Christmas with a Soldier (Soldier Series Romance Novellas)

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Christmas with a Soldier (Soldier Series Romance Novellas) Page 2

by Jameison, Makenna

  “Hey, you’re the one who said earlier that you had a special evening planned,” he said sarcastically. “I wouldn’t want to keep you from him.”


  “Yeah, your boyfriend, husband, whatever.”

  “It’s not—” I started to say, but Trent cut me off.

  “Look, it’s starting to get dark out, and I’m worried we might have to set up camp for the night. Why don’t I scout around to see if I can find a good campsite. You should wait here. It’ll slow me down, having you tag along.”

  It was getting darker, and I realized that nightfall would be here momentarily. The crisp air had a smoky scent to it, and I was sure it would only get colder as the night wore on. The tall trees in the forest stood as black silhouettes against the evening sky, the light was waning, and I was suddenly feeling more and more alone. This wasn’t just a quick afternoon hike through the woods anymore. We were going to be stranded out here for the night. I certainly didn’t want Trent wandering off and leaving me alone when I had absolutely no idea where I was, even if he would only be gone for a short time.

  “I don’t mind,” I said quickly. “I can come along.”

  “Well, I mind,” he snapped. “I just said it would be faster if I looked around alone before it gets pitch black out. Why don’t you go refill the water bottles or something?”

  I stepped back, offended. Did he really think I couldn’t do anything more than get water for us? And was he really going to go off alone? Everything looked the same out here, and if he went off in direction while I went off in another, who’s to say if I would even see him again? I didn’t want to spend the night alone trying to survive out here.

  “By myself?” I asked, hearing the panic in my voice.

  “Do I have to do everything?” he angrily asked.

  I stared at him as tears welled in my eyes. He was the one who said he’d help me, who said he didn’t want me getting lost out here all alone. Now he was going to abandon me? Who knows if he’d actually be able to find his way back to where I was. Then I’d be stuck alone in the forest all night. I felt my chest starting to constrict as he looked at me, exasperated. “Fine,” I said, not willing to let him see my cry. “I’ll get the water.” I dropped my backpack on the ground and snatched his canteen from him, turning and hurrying away. I wasn’t sure if the shocked lock on his face was from seeing the expression on mine, or if he’d just dreamt up some entire new reason to be angry with me.

  I stumbled through the trees, tripping over an exposed root on the ground, as hot tears fell down my face. I wasn’t even sure if I could find my way to the damn creek from here, let alone find my way back. This entire day, which I’d imagined so differently, was turning into a nightmare. I tripped over something else in my haste to get away from Trent and finally just sank to the ground, giving in to my tears. I dropped the water bottles beside me and lowered my head into my hands, sobbing quietly. I hadn’t sat down since we’d left our cars, and I was exhausted. I was cold, hungry, and upset that I wouldn’t get home to my daughter tonight. And now, on top of everything, I had to deal with this jerk of a guy who I’d agreed to let come along with me. Could my day really even get any worse?

  I heard a twig break a few moments later and knew that Trent had followed me. I wondered why he hadn’t gone off to find shelter or a good place for spending the night, but at this point I didn’t really care. He hesitated for a moment before coming over and crouching down by my side. I could smell the spicy scent of his cologne, and while I wondered for a moment why I hadn’t noticed it earlier, I realized that he’d never been close enough for me to catch a whiff of its scent. He’d done everything he could to keep his distance from me and push me away. I pressed my face farther into my hands as my body shook with sobs.

  “Meghan?” he asked gently, reaching out to touch my arm.

  “Just leave me alone,” I said, tears streaming down my cheeks.

  “Meghan, please don’t cry,” he said, his own voice suddenly sounding pained. He took off his camouflaged jacket and placed it over me, and despite myself, I let him because I was freezing. His hand hesitantly stroked my hair, and he whispered “Shhh” until my tears begin to slow. After a moment of him comforting me, I finally glanced up. A look of alarm passed over his eyes as a few more hot tears slipped down my cheeks. I realized that he was wearing nothing but a white tee shirt now, tucked into his camouflaged pants, and I knew he must be freezing in this cold weather. The fabric of the shirt hugged his biceps nicely, and I noticed his broad shoulders and strong chest beneath the soft cotton.

  “You must be freezing,” I blurted out.

  “I’m okay.”

  I shivered just thinking about it, and he wrapped his coat more tightly around me, encasing me in his strong arms. His hand gently touched my cheek, turning my head toward him. “I’m sorry for being such a jerk today, Meghan. I have a lot on my mind, and I’m having the bad day to end all other bad days, but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”

  I didn’t respond, my mind too distracted by his sudden closeness and the burning touch of his fingers against my skin. He lowered his hand, firmly gripping his jacket, so that he was holding it closed around me. “I just want to go home,” I whispered, another fat tear trailing down my cheek.

  “Right,” he said, suddenly looking a little uncomfortable. “Your big romantic evening.”

  “Romantic?” I asked, letting out a small laugh. “I had an evening all planned out with my five-year-old daughter, but it was far from romantic.”

  Now Trent looked slightly embarrassed. It was different from the arrogance and attitude he’d shown all day long, and I rather liked seeing a softer side to him. “When you said you had a special evening planned, I assumed you meant with a boyfriend or something.”

  “No,” I said with a resigned sigh. “Just a special night with Hannah.”

  “Well, I don’t know if I’ll be able to get you home to her tonight,” he said slowly, his voice deep and smooth. “But I promise that you’ll see her tomorrow. Right now we need to go find a place to camp for the night, and morning will be here before you know it. What do you say?”

  “Okay,” I whispered, knowing we didn’t have any other options.

  He stood and extended a broad hand out to me. I took it, and felt his firm grip as he pulled me to my feet.

  “Here,” I said, pulling off his jacket and handing it back to him.

  “You keep it,” he said. “I’m going to be busy chopping firewood.”

  “Chopping firewood?” I asked, confused. I assumed he had some supplies in the big rucksack he was carrying around, but an axe didn’t seem likely.

  “Yep,” he said, a smile coming to his face for the first time all day. “There’s a cabin right over there.”

  Chapter 3

  The fire blazed in front of us later that evening, and I could hardly believe our luck that we’d found somewhere warm to spend the night. Luck was hardly the word I would have used earlier in the day if someone had told me that my evening with Hannah would be ruined, I’d abandon my car along the side of the road, and then be stuck wandering around for hours in the forest. But after trekking around all afternoon in the cold, a crackling fire in a warm cabin with a handsome stranger didn’t seem so bad.

  My wandering off in an attempt to refill my water bottle and Trent’s canteen had turned into the one good thing that happened to us that afternoon. After Trent had come looking for me, he’d spotted the wooden cabin tucked away in the trees. I wasn’t sure what on earth it was doing here, but it looked like it had been lived in not too long ago. Although there was no food inside, the place was furnished, with clean linens in the closest, a working bathroom with running water—albeit freezing cold—and a bedroom separate from the main living area. We’d dropped our bags down in the small living room, and I discovered a few candles in the pantry. Being a good soldier, Trent carried matches, amongst other supplies, with him. I’d lit the candles while he’d gone o
utside and gathered some firewood. Fortunately there was some already chopped and stacked neatly by the side of the cabin, so there was no need for an axe after all. Before long, he’d carried logs inside and started a roaring fire.

  I was starting to feel a little better now that we were inside and warm. I knew Hannah was safe at my parents’ house, and I didn’t have to worry about where we’d be staying tonight. Trent’s attitude had completely changed since we’d gotten here. Maybe he’d gotten out of whatever funk he’d been in earlier or maybe he just felt bad that he’d made me cry. He’d made sure that I was okay before going outside to gather the firewood, and I noticed his eyes linger on me when he’d come back in moments later with his arms full. His biceps bulged as he carried it inside, his arms curled against his chest, and I found myself watching him as well as he knelt down in front of the fireplace and lit the kindling. He was much more attractive now that his mood had lightened, and I watched his profile as he worked, taking in his chiseled features and the dark stubble covering his jaw. I watched his strong hands move with ease as he arranged the logs and flushed, suddenly imagining what it would be like to feel their touch on my skin. I’d felt safe in his arms earlier, like everything would be okay, but it’s not like I was going to instantly develop a relationship with this stranger. And one-night-stands were something that I didn’t do.

  “At least we’ll stay warm,” Trent said, his voice deep as he rose.

  “What?” I asked, feeling flustered. He couldn’t have known what I was just thinking.

  “The fire,” he said, gesturing toward it. “We won’t freeze to death.”

  “Oh, right,” I said, nodding embarrassedly.

  He looked at me curiously but continued. “I don’t suppose you found anything to eat in the kitchen?”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “I have cookies in my backpack that I was planning to decorate tonight with Hannah though. And chocolate shavings for hot cocoa, but we don’t have any milk.”

  “Well, tomorrow you’ll be home and you and Hannah can make all the hot chocolate you want,” he said with a grin. “But I won’t turn down cookies.”

  I laughed and grabbed the package of cookies from my backpack. I glanced down at my cell phone, hoping my reception had somehow miraculously returned, then tossed my phone into my backpack again when I realized it was hopeless. I walked over and sat down beside Trent in front of the fire. He grabbed a couple of the cookies and started eating, and I slowly took a bite into one of my own. “So you’re not from around here?” I asked.

  “No, I’m from town. I just haven’t been around in a while.”

  “But you said you weren’t here for the holidays?” I asked, confused.

  “I’m not,” he said, his eyes growing darker. “I’m on leave, but I came here for my father’s funeral.”

  “Oh,” I said, too surprised to say anything else. It was no wonder he was in such a bad mood all day and in such a hurry to get home. Dealing with a death would be hard any time of year, but I imagined it must be especially difficult around the holidays. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve, and rather than planning a festive gathering with his family, he was home for the saddest of occasions. “Does the rest of your family live around here?” I asked.

  “I don’t have other family—not anymore,” he said quietly.

  My heart felt heavy as I looked over at him. Although I was raising Hannah alone, I had my parents, sister, and brother-in-law close by. Plus my niece and nephew, who were some of Hannah’s favorite playmates. It was hard to imagine not having any family at all. “I’m sorry,” I said softly.

  “Well, I haven’t seen my father for a long time. We hadn’t even talked in years,” he said matter-of-factly. “We weren’t close, but coming back was something that I needed to do.”

  “Are you staying in town for Christmas?” I asked, suddenly feeling sorry for the soldier sitting in front of me. All day long I’d thought he was nothing but a first-class jerk, but if one of my parents had died, I’d gotten stranded on the road, and some stranger had rear-ended my car, I probably wouldn’t be in the best of moods either.

  “Probably not. The funeral’s tomorrow; after that, I’ll probably just be on my way.”

  “Well,” I said slowly, an idea forming in my mind. “If you do decide to stay, you’re welcome to spend Christmas with us. It will just be Hannah and me tomorrow night, but we’re all headed over to my parents’ house on Christmas morning. They’ll have plenty of food, and my sister and brother-in-law will be there with their two kids. It’ll be fun, as long as you don’t mind a little chaos.”

  He looked over at me, surprised at my offer.

  “Look, I’d probably be freezing to death right now if it weren’t for you,” I explained. “It was a stupid idea to go wandering off in the woods by myself. Hannah and I would love to have you over for dinner tomorrow night. And Christmas day, too, if you want. It’s the least I can do.”

  “Thank you for inviting me, but like I said, I’ll probably be leaving town right after the funeral.”

  I nodded, understanding why he wouldn’t want to come and be around a happy family gathering at a time like this.

  “But hey,” he said, trying to lighten the mood. “There’s no reason we can’t have a little celebration tonight.” He reached over to his rucksack, rooting around inside. “I have a bottle of wine that I was bringing along for my father’s next-door neighbors. They’ve done a lot to help him out, and it was just a little thank-you for them. But since we’re stuck out here in the woods, what do you say?” he asked, pulling a bottle of Merlot from his bag.

  “I’ll never turn down a glass of wine,” I said with a smile, glad to see him looking happier.

  “All right,” he said, jumping to his feet. “I’ll go see if they have any glasses in the kitchen. I’ve got a bottle opener on my Swiss Army knife, but it’s too depressing drinking straight from the bottle—even with good company.” He winked at me, and I felt myself flushing again. He certainly knew how to turn on the charm when he wanted. He disappeared into the kitchen and was back a moment later with two water glasses. “No wine glasses,” he said with a wry smile.

  “Somehow I didn’t really expect them to be here,” I teased. “Wine glasses don’t really seem like a requirement for a rustic cabin experience.”

  He chuckled and opened the bottle, pouring us each a glass. “If I had a rustic cabin, I would definitely have plenty of wine glasses,” he said with a grin. “You never know when they might come in handy. To good company,” he continued, raising his glass as his dark brown eyes met mine.

  “To good company,” I said, toasting his glass. “And to spending the night with strangers in abandoned cabins.”

  He laughed and took a sip. I followed suit, feeling the warm liquid seep down my throat, and I felt myself relaxing for the first time in a while. Now that we really were stuck here, it was useless for me to spend the rest of the night worrying. Hannah was safe, I was safe, and I was starting to make a new friend. A friend I’d probably never see again, but it was still better than being scared alone outside in the forest.

  One glass of wine turned into two, and before long we’d finished the entire bottle. Trent told me stories of serving in Afghanistan and his early days in the military. I told him all about my daily adventures as a single mom and answered his questions about Hannah. Over the course of the evening, we’d ended up sitting side-by-side, right in front of the fire. I wasn’t sure if it was the wine, the cozy cabin, or the closeness of him beside me, but I found myself leaning slightly toward him as his eyes once again locked with mine. He reached out, his fingers gently caressing my cheek, and then leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss. A warm feeling rushed though me, and I knew it had been way too long since I’d kissed a man. Sure I dated a little here and there, but no one had lit that spark inside me in a very long time.

  He hesitated, seeming unsure if he should continue, and I reached up, feeling the stubble on his jaw and cheeks. I held h
im to me as I kissed him back, eagerly wanting more of the feeling of his warm mouth on mine.

  He didn’t resist, and as we slid even closer together, his strong arms wrapped around me. He gently leaned me back, so that I was lying on the soft rug in front of the fireplace, and his body hovered over mine. His lips met mine in another passionate kiss, his tongue gently licking my lips and then tasting the inside of my mouth. He brought one hand to my side, his large hand stretching across my ribcage, and although I could feel his warmth beneath the cotton of my shirt, I longed to feel his fingers caressing my bare skin. His hand trailed upward, sliding over my breast, and I wrapped my arms around his strong shoulders, holding him to me. His mouth lowered to my neck, and he gently nipped at the skin there. I gasped as I felt his teeth on my flesh and became even more aroused as he adjusted his position above me and I realized that I was completely pinned beneath him.

  “Are you sure about this Meghan?” Trent asked, slowly raising his head so that his eyes met mine.

  “Yes,” I whispered back.

  My simple answer was all the response that he needed, and soon his hands were exploring my body. I felt his fingers slide underneath the edge of my shirt, softly touching the skin at my stomach. His fingers skimmed against my skin as he raised my shirt higher and higher, and then he tugged it off over my head. I looked up, seeing the desire in his brown eyes as he hovered above me, and I was relieved that I’d worn my silky black bra today. He traced his fingers along the lines of my bra, caressing the tops of my breasts, before finally sliding one of the straps off my shoulder. My heartbeat quickened as he lowered his mouth to my flesh, kissing me where the strap had been and moving his lips down until he reached my breasts. His hands slid around my back, easily unhooking my bra. I let him slide it off me, and there was lust in his eyes as I lay bare-chested before him. He lowered his head once more and took one breast into his mouth, sucking on it eagerly. I tilted my head back and moaned, enraptured with his touch. His tongue flicked lightly across my nipple, and I felt a sudden dampness in my panties. At the rate he was going, I was going to come before he’d even taken my pants off.


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