Reckoning (Vincent and Eve #2)

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Reckoning (Vincent and Eve #2) Page 18

by Jessica Ruben

  “I’m a man. Not Daniela’s bitch!” I spit out. “She doesn’t control us, and she sure as fuck doesn’t control me,” I yell back.

  “Ah, so now my son is twenty-two and knows it fuckin’ all, huh? Our entire business is shaking right now because of this bitch! I don’t need to remind you we’ve got three hundred kilos of cocaine on that plane. That’s close to fifteen million dollars.” His red face flashes.

  “And on top of that, Lieutenant Wall called. The Feds are gathering evidence to file a suit against us under RICO. They’re trying to bar us from any business involvement at the ports and in any union activity around the harbors. They’re catching on about the unions being in our back pockets; according to all the shit Enzo has picked up, they’re not going to grab us on drug trafficking, but instead, embezzlement of union funds.”

  I look up at his angry face. “For RICO, they’ll need to show a pattern of racketeering activity. Do you think they’ve put surveillance inside the unions?” I pause, my mind running as it puts together different possibilities. If they’ve been listening in on union activity, we’re completely fucked. We are so closely tied to labor that they’re essentially another arm of our organization.

  He grips the side of the table. “They don’t need to prove criminal acts. All they need is to focus on behavioral patterns. Patterns, Vincent. That isn’t difficult to show. And now that you’ve fucked with Costa’s daughter, we’ve got another fight on our hands.” The cords in his neck strain. “If we don’t get him to send our flights back here, we’ll be taking a huge hit.”

  I swallow hard, my mouth completely dry. “The RICO case is just a continuing vendetta by the government to try to throw our name around. There have been decades of investigations, which have led nowhere. Maybe they’re just trying to scare us—”

  “The threat is real. And I’m going to bet that within the week they’ll take in the labor officials. The FBI is knocking on our goddamn door. We’ve had a chokehold on shipping and all other waterfront activities for the last sixteen fuckin’ years, and we’re gonna to have to give them something.”

  “If they bar us from activity in the ports, they’d basically be putting an entire marketplace under court supervision. That’s just not possible. All businesses will stall.” Sweat beads on my forehead, dripping down the sides of my face.

  “It’s possible. And it’s happening.”

  I drop my head into my hands. Everything I prayed wouldn’t happen, just did.

  “And Costa controls half of South America. Look what he was able to do within moments of you fighting with his daughter! Turning our planes around? Fuck!” He slams his hand back down on the table. “He’s obviously waiting for our phone call to clear up this goddamn mess!”

  I exhale, trying to stay focused. “Call him. He’ll want a bigger cut of the money we give him to launder and house. That should be enough to shut him up and free up our shipment.” I grind my teeth, internally agonizing.

  He stands before grabbing the phone; I can see a tremor in his hand. Millions of dollars could be lost because of me.

  He tells Costa not to let the squabble of kids fuck up the goodwill they’ve got going on between them. I can hear Costa yelling through the phone. They go back and forth until finally agreeing that Costa will keep thirty-five percent of all monies sent to him for laundering. He’ll also release the plane within the hour. My father hangs up the phone, pulling out his gun and aiming it straight to my head.

  “You realize the loss we’re taking? You fucked up big time, Vincent.” He says my name like a curse; if I weren’t his son, he would shoot me in the head. He brings the gun back down and lights up another cigarette.


  An hour later, twelve of us sit together around the table. Smoke billows around the room as my father updates the family. Everyone talks over each other, enraged that I went against their orders and pissed off Daniela. I’m not sure they realize that Costa is essentially turning into the largest shareholder of Borignone mafia. Now that he’s taking this much of our profits, we all have to wonder who works for whom. Luckily, my father doesn’t mention Eve in connection with all this drama. If anyone knew she was the reason all of this went down, it wouldn’t bode well for her.

  My father clears his throat. Voices simmer, but the anger level is still high. “It’s fucking horrible what’s happened, but it’s done. We gotta send Vincent out to Nevada as soon as possible to start gaming and get us out of Costa’s hold. We also gotta discuss this potential RICO charge that Enzo believes is coming on the quick.”

  Hell is pouring down. My shirt is soaked in sweat, but I continue to keep myself looking controlled. I can’t let my emotions rule me.

  Enzo shifts in his seat. He has the same sandy-blonde hair and big build as Tom, but probably fifty pounds heavier. “At least one of us has to go to lockup, Antonio. Someone needs to plead guilty to a lesser charge, or we risk seizure of all our assets under RICO. And I’m not talking about soldiers we can pay off to do time. The Feds are going to want someone from around this table.”

  My father turns to me pointedly, a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth. I can tell what he’s thinking. Tom warned me. Hell, I knew the consequences when I got into it with Eve, but I took the risk anyway. My day of reckoning has come. I may not have been the one to tip off the Feds about our union involvement, but the fact that my fuck-up led to giving Costa this much of our money is all my doing.

  “I’ll do it.” My voice comes out clear.

  They all shift in their seats and stare at me, faces hard as stone. “I’ll go,” I repeat.

  “No,” my Enzo declares firmly. “The build-out in Nevada is the most important thing on our agenda. And you’re the only one with the key because of your birthright. If you’re in lockup, we’ll be stuck with Costa for another goddamn decade.”

  “I’ll still be able to work; I don’t need to physically live out west to get it done. If I hire a lawyer to do business on my behalf, through a power of attorney, I can do it all from prison. I’m sure we can even arrange weekly meetings, too. Nothing about what I’m doing out west is illegal on its face; in fact, by design, it’s one hundred percent kosher. We can all rest assured that within five to seven years, the complex will be operating and we can be free of that fuck.”

  Luciano’s voice clears from the end of the table. “What if you get hurt? If somethin’ happens to you in lockup, there will be no casino complex.”

  Everyone starts talking again, turning to each other in debate.

  I clear my throat loudly. “Let’s put it to the table. Let’s vote.” My voice is strangely calm.

  “Why don’t we send Tommy in there with him?” Luciano chimes in.

  Enzo shrugs. “Not a bad thought. My son won’t leave Vincent’s side. Plus, we’ve got seven soldiers already in Canaan. We’ll cut a deal to make sure the boys go there so they’ll have protection.”

  “There’s something else,” Luciano says. “In Canaan, they’ve got tough regulations for e-mail and internet access. If we send Vincent, they’ve got to lax those rules for him. Otherwise, he won’t be able to work.”

  “True,” Enzo replies. “Let’s make sure to bring that up with Goldsmith when he works out the plea deal. That’s gotta be non-negotiable. In writing.”

  “And how about Daniela?”

  Luciano shifts in his chair. “She’ll find a way to spin it in her favor. Of that, I have no fuckin’ doubt. Anyway, shit with her is done, right? Antonio worked out that deal with Costa; his daughter’s feelings don’t matter to us no more.” The men nod and grumble in agreement.

  A part of my chest loosens. The days of Daniela owning me are done.

  My father leans back in his chair and lets out a deep breath. “A’right. I’m gonna call Goldsmith. Let’s get everything organized with him quickly. I’d say Vincent and Tom have about a week. Vincent, you think that’s enough time to get your shit in order?”

  Enzo chuckles. “It’s got
ta be enough. Right now, RICO is a hard threat. We gotta stop that train before it runs us over.”

  I crack my knuckles, one by one. The men all stand to leave, shaking my father’s hand and then mine, as they exit the room. I’m taking the fall, which means I’ll have paid my debt for this fuck-up.

  Once the men are gone, my father sits up. “Prison.” He shakes his head as if in shock and picks up another cigarette.

  I pull his pack toward me, taking out a smoke for myself and light up. I take a deep inhale, thinking about the fact that I’ll be behind bars for God knows how many years of my life. My exhale is long and slow. What have I just signed up for?

  “We’ve all been there. And you’re tough. Sergey will make sure to give you pointers before entering; he’ll show you how to make weapons, too. Once you’ve established yourself, general pop will leave you alone. They will know who you are, and you’ll have proven your worth. After that, it’s just time. Time where you can get everything moving for Gaming. Whatever you need done from the outside, we’ll make sure it goes through.”

  I nod my head, keeping my gaze strictly on him, and letting him know with my eyes that I’m both hearing and listening to his words.

  He leans back in his seat. “I met her, you know. She was at Angelo’s. I scared the shit outta her. Let me tell you, that girl looked at me like I was the fuckin’ devil,” he chuckles.

  I look at him questioningly, wondering what he’s getting at.

  “Going to jail makes many alliances, but also many enemies. And a girl like her?” He raises his eyebrows. “I don’t have to tell you that plenty of men would want to take her. Especially to retaliate.”

  Blood rushes into my head and my stomach churns. I clench and then unclench my fists. He has his own reasons for wanting her out of my life. Of that, I’m sure. Still though, he has a real point. I shuffle in my seat, not wanting him to see that my chest is caving in. If anyone knew I had a woman I was leaving behind…if she even came to prison for a visit…it could mean her death.

  He puts his hand out to me, and I steel myself, shaking it firmly. Before I can let go of his grip, he squeezes my palm. “Get shit set for Gaming so you won’t lose any time while you’re locked up. The sooner we get it off the ground, the sooner we can cut Costa loose.”

  He’s all business. I nod my head, swallowing hard. “I’ll send you hard copies of my plans, and I’ll scan and email myself everything. I already discussed with Erez about how many men we’ll need to pressure the Tribal Council. As we discussed, it’ll probably be bloody getting them to agree to this.”

  “You going away is a fucking travesty for the entire family, Vincent. You’ll come out stronger, though. No room in this life for love. Love is for pussies. Prison will teach you.” He holds my hand for another beat and then releases me.

  I move to leave, when he clears his throat. “One more thing. Tomorrow morning, you gotta get inked. It’s time to get the Borignone insignia.”

  “I’ll call Shane, then.”

  He looks at me gravely. With a swift nod to the leader of the Borignone mafia, I walk out the door, my fate sealed.



  I take a car to the East River at Eighty-Seventh Street, sit back on a bench, and light up a smoke while staring at the lights of the RFK Bridge.

  Eve accepted me and my life months ago. She won’t be easily convinced to be done with me; even if I’m in jail, she’ll want to stay close. And she’d wait the however many years if I asked her to wait. I know this because I’d wait a lifetime for her.

  I have to break her heart—make sure she believes we’re completely done. I need her to get off the East Coast, and then promptly forget I ever existed. If she has any hope, she’ll hang onto me. If there’s one thing my father is right about, it’s this: if anyone hears there is a woman I love, they will come for her and use her against me. Not least, I wouldn’t be able to sleep knowing she’s waiting—for potentially ten goddamn years—for me to leave prison. What if I die in lockup? What if I come out a different man completely? She can’t wait. I won’t let her.

  My father’s reasons for that good advice are obviously purely selfish. He sees her as the girl who shook our empire. I lift my head for a moment, realizing that the biggest threat of all may be him—Antonio Borignone. She has to leave and my father must know that it’s completely over. It’s shocking to imagine that my father would do that to me. But when he puts on that suit, he’s only one man—the Boss. And the Boss makes sure every I is dotted and every T is crossed.

  I exhale, wondering how I’m going to break us up. I imagine that the plan is for a fictional character, because every time I think of doing this to my girl, my stomach clenches.

  Finally, I pick up the phone, calling Angelo. I’m going to need him to back up my story. I know how close they are, and he’s the best man for the job as she trusts him entirely.

  He listens intently to me before cursing me out. The only reason why I accept the way he’s speaking is because I know it’s out of love for my girl. He’s furious I dragged her into this mess in the first place. He’s shocked, but his fury only solidifies the truth; Eve deserves better than me and this life. When the conversation ends, I hang up the phone and drop my head into my palms.

  All of a sudden, I’m assaulted by the memory of Eve’s shitty stairwell back in the Blue Houses. I haven’t thought of that shithole in quite some time. My breath grows ragged, imagining those darkened steps.


  I move behind her, one hand on my piece and the other at her lower back. I feel her tiny frame trembling at my touch. I want to turn her around and pull her into my arms, grab her and carry her up to her apartment. No, I want to grab her and carry her out of this fuckin’ shithole. I just need to feel her lips on mine. Everything about her calls to me. She’s whip-smart and intellectual and somehow, has no goddamn clue how gorgeous she is. My heart pounds with want. She’s so tiny, and it brings out the caveman in me. Even two steps behind her, I tower over her.

  I turn her around on the step and do my best to gauge her mood in the dark. Could I leave her in this building alone tonight? What I see in her face has my dick twitching; she wants me. Full lips parted, eyes slightly glazed. I go in for a soft kiss, not wanting to scare her. But the minute we touch, it’s as if I’ve been electrocuted. Never in my life have I felt heat and energy like this.


  My mind flashes to Eve in my kitchen, cooking for us a few nights ago.

  “Vincent!” she squeals, running and jumping into my arms as though she hasn’t seen me in a year. We were just together this morning. I laugh at her exuberance. “I’m making you the best dinner. Wash up and sit!”

  I drop my backpack on the floor by the table and then move to the sink to wash my hands.

  Turning, I watch as Eve pulls a foil-covered dish out of the oven using a set of black oven mitts that I never even knew I owned.

  She’s so beautiful. Fuck. I stand up and move behind her as she places the dish on the counter. Using my fingers, I pull off a piece of chicken straight out of the pan, like I know she hates.

  “Vincent, no!” she scolds, trying to push me back.

  “Eve, yes!” I mimic her voice, chuckling as I take another juicy bite.

  “Don’t eat like an animal. Let me put it all out for us; I just need a few more minutes to take the rice off the stove.”

  “I’m a growing boy. I can’t wait, and you’re moving too slow.”

  “You have zero patience, has anyone ever told you that?”

  “Nope.” I take another bite, trying not to laugh.

  “You’re a liar.”

  “Wait, Eve. Shush. Do you hear that sound?” I move my eyes left to right.

  “Hear what?” She cocks her head to the side, listening intently.

  “It’s my stomach growling. It’s angry, Eve.”

  “Oh, Vincent. Sit your ass down.”

  “My ass or your ass?” I grab her, li
fting her onto the counter.

  “Let go! I need to take the rice off, or it’ll burn.”

  “You’re giving me your bitch face. You know I love that face.” I nuzzle my nose into her neck, inhaling.

  She pushes me back and I let her move me.

  Lifting an arched eyebrow, she fumes in that sexy way of hers.

  “Okay, okay, I’ll sit.” I bring her down from the counter and move to my seat, watching her fuss over my meal, staring as she mixes the salad. Watching as she scoops out the rice with a fork before tasting it, making sure it’s just right. Mine.


  I blink, feeling wetness coat my cheeks.



  I arrive to SoHo and see Eve curled in the fetal position over my covers; she’s fast asleep. “Eve. Are you awake?” I drop to my knees by the bed and put my nose by her throat, breathing in her scent. I don’t want to touch her when my clothes smell like smoke and sweat.

  She opens her eyes, groggy from sleep. “Vincent? You’re home. I was so worried about you.”

  “Eve, do you remember the buried art?” I’m remembering a few months back when we were studying together. I had to write a paper on lost art during World War II. I explained to Eve how people buried their valuables in their backyards before they were taken by the Nazis. They were hoping that one day, if they made it home, they could find their valuables again. I wish there was a way to bury what we had underground instead of burning it to ash. I’m selfishly praying that somehow, she retains just a sliver of hope. Just enough that if I happen to make it out of prison alive, we may have a chance again.

  “Mm hmm,” she says as she snuggles down, immediately falling back asleep.

  I remove my clothes and take a hot shower before putting on a fresh pair of boxers. Before getting into bed, I rifle through her purse to find our apartment keys. Holding the keychain up to the light, I pull off one of the charms, a silver boot. This charm, above all others, has a deeper meaning for me. I want her to know that I’d follow her anywhere. And, I want it to keep her safe when she leaves here. Pulling it off the key ring, I drop the charm into the small zipper pocket inside her purse. I need to know that whatever happens to these keys, the charm will stay with her.


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