For Love and Vengeance

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For Love and Vengeance Page 11

by Theresa L. Henry

  “Okay, Angel, you have my promise. These hands will kill nobody I find in that place. This is my promise to you.”

  Aviva exhaled in relief at Jason's acquiescence to her wishes. “Wow,” she laughed in relief, “these hands much be magic.”

  “I agree, those are very talented hands, especially when you do that thing where you stroke m...”

  “That's enough, Jason,” Aviva cut him off before he said something to embarrass her in front of his family.

  “Now that everything's settled, will you eat something?” Jason asked as he bent down and kissed her on the cheek.

  “I do believe I could eat something, yes. What culinary delights do you have to tantalize my taste buds?”

  “I don't know. Gentlemen, what have you got for my lady?”

  “I brought over her favorite, Sea Bass on a bed of spinach accompanied by dauphinoise potatoes,” Jackson announced, pleased that a potentially catastrophic situation had been averted. “Hopefully, it's still warm. Come, my dear, take a seat.”

  Aviva moved towards the table as Jackson turned to the bags to retrieve their meal. That's how they missed the look that passed between the three younger men in the room.

  Chapter 13

  Jackson withdrew a plate, removed the wrapping and placed it before her with a napkin that surrounded cutlery. Aviva breathed in the delicious aromas wafted towards her. She hadn't wanted food all day, but this meal had her mouth watering.

  Unrolling the crisp, white napkin, she placed it across her lap and took her first bite of the wonderful Sea Bass. Closing her eyes, she savored the taste of the delicate fish. Looking around the room, Aviva smiled at each of the men in turn.

  “This is really good. Thank you, Jackson. Oh, and boys…that means that there will be no killing with feet or any other part of your body, or implements extending from your bodies. Am I clear?”

  The younger men, who were in various states of pulling on jackets, froze. “Yeah, that's right. Next time, don't take me for a fool. I may not be the brain of Britain, but I'm not stupid either.”

  “Aviva!” Jason spoke for them all, his exasperation clear in his tone.

  “Don't you, Aviva, me, Jason King. I'll have your promise right this minute.”

  Jason rolled his eyes and sighed, his brain ticking as fast as a metronome set to quadruple time. “Okay, you have my word. Guys, give her your word.”

  Both brothers recited the words she had insisted on. She didn't trust any of them for a moment. They were probably the trickiest people she had ever come across. But she had no other choice other than to take them at their word.

  “Gentlemen, may we have a moment, please?” Jason asked, his stare fixed on the woman he loved. He didn't bother to look around to see if they’d left them alone in the kitchen, yet he knew when they were finally alone.

  Jason walked over to the chair on which Aviva sat and looked down at her. He stared at her braided head, passed over her tilted, cat-like dark brown eyes and landed on her mouth. He watched, riveted as she pulled her full bottom lip between her teeth and released it to subconsciously run her tongue over her top lip. Oh, yes, she wanted a taste of him as much as he craved a taste of her.

  With one of his sudden displays of strength, Jason spun her chair around so she was facing him, and squatted down so they were on eye level. “Sorry, did I hurt your back?”

  “, you didn't hurt me.”

  “Good, I never want to do anything that would hurt you,” Jason said, his gaze still fixed on her lips.

  “I know.” Aviva's breath picked up in anticipation of when he would move.

  “You smell good.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You look good too.”

  “You always say that.”

  “But I've never said...I love that quick mouth of yours, or that I've forgotten how it tastes. For the life of me, I just can't you taste.”

  Lord, have mercy, this man is hot and he’s all mine, Aviva thought. Shooting out her uninjured hand, she grabbed him by the back of his head and pulled him towards her. She fastened her mouth against his, her tongue sweeping over his lips in a deadly stroke of intent. Her mouth devoured him. She wanted him and she was going to take what she wanted.

  Jason's libido jumped to maximum. There was no in between, it just skyrocketed. This hadn't been his intention but he wasn't about to pass this over either. This was his angel, and she wanted him as much as he wanted her, and he was more than ready. It seemed as though a lifetime had passed since he had made love to her, and he wasn't prepared to wait another moment.

  Aviva's toes literally curled at the feel of Jason’s smooth lips running over hers. That she was once again experiencing his touch drove her wild.

  Fisting her hand, she grabbed hold of his hair and licked his lips once, twice, and then a third time, but the last pass demanded entrance. He didn’t resist, needing to taste her as much as she needed to taste him.

  Never a man to relinquish control, Jason took over, deepening their contact. His mouth insistent, demanding she hold nothing back. He wanted everything, she was his everything, and it had been too long since he held her in his arms.

  Conscious of not wanting to hurt her, Jason also had a need to express his love for her in a physical way, and to feel her response to his touch. Lord, he thought, if he lived to be a hundred, he would never grow tired of this woman. With extreme care, he picked her up and reversed their positions. He seated on the chair, she astride his lap. He wanted her to feel the evidence of how just one of her kisses affected him. He wanted her to feel his arousal. He needed her to be in no doubt that she was special to him, desired by him, and that she alone was his need.

  With his hands on her hips, he pushed forwards, just enough to make contact with her core, careful not to start something he had no time to finish.

  “Do you love me, Angel?”


  “What do you love about me?”

  “I love everything about you.”

  “No, don’t say that…I need to know what you love about me?”

  Aviva was a little taken aback by his insistence and could tell how important her answer was to him. “I love the way you love me. From the very first day we met, I began to feel something. I didn’t know what it was then, or maybe I just didn’t want to acknowledge my feelings. But you accepted me, exactly as I am with all my flaws and imperfections. I know I’m a bossy cow and you’re prepared to put up with me. Those are just some of the things I love about you, Jason King.”

  “That’s a good enough start, but you’ll need to tell me all the other reasons soon, very soon.”

  “Jason,” Jake called from behind the closed door. Lord, what was he thinking? His father was in the house, and could have walked in on them at any moment, and his brothers were waiting for him outside. Yet all he wanted to do was carry his angel upstairs and make love to her until the sun rose.

  Pulling away was one of the hardest things he had ever done. But this wasn’t the right time. When he next made love to her, it would be slow and easy and they would have all the time in the world. He would make sure of that.

  “You know what I'm going do when we get home? I'm gonna take you away on a boat in the middle of the ocean for a month. Just you and me and no interruptions.”

  “Baby, while that sounds wonderful, especially the part about just the two of us. I think I must decline the offer.”


  “A month is too long for you and me to be on a boat alone.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “How are we going to eat? You can't cook and I'm not cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner for a month. I'm not crazy! I've seen how much you eat,” Aviva concluded with a cheeky smile.

  Jason shook his head at her comment. “For that, I'm making it two months. You know how much you love me. You'd do it for me.”


  “Yes, really, and I'd make it worth yo
ur while.”

  “Oh, I like the sound of that...tell me more.”

  “I know what you're doing, Angel. It's not going to work. I need to go.”

  Aviva had decided after their earlier conversation that she wanted him to stay away from those men, but she knew his mind was made up. “Please, be careful. I don't want anything bad to happen to you, to any of you. I couldn't live with myself if any of you were hurt.”

  “Trust me, Angel, we’ve got this. None of us is going to get hurt.”

  She tried to smile but tears sprung to her eyes. She didn't try to hide them. What was the point? She wanted him to see exactly how she was feeling.

  Pulling her closer, Jason again enfolded her in his arms. Resting his forehead against hers, he closed his eyes and savored the feel of her in his arms. He then rained butterfly soft kisses along her neck, under her jaw, across her cheek, until his lips finally touched hers.

  “I love you. I want you to finish your meal, get some rest, and try not to worry. Can you do that for me?”

  Aviva, nodded, wanting to reassure him. But she knew she probably wouldn’t be unable to rest until all of them returned.

  “Good. That's my girl. We'll be back before you know it.”

  Pulling slowly away, Jason rose from the chair and deposited her in his place, then took a step back.

  Suddenly, she knew she had to say something that he could hold on to. Something that he would remember. “I, Aviva Johnson, love you, Jason King, very, very much.”

  “Thanks, Angel.”

  “Why are you thanking me?”

  “Thank you for loving me.” Jason didn't wait for a response. Turning, he strode from the kitchen, closing the door silently.

  Aviva sunk down into her chair and her tears began to flow in earnest. Tilting her head back, she offered up a prayer for their safety.

  “I have three very stubborn sons, Aviva. It would seem, once their minds are made up there is no chance of diverting their course. I know you and I would much rather this situation not take place, but it is out of our hands.”

  Chapter 14

  On the way to the house in East London, the brothers made a detour, at Jason's request. His plans had changed. He had given Aviva his word and he would keep it unless his life or one of his brothers’ were in danger.

  He had already filled them both in on what he expected of them, and they were now all as ready as they could be. They would have to readjust and improvise as the situation dictated, but the end game, as far as he was concerned, was set in stone.

  The men were all silent, each preparing in his own way. Josh drove while Jason and Jake were both checking their phones. His task completed, Jake turned his gaze towards the window, looking at the streetlights that were few and far between in the industrialized area of London.

  Jason, sitting in the passenger seat, also completed his task on his cell, and stared out the window, lost in thought.

  “What time does the train arrive?” Jake broke the silence.

  “One forty-five,” Jason replied. “You guys better be able to do the shit you assured me of, and I don't want any heroics. I have no intention of having to answer to your father or Aviva if either of you get hurt!”

  “Whatever, man,” Jake said, not even bothering to take his eyes from the passing scenery.

  “As a matter of fact, I think we should change our plans slightly,” Josh suggested.


  “You haven't even heard what I'm proposing!”

  “I don't care to hear it. The answer is still, no!”

  “I think I should go in first,” Josh continued, as though Jason hadn’t spoken.

  “What part of no don’t you understand?!”

  “You should let him,” Jake said, supporting his younger brother's suggestion. “As I mentioned before, he's a complete freak. He can move really quickly.”

  “Well, thank you, bro. You're no slouch either.”

  “Yeah, but I'm not a freak.”

  “I don't care if he's freaking grease lightning, the answer is still no!”

  “Bossy, ain’t he!” Josh said with a laugh.

  Jake didn't comment on his younger brother's attempt at lightening the mood in the car. He had long ago learned to tune him out when necessary.

  “You need to trust us more, Jason.” Jake said.

  “I could say the same for the two of you. You both need to trust me more – I'm going in first.”

  “It's a moot point now anyway. We're here,” Josh told them.

  Josh cut the engine while Jake slid silently from the car, crossed the road, and disappeared down a dark alleyway. Jason didn't move for a few moments then he too alighted from the car. Once his feet touched the cobbled stones of the paving, he stood still, eyes shifting from side-to-side, taking in his surroundings. The area was poorly lit by the street lamps, something he had noticed on the drive over. He also noted that the area was more than a little rundown.

  He had done his homework and knew that the area had once been a thriving industrial manufacturing district way back at the turn of the nineteenth century. At that time these boarded up buildings had played a major part in London’s economy.

  Most of the buildings in the area looked derelict with missing windows with semi legible paint flaked names. Narrow alleyways separated each building, and it was quiet, very quiet.

  Jake came strolling back towards them weighed down by a large bag. Jason turned to watch his approach. “You got everything I asked for?”

  “Of course.”

  “Good. Okay, let’s get ready.”

  Jason walked to the trunk of their vehicle and pulled it open. He removed his jacket and flung it inside leaving just his combat pants and form fitting top. Josh followed close behind him and rummaged around the content of the trunk and pulled out a folded bundle. He snapped it through the air, and slipped his arms through a long black duster.

  Jason watched his every move with a raised eyebrow of disbelief. “You have got to be kidding me, right?”

  “This is my lucky coat, and I never fight without it.” Josh told him with a grin.

  Jake came abreast to them and threw in the bag he carried. He too removed his jacket and threw it into the trunk in silence, revealing his long sleeved close fitted crew-necked top. He then unzipped the bag and reached in and began withdrawing its content.

  He threw one pouch to Jason and another to Josh. They both snatched them out to the air, opened them and peered inside. Each pouch contained ten, six sided throwing stars, also known as shuriken. He then turned back and bent over the bag and removed a sack. This one was thin and long which he handed to Josh.

  The bag Jake handed to Josh contained a three sectioned staff which could be snapped into one long pole by the flick of his hand, and he tried it out. In the flash of an eye the staff was extended and ready. Familiarizing himself further with its balance he twirled it around at incredible speed before again snapping it back into its original three sections.

  Josh could see that he had Jason’s undivided attention and grinned at him once he had completed his flourish of lightening quick moves.

  “Want to know what I call her?” Josh asked nodding at the staff.

  “Not really.” Jason replied.

  “Sure you do. Meet the ‘Rod of Correction.” Josh told him with a big grin.

  Jason rolled his eyes, silently amused that his younger brother had named a piece of wood.

  For himself Jake withdrew a pair of wooden Tonfa a weapon that had a horizontal handle extended from a foot long pole. He too tested his weapon of choice for weight and balance completing a series of equally fast moves. With his black pleated front pants and crew neck sweater, Jason couldn't help thinking he looked as though his immaculate clothing were better suited to a night out in New Your city than a back street alley on his way to kick ass.

  He knew their individual displays had been for his benefit, and he could see, as he watched them, that they were masters of their weap
ons of choice. This was it, he was tired of standing around in the damp London night air, he was ready to take care of his business and get back to Aviva who he knew was probably still worrying about their wellbeing.

  The men tucked their weapons away as he reached back into the trunk one last time and removed a long coil of rope which he put over his head and under one arm so it rested over one shoulder. He closed the trunk with finality. This was it.

  “Ready?” Jason asked.

  “Ready.” His brothers replied.

  “One more thing,” Jake said as they readied themselves to move out. “There's a basement, maybe we should consider going in that way, you know, take them by surprise.”

  Jason turned and looked at his twin. By now he knew Jake well enough to realize that although he reportedly had the lowest IQ of them all, and he seriously had his doubts about the validity of those test results, Jake was a deep thinker. This man thought about every nuance of every situation, remaining silent, watching until he understood exactly what was going on.

  Josh knew the brother with whom he had grown up. Jason was just learning, so Josh remained silent to see how Jason would interpret the information he had just been given.

  “This isn't your fight. If you want to go in through the basement, I'll respect that. For me, I'm going in through the front door, those fuckers are gonna see me coming.” Jason finished.

  Jake sighed, “I knew you'd say that.”

  “Then why are you telling me about the basement entrance?”

  “I'm the oldest, you two are my responsibility.”

  “Whatever, Jake, I'm a grown man and I can take care of myself. I've been doing exactly that long before you came along. Now show me where this building is.”

  With a tip of his head, Jake started walking. He led them through an alleyway littered with debris. They passed everything from beer bottles to old furniture. He stopped at the end of the alleyway and raised his chin towards a squat, square building directly opposite where they were standing. The building stood alone at the bottom of an embankment, a train line running about a hundred meters behind it. Their final destination appeared just as dilapidated as all the other buildings in the area.


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