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Fixing Justice

Page 11

by Halliday, Suzanne

  Drae was used to such luxury. Judging by Victoria’s matter-of-fact demeanor, she was either used to traveling first class or a very good actress. Remembering her past association with European aristocracy, he was irritated when jealousy eked into his thoughts. He wanted to be the one to spoil her with indulgent luxury. The thought shocked him although he was careful not to let it show. Instead, he kept a hand low on Victoria’s back, satisfied with that small contact for now although he was starting to suspect a lot more than casual touches were coming their way.

  As soon as the assistant left them alone, she dropped her bag on a huge sofa that needed its own zip code and made a mad dash for the bathroom, breathlessly telling him, “Thank God that’s over! Someone needs to tell Julie the Cruise Director that this isn’t our first time in the big city. Sheesh!”

  He was still smiling when she reappeared a few minutes later. “Sorry for the frantic exit,” she told him. “But when a girl has to pee, well, a girl has to pee!” His mask of cool reserve fractured at her audacious declaration.

  “What?” she mocked with a wry grin. “Too much information?” Grabbing for her bag she fished around inside it, pulling out a small container of hand lotion that she hurriedly squirted onto her palms. Rubbing the cream into her skin, she fixed him with an impatient look as the subtle scent invaded his senses. “Are you going to stand there all day and gape at me, or are we going to get this show on the road?”

  Snapping his jaw shut, Drae considered that he had in fact been staring at her. “You are full of surprises today, Ms. Bennett. And for the record, there’s no such thing as TMI between us, Victoria. Remember that, and if I seem, oh, I don’t know - at a loss for words, it’s because you are, as I told you earlier, a complete fraud.” She grinned at his words. He added, “Bet you want to push those ugly glasses up your nose right about now, huh?”

  Sashaying past him, she pursed her lips in dramatic fashion then smiled prettily toward his amused face saying, “Bite me, Mister Double-O-Trouble,” as she made for the door.

  Throwing back his head to let loose the bark of laughter rumbling in his chest, he reached out to guide her by the elbow while raking her with a deliberately provocative leer. “Double-O-Trouble? Hmmmm. I like that almost as much as the idea of biting you.”

  The rest of the day slogged by on an endless loop of highly detailed technical work, video chats with Alex who was following along step-by-excruciating-step from Arizona, and flying by the seat of her silk covered derrière the rest of the time. This is no minor tech glitch, she huffed restlessly as she visually prowled the pile of documents and schematics littered on the table at her side.

  Her back was killing her from hours of hunching over a keyboard, plus she thought she might float away if she drank any more coffee. The only time she’d been able to get up and move around to burn off some energy was on her many trips to the restroom. Gallons of coffee has a way of doing that. And especially so when an absence of real food accompanied the hot beverage. Feeling grumpy and on the edge of bitchy, she started imagining a hundred colorful scenarios because the Justice Brothers were gonna owe her big time after this was over.

  She hadn’t seen Draegyn since he’d delivered her safely into the company of the hotel’s security chief who practically fell at Draegyn’s feet when they shook hands. Tori was seriously impressed. Clearly, his reputation preceded him.

  Sighing as she stretched, feeling her spine unkink and shoulder tension ease, Tori had to admit he breathed power. The man was an alpha male who was just so damn sure of himself. She suspected he’d take charge in the bedroom and while the thought gave her a thrill, she wondered what it would be like to be the one commanding him. A very naked and very aroused Draegyn, under her control, was a swoon-worthy scenario, indeed.

  Back to the matter at hand however was the fact that she was tired and hungry. There wasn’t much more she could accomplish this evening. Alex was handling a critical piece of the programming by remote. There would be time tomorrow to finish up and tidy any loose ends. Right now she just wanted to find a change of scenery and a spot to unwind.

  Shutting down the equipment she gathered her purse and a couple of files to look at later. Checking the time on her phone, Tori groaned when she saw it was after seven. Satisfied everything was in order until tomorrow, she flicked off the desk lights and turned to make for the door only to find her way blocked by the outline of a large, broad shouldered man. Her heart skipped a beat. Even in the dark, he was magnificent.

  Hunger, different from the growling stomach, seized her senses. What would it be like to walk across the space between them and move into his embrace? Shaken by her response she reverted to habit, driven by too much caffeine and stress, letting a petulant whine escape before she could call it back, “It’s been hours. I thought you’d forgotten about me.”

  He moved out of the shadows, stepping closer to her. “You’ve been the only thing on my mind, Victoria.” Taking the stack of papers from her hands he put a hand to her elbow, guiding from the darkened office. “I told the security chief to keep an eye on you. I’ve been jerked around by Barnes most of the day and couldn’t get back here to check on things. Why didn’t you text or call?”

  Tori knew she was being foolish so she kept silent as they walked to the elevator bank and by the time the elevator doors closed, she felt reasonable enough to attempt conversation. Leaning her head back against the wall, she turned to look at Draegyn. “I’m sorry for whining.” Heaving an enormous sigh she continued, “It’s just that sometimes handling so much information makes me….”

  He smiled down at her. “Full. It makes your brain full, I know. I see the same thing in Alex. We’ve been known to tell him when to control, alt, delete before he overloads. You have that look.”

  “Control- alt -delete. Cute.” She nodded. “I’m gonna remember that for the next geek convention.” Her stomach chose that moment to rumble loudly in the confined space of the elevator. Concern and something that looked like anger flashed across his face as she placed a hand over her growling tummy. Suddenly lightheaded from hunger and fatigue, she lifted the other hand to her forehead.

  Putting an arm about her waist, he hauled her tight against his side. “When was the last time you ate?” His eyes narrowed as tension bracketed his mouth. Drae was suddenly furious. He’d left strict instructions that she was to be taken good care of. Hearing hunger gnawing at her insides sickened him. He was supposed to be watching over her but judging by the dark smudges growing under her eyes and the paleness of her complexion, she’d been worked too long and hard and was barely able to stay on her feet.

  Stepping from the elevator he gently guided her to their suite. She stumbled in her sexy high heels going through the door so Drae simply swung her up in his arms and kicked the big wood door closed. “What are you doing?” she gasped.

  “I don’t know,” Drae muttered, as confused as she was surprised. Stalking with purpose to the sofa, he gently lowered her onto the plush cushions. He laid aside the papers and her purse before taking a seat by her side. “You’re white as a sheet. We need to get some food into you stat. Are you alright while I call room service?”

  He was beyond relieved when she spared him a nod and quick smile. “I’m okay, really. But if it’s alright, I’m just going to stay put and enjoy the view. Try to empty my brain.” She turned and looked at the breathtakingly gorgeous sight of the legendary Vegas strip lit up at night. On an impulse he quickly made for the bar area and poured her a small brandy. If nothing else it would relax her and take some of the edge off while they waited for their meal.

  As he returned to her side, he noted that she was less unsteady than a minute ago. Having kicked off her shoes she was seated with legs drawn under her backside revealing only a small strip of her dress. The randy fourteen-year-old hormonal teenager that never really left any guy wanted to slide his hand under that scant piece of fabric into the shadow between her thighs. Remembering that he was a grown man who knew
how to control his impulses was harder than it should be.

  “Here.” He handed her the small snifter with two fingers of amber liquid sloshing in it. “Drink this. It will help while we wait.” Sweeping her tongue along her mouth, she took the glass and lifted it slowly to her lips for a tiny sip. When she pulled the glass away, he could see remnants of the amber liquid clinging to her lips. The temptation to lick it off roared to life inside him.

  Loosening his tie and top button, Drae slid off his suit jacket and rolled back the sleeves of his shirt, never letting his eyes wander from watching her. “Instead of just ordering up some munchies, how ‘bout we stay in tonight and relax? I’ll have the hotel send up dinner, and we can hang out here.”

  He saw signs of improvement, but she was still hanging by a thread. Expecting her to handle a restaurant outing was ridiculous. He’d make sure she didn’t nearly pass out from hunger tomorrow, or the day after that or the day after that. He wasn’t sure where this sudden protective impulse came from, but he was responsible for her well-being so he better get his shit together. No way was what happened earlier acceptable.

  “Oh, I’d like that Draegyn,” she murmured softly, rewarding him with a quiet smile. “I’m glad you understand. There is such a thing as too much input. I don’t think I could stand any more stimulation right now.”

  Jesus Christ. Did she know how provocative that statement was? He wanted to show her that she could handle quite a bit more stimulation. A whole lot more, in fact. “Hold that thought, honey. I’m going to call and arrange for dinner. You relax.”

  “Mmmmm. I’m stuffed!” Tori giggled as she set down her fork, pushing away the half-eaten portion of creamy cheesecake. Grinning sheepishly at the sweet treat she admitted, “Desserts are a guilty pleasure!” in an adorably conspiratorial voice. “Well, desserts and coffee,” she amended.

  Throwing his napkin on the table, Drae sat back and patted his stomach. “Give me meat, anytime. Something I can sink my teeth into. There’s nothing like gnawing on a succulent piece of flesh.”

  She flashed him a crooked smile that let him know she got the intended innuendo. “Really?”

  His shoulders lifted in a half-assed shrug. “I’m a guy. What can I say? You set ‘em up honey, and I hit ‘em out of the park!”

  “I like you when you’re like this.” The woman was direct and then some.

  “I like you too, Victoria.”

  “Is our truce still in effect?” she teased with humor glinting in her chocolate eyes.

  “For now,” he growled. “Why? What’s on your mind?”

  “I have a question.”

  Well, duh, he thought. Curious about what was rattling around in her female brain, he nodded and gave the green light. “Ask away.”

  “I’m just curious, but do you see,” she grappled with the words, “I mean, are you aware of how people treat you? All that bowing and scraping and the way the women look at you like a gourmet delight. Does it bother you?”

  Wow. Of all the questions she could have asked, the lady wanted to know what it was like to be him. To walk through life with more privilege and power than the average person even dreams of. “Ah, so you want to get serious, hmmm?” he teased earning a slight blush in response. “Let’s get comfy on the couch and get to know each other better.”

  She nodded and rose to her feet as he added, “I told you I’d be eager to learn all your secrets, Victoria. This seems like the perfect time.” He didn’t miss the way she stumbled slightly as she padded barefoot to the sofa. Turn about after all, he thought, was fair play. She had questions? Well, so did he.

  Reaching for the high-tech systems pad that controlled everything electronic in the suite, Drae lowered the lights, sparked a blaze in the fireplace, and found a quiet music channel on the satellite system for background ambiance. He watched from the corner of his eye as she undid the clasp on her belt and let it drop away, settling onto the sofa with her feet tucked neatly under her backside.

  Pouring from the bottle of wine they’d been enjoying with their meal, he rounded the sofa and handed her a half-filled glass. Pulling up a plush ottoman, he dropped down next to her and swung his legs onto the stool. They sat for a few moments savoring their drinks, as the twinkling lights in the nighttime vista outside their wall of windows made the silence around them seem almost magical. Drae couldn’t remember the last time he felt so content.

  He enjoyed that she didn’t prattle. Didn’t feel the urge to hear her own voice or fill in every empty moment with inane chatter. She formulated her questions, shot them out like cannon fire, one after another, and then waited.

  “To answer your very astute question,” he finally said, noticing the way her eyes brightened at the compliment, “Yes, I do notice. It’s hard not to. I grew up with servants. My sister and I were very aware of the invisible line of demarcation between those of wealth and privilege and the people whose job it was to make our lives comfortable.”

  Drae stopped and thought about his younger sibling. Like him, she had taken drastic measures to escape the fake, vapid life of their parents’ world. He wished he could spend more time with her now that they were both adults. Desirée had been conscientious throughout his time in the military about writing letters and sending packages to the big brother she adored. Now that she was married and raising a family far from the world of Fifth Avenue and Paris Fashion Week, they rarely saw each other. But that didn’t stop him from being a doting and attentive uncle, from afar, for his young niece and nephew.

  “We never tried to take advantage of the situation, unlike my parents who take great delight in playing the upper class hand at every turn. The military wasn’t the wake-up call my folks imagined it would be. Mommy dearest thought I’d crash and burn in basic training without all the privileges I was used to but being able to turn my back on their empty existence was the greatest opportunity of my life.”

  “You don’t get along with your parents.” She made it a statement not a question.

  Remembering that she had lost her father at an early age, it must seem strange to her that he didn’t particularly care about his relationship with the ‘rents. “Not all families are created equal.”

  “I know that,” she said with a dismissive shrug. “It’s just a shame that they’re missing out on knowing their children as adults.” The expression on her face led to a flush of warmth invading his chest.

  “What you see now has little to do with being born to wealth and status. It’s part psychology and part other people’s perception. I admit that money has something to do with it. The Justice Brothers have done more than okay in the past few years. Wealth brings access to power, something we have in spades. There’s something unique about getting a personal phone call from a head of state with a problem that only you can solve. Makes other people view you differently, hence the bowing and scraping, as you so aptly put it.”

  “I think I understand. Alex scared the stuffing out of me when we met in Phoenix. He had one of your operatives running interference for him and at the time it felt like he had a bodyguard although I don’t doubt for a second that even with his limitations he could seriously kick some ass. My mother thinks quite highly of him, you know. It was sort of fascinating to watch while the hotel manager, the concierge, everyone really, stood on their heads for him.” She paused to reflect on their conversation.

  “Do you think it’s different for you and Alex because of your family connections? Does Cameron also enjoy this VIP treatment?”

  Drae laughed good-naturedly. “Fucking Cam. All that smoldering movie star heartthrob shit he’s got going on gets him plenty of attention. Believe me! He got what he deserved though with Lacey. Knocked him down a few pegs.” She smiled at his choice description of the newlywed groom.

  It had always been Cam with his massive height and bad boy good looks that got the first glances whenever the three of them were together. Drae had benefitted plenty from the bevy of beauties eager to get close to Cam who ended
up frozen out by his surly attitude and less-than-sparkling personality. The man was a serious pussy magnet who could not have cared less. Drae, and Alex to some degree, were happy to step in with the legion of disappointed females left in his wake. Of course all that was in the past now.

  “Enough about me, lady. Tell me something I don’t know about you.” He refreshed their wine glasses while she considered his question.

  “I would marry chocolate if it was legal.” He tried not to laugh at her smart-ass answer and gave her one of those, are you fucking kidding me looks. Victoria chuckled and groaned, “Alright! Alright! Something you don’t know. Hmmmm,”

  She took a sip of her wine and glanced around the room as though some sort of inspiration was going to appear out of nowhere. God, she was unique. It had been his experience that women couldn’t wait to talk endlessly about themselves. Watching her struggle told him that she didn’t see herself as particularly interesting. It must have been hard to be a girl who excelled in a predominantly male world. Not even nerds were immune to big tits and a botoxed smile.

  A thought must have formed in her mind when her eyes sparkled with mischief and a huge smile lit up her face. Bringing her finger up to her mouth she said, “Shhhhh! Turns out I have a secret!” Setting her glass down, she sat up straight, placing both hands on her knees. She looked for all the world like a naughty child about to admit to having gotten caught in the cookie jar. “Next to coffee and desserts, I can not live without trashy romance books!” She said it quickly, like she was admitting to a serious crime.

  “What?” He burst out laughing. “Are you joking?” When she turned solemn, truthful eyes on him, and nodded her head indicating that she wasn’t kidding around, he was beyond charmed. “Are we talking mommy porn or Lord Higginbottom ravishes the maid?”

  “Oh God, that mommy porn stuff isn’t for me. My safeword would be a knee to the groin,” she giggled. “And yes, Lord Higginbottom has probably figured in a story or twelve. Right now, cowboys are all the rage and billionaires of course!”


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