Caitlin Goddess of Peace

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Caitlin Goddess of Peace Page 40

by Debbie Behan

  ‘And to fill this freezer of yours, how many days hunting would it take?’

  ‘At least a couple of days.’ An excited buzz stirred within him. Where was she going with this? He didn’t care, he wanted it all, including her, and couldn’t breathe for fear he might not end up with it.

  ‘So it seems simple to me, and maybe Aldebaran will trade. You love to hunt, and Cassie tells me her father loves to fish. Maybe once every six months, you could spend one weekend on Taurus killing only what will fill your freezers. In the meantime, Aldebaran and his friend Conom can come here on that weekend, have a holiday on Orion’s Belt and fish until they too, fill their freezers.’

  There was silence for a minute before Kayden rubbed his chin thoughtfully. ‘You know Aldebaran may just go for it. You’re right. He and Conom enjoy fishing when they come and stay with us.’

  She waited for Aurek to answer. Would he go for it?

  ‘Glow!’ said an irritable Orion.

  Caitlin knew what he was getting at and lowered her head to think. He was no frills, do as I say, kind of guy. He had asked her kindly for three days of her time. If her commitment to stay would change his mood and have him consider the deal, it was worth throwing it in for good measures. He had better be planning a hunting trip! Suddenly she smiled, and her eyes sparkled as she thought of a way of them all getting what they want. Me too! Even with her head down, she could feel Orion and Axon’s eyes burning into her. Orion’s; with a need to have his last request met. Axon, aware of Caitlin’s outburst the night before, knew this was why she had paused and would be daring her to consider it. At this point, she knew his reply was going to be a definite, No! Yet her need to end this peacefully overpowered the dedication to her fiancé.

  She sent an apology to Kayden telepathically to pass on to Axon later. Tell Axon I had no choice, Orion would not have given in without me. I have had to control him with too much power and with you leaving so soon, he is not yet ready to settle any other way. A couple of days and he’ll be okay. I trust him and so should you.

  Don’t be a fool. I will find another way, Kayden communicated back.

  This is it, and you know it. You have tried everything, and you asked me to help. This is me helping. Not your way but the way the universe is asking me to handle it.

  Closed to Kayden’s further silent communication, she turned back to Aurek. His eyes fixed on her as he waited. His chin jutted out with obstinacy, his brows pressed together firmly. He wanted her too and wasn’t going to let it go. She touched his cheek as she stood up and waved a hand in the air. ‘Before Aurek agrees, I have a request of him.’ She smiled at him as she tapped her chin in thought. ‘He has asked for time with me, or there will be no deal.‘

  Orion nodded and eyed Kayden and Axon, daring them to interfere. Axon was about to open his mouth but clamped it shut. Caitlin knew Kayden had just spoken to him telepathically and their silence gave her the go-ahead to continue. The entire time she knew that if Axon disagreed he’d snatch her up and transport her out within seconds. She had to appeal to his honour.

  ‘As a child, I had dreams. Books gave me hope there was more to life than the dungeon I called home. One of those dreams was to go hunting and experience the thrill of the chase, and I believe that dream almost ended when you, Orion (she could never lay the blame on Aurek), planted that bomb. I demand retribution so that the punishment fits the crime. You caused me much pain, and now I will become a pain in your side while you fulfil my wish to go on a professionally organised hunting trip.’

  Aurek sat up straight. He didn’t know what she meant about her childhood, but the others did, and it was working. Axon’s eyes filled as her words stung. He had promised to take her and never got around to it. Aurek could see the guilt of a promise forgotten by a man very much in love. He felt for the guy, but his own needs overpowered his sentiment for Axon. His eyes rested back on the woman that was taking away the anger built up over time, melting it away with her cunning, but compassionate, nature.

  She didn’t miss Axon’s hurt; another reason Orion cared for her. With an outstretched hand, she leant towards Axon and cupped her hand over his. ‘I know you promised me, sweetheart, but circumstances have had us pulled in different directions. An opportunity has now presented itself for me to go with a fully experienced guide.’

  ‘Only if Jett will vouch for Aurek. And only then,’ Axon warned. He was not totally rolling over to the swine who was making her say this and who had now made him feel like a crap partner.

  ‘So be it.’ Caitlin glanced over at Orion who had calmed down. ‘Surely this is the best solution to resolve it once and for all? Aurek gets his fully-negotiated demands, I get to go camping and hunting. Time off, Yay!’ She rolled her eyes at Axon and made him grin. ‘And – you and Kayden are back to DEFCON 5. We all get what we want.’

  ‘Did Aurek say he would take you hunting?’ Axon angled his head

  ‘Nope, that was my idea.’ She wiggled her head and flicked her hair back confidently.

  Axon turned to Orion. ‘This deal goes ahead only if my demands are now met. I want papers signed immediately to include no further harassment towards any Riders now or in the future. And this thing here, with you and her– Man have we got the better deal,’ he ended with teasing jest. No use showing the grudge. He, like Kayden, wanted it over.

  Caitlin slapped his arm. ‘You’ll keep!’

  He pulled away. ‘Ouch, that hurt!’ He chuckled and glanced at Orion. He had a smirk, one that gloated, say goodbye buddy, she’s mine, I won. Axon considered if he should wipe the sneer off his face, but Caitlin interrupted his plan. She spotted it too, and with hands on her hips, she huffed. Her green eyes flashed like a dagger to the heart and copper hair seemed to light up, confronting his arrogance.

  ‘There is a condition attached to my time with you. You must promise me, Aurek takes me, Orion stays at home!’ Her words cut into him although he had no idea why. How did she do that?

  Axon smiled as the mean look disappeared quickly at her flare up. His girl snatched the malice from him as if her words came with a whip, the sensation of her temper stung, and he knew the feel of it well.

  Axon had endured it once or twice himself, and even though Orion deserved it, he felt for the guy. With his dignity in tatters, Axon wasn’t surprised when he almost bowed at her feet to get the forgiveness that would take away the wound to his very soul. Axon hid a grin and knew she was well and truly able to handle him and suddenly felt okay about letting her go. In a way, Orion was doing him a favour. He hated her being in the thick of danger as a Rider and for a few more days he could breathe lightly for she would be safe, away from it all. He doubted by the way Orion was with her, that anyone, even Zeus the god of all gods, would be able to take her from him.

  Caitlin accepted his humble apology and, once sure it would be Aurek that took her hunting, an aura lit up around her that encased them both, and as it died down Aurek’s features were soft, caring and Orion, for now, had gone.

  With a clap of her hands, she released him from her magic. He was fine and what she had put in place was up to them to talk through and fix. She glanced at the pool. ‘Well then, with that sorted I’ll leave you men to discuss the finer details.’ Her smile was infectious. ‘I see a spa that calls for me.’ She tossed her hair and, with hips swaying, wandered off.

  ‘You’ll need a costume,’ Aurek called out.

  Caitlin waved her arm. ‘All good,’ she said, and as she walked closer to the water, her gown disappeared, leaving a skimpy two-piece swimsuit in the same material as the dress. Axon gave her a whistle, and with a chuckle, Caitlin dived into the pool, swimming the rest of the way to the bubbling warmth of the spa.

  ‘What the hell!’ Her change of clothing took Aurek by surprise.

  Kayden liked her style. She was one cool negotiator. She’d put a plan in motion and left him to finalise the deal, giving h
im back the control and his balls he thought he had lost. He wondered if he strangled her would anyone notice, and the idea made him chuckle to himself. ‘Our Red is full of surprises; sure you still want to take her hunting? She’s a handful.’

  ‘No luggage to lug around. Hell yes!’

  ‘She won’t have her horse, so sorry mate; you’ll need to provide a wardrobe for a princess.’ Axon slapped his back as he stood and shaded his eyes to see where Caitlin had gone. She appeared at the end of the pool, and he relaxed when he spotted armed guards surround her while she was out of his reach and sat back down to chat.

  ‘Sure, no probs, whatever she needs.’ Aurek kept a shield up to protect how he felt until the talks were over, but Axon could see how happy he was to spend time with her, his eyes saying it all.

  The spa was warm. Caitlin lay back, enjoying her time alone, only to look up occasionally to see either Kayden or Axon talking on their mini NAVcom’s, away from the meeting, apparently discussing it with Zoren.

  The last conversation Caitlin overheard was Kayden’s speaking to the wizard, Aldebaran. He invited him and Conom for talks, and it sounded as if the two notorious warlords had accepted and were on their way. Smiling at how quickly these guys moved from one Home World to the next, she figured they would be transporting in at any minute.

  Aldebaran and Conom arrived, and the men huddled in a circle, the volume on the heated conversation becoming louder by the minute. It was for this reason only that she decided to join them and intervene. Out of the spa, she allowed the magic of her horse to ready her and dressed to impress. A clear of her throat caught their attention long enough for them to look up at her.

  Kayden stood up. ‘Ah, here’s Caitlin now,’ he introduced her to the men who had been quite boisterous.

  She nodded and shook the first outstretched hand. ‘Aldebaran, your daughter talks highly of her father. It’s an honour to meet someone so wise.’ She shook Conom’s hand. ‘Cassie tells me you are her hero, who saved her from certain death, and more than once. She tells me you are the Ruler of the fertile lands of Monoceros, Home World of the Unicorn.’ She smiled, and added, ‘and you’re every bit as handsome as she describes you.’

  ‘She actually said that?’ He grinned, his face lit up and pumped out his chest at Kayden.

  ‘Piss me off, and we will be the ones with the problem,’ Kayden warned him and sat back ignoring Conom who laughed heartily.

  Conom was the loudest and most irritated of the group, so she worked on him first. ‘That means you live next door to Orion?’ she said to Conom.

  ‘Yes, Orion and I go way back. I have been here many times in the past.’

  ‘Then if you know your way around, maybe you could escort me while I stretch my legs. It’s that or have a guard stomp beside me like a herd of baby rhinoceroses.’ Her magic was so strong not one of them could look away. Conom stood, and she slipped her arm through his. ‘Aldebaran, are you coming?’ She gazed at him with stunning green eyes that charmed him.

  ‘One of yours, no doubt?’ Aldebaran glanced at Axon.

  He grinned. ‘Yep, and she’s mine, so keep your minds on the deal.’

  Amused, Aldebaran stood, taking up her offer. His eyes not leaving Kayden, he said, ‘this is my first visit, so maybe a short stroll will allow me to discuss this deal in private with Conom. That’s if Caitlin is as good at keeping secrets as my Cassie.’

  ‘She is a Rider, Ald, stop worrying,’ Conom answered.

  Caitlin smiled. ‘Now we have that sorted,’ she said as she eyed both men, ‘I believe we can walk and at the same time maybe the two of you will get to see what’s on offer here?’

  Conom, amused by her ability to make him warm to her so suddenly, patted her hand. ‘Not sure it will do any good but guess it can’t hurt.’

  Once she had their attention, her magic eased, and both men breathed out a sigh. Now they had calmed she relaxed too, and the walk became less tense.

  ‘I’m going hunting myself you know, not on Taurus, but my first adventure in the wild. Orion has a debt to pay to me,’ she casually mentioned and chuckled. ‘The poor man has no idea what he’s in for.’ Caitlin continued to entertain them, mostly with stories of her time with Cassie whom she knew they loved to hear about. They wandered around the chalets to the back of them. Here, Caitlin stood quiet, allowing them to reflect upon the view and hoping it was of interest to them.

  ‘It’s changed since last I was here. Hell, Orion’s built chalets and each one has a private jetty that includes a boat; the dude’s gone all civilised.’ Conom scratched his chin in thought. ‘This could work, Ald.’

  ‘Isn’t that the River Eridanus?’ Aldebaran pointed.

  ‘Runs for miles. Darn good waters for breeding giant perch. Wouldn’t mind taking a few of them beauties home.’ Conom licked his lips.

  It was then Caitlin couldn’t help but give them a hard time about their capabilities as fishermen. It was after a few laughs the conversation became serious.

  ‘It’s a deal then?’ Conom turned to Aldebaran.

  ‘It looks that way,’ Aldebaran replied. ‘And that’s only due to Caitlin. If it were not for her showing us the benefits of this deal, we’d still be at the table arguing.’

  Conom eyed her. ‘And I take it, this swapping of venues to hunt and fish was your idea.’

  ‘Only if you like it?’ Caitlin raised her brow and grinned.

  ‘Not just like.’ Aldebaran’s gaze swept the river and boats. ‘Can’t wait.’

  ‘Is this deal only for us or can we bring a guest?’ Conom asked, and Caitlin realised he meant Cassie.

  They both stared at her. ‘Look, take it to the table. I’m sure Cassie will be more than welcome.’

  ‘You think you know me that well, that Cassie is who I meant.’ Conom was suddenly irritable.

  ‘Conom, seriously. I know you’re one of Cassie’s guardians and I mention her name and your face lights up.’ She smiled. ‘But let that just be mine and Aldebaran’s secret. I promise we are the only ones who can see it.’

  He spun his head to Aldebaran. ‘You see it too.’

  Aldebaran slapped his back. ‘Mate, this Rider is different. You saw it the minute she stood in front of us. Of course, she sees right through us both. Even knew when to stop using her power on us. She is one talented cookie. As for me… are you kidding me you’re not in love with my goddamned daughter? Blatzing shithead.’

  Conom stared at Caitlin, and within seconds his shoulders had relaxed. He was one scary individual when angry, but to her credit, she stood up to him as Cassie had done and he liked it. ‘Don’t like redheads.’

  Caitlin grinned. ‘Good, Axon will be thrilled. I don’t like men with tattoos.’

  He laughed and was back to the calm man she had stood with earlier. She was amazed it took no power that time to control him, just guts.

  ‘Ready to go back and tell the guys your decision?’ Caitlin was pleased it was moving along nicely, but these powerful men could change their minds in a split second. She wanted them talking sooner rather than later.

  Aldebaran folded his arms, and looked at her thoughtfully. ‘You have admitted this was your plan from the start. If this is to go down, it does so with your stamp. I think I talk for both Conom and me when I say we have confidence in you, and you alone. Last time there was a loophole, and it left us exposed. This time I want this ironclad, as I don’t know, nor will I ever, trust Orion.’

  ‘You’re damned right there, Ald,’ Conom agreed.

  ‘Then trust me!’ Caitlin spoke to them both of how she saw it and they agreed with a handshake. The deal was done, and the decision was made. As they walked back to the others, she hoped they were strong enough characters not to go back on their word. Only she didn’t figure on Aldebaran’s intuition.

  ‘By the way, this entire thing was ingenious of you, Caitlin.’ H
e viewed her slyly as they walked.

  She flicked her hair and lifted up her face in a cheeky self-assured way. She had let Aldebaran believe he was the stronger by easing off on her magic but she wondered if she should take control of him until papers were signed. Instead, she decided to hear him out. Cassie said he was a stirrer.

  ‘You can’t con a conner young lady,’ he continued.

  ‘Why Aldebaran,’ she said with poise and with an upper-class tone. ‘I have no idea what you mean.’ His next move surprised her, and she squealed when he picked her up over his shoulder and carried her back, dumping her in the pool. She had not expected this playful side, although she should have known that, being Cassie’s father, he would be spontaneous. She came to the surface, gulped for air and at the same time lifted up her hand and flicked her powers lightly towards him. This put Aldebaran off balance, and he too tumbled in. Caitlin laughed so much she nearly choked as they pulled themselves up on the edge of the pool to dry off.

  Aldebaran’s expensive shoes were now ruined.

  ‘Sorry about the Berlutis.’

  ‘I did ask for it. You and Cassie have far too much in common. But I like you, Red, and she likes you too.’

  ‘Cassie told you about me, then?’

  ‘I know your powers, and know she likes you.’

  ‘So I wasted them on you?’

  ‘It was fun, but don’t muck with me again or else, deal?’


  He stood up and pulled her up, using his own powers to transform them back into dry clothes.

  ‘Wow, good job.’

  ‘Yes, I can do that too.’ Aldebaran grinned. ‘Where do you think Cassie got it from? Certainly not her wretch of a mother.’

  Caitlin was suddenly taken by the hand and moved by Orion. He now stood between her and Aldebaran. ‘Leave her the hell alone, or you deal with me personally.’ His nostrils flared as he turned to Axon. ‘And you’re just going to sit there and do nothing while this evil little man treats her so appallingly.’


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