Next In Line

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Next In Line Page 8

by Daws, Amy

  “See ya!” Maggie calls back with a weak wave.

  Seconds later, I’m left on the curb of Pearl Street Pub with my best friend’s little sister…who I most definitely want to fuck.

  A Reel Expert Can Tackle Anything

  Sam and I silently make our way over to the lot behind the bar where I parked my car. As I walk beside him, my mind races with everything that’s happened in the past week. I cannot believe the same Sam I’ve been fishing with—the same Sam I basically attacked with my tongue—is my brother’s best friend! I went through all of high school and never looked twice at one of his buddies. I drive eight hours to Boulder and randomly stumble upon one? How in the heck?

  What’s worse, Sam now knows I’m lying about still being in a relationship with Sterling, which is embarrassing on so many levels. But whatever, it is what it is. Now I need to make damn sure Sam doesn’t tell Miles about that or my plan to transform myself to win back my ex. If Miles knows what lengths I’m going to for this guy, that tiny bit of freedom he’s given me will be ripped away, and he’ll do that annoying big brother overprotective thing all over again. And I’m certain I can fix this on my own.

  I glance over my shoulder and lock eyes with Sam, who quickly looks away. He’s been doing that all night, and I hate the way it makes my tummy flip. This would all be a lot easier if he wasn’t so attractive. That reddish beard with a faint smattering of freckles over his nose all bundled up in that cozy plaid shirt make him definitely majorly cute. He looks like the kind of guy you want to lie on a couch with and dry hump during a movie.

  Dry hump? Oh my heck, Maggie…get a grip!

  I click the key fob to my little white Malibu and jump into the car quickly. Sam folds himself into the passenger seat, and his knees instantly hit the dash. Good Lord, he’s big. I reach over to pull the lever under his seat so his chair will slide back, but at the same time, he spreads his legs farther to do it himself, and somehow…because apparently, the world decides I can still be more pathetic…my hand ends up at the apex of his groin.

  Oh crap, I’m touching his dick! I’m totally touching his dick, and I think it just moved!

  “Whoa there,” he mumbles into my hair, his hot breath sending shivers down my spine. “If you wanted to play Bop It, you should have just said so.”

  “Oh my god,” I exclaim, snatching my hand back and squeaking out a weird noise from deep inside my throat. “That was an accident!”

  Fumbling with the key, I pray like heck I don’t look over and see Sam’s apparently very impressive dick growing inside his snug jeans.

  He chuckles, running his hands down his jeans-clad thighs, and says, “No worries, I’m not a fan of the twisting and the bopping anyway. I’m a simple ‘pull it’ guy all the way.”

  I groan loudly, in no way amused by this mortifying situation. I just need to drive and focus on something other than Sam in those jeans. What is it with those jeans anyhow? They are a night and day difference from the work jeans he had on at Marv’s Bait and Tackle. These are like…man jeans. Is that a thing? If not, it should be because these are what men wear, not boys. They are faded and distressed in all the right places and snug but not like skinny jeans snug. And they’re not so long that you can’t see his sleek brown ankle boots, proving that Sam actually has some sexy style going on under all that dry-humpable manliness.

  Not that I’m checking him out.

  I’m not. I’m totally not.

  I just appreciate his taste because Sterling always wore baggy jeans. Ones that wrinkled over his shoes and looked sloppy. That’s the only reason I noticed Sam’s appearance tonight. He dresses like a grown-up, and I appreciate that. End of story!

  As I pull out onto the road, I can feel Sam’s eyes pinpointed on me as his deep voice echoes in my car. “Don’t you need directions?”

  I flinch like an idiot because where the hell was I driving to just now? “Yes, directions would be good.”

  He instructs me through a couple of turns until we’re headed toward the west side of town. After a few minutes of silence, he asks, “So tell me this, if Miles thinks you just arrived in town today, where have you been staying since the last time we went ice fishing?”

  I exhale heavily, wishing I could get out of answering this question, but I know if anyone deserves the truth, it’s Sam. “I was staying at the Briar Rose Bed and Breakfast outside of town.”

  “Why?” he asks, and I can hear the judgment in his tone already.

  “Because I was supposed to spend the week at my boyfriend’s in North Carolina, and no one knows we broke up, so I needed a place to hide out essentially.”

  “A guy who uses the word ‘basic’ doesn’t use social media and update his relationship status on Facebook?”

  “I begged him not to,” I reply with a groan. “I told him I was going to wait to tell my parents until sometime after the New Year because I didn’t want to ruin their holiday.”

  “And he agreed?”


  He harrumphs.

  “What?” I ask.

  “I’m trying to figure out why he had no problem ruining your holiday.” His eyes are hooded as he looks at me expectantly, clearly waiting for an answer.

  I chew my lip before defending Sterling’s actions. “I think I might have freaked him out at my parents’ house.”

  “Oh?” Sam asks, angling his body to give me his undivided attention.

  “Well, he was staying with me at my parents’ house before his flight left on Christmas morning to go to his parents’ house. We were lying in bed the night before, and jeez, I don’t know…I guess you could say I was drunk on Christmas spirit because I may have started naming our kids and talking about what we could give them for presents from Santa.”

  Sam says nothing, so I continue.

  “I could tell I maybe went a little too far because he didn’t touch me all night, and normally, he’s all about sex. But I hoped he’d get over it, so I got up at three a.m. to make him cinnamon rolls from scratch before his flight.”

  “Jesus, Maggie,” Sam groans, running his hand through his hair with clear frustration.


  “Fucking cinnamon rolls?”

  “Yes. What?” I exclaim and tighten my grip around the wheel. “They are his favorite, and I was just trying to be sweet. He was about to spend Christmas morning at the airport, and I wanted him to feel my love.”

  “And then he dumped you over cinnamon rolls and coffee,” Sam concludes, knowing how the story ended.

  “French pressed coffee,” I add with a pitiful pout. “And he did it before anyone else was awake. I was obviously a mess when I took him to the airport. I couldn’t believe we were ending things like that. But then he kissed me when we were standing on the curb outside the airport. Like seriously kissed me. It didn’t feel like a goodbye kiss. It tasted like regret. There was a look in his eye when he waved goodbye that made me feel like we weren’t necessarily over for good.”

  I peek over and see Sam watching me with wary eyes full of drunken judgment and zero understanding. Which makes sense because he’s a guy. He doesn’t know how to read between the lines. Thankfully, I do.

  “When I got back from the airport, I pretended nothing happened.” I shrug and drum my fingers along the wheel. “It was really hard because Kate has a really sharp bullshit meter, but if she knew anything was up, she never said a word.”

  “So what is your grand plan exactly?” he asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean…this lie,” he states with a frustrated huff. “How long are you going to keep it up?”

  “As long as it takes to show him that I’ve changed.” I shrug as if it’s the most obvious answer in the world.

  Sam clearly does not agree because I can see his hands tensing with agitation on his lap. “And you’re planning to do that how exactly?”

  “My plan is to just hang out in Boulder and test out some adv
enturous activities in the hopes of winning him back. I think if I send pictures of all the fun stuff I’m doing, he’ll be impressed.”

  “So you guys are still in touch?” he asks, eyeing me seriously.

  “Yes, we text. Just friendly texting, but it’s something.”

  “Don’t you think it’s a little naïve to go to such lengths for a guy who broke up with you just because you’re certain he wants you back?”

  “No,” I reply instantly, pursing my lips in determination. “Because I believe that love is worth fighting for.”

  He exhales heavily at that response, his fingers moving up to pinch the bridge of his nose. After a moment of silence, he slaps his hand on his leg, and asks, “Okay then. Exactly what kind of adventures are you considering?”

  I smile broadly. “Tomorrow I’m going ice climbing on a silo.”

  “You’re what?” he snaps, and I swear the alcoholic buzz he had from earlier disappears and is replaced by rage.

  Bracing myself, I reply, “It’s like a silo that you can ice climb. It’s a thing.”

  “I know it’s a thing…but how do you know it’s a thing?”

  “Some guys who checked into the bed and breakfast told me about it. They said anyone can do it.”

  “Have you ever even climbed before?”

  “Like ice, you mean?” I ask.

  “Like anything. A wall…a cliff…a StairMaster?”

  “StairMaster…yes!” I exclaim with a big smile. “I slay it on a StairMaster. Do you think that’ll help with the iced silo?”

  Sam groans and scrubs his hands over his face. “You can’t go ice climbing, Maggie. That’s like advanced level stuff.”

  “There are safety harnesses, and the guys said beginners could do it. I’ll be fine!” I exclaim, just as Sam directs me to pull into a driveway.

  “You won’t be fine,” he retorts, “so you’re not going.”

  My eyes fly wide as I throw my car into park and eye him fiercely. “The hell I’m not! You’re not my keeper, Sam!”

  He stares at me through the darkness, the faint blue light of the dash illuminating his face as he inhales and exhales so heavily, his nostrils flare. “What time are you going?”

  “Around ten, why?” I snap.


  “Peterson Farm, why?” I snap again.

  He nods. “I know the place. I’ll take you.”

  I bark out a laugh. “Sam, it’s not necessary. Those guys will be there. I’m sure they’ll be helpful.”

  “Exactly why I’m taking you. You don’t know those guys from fucking Adam.”

  “Well, I didn’t know you either, but that didn’t stop me from going ice fishing with you.”

  “I was vetted by Marv.”

  “Oh yes…Marv’s word is the gospel apparently.”

  Sam glares at me. Leaning across the center console, he gets so close I can feel the heat of his breath on my face. “I’m going with you unless you want to tell your brother what you’re doing so he can accompany you.”

  “No!” I reach out and grab Sam’s forearm. “I can’t tell Miles because then he’ll know something is up. I didn’t do anything adventurous as a kid. I was more the read a book or go take a dance class type. If he finds out I’m silo climbing, he’ll know something is up.”

  “Then I’m going,” Sam states firmly with a casual shrug that makes me want to shake him. “You’re my best friend’s little sister, and I’m not letting you kill yourself on a frozen silo for a fucking football player.”

  I bite my lip and turn to face the house. It’s a quaint little two story with a garland wreath on the front door. It looks nothing like what I imagined Sam would live in.

  Trying to change the subject, I grumble through clenched teeth. “Whose house is this anyway?”

  “My mom’s,” Sam replies, exhaling and sitting back into his seat again.

  “You live with your mom?” I ask, feeling disappointment in the little fantasy I have swirling in the dark parts of my mind that I don’t want to admit to.

  “No, Maggie, I don’t live with my mom. I was here having cake with my mom and my sisters when Miles surprised me with this birthday outing. My vehicle is here.”

  “You’re not driving home,” I state worriedly, preparing to back out of the driveway and kidnap him if I have to.

  “I know I’m not. Don’t worry about it, all right? I usually have breakfast at Mom’s on Sundays mornings, so I’ll crash here.”

  “Oh,” I reply quietly.

  “It’s nice to know you care, though,” he states, and I look over to see a sexy grin on his face.

  “Whatever,” I reply immaturely but then slowly pull my lower lip into my mouth because with just that one smirk, the whole car has filled with sexual tension.

  We’re quiet for a moment. The only sounds in the car are the idling engine and our soft breaths. Today has been a crazy, unexpected day. Boulder seems to be full of the unexpected, and Sam is at the very top of that list. I can feel him looking at me for a beat, and when he lifts his hand, I suck in a sharp breath because I think he’s going to reach for me…until he pulls out his phone.

  “I’m texting you my address,” he says, his voice all business. “Pick me up tomorrow, and I won’t tell Miles what you’re doing.” He opens the door to get out but then pauses to look back at me. “I have to hand it to you, sparky. This sounds like the worst plan I’ve ever heard, but you’re committed, and I kind of like you more for it.”

  Caught On The Hook

  “Hey, where ya going?” Kate asks, catching me at the front door as I’m gingerly slipping my feet into my Sorel wedge boots.

  I plant a smile on my face as I glance down at her bare legs sticking out of my brother’s giant T-shirt. Kate moved into Miles’s fixer-upper in Jamestown a few months ago, but this is the first time I’ve witnessed them cohabitating. It’s pretty damn cute if I’m being honest. I’ve only been here a day, but I already watched them argue over Kate’s short dress last night with big, goofy smiles on their faces the entire time. If that’s how most of their fights go, then I’m pretty sure I’ll be calling Kate a sister sooner rather than later.

  I’m just glad Miles found someone worthy of him. Miles had brought Kate back to Utah with him a few months ago so she could meet my parents before they moved in together, and it was love at first sight for all of us. Though admittedly, his ex, Jocelyn, was so vile, Miles could have brought home a blow-up doll, and we would have been over the moon with the step up.

  But Kate is creative, funny, kind, and just the right amount of crazy for him. She takes on his overbearing nature like a champ. I wish I had just an ounce of her moxie.

  “I’m…um…just going for a drive,” I stammer and shove my foot into my other boot as Kate pads barefoot over to me.

  She eyes me curiously and crosses her arms over her chest. “A drive to where?”

  “The mountains?” I reply, and my face screws up in horror. Why did I say mountains? “I mean…shopping. I was going to go shopping.”

  “The shops around here don’t open until noon on Sundays, and you have mountains in Utah,” Kate states with a suspicious twinkle to her eye. “Where are you really going?”

  I roll my eyes and exhale heavily. “Somewhere that Miles would not approve of.”

  A Cheshire cat grin spreads across her face as she leans against the wall. “Miles is overprotective, overbearing, and possessive—believe me, I know it,” she replies with the chastising click of her teeth. “As his girlfriend, it just so happens to be my favorite parts about him…but I totally understand how having a big brother like that would be hard on a single little sister.”

  “What are you talking about? I’m not single!” I exclaim, my voice rising in pitch as I lie through my teeth.

  Kate’s chin drops. “Meg, on Christmas day, you ate an entire bowl of cookie dough without even pausing for a drink of milk. That type of Olympic-style binge-eating can only be the result of a broken he

  I groan and press my back to the front door, chewing my lip nervously. “Are you going to tell Miles?”

  Her eyes flash with interest. “Not as long as you tell me who you’re going on a date with.”

  “What makes you think I’m going on a date?”

  “You have a date look,” she replies, looking me up and down. “I mean, c’mon, your hair is even curled.”

  I glance down at my appearance for a moment. My cream sweater has a lace underlayer that drapes over my stretchy faux-leather leggings. Obviously, all of this will be going under the snowsuit currently stashed in my trunk, but I do admit I’m probably a tad overdressed for ice climbing. Maybe I need to invest in some outdoorsy activewear?

  I look up and give Kate a serious look. “It’s not a date but an outing that Sam has agreed to take me on.”

  “Sam? I knew it!” Kate exclaims, and I quickly put my hand over her mouth to shush her. “Sorry…but I did know it,” she mumbles against my palm.

  “There’s nothing to know!” I reply, shaking my head and pulling my hand away from Kate’s face. “Sam is just being friendly.”

  “No way,” she retorts with narrowed eyes. “I saw how he watched you last night.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, flipping my hair casually and ignoring the butterflies taking flight in my belly.

  Kate shakes her head knowingly. “He watched you like a man watches a filet on the grill.”

  My mouth waters with that analogy, and a strange tingling begins in my fingertips. “I don’t think that’s true. He was probably looking at me like Miles does. In a brotherly fashion. He’s protective just like Miles.”

  “Think what you want, but I know romance, girl. And that man wasn’t looking at you like his little sister.”

  “We’re just friends,” I state, knowing I can’t give that thought too much headspace or I’ll be a total idiot with him today. I reach past Kate and grab my coat off the hook. “Will you tell Miles I went to work out or something? Cover for me…on…all of it? The ex and everything?”


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