For Love and Vengeance

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For Love and Vengeance Page 22

by Theresa L. Henry

  Sucking him back into her mouth, Aviva rotated her head first one way and then the next, moving backwards and forwards as she swirled her tongue around the rim of his cock again and again. Forming a tight ring around his shaft, Aviva guided Jason as she moved him between her lips. Then she started all over again, increasing her speed, changing the pattern of her movements.

  As his low groans of pleasure increased, Aviva felt Jason’s hands against her cheeks, gentle, always so gentle, stroking her, running his fingers back and forth, brushing her hair away from her face. Aviva removed the hand that had been holding Jason’s hard backside, and cupped his balls, squeezing, pulling and rotating them to increase his pleasure.

  “That’s it, angel, just like that…yes, just like that. Don’t stop…that feels so good…God that feels so good!”

  Encouraged by his disjointed words of pleasure, Aviva applied all her skill, pulling up each memory of what her man loved, how he liked to be touched, how much pressure to administer, and in what way. This was for him, all for him, and he was close. She could feel the throb of the pulse that ran through him pick up to double time. And if it were possible he grow even harder, filling her mouth. His breathing changed to shallow pants, and his muscular body began to tense. Aviva watched as Jason threw back his head and gritted his teeth, but she didn’t let up, pumping him, sucking him, working him through his climax.

  With a plop, Aviva released Jason from her mouth and rose to her feet. Wrapping her arms around his still quaking body she pressed her cheek against his chest, as they held each other close.

  When his breathing returned to normal, Jason unwrapped her arms from around his waist, rearranged his clothing and picked Aviva up in his arms, returning her to their bed. Bending his large frame, he braced his hand on either side of her head and kissed her lips, her forehead and as though unable to help himself, he again joined their lips, emotions alive in his eyes.

  “You know I love you, right?” Aviva could see the sincerity of his words reflected in his eyes, and she was glad that she had taken the time to demonstrate a facet of her love for him.

  “I know, I love you too. But you should go, your brothers are waiting on you.”

  With one last smile and a nod, Jason turned and left the room.


  Aviva sprang into action. She knew what she was going to wear. She had already planned it while pretending to read. Rushing to the closet, she pulled out a black body suit, she planned to take on their Caribbean vacation despite not having any real need for it. What woman didn't pack an outfit for a vacation that was wholly inappropriate but made her look totally fly? Well, this was hers. She heard a soft knock on the door before the handle turned and MacKenzie's head appeared.

  “They're gone. We need to head out,” she said, coming fully into the room.

  Aviva welcomed the news but was surprised that MacKenzie thought she was going with her.

  “We? You don't think you’re going, do you?”

  “Of course, I'm going!”

  “MacKenzie, you're pregnant. Of course, you’re not going!”

  “Aviva, you’re short, and I'm going with you!” she shot back.

  “No, I’m sorry but I can't allow you to do that. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you or the baby.”

  “Nothing's going to happen to any of us, so relax.”

  “You don't understand. These people are dangerous, very dangerous.”

  “Dangerous, how?”

  “Like, killer dangerous.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Aviva knew she had to convince her friend of the type of people they were dealing with so she would understand why she should remain behind. Making up her mind, she gave MacKenzie the abridged version of what she had just been through.

  MacKenzie was so shocked at her friends’ words she was speechless. Then she got angry.

  “Have you lost your mind? Get your things right this minute, we're leaving. These rich people are crazy!” Aviva stood her ground and folded her arms in exasperation at MacKenzie’s tirade.

  “I'm not playing with you, move your ass right now!”

  “Calm down and lower your voice,” Aviva told her, using a placating tone.

  “Calm down? You just told me you were injected with God knows what, hauled off the street, transported to another country and dumped in some godforsaken room, and you want me to calm down? Girl, you better get moving before I do it for you,” MacKenzie said, her hands popped on her hips, so angry she wished Jason were there so she could knock him out.

  Aviva started losing her temper. She loved MacKenzie, but she wasn't going to stand for her bossing her around. “I'm done with this discussion. You can leave if you want to, but I'm going to that house.”

  “Oh yeah, and how are you going to get there?”

  “Shit, I never thought of that!”

  “You never thought of that? You wanna hang with those big ass gangsta wannabe dudes, and you never thought of that!” MacKenzie mocked, still pissed that Aviva wouldn't see sense. But she knew that once her friend’s mind was made up, very little would change it. Well, this is your lucky day. I did think about it, so if you're ready, let’s go.”

  “What about Jackson?” Aviva asked.

  “He's in his room so as long as we're quiet, he should be none the wiser.”

  As far as Aviva could see, MacKenzie had all the bases covered. Being as quiet as possible, they left the house and made their way to the car she had stashed away out of sight of the main house.

  “How did you manage all this?” Aviva wanted to know. She had spent more time at the house than MacKenzie and she didn't even know where the garage was located.

  “While you were doing whatever it was you were doing with that man, I was taking care of business. What I've come to realize is that when the pregnant lady tells a man she doesn't feel well or she needs to lay down, nobody questions or bothers her.”

  Aviva was totally impressed. “Wow, I'll remember that. It could come in really handy in the future!”

  “You intend to have big head babies with that blonde man?” MacKenzie asked as she maneuvered the car towards their destination. There was no way she was letting her girl drive or all the action would be over before they ever arrived.


  Parking the car around the corner from the house, MacKenzie turned to look at Aviva. “This is your last chance to change your mind about the single most stupid thing you have ever thought of doing.”

  “I'm going. I know it's stupid and believe me I would much rather be tucked up in bed, but I just know that I have to do this.”

  “Do this what, Aviva?”

  “I don't know. It’s just a feeling I have, and I have to act on it!”

  “I don't suppose there's any way I can persuade you that this is an act of lunacy? These people are dangerous!”

  “Do you think I don't know that? He came for me. He would always come for me, no matter what the danger...he would come for me.”

  Chapter 27

  ****Earlier that day****

  “I've told you, the brothers will be eliminated before they reach the house and once Jason King is inside, he'll be dealt with. You are perfectly safe. Then I'll go to their house and take care of the woman and the father.”

  Farnsworth couldn't help but feel uneasy. Nobody knew what had happened to Alexander…he just disappeared. It had taken days and countless calls before someone went to the house in Shoreditch and reported back what they found.

  He was certain Alexander was dead. He didn’t care one way or the other, the man had become a liability. He had spent too much time and money in the protection of his good name and that fool, Alexander, had been a threat to that. If he was dead, it could only be a good thing and was one less problem for Farnsworth to worry about.

  The reports of the state his men were found in was a major concern to him as he couldn't fathom why they had been left alive. What he d
id know, however, was that the Kingdom men were dangerous, and he needed to get to them first. That was the reason he hired the necessary people to see the job done – tonight.

  “Did you get the last set of papers?” Farnsworth asked his companion.

  “I got them. But the real question is, did you get a complete list of names for who held those documents?”

  “I'm a wealthy man, I grew up with wealth, and the one thing I know is how to get what I want.”

  “Ah...the trappings of wealthy men... Yes, that I too understand more that you could imagine.”

  “What does that mean?!” Farnsworth asked, detecting an undertone of something he didn't like.

  “Mr. Farnsworth, I've worked for the wealthy for a long time and comprehend much.”

  “I don't pay you to comprehend me. I pay you to do as you're told!” His companion smiled, not in the least bit affected by this man's condescension, and it infuriated him.

  “Where are your people? Are they in place?”

  “You needn’t worry about my people. Your only concern is to make sure that Jason King and his whole family die tonight, as planned!”

  “I can see I'm irritating you so I'll excuse myself to prepare.”

  Farnsworth didn't bother to answer, his mind already tuned into the fact that after tonight, after all the years of caution, he would finally once again be able to indulge himself as he had done all those years ago.


  Opening the gate, the brothers slipped through. As soon as the last of them was inside, they moved as a unit. Watchful, anticipating danger at every moment. It didn't take long for it to begin.

  Sensing rather than seeing anyone, Jason dove for cover. His brothers reacted, moving at exactly the same time. They all heard the whoosh of the bullets as it passed over where they had been standing only moments before. At least now they knew where one of the snipers were hidden. Josh broke off, disappearing into the darkness.

  Moments later he returned. With a nod, they again moved forward. The second round of silenced shots were fired from a longer range, but went much wider than the first. This time, it was Jake who broke off from the group. Jason and Josh heard the rustle of leaves and a low thump as Jake brought his man down. The brothers moved forward again as Jake materialized and fell in beside them.

  They were now much closer to the house. From their intel, Jason knew that the two shooters were the only ones that had been placed on the grounds of the mansion. He hated sneaking around, but knew if the threat of these men was ever going to end, stealth was their only option. Recalling that the information they’d received in London had been incorrect, and the number of men they eventually faced was greater than anticipated, his guard was on high alert.

  He knew that as a group they presented a bigger target, but he insisted that they stick together. He now knew what his brother’s capabilities were and his worry for them was mostly gone. They could take care of themselves, and they all knew to be ready for the unexpectedness of a situation such as this.

  This was it. As soon as they opened the door, all hell was going to break loose. The men behind the door would be armed and he had every intention of leaving that house alive. He had too much to live for, for it to be any other way.

  First, he looked at his younger brother. Josh again had on the stupid ass coat and his visage carried no impression of his usual good humor. Jason had come to realize that this man was probably the most ruthless of them all. Next, his gaze alighted on his twin, his mirror image. Somewhere along the way, this man had lost some of his joy for life, but had gained a compassion Jason had rarely seen in another human being.

  For the first time, he didn't want to hold back the words. In a low whisper, he told them exactly what was in his heart. “I love you guys. Be safe. I need you guys around to be my kid’s Godparents.”

  He could see by the looks in their eyes that he had hit a nerve with them. Before his eyes, they seemed to become more than they were only moments before, and he felt the power his words had on his siblings. Almost from the instant they had met him they had accepted him as their brother. Yet this was the first time he had completely accepted them.

  Josh's good humor returned for a fraction of a second. “Are we going to hug it out or are we going to kick some ass and get this thing done?”

  “Get it done,” the twins replied with the exact same words.

  Just weeks before, mimicking each other’s words would have pissed them off. Now, their lips curled in exactly the same way, and they recognized it and they embraced it.

  Turning the handle to the front door, the brothers charged through – it was on!

  A seasoned fighter, Jason subconsciously took in his environment even as he ran, rolled and dodged the barrage of bullets that flew around them. Adrenaline flooded his system as his focus narrowed. This was a battle of survival. This was a battle for his life, and he intended it to be a very long life.

  The first thing Jason noticed was that there were men above them. That was dangerous as they could fall back out of sight, reappearing when they were engaged with an opponent on ground level.

  What the hell was going on? He had been assured that the upper level snipers would be taken care of. Curling into a ball, he flung himself across the floor out of the range of the bullets that came at him one after another.

  Pist, pist, the overhead barrage of shots stopped. They hadn't been betrayed. Their contact had come through but Jason was still on his guard, there could be more. Looking forward, Jason saw there was a man moving towards him. The man was huge, even bigger than him, none of his physique carrying an ounce of spare flesh. This man was built for pure power, and by the way he carried himself, Jason knew he had a battle on his hands. Rarely was size an issue for him as he was normally bigger. This time it was different. This time he was at a disadvantage and his opponent had form.

  He saw all this in an instant. The man stood with his legs spread apart, his knees flexed, bouncing on his toes, his body turned to give Jason the smallest possible opening to his body. Although a big man, Jason knew that his one advantage over this brute, who looked as though he wanted to take off his head, might just be his speed. For such a big man, most of his opponents underestimated just how quickly he could move. He had never relied on strength alone. That was the way of the man who wanted to lose a fight, and he had lost his fair share, but never as an adult, and that wasn't going to change now.

  Taking up his fighting stance, Jason pulled in a deep breath as he balled his fists, centered, ready for the engagement. He could hear the sounds of fighting around him but he remained focused, trusted his brothers and their contact had everything else under control.

  His concentration narrowed even further as his opponent circled him. He knew it was unlikely that he would come out of this without some battle scars but he intended to keep them at a minimum.

  As the men circled each other, Jason could see the respect his opponent had for him reflected in his eyes. But he could also see that the bigger man wanted to take him out. Following quickly on this rationalization was that this man was prepared to take his life as a badge of honor.

  Jason knew he had to dictate the range of the fight if he was to have any hope of winning. This man was bigger, and probably stronger than him, so he would have to use his brain.

  He circled his opponent, feigning forward then retreating. He side stepped each fist that was thrown at him, knowing better than to fall into a pattern that could be predicted. Jason was focused on his opponent, ready to attack as soon as he saw an opening. This was a fight he wasn't going to lose and he intended to end it quickly. Beckoning the brute forward, Jason smiled as his opponent took the bait and moved closer. In an instant, all his amusement vanished. The situation was too serious to waste time with this artificially pumped up monstrosity.

  In the blink of an eye, his opponent rushed forward. Jason did the same but at the last minute, he threw himself down, relying on his speed as he swept his foot f
orward, swiping the bigger man’s legs from beneath him. Spinning on his palms, he was back on his feet, ready for a counter attack. The man did some kind of weird flip and was back on his feet as though he never fell.

  Okay, Jason thought, this dude was definitely on something and was feeling no pain. The force with which he had hit the floor should have at least slowed him down. He knew this man wasn't going to stay down unless he got dirty. Jason steeled himself as he realized what he was up against. So far, he had managed to avoid the hits that had been directed towards him but now his opponent had seen some of his skills, knew his speed and the sizing up was at an end.

  One of them was going down, and it wasn't him. Springing back, he again took up his fighting stance, giving the impression he was in retreat. All at once, Jason rushed forward, chin down with his body protected.

  Arching his back, he only just avoided a blow that would have surely taken him out. Pivoting on his toes to the left, Jason unleashed a fisted right handed blow filled with all the power he could from his legs and his core. On contact, he heard the sound of the man's jaw shatter. The force he had put behind the punch sent shock waves through him, vibrating up his arm and through his body. Jason’s hand already ached from the blow and he was surprised he hadn’t broken it. For good measure he again tensed his biceps and delivered an uppercut with his left hand to the man’s already shattered jawline. The hulks head spun around, blood flying from his mouth, pooling on the marbled floor.

  The huge man’s legs gave out and he crumbled to the ground, and he stayed down, blood seeping from his mouth where he had bitten into his tongue. Whirling around, his fists at the ready, adrenaline still pumping through his veins, Jason realized all around him was quiet. His brothers had locked down the rest of their opponents. They now stood watching him.

  “Let’s finish this,” Jason told his brothers, more than ready to get out of that hell hole. There was only one barrier left between him and his ultimate goal, and he went through it without hesitation. With his brothers at the ready behind him, he kicked in the door Jake indicated Farnsworth was behind.


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