The Thousand Year Curse (The Curse Books)

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The Thousand Year Curse (The Curse Books) Page 12

by Taylor Lavati

  "Well, come on then." I flash him a cheeky smile gesturing him into the house. I open the front door while grabbing his hand and pulling him in. I start searching around for my dad as I lead us into the kitchen.

  "Hey dad." I go over and kiss him on the cheek as he works up a sweat at the stove. Ari stands behind me in the doorway fidgeting nervously. "Is it okay if I have a plus one tonight?" I ask him praying that one, he says yes and two, he doesn't embarrass me. Although even if he did embarrass me I don't think Ari would be scared off.

  "Of course! No problem at all." Dad stops cooking and turns to face us. He wipes his hand on his apron smiling over at Ari. "You must be Ollie." Dad says reaching a hand out and I die inside.

  "Dad! No, this is Ari!" I make an emphasis on the name, slapping my forehead in horror. This is worse than I could have imagined.

  "Oh. I'm so sorry. Pleasure to meet you, Ari." He tries to cover up but I am still mortified. I can tell my dad is embarrassed too by the fake smile on his face and his red delicious cheeks.

  I excuse us as fast as possible, dragging Ari by the arm into the basement. The living room would be the obvious choice to hang out in but it connects to the kitchen and I don't want to be within ear shot of dad. He can be a creeper sometimes. Not to mention the fact that he may have just ruined the night.

  I flip through some channels in silence and settle on some dumb kids show—iCarly. I used to watch it a lot in middle school. Back when it was cool to stay home and watch TV.

  "I'm so sorry about my dad. It's just he's heard me talk about Ollie lately and he must have been confused." I try to explain to Ari. I feel like I'm rambling so I just stop.

  "He's never met Ollie?" Ari questions me, genuinely confused.

  "No, we haven't been dating that long. I'm sorry really." I apologize again. I hope I didn't ruin the start of our relationship—friendship, whatever this is.

  "Ryder, it's fine. I get it." He raises his hand stroking my cheek. I avert my eyes to the ground not wanting him to see how much he affects me and the heat rising on my cheeks.

  "So you know those guys too?" I ask him trying to pry for information and break the awkwardness.

  "Yeah, they're old friends."

  "How old?" I ask wanting to know how old Ari and those guys are. There's no way they're in high school.

  "Old." He steals the clicker from my lap ending the conversation. He changes the channel to some football game that is on. I guess football is now on in full force for the season.

  "Do you play?" I ask Ari, craving to know more about him.

  "I used to. Not really anymore." He states while continuing to watch the TV his eyes never faltering.

  "What position?"

  "Guess." He turns his intense gaze on me and waits for my response.

  "Quarterback?" I guess. He seems like the type of guy who wants all the attention and doesn't like to mess up that pretty face. Although he probably likes to get dirty, too.

  "No, pretty girl." He pauses and I smile at the name. "Wide Receiver." He says after a second. I look up at him and see a hint of humor in his face. "I like to score." He states, challenging me to say something in response. Instead I give him a shove on the shoulder and lean back onto the couch.

  We snuggle while dad makes dinner upstairs. The smell wafting from the kitchen is amazing and I salivate just thinking about it. Ari and I end up having a good time. He's funny and a little inappropriate but I like it. He's actually a nice guy under that hard exterior.



  "Dinners ready!" Dad hollers down from the top of the stairs. Ari clicks the channel off making the room black and takes my hand in his leading me up. The smell gets stronger the closer we get to the top and my stomach grumbles, loudly stopping Ari dead in his tracks. He turns to face me with a questioning look. I giggle at him shrugging at my loud stomach and he walks us the rest of the way up, laughing to himself. The crazy thing is that I'm not embarrassed in front of him. Grumbling tummy and all, he doesn't judge me.

  "It smells freaking amazing." I proclaim as we get to the kitchen. Dad has made quite the spread. He has a caesar salad and crescent rolls lined down the center of the table. The main dish is lasagna which smells like perfection. I love when dad is home at night. I haven't been this excited for a meal in god knows how long.

  "Set the table, will you?" Dad asks me as he finishes up in the kitchen.

  "No problem." I usher Ari to the table having him hold the plates and utensils while I place them. There are only three of us so it takes no time at all to set up. I put dad at the head of the table—his usual spot. I sit myself next to him and Ari next to me. This way I can protect Ari if dad starts questioning him.

  Ari heads into the kitchen to help dad with the hot dish. I like this. It's like a real family for a moment. The bing of the door bell rings breaking me out of my thoughts gaining my attention. I want to ignore it, thinking it is the mail man or UPS but dad shouts at me to grab it so I comply, flinging the door wide open.

  The weather has dramatically changed since I got home. The winds are picking up causing my hair to fly all around my face in the doorway. I look up and clouds cover the sky. Birds cease to chirp in anticipation of the storm brewing.

  "Hello Ryder." A familiar voice says. Of course, Ollie would show up right now.

  For a second I stand there looking at his face. I want to kiss him but refrain when I remember all of his weird behavior.

  "What do you want?" I ask to Ollie crossing my arms over my body in a protective way.

  "Can I come in?" He begs me, pleading with those amazing blue eyes. I want to give in to him so badly but he needs to learn his lesson. I'm not a doormat anymore.

  "No. I'm about to eat dinner." I stubbornly say, stepping back into the doorway. Honestly I don't want Ollie to come inside and see Ari sitting at the table with my dad. I don't want to hurt him.

  I realize that I'm being a bitch. Whatever the issue between Ari and Ollie isn't my business. I shouldn't be getting in the middle. It's too late for that epiphany but oh well.

  "Ryder, please give me a chance to explain. I promise, I will." He grovels. Taking my hand in his, he holds me to him, our energies clashing.

  Thunder rumbles from above with lightning shortly following signaling the storm is close. "Don't make me get on a knee here." Ollie says jokingly but the humor doesn't quite make his eyes. He's trying to get me to crack but I can't deal with this now.

  "Listen, I'll talk to you tomorrow. I've got to go." I pull my hand back from his grasp. I need a break. I need to sort through my emotions.

  "Fine." He states his face turning stone cold.

  "I'm sorry. I just need time." I admit, turning to shut the door to end the conversation. He stops the door with his hand as I go to shut it, his strength out weighing mine. He peeks in past me. I look from the table and back to him, the hurt in his eyes evident.

  "He's just here for dinner, I swear. Nothing's going on Ollie." He starts to walk away as I run after him, trying to get him to stop and let me explain but he refuses to even acknowledge my presence. I finally catch up to him and grab his shoulder. "Listen, please." I beg him but he doesn't do a thing. He just stands there.

  "If only you knew." He says and turns on his heels. "I think we should skip our date. I'm sorry." He says ending the conversation for a final time.

  I feel defeated like at any second I could burst. My heart is crushed—broken in a thousand pieces. I screwed up my first real relationship. He cares about me and I basically threw it all away. He's the best thing that's happened to me. I never should have gone with Ari. Something fishy is going on and I need to know. I'm done sitting on the sidelines.

  I storm back into the house taking my seat next to Ari and dad. They don't really say anything to me most likely aware of what just happened. Ari and dad talk a little bit back and forth but for the most part dinner is uncomfortably quiet. I feel the tension radiating off Ari as he fidgets with his han
ds in his seat.

  I'm heartbroken, hurt, pissed and confused. Does this mean that we aren't together anymore? No more stolen kisses at school? No more hanging out? No more study sessions?

  I don't know if I can take my life without him. I need to fix this. This is all messed up. I can't believe today is ending like this.

  "Unexpected guest?" Ari whispers in my ear as dad clears the plates. My body betrays me and trembles in response to his deep voice. I'm heartbroken yet I still have this physical attraction to Ari.

  "It was Ollie." I say staring straight into Ari's eyes. No point in beating around the bush.

  "What did he want?" Ari asks leaning into me, his breath tickling down my neck. I fold my hands on my lap trying to keep it together.

  "Just to talk. It doesn't matter. I made him leave." I say pushing up from the table. I need to be alone to think, so I walk Ari to the door. After he gets his coat and shoes, we walk out and I stop on the stoop.

  "I need to know Ari." I tell him bluntly. Immediately after I say it, I second guess myself. What if I'm just being crazy and insecure?

  "Need to know what?" Ari asks me, stopping at the bottom of the steps.

  "About whatever's going on. I know you and Ollie have a history. I dreamt it." I say placing my hands on my hips.

  "You dreamt it?" He asks, confused. He's going to think I'm a crazy person. I'm going to be sent to a freaking psych ward for this.

  "Sort of. That's not the point. If Ollie won't tell me, you have to." I beg him, stepping down towards him and taking his hand in mine. He has to feel what's between us. He has to feel the spark.

  "Okay." He states simply.

  "Okay?" I question back, raising my eyebrows. I can feel the pulse in his hands—steady, never missing a beat.

  "I'll tell you but you have to promise me something in return." He says. I had a feeling his information wasn't going to come free. I just hope it's something I can handle.

  "Okay, what?" I bite, wanting all the information. I'll do just about anything.

  "Promise me that you'll let me finish before you freak out." He says.

  I can do that. That's easy. I fear that there will be something else. Why would I freak out? Seriously, it can't be that bad.

  "I promise." I affirm to him, crossing my heart with my fingers. I stare right into his emerald eyes so he knows I'm not lying. I need him to trust me.

  "You know Greek mythology? Like the stuff we're starting in English." He starts to explain pacing up and down the walk way.

  "Sure." I answer. It helps that I am taking that fantasy class. This better not be about class. I will kill him if this is a joke.

  "Good. Do you know any stories from the legends?" He asks, leading me to some foreign explanation. I have no idea where the hell he is going with this.

  "I guess."

  "Have you ever heard the story about Orpheus and Eurydice?" He questions me.

  "No." I'm pretty sure I would remember a story that has my name in it. Does he know that's my real name?

  "The story goes something like this; Orpheus was a Greek God. He was the son of Apollo. He was a musician. He fell in love with a woman named Eurydice. She was beautiful. The most beautiful mortal I've ever seen. She fled though. Another man, Aristeus saw her and wanted her for himself. He chased her into the woods and she was bitten by a snake and soon died. The story says that Orpheus went into the Underworld, also know as hell, and got her out.

  "Hades made a deal that he would give Orpheus Eurydice as long as he believed that her ghost was following and didn't look back to make sure. Orpheus ended up looking back and she was brought back into the Underworld since he didn't do as he was told." I wait for the big reveal but nothing happens.

  What does this story have to do with me? Other than my common name, it makes no sense. I haven't been in Hell. I don't know anyone named Orpheus. I'm more confused now than I was before.

  "What does this have to do with me?" I ask him. He reaches to me and takes my hand in his, looking deep into my eyes in an attempt to comfort me. I just want the answers plain and simple. He sighs loudly his face falling.

  "My name is Aristeus. Your name is Eurydice. The person you know as Ollie is Orpheus." A bomb goes off inside my brain. This isn't possible. I'm only seventeen! How could I be from whenever Greek mythology is? I'm not thousands of years old. I'm not even two decades.

  "That's not possible. I'm seventeen." I shriek at Ari. His face contorts with what looks like regret but his hands never let go of mine. A mental war rages on in my head. Even his comforting touch can't calm me down right now.

  "I know that Eury. You didn't let me finish." He says after a moment. "Ollie and I are Gods. We're immortal. We live forever since we're full bloods and it's extremely hard for us to die. About a thousand years ago I traveled into the Underworld to speak with Hades. You see nobody knows my side of the story. I loved you more than anything. I begged him to let me have you. He refused, of course. I went back to earth and had to live with my failure. Soon later I met you again. Although you looked different and acted different, the soul was still yours. You didn't remember me or anything about yourself. I talked to Persephone, Hades wife. She said her husband reincarnated your soul. That you would be put into a body and live a normal life. Apparently he was getting bored and wanted to toy with myself and Orpheus." He sighs pausing.

  "Ever since that first time, you live and die coming back as someone new. I feel you, that's how I find you. I'm sure Orpheus has the same type of radar." He finishes.

  "I don't understand." I sink onto the ground. My life is normal and boring. My brain can't keep up with Ari's words. It's not possible. It's mythology. Key word, myth!

  "I know you don't and I'm so, so sorry. I wouldn't have come and ruined your life but I saw you and then saw Orpheus was here and I couldn't let him have you. My jealousy got the better of me. I had to be a part of your life. I'm sorry I've done this to you." Ari apologizes over and over seeming genuinely upset. Almost on the verge of tears, he clings onto my hand clutching it to his chest. This isn't his fault, unless he cursed us.

  "What exactly have you done to me?" I ask, trying to understand it all.

  "I've put you in danger. This whole thing, it's a sick, twisted game to Hades. The past thousands of years Orpheus and I have only both found you twice. When we both are in your life you die like the first time—the worst way. Instead of living a normal life you are killed early and sent into Hell. The first time you weren't reincarnated for sixty years. The second time it was a hundred. I didn't think I'd find you again but finally I felt you." He seems relieved to get it off his chest.

  I have no words to say. How am I supposed to react knowing that I am in some freaky love triangle from thousands of years ago? Nobody is going to tell me my fate. That's bullshit. I'd love to march right down to Hell and tell Hades to screw off but I don't even know if I believe this yet.

  "I saw you before." I tell him, remembering my weird dreams. Now that I'm thinking about it, they are more like visions or epiphanies. I think the things I saw really happened. I can't be sure but I figure Ari will tell me the truth. He won't think I'm crazy now since he's a freaking immortal.

  "At Orpheus's?" He asks me.

  "No, a dream. It was at a castle." I explain as he urges me to continue. "A girl died in the forest outside. You and Oll-er, Orpheus were there. He punched you in the face afterwards. He cried and left but you stayed there frozen in place watching the girl." It saddens me to remember it now. I've never seen someone so upset in my life.

  "How did you see that?" He grabs my shoulders hard, his intense stare boring into me. His nails bite into my skin stinging me as he searches for the answers. Too bad, I don't know how or why I saw what I did.

  "Honestly, I'm not sure. It just kind of happened. I had another dream, too." I say gasping for air. Panic readies itself to attack me as the severity of the conversation crashes down on me.

  "Please, tell me." Something tells me these dreams
aren't normal. They way he is begging me for more tells me they're real. Maybe he just thinks I'm loosing it. For all I know I could be.

  "It was in a cave or something rocky. I woke up and found you and Ollie talking in a big kitchen. I don't really remember it well but I remember you saying it was your turn or something. I didn't really get it but I remember your eyes."

  Finally he reveals, "you have a gift Eury."

  "I don't even know how to do it. It just happens." I say. It's not a gift, it's just a weird thing that keeps happening lately. It will stop. I am normal!

  "Maybe you can remember it all." His face lights up. He definitely seems happy but there's more to it. He has a look of hope.

  "Maybe..." I say but I'm still skeptical.

  "I'm sorry I just kind of laid it all on you. I understand if you want me to leave you alone." He starts walking away but I grab his arm to stop him.

  "No, I like that you're honest with me." I tell him wrapping myself around him.

  "I will never lie to you." He whispers into my neck. I believe him, one hundred percent.

  He pulls me back holding the back of my head so we are face to face. "I'll let you think this all over. It's a lot, I know." He says at the end.

  "Okay." I answer, pulling him in for another hug. he breaks contact way too fast leaving me. I start walking back towards the house but turn to say one last thing. "Thank you, by the way."

  He just nods before hopping on his bike. I'm not sure where he is going. Does he even sleep? I wonder if he is like a vampire or werewolf. If Gods exist, do other fairytale creatures?

  After Ari leaves, the sounds of the world all come back all at once. It's like my world was put on pause. The birds flutter about. The squirrels start moving around. I hear the familiar sound of grasshoppers all over the place. It's almost too much noise at once. I rush back into the house to get away from the commotion.

  A serious headache pounds into my temples as I try to think about my life, yet fail. I go in the kitchen, grab a glass of water and two Advil, popping them real quick and go into the living room.


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