anymore?” Joe said with a grin. “Oh, don’t mention the Calvary thing to Marcus, okay? Not until tomorrow, anyway. I’m sure he’ll have heard about it by then, but I want Black Fox to know before anyone else from the tribe.”

  Ben said, “You do realize how many secrets you are asking me to keep from people I’m close to, right?”

  “Yes, sir, but that’s the payment I’m collecting for our bet. Your bouncer services and your discretion. They mean more to me than any kind of money, Ben,” Joe said as he got out of the chair. “I’ll see ya’ll tomorrow night.”

  “All right, then,” Ben said as Joe left.

  Sasha asked Ben a question for the second time but received no answer. Concerned, she watched his profile as they sat on her sofa. His black brows were drawn down in an expression of displeasure. His thoughts must be troubling, she thought.

  She put a hand on his arm. “Ben?”

  Ben turned to her and said, “Yes?”

  “Are you okay?” she asked. “I’ve been having a conversation with myself.”

  His expression turned contrite. “I’m so sorry, sugar. What did you say?”

  “What is going on in that mind of yours?” Sasha asked.

  Ben said, “I can’t tell you. I’m sorry.”

  “You can’t tell me? Why on earth not?” she asked. “Is it about a patient?”

  “No. Joe asked me to work Saturday nights as a bouncer until he finds someone, so I agreed,” Ben said.

  “That’s what has you so preoccupied?” Sasha asked with a smile.

  “No. Other things. Those are what I can’t talk about,” Ben said.

  “Ben, we are getting married and there are going to be many things that are of a private nature that you’ll have to deal with. You shouldn’t have to deal with them alone. I love you and I want to help you, but I can’t do that if you don’t trust me,” Sasha said.


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