For Love and Vengeance

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For Love and Vengeance Page 20

by Theresa L. Henry

  Aviva laughed as her friend had intended. She knew the older couple and could imagine exactly what MacKenzie had just described. They were wonderful people but very old fashioned.

  “The last time I spoke to my father, he said, “Daughter, your mother and I look forward to the day when we can rejoice that your unwed state is no more. On that day there will be hallelujahs lifted in our house.” MacKenzie mimicked their Caribbean accent down to a tee.


  Aviva was gone for fifteen minutes which gave MacKenzie time to sit and think about her future. No matter how she analyzed the situation in which she found herself, she couldn't make up her mind how to best resolve it.

  What she had no doubt of, however, was that under no circumstances would she settle for a relationship where marriage became a necessity for the sake of her unborn child. She sort of felt sorry for her parents though. She had been an unexpected child. Her mother had thought her child bearing days had past when she came along. Her brother was twenty years older than her and her sister seventeen. They never really had much in common. As far as her siblings were concerned, she had always been an irritation, and she couldn't really blame them. Looking back, she now saw that she had gone out of her way to get a rise out of them.

  She’d been eight on the day of her sister’s wedding. Not understanding why she was in tears when she would be wearing a princess dress later that day, she had asked her why she was crying. To this day, MacKenzie remembered her reply. “Don't let anyone, and I mean anyone, especially a man take advantage of you. If they tell you they love you, let them prove it...and prove it and...prove it!” Jumping up from her seat before the mirror, her sister rushed over to her bed and threw herself face down, hysterical sobs wracking her body.

  Her behavior frightened the young MacKenzie, and in her youthful innocence, she approached her big sister, patted her on the back and told her not to be sad because she got to wear a sparkly dress. It would be years later before she fully understood the real cause of her sister's tears.



  “Huh, what?”

  “Girl, that's the fourth time I called your name. Where were you?”

  “Just lost in thought about how I'm gonna get through that curly afro of yours.”

  “Please, if you can deal with that mass on your head every day, my hair's gonna be something you can get through long before your next bout of puke.”

  Forty-five minutes later, Aviva stood before the mirror looking at her reflection. MacKenzie had done a wonderful job. She had big bouncy curls surrounding her face, and if she said so herself, she was rocking the heck out of the hairstyle.

  Looking at her friend’s reflection behind her in the mirror, Aviva furtively took in her tired eyes, and her mind was made up. She knew if Jason had not already suggested it, she would do whatever was necessary to ensure that MacKenzie remained with her until the haunted, tired look departed from her eyes.

  “What room did they put you in?”

  “The rooms have names?”

  “Yes, they do. That's how these rich folk roll.”

  “Well, I have no idea what name they gave the room but it’s green and white. Does that help?”

  “To be honest, I don't know a thing about this house apart from what Jason's told me. I've been stuck in this room ever since we came back from England.”

  “England, you went to England...when...why? Was it a romantic getaway?”

  “ was nothing like that. I'll tell you all about it later. Right now, you need to change and eat so you have time to digest something before you start puking up again. I'll call Ronson. He'll know which room has been assigned to you.”

  “Who's Ronson?”

  Aviva wanted to cringe. Ronson was the Kingdom family butler and all at once she was astonished and slightly embarrassed at her friend’s innocent question, and just how quickly she had come to accept the trapping of wealth.

  MacKenzie wasn't sure what was going on, but she knew Aviva and how to decipher her embarrassment, and her girl was glowing with unease.

  “Look, all you need to do is get me back to the top of the stairs and I can find my way from there. Like I always told you, know your surroundings…even though with you it’s a lost cause. Don't think I've forgotten how you couldn't find the car you parked in the mall. Thought my butt was gonna turn into an icicle all the wandering around we did that day.”

  Aviva didn't bother to answer. Anyone who knew her soon realized her sense of direction was off, and so what, if they were bothered, that was their problem, not hers.

  When they arrived at the stairway, MacKenzie took no more than a second to establish her bearings before she was ready to make her way to her room. Aviva was a little perturbed at how everyone had an acute sense of direction except her. Dismissing the thought, she told Mackenzie she would meet her in the family room at 7:30pm exactly. That would give her enough time to eat just in case she began to feel unwell again.

  Giving her friend a hug, Aviva made her way back to her room to dress.

  Chapter 25

  As the door closed behind the departing women. The men moved around the room taking seats.

  “Whoever she is, I like her,” Josh said, stretching his long body across a sofa, and folding his hands behind his head.

  “Her name is MacKenzie and she's Aviva's friend. She's been calling nonstop for days.”

  “You still have Aviva's phone?” Jackson asked, surprise apparent in his voice.

  “Yes, I do. The number has been compromised and there was no way I was going to allow her to have it before I was sure those bastards wouldn't attempt to get to her through that number.”

  “She's going to be asking questions. What do you intend to tell her?” Jake asked, curious as to how Jason intended to get out of that one.

  Jason's smile was assured. He didn't seem worried about how he would handle the questions that Jake had no doubt Aviva would be asking. He dismissed it. Aviva was Jason's problem and he had no intention of getting involved.

  Looking at his twin, he was still intrigued that there was another being who looked so much like him, thought like him and acted like him. Sometimes, he found it difficult to take his eyes off Jason. He knew it got on his nerves, but he just couldn't seem to stop. Looking down at his hands, Jake allowed his mind to wander, to think about the threat that still hovered over his family. His line of thought hardened him further. At the end of whatever they had yet to face, they would all remain standing. That was his silent promise to his family.

  “I got her a new phone and number. I already transferred all her contacts. I'll make something up about finding it and it being damaged.”

  “Good luck!” Josh said with a snort.

  Jackson looked at each of his sons in turn and was filled with pride that he had produced such fine young men. He was also taking immense pleasure in the way they finally appeared to be bonding but he needed some answers as to what was going on. “I know this is not over. So what's going on?” Jackson asked, this being the first time since their return that he had been able to speak to them all together.

  Jason looked at his brothers, questioning them with only his eyes. He was silently asking them if he should be completely candid with their father. Their slight nods were affirmation enough for him to gain his answer. Over the last week, his respect had grown for his brothers. He now knew, without a doubt, the type of men they were. Therefore, by their soundless confirmation, he would hold nothing back.

  “Aviva told me that a woman had helped her escape from Alexander. It didn't make sense to me. Why would this woman, who was in his employ, aid her, have meds at the ready, and then tell her not to contact me.” Jason began to speak.

  “Because this unknown woman had a conscious and realized what they were involved with wasn't right?” Jackson answered although Jason’s words had been a statement rather than a question.

  “No, that's not it. They, they nee
ded more time. This faceless woman knew that Aviva's treatment at the hands of her captors was too harsh. She knew that if it continued the way it had been going, she may not survive. That was not what someone wanted. Aviva was just their means to an end. I’m who they want. I know them. I've had a lifetime to study them, and they know I'm on the cusp of destroying them.

  “These men unequivocally believe that because of their name, wealth and societal standing, they’re exempt from having to account for their actions. My actions have shown them, in no uncertain terms, they’re wrong. I will have retribution. Not just for my sake, but for all the faceless, nameless boys I didn't know who suffered at their hands!”

  “Jason, maybe we need to think about this further?” Jackson interjected, again worried by Jason’s detached coldness.

  “Joshua, you tell him,” Jason spoke to his younger brother without looking at him. He had the information, therefore it was his job to convince Jackson of what they had planned.

  “Someone’s informed me, and I believe him, I trust him completely, that there's a contract out on Jason. The contract originated from here, in New York and the hit man...sorry, hit woman, is from England.”

  Jason took up the story. “I don't believe in coincidence. Aviva was helped to escape for a reason. I am that reason. They wanted to keep me on the back foot, second guessing myself. Mr. and Mrs. Drake, were only bit players, probably manipulated into believing that I had cheated them out of what was rightfully theirs. In fact, I paid them more than I needed to. In my mind, they were hard working people who weren't making it. They had a good business but lacked the knowhow to make it a success. For their demise, I suppose I’m sorry. I still haven’t made up my mind exactly how I feel. But I do know without doubt that I refuse to take responsibility for their actions.”

  “What about Steve?” Josh asked.

  “What about him?” Jason shot back.

  “You have to admit that he shows up everywhere and at the most unexpected moments.”

  “You don't need to worry about Steve. He's not your concern,” Jason said, making it clear the subject was closed.

  Josh wasn't convinced, he like his brother needed answers. It was obvious Jason knew more than he was saying and he wanted to know what was going on.

  “Jason, you know we've got your back, but if there's something you're not telling us, I have a problem with that.”

  “This is the last time I'm going to say this – Stephen Blackman is not your concern. Not now, not ever. Is that clear?”

  Josh looked at Jason for a few seconds and sat up before he spoke. “It's clear, and for the record, I'm an easy going guy for the most part, but you need to check the way you speak to I clear?”

  Jason stared at his younger sibling, the seriousness of his words reflected in his eyes, and felt a moment of remorse that he had managed to anger this fun loving man. However, it wasn't in his nature to back down, and he had no intentions of starting now.

  Jackson and Jake waited see how he would respond. Josh rarely spoke to his family in that way. When he did, it was because he felt strongly about something.

  “Understood. I get it. But I say again, Steve is not your concern. I've known all of you for a fraction of the time I've known him, and I’m telling you that you don't have to worry about him.”

  “You're an arrogant son-of-a-bitch, do you know that?” Jake asked his twin, no real heat in his voice.

  “So is he...” Jason nodded in Josh's direction. “And so are you, what's your point?”

  “He’s got you there, Jake,” Jackson said with a laugh. “Alright, now that's taken care of; would someone like to fill me in as to why that young lady is really here and what is going on?”

  This time the looks that passed between the brothers were furtive, and they all remained silent. Jackson knew the two men he had raised well enough to know that they would say nothing if whatever they had brewing was Jason's to divulge. So he waited patiently, his gaze fixed on his errant son.

  His mind made up, Jason began to speak. “MacKenzie is here to keep Aviva’s company and I hope distracted while I take care of some unfinished business. Forrest Farnsworth is going to die, and I mean to take him out before he has the chance to hurt the people I hold dear.”

  “Back up, Jason. I need to understand what the hell is going on, and your explanation is insufficient.”

  Looking at his younger brother, Jason gave him a brief nod before reclining in his seat, his eyes fixed on Jackson.

  “I had a conversation with a friend of mine yesterday. He thought I should know that someone had been employed to 'hit' a man named Jason King. This man also told me that he had two brothers and a father, all of whom were to die. There are to be no loose ends, no room for revenge or comebacks.”

  “For the love of God, what in damnation is wrong with this world!?” Jackson's agitation was clearly expressed as he jumped to his feet and began pacing the floor. He recognized the name immediately from the time of Aviva’s abduction. His heart bled for his son. When would this nightmare be over for him? Did those bastards expect him to pay for their wrongdoing with his life, with all of their lives?

  At Jackson’s reaction, Jason wanted to walk out of this home. He wanted to leave and take care of his business before ever coming back. These people, his family, had only offered him support since the very moment he had stormed into their lives. What had he given in return? Nothing but death and destruction, and he felt ashamed. Shame because of the type of man he had become washed over him in wave after wave of guilt. That he had brought such chaos into their lives had to end, he would end it. There was no way he was prepared for any harm to come to them, and if he stayed, that's exactly what would happen.

  Jackson could see the cogs spinning in his son's mind and shook his head. What would it take for this young man to realize that he was no longer alone?

  “Jason, put the thought from your mind. It is not your responsibility to protect us. We protect each other, do you understand?”

  At Jason's silence, Jackson turned to his eldest son. “Jacob, it is now your responsibility to ensure that he does not leave this house alone.”

  Jake nodded his understanding.

  Jason couldn't help but smile. Did these people actually think they could stop him from doing exactly as he pleased? They obviously didn't know him as well as they thought they did.

  “Good. Now, Joshua, I want to know everything, and I do mean everything.”

  Jackson had never been a violent man and he didn’t condone violence as a rule. But enough was enough. His son had suffered enough and the threat these men posed to his family had to end. “Tell me what you need me to do,” Jackson told his sons as he finally took his seat.

  Chapter 26

  Aviva was just stepping out of the bath when Jason entered their room. Deciding not to call out, he moved closer to the bathroom door which she had left ajar. He watched her pull a towel from the rack and begin to run it over her body to soak up the rivulets of water that glistened against her skin.

  Transfixed, Jason felt his heart start to pound. He had watched Aviva doing exactly this on any number of occasions. She even knew that one of his greatest pleasures was lifting her from her bath, drying her himself and rubbing every inch of her body with the lotion she insisted her skin needed every time she left her bath.

  But this was the first time he had watched her without her knowledge and it turned him on more than he thought it would. Never having voyeuristic tendencies in the past, he was a little surprised at how he was feeling watching his woman when she was unaware of his presence.

  Finished with the towel, Aviva dropped it to the floor. Then she reached for her lotion and squeezed a generous amount into her palm and rubbed her hands together. Starting with her arms, she massaged the lotion into her skin, her hands moved up and down rhythmically until her skin absorbed all the moisture. Then she repeated it on the other side.

  Next came her chest, a part of her body that could
hold his attention for hours. More lotion went into her palm and was rubbed together before she began making circular motions across her chest, her hands moving downwards in slow increments towards her full breasts. Jason could see that her nipples stood erect, puckered, as though begging for attention from his hands. In his mind’s eye he would cup her magnificent breasts, knead them, his palm gently rotating her nipples, his hand again cupping her so that her nipple rested between his thumb and forefinger. Then when he had his full of looking, he would bend his head and take her into his mouth. Sucking, pulling until she cried out.

  Pulled from his reverie, Jason drew in a silent breath as Aviva’s hand made contact with her plump breasts, her hands running around and over them, brushing against her distended nipples again and again, until he started to pant, only just able to remain quiet and not give himself away. It had been over a week since he had touched his angel in the way that she was now doing and at the sight of her hands, he could recall the feel of her, the taste of her, the sounds she made when he touched her as she was now touching herself.

  Hell, Jason thought, this was sheer hell. What had been going through his mind that he could ever imagine that this was a good idea? There was that bottle again. This time she was rubbing her stomach each pass bringing her hand lower and lower towards the one place he would give anything to be buried in right at that moment. Silently, he willed her to touch herself. As though reading his mind, her hands disappeared between her legs only to hesitate for a heartbeat before reemerging, much too quickly for Jason’s liking. Then she did it again, this time her fingers moved up and down, as though ensuring his attention was directed to the right spot. Then her hand was gone.

  Aviva raised a leg and placed it on the edge of the bathtub, giving Jason a view of what belonged to him, what would belong only to him until his dying day. He couldn’t pull his eyes away if his life depended on it. What had only been a dull ache in his shaft at the start of this covert watch was suddenly turning into something that throbbed heavy and hot. Something over which he was losing control, each pulse bringing him closer to the edge. Lowering her leg, Aviva turned and just like that his view of his personal ecstasy was blocked from sight.


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