Valentine (A Standalone Novel) (Bad Boy Romance Book)

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Valentine (A Standalone Novel) (Bad Boy Romance Book) Page 17

by Adams, Claire

  "I'm having a hell of a time wanting to stay that way." She moved up to press her lips to my ear. "I wanna taste you."

  A shiver ran through my body and I groaned. The girl was far more than I deserved and way too hot to say no to. What the hell had I been thinking almost letting her go? It was going to be a steep climb to having a healthy relationship with her, but I wanted to give it a go.

  "Get under the covers and get to it then." I smiled as she moved forward and nipped at my mouth.

  "With your mom in the other room? I feel like a wayward teenager again." She lifted her eyebrow at me.

  "Yeah, I know. Feels great, right?" I shoved the blanket back and worked on unbuttoning my jeans as she watched me. I could tell by her breathing that she was slightly panicked over my request. It would only enhance the moment. Fear always did. Some part of me wanted to tell her that my mother would make a hell of a racket coming out of the back to warn us, but I decided against it.

  "Tate." Val touched my chest as I lifted up a little and pulled my jeans over the curve of my ass, leaving my cock on display as the damn thing stood fully erect.

  "What, baby?" I stroked myself once before touching her back with my free hand. "Come here and enjoy yourself. You said you wanted it."

  She glanced up toward the darkened hallway, but started to work her hair into a ponytail anyway. "If we get caught doing this, I'm never coming over here again."

  "We won't. Lay down and take your time with me." I leaned back and slid my hand into the opening at the back of her jeans as she placed soft kisses up and down my shaft. Her skin was silky smooth, and I almost enjoyed touching the top curve of her ass more than the attention she was giving me. She was refined and high class, and I was a poor boy that wanted to be something more just for her.

  "So sexy," she mumbled against the head of my cock before spreading her lips and taking in far more than I thought her possible of doing.

  An arrow of pleasure lodged itself in the center of my groin, and I let out a long growl as I closed my eyes and dropped my head back on the couch.

  Her soft panting and moans as she worked me into a frenzy were enough to drive me over the edge.

  "Baby, wait. I don't want it to be over just yet." I ran my hand up her back and gripped the back of her neck. "It's too damn good to be over."

  "Just come more than once." She flicked her tongue over my swollen, tight flesh as the air left my lungs.

  I nodded and pushed at her head softly. "Yeah, just do it. I need it. I need you."

  "Good," she whispered before taking me over the edge.

  I cried out, not caring who was in the other room or what anyone might think. Some part of my heart mended in her tenderness and the way she was willing to take care of me unselfishly.

  She brought me to come three times before snuggling in next to me and kissing the side of my neck over and over again. "I love how you taste."

  "Good. I'm gonna need that often." I smirked and turned to face her. "It's not something I'm used to.”

  "No? I thought you said you had a ton of one-night stands." She moved her knees up and rested them in my lap as I pulled her as close as I could get her.

  "Just a quick fuck and then I'm out. Nothing too intimate." I shrugged, thinking that maybe I should shut up.

  "I understand." She kissed me once more before tucking her face against my neck and letting out a long breath. "I'm staying here tonight. That okay?"

  "Every night would be better, but I'll take tonight, for sure." My heart raced in my chest over the idea of committing fully to the woman in my arms. Could I really live up to anything she might need me to be? It didn't feel like it, but I couldn't shake the thought that regardless of what I was headed into...she would be well worth the effort.

  Chapter 24


  I woke the next morning with a crick in my neck from being snuggled against Tate all night. My mixed feelings could be dissected later when I had some free time to myself on the basketball court. For now, I was going to try hard to go with the flow and not think about the fear that crept around inside of me. Tate's mood swings were enough to leave me wondering what was coming next, but I wanted a chance at us enough to try to be the calm in the storms he kept coming up against.

  "You awake?" He kissed the side of my head as I glanced up at him.

  "Yeah. I can't believe we slept on this couch." I smirked.

  His mother's voice caught my attention. "I can't believe you did, either. You guys need to get up and get moving. I have a detective coming out this morning to question me over this stuff with Daniel."

  I sat up and groaned as my back popped. "It will be great when all of this is finally behind you guys."

  "Let's just hope it stays that way." Tate stood up and turned to give me a quick kiss. "I'm jumping in the shower. You want me to walk you out to your car?"

  "No, I'm good. I have a basketball game tonight. You guys should come and watch me play." I turned my attention back to Ms. Phillips. "It's up at the college."

  "I'd love to. I'll make Tate bring me up there." She walked toward me and gave me a hug as Tate disappeared down the hall. "I'm so glad you two are working things out. He needs a good woman like you in his life."

  "I'm not sure how good I am, but I'm not going anywhere just yet." I smiled at her and moved to pull my boots on before grabbing my keys and heading toward the door. "Good luck today."

  "Good luck tonight." She smiled at me warmly and closed the door behind me.

  I wrapped my jacket around me tightly and cursed myself for not getting a scarf from the house before heading out to Tate's the day before. It was freezing and the snow was moving in fast.

  I jogged to my car and got in as my teeth started to chatter. I didn’t mind the cold, but the minute I graduated, I was going to look for a warm weather state to move to. The idea of Tate coming with me gave me pause. Was I that serious about him? We'd just started dating.

  "One day at a time," I grumbled under my breath as I tried to start the car.


  "Not again." I tried again. Not a sound. "Great."

  A familiar truck pulled up next to me, and Sam got out all bundled up.

  I opened my door and got back out of the car, giving him a curt wave. "Sam, is there any way I could get a ride to school? My car won't start and I have an exam this morning in my ten o'clock class that I need to study for."

  "You bet. Is Tate's mom making breakfast?" He nodded toward the house.

  "I don't think so. The detective from the police station was supposed to come down and visit her today." I walked toward the passenger’s side door quickly as the wind picked up.

  We got into the truck and I worked to get my seatbelt on as he started the engine. It was still warm from him just getting out, but it was so intensely cold outside, that it took me a few minutes to thaw.

  "You sleep over last night?" He lifted his eyebrow at me.

  "That's kinda personal for someone you barely know." I gave him a grin and laughed.

  His lips lifted as his cheeks grew pink. "I didn't mean like that. I just meant-"

  "Yeah, I stayed the night. The couch is less than comfortable, but I wouldn't have been anywhere else." I pulled my phone from my purse and texted Katelyn to get me some clothes thrown in the dryer. Everything I had was wrinkled thanks to my rebellion over having to hang up clothes like I'd been forced to do my whole life.

  "That's good to hear – about you wanting to be with Tate, not the crick in your neck." He pulled out onto the main lanes and glanced over at me as if nervous. "So, you really like him? Cause he's a great guy and watching you hurt him isn't going to fly."

  "Are you trying to be tough with me?" I smirked. Tate's best friend was almost too cute. He reminded me of a young Clark Kent.

  "I'm trying," he chuckled. "Is it working?"

  "Yes. Absolutely." I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. "Tate's an interesting guy. I've yet to even start figuring him out."
br />   "He's a great guy. Life's been hard for him, far harder than I could ever imagine living through."

  I turned my face toward him and opened my eyes. "I think everyone has a story to tell though, don't you think? Tate being an orphan and not knowing his parents is horrible, but there are lots of kids who know their parents and wish like hell they didn't."

  He gave me a quick glance and nodded. "Yeah, I get that. My parents are great, but I can imagine there are plenty of people we encounter at UMN every day that hate their home lives. It's sad."

  "Yeah, but life isn't about where we were raised. It's about where we're headed. It's about where life is going, not where it came from, right?" I felt calm and comfortable around Sam. He exuded this feeling of acceptance that left me understanding why Tate would be so close to him.

  "I guess you’re right, but people get stuck in their pasts all the time. My parents expect me to make good grades, marry a white girl with brown hair and good teeth, and have two well-behaved kids that I bring home on the weekends to see them."

  I laughed at his description of his future wife. "Good teeth?"

  "Yeah." He rolled his eyes. "My mom's a dentist, and my dad says he's not a racist, but he's full of it."

  "That's...interesting. I was going to try and set you up with my friend Lucinda, but if your dad isn't-"

  "Yes." His eyes widened a little. "The really pretty black girl from the party the other night?"

  "Yeah, but if-"

  "Yes. Hook me up. She's beyond hot. We only got to talk for all of ten minutes the other night before Tate fucked it all up." He nodded and glanced over at me again. "Does she like white guys?"

  "I don't think she really sees people as a color." I smiled at him. He was too cute, and Lucinda would eat him up. She needed a good man, and from the look of things, he needed someone to expand his horizons and give him somewhere to put his time and energy.

  "Yeah, no one does but my damn dad." He pulled into the parking lot and turned to face me. "Are you playing in the game tonight?"

  "Yeah. I invited Tate and his mom. You should come, too. My friends will be there."

  "Lucinda will?" He lifted his eyebrow at me.

  "Yep. She should be." I opened the door. "Thanks for the lift."

  "Anytime, and Val...I know it sounds trite, but don't hurt Tate. He's a good guy and all he needs is the right woman to help him bridge the gap between where he is and where he's going. If that's not you, let him down easily, okay?" His smile faded.

  I nodded. "I'll do just that."

  After closing the door, I jogged to the Gamma house and walked into the living room to find the place full of new faces. It must have been recruiting day.

  How could I forget?

  "There you are." Katelyn walked up beside me. "You're supposed to give the new recruits their first assignment today, remember? We discussed it a few weeks back."

  "You forgot, didn't you?" Carolyn moved up in front of me as her eyes moved down my body. The disgust on her face was almost palpable. "Where were you last night?"

  "None of your business, and no, I didn't forget. You guys said nine. I have fifteen minutes to spare. Now, if you'll excuse me." I moved past Carolyn, bumping her shoulder before I raced up the stairs. I needed to pull myself together fast. Presenting in front of the recruits wasn't the challenge, but having all of my sisters watching was. Knowing that Carolyn would be praying for me to mess up or look ignorant didn't make matters any better, either.

  I closed the door behind me and let out a long sigh. Having only been with Tate for a few days, I knew one thing was for sure: he wouldn't have run for the presidency to impress anyone in his life.

  Maybe I shouldn't, either.


  Katelyn and Lucinda walked beside me as we made our way to campus a little later. I'd walked the new recruits through their first assignment for the house, which was to clean it spotless. They each had a room, and everyone was quite happy with my choice. We'd come home to a good-smelling house and everything being picked up. Carolyn had turned up her nose at me as I left, but she was simply jealous – as always.

  "Tell me more about Sam." Lucinda poked me in the side as I reached for the door to the business building. I tried to ignore my father's name plastered to the side of it. Most people didn't know that I was related to the all-mighty Scotts, and I was grateful for the small reprieve.

  "I don't actually know much. He seems like a great guy, and he and Tate have been friends forever. He's coming to the game tonight. Just make sure you're there and grab the seat next to him if you can. He's pretty open, from what I can tell." I looked up to see Kade holding the door to my business law class for me.

  "Ladies." He smiled and turned his attention back to me. "Val."

  I laughed. "What? I'm not a lady?"

  "Yes, but you're a special lady." He opened the door winder and I walked in after giving my friends a silly look.

  "Oh, yeah? Why's that?" I turned to face him.

  "Because. You were right." He crossed his arms over his thick chest.

  "About?" I tugged at the straps on my backpack.

  "About Amy being a great girl. I took her out for dessert last night, and we laughed until our sides hurt." He shrugged. "I'm not sure about dating, but she's going to be a great friend."

  Warmth filled me at the news. "That's awesome. The dating part will come later. I promise."

  "Maybe." He shrugged. "My parents have some girl they want me to meet, so who knows where that's going to go. I'm almost twenty-three and they're still setting me up on blind dates like we live in a third world country."

  "I know the feeling. My parents aren't much better." I moved to the front of the classroom with him. "Mine haven't done anything like that in a while, but I messed up the last date pretty good. I'm not sure I'm out of the woods with my mother still over that one."

  "What did you do?" A smirk lifted his mouth. He was impossibly handsome, but surprisingly enough, I felt nothing but a good friendship growing between us. I was glad. The last thing I wanted was the internal drama of having feelings for more than one guy.

  "Let's see... I slurped my soup, burped three times, and wore my hair in pigtails to a nice restaurant." I wagged my eyebrows. "You just thought I was a goodie-two-shoes."

  "Actually, I could see the rebel peeking around the edges of your personality at the first party we went to a few weeks back. It's the reason I asked you to dance." He turned as Professor Griffith walked into the room. "Come have coffee with me after class. Just two friends hanging out?"

  "Yeah, sure." I walked to the middle row and took my seat as Kade passed out the test we would be taking. I wasn't nearly as prepared as I'd hoped to be, but with all the drama swirling around me, it was a miracle that I was dressed and sitting in the right class.

  I finished up faster than I thought I would and told Kade that I would be waiting outside for him. He nodded curtly, not really giving me his attention, at all. I ignored it and walked out into the chilly mid-morning. After dropping down onto a bench, I pulled out my phone and texted Tate to find out how things were going.

  I hadn't gotten a reply by the time Kade walked up beside me, but it was probably for the best. Tate had plenty to deal with without having to entertain me and keep me updated on their every move.

  "Hot chocolate or coffee?" He stopped beside me and smiled.

  "Coffee, for sure." I picked up my bag and walked beside him toward Barney's Cafe. "Do you know anything about this chick your mom and dad are setting you up with? You might be surprised and find out that she's the one. Sometimes parents get things right."

  "Nope." He opened the door for me. "No clue who she is, nor do I care. I'll take her to dinner and be as pleasant as I can for her sake. She's probably in the same situation as me. Poor thing."

  "What? Being set up on a blind date?" I moved up to stand behind the long line at the register.

  "No, having her parents threaten her college funds if she doesn't do exactly wh
at they say when they say it." He rolled his eyes. "I'm so ready to get the fuck out of here. Six more months and I'm gone."

  "Where to?" I tried to stave off my interest in him. It was an attraction to the fact that he knew my pain and seemed to have experienced the same life I was living.

  "Somewhere warm. I hate the cold."

  Chapter 25


  The meeting with the detective went well and it seemed like things might finally get on the right track. My mother was in a great mood as she fixed us a quick grilled cheese before getting ready to go to Val's game with me. Sam was headed our way to be our driver for the night, and I was looking forward to seeing him. My bike would be just fine for me, but my mother wasn't getting on the back of it, and I hated the idea of her driving late at night in the storm.

  Besides, we hadn't spent time together, the three of us, in a while.

  I was sitting at the kitchen table when the front door opened and Sam's voice sounded out.

  "Do I smell Ms. Phillips’ famous grilled cheese and tomato soup?" He walked into the kitchen and gave me a high-five before hugging my mother.

  "You do. I got the good stuff this time, too." My mother beamed, and I couldn't help but chuckle. She was so easy to please. It would seem Valentine was, too. The fact that the girl ate leftover meatloaf and chicken with us a few days back meant more than it should have. I'd never met anyone in my life that was like her. She had all the money in the world, yet you couldn't tell it by talking with her. She was like Sam.

  Good. Wholesome. Humble.

  "Oh, yeah?" Sam moved up to the stove to stand by my mother. "Cheddar or Muenster, hm? Man, I love that old processed stuff you used to use."

  "Sam Billmore, you cannot be serious." She laughed and turned to walk to the fridge. "Do you really prefer it?"

  "Yep, I love it. It's part of my childhood." He moved to sit across from me with a big smile on his face. "Guess what?"

  "What's up?" I lifted an eyebrow at him and tried to imagine why he was in such a good mood.


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