A Baby for the Viking Wolf: Howls Romance (A Howls Viking Romance Book 2)

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A Baby for the Viking Wolf: Howls Romance (A Howls Viking Romance Book 2) Page 2

by Gwen Knight

  “Gabriel thought it best Reagan sat this one out,” I said.

  Her partner in crime, Evelyn, nudged my shoulder. “Probably for the best. Besides, now the three of us can get our drink on and buy ourselves a delicious treat for the night!”

  She didn’t mean chocolate.

  I followed her gaze and perused the line-up. Tuxes as far as the eye could see, but not a single one of them caught my interest. Not like he had. Grimacing, I chugged back my second glass. I had a feeling I was going to need it tonight.

  “So!” Bailey grabbed my arm and dragged me closer. “Is it true?”


  She rolled her dramatically colored eyes. “Don’t “what” me, girl. Is it true?”

  I lifted a brow. “I’m going to need more to go on than that.”

  “Jerrik.” She moaned and sank against me, playfully biting her fist. “That man…what I wouldn’t do to him.”

  “Well, he’s Reagan’s, so I’d be careful about any wayward thoughts you send his way. She might kill you.”

  Bailey chuckled, even though I wasn’t kidding. “But is it true?”

  I sighed and sent a searching glance around the room. I definitely needed more alcohol for this.

  “Rumor has it he’s the assassin hired to kill her.”

  I couldn’t help it—I froze.

  “Oh, my God,” Evelyn whispered. “So, it is true. He’s the shadow wolf?”

  Shit. Shit. Triple shit. Gabriel had made his stance on this very clear. He’d agreed to Jerrik joining the pack as Reagan’s mate so long as no one ever learned he was the shadow wolf—the name of his former assassin identity. He’d agreed, promising that part of him was good and dead, never to rise again. Anything to be with Reagan. Made a girl swoon, just thinking about it.

  “Jerrik is just Jerrik,” I lied. “I’m not sure who’s spreading that story, but you know Gabriel would never let the shadow wolf into the pack.”

  Evelyn and Bailey studied me with identically pursed lips. After a few moments, they sighed and stepped back.

  “Knew it couldn’t be true. Damn it. What a tale that would have made.”

  I rolled my eyes. These two were the living, breathing embodiment of gossip. Little hens trapped in the bodies of wolves. Nobody’s secrets were safe with them, and the entire pack knew it.

  “Well, well…” Evelyn cocked a hip and stared behind me, lustful eyes gleaming. “And whoever might you be?”

  I turned. At the sight of Mr. Europe, my fingers tightened around my empty champagne glass. “What the hell are you still doing here?”

  Evelyn and Bailey shot me matching wide-eyed stares.

  I pushed into his personal space. “Didn’t I tell you to get the hell out?”

  Amusement flashed across his face. He gazed down at me, long lashes framing his dark eyes. “You did. But I decided to stay.”

  I barely restrained a shiver. That voice of his, and the scent of his cologne… They awoke something within me—something that had been asleep for what felt like ages. My wolf, I realized as she shook herself out and stretched. She stalked forward in the dark recesses of my mind, her golden eyes trained on the man standing in front of me. Damn beast never bothered to concern herself with anything other than a brief run now and then. But for him, she made an effort.

  “I think there’s been a misunderstanding,” he stated.

  “No, there hasn’t. Your pack isn’t welcome here, and neither are you. There’s the door. Don’t make me ask you again.”

  “Technically, you haven’t asked me once yet.” He threw me a cocky grin, and my damn knees trembled. “By the way, I’m not with the European pack.”

  I clenched my jaw and batted back the little lust bunnies hopping around in my chest. Now wasn’t the time. “Your accent says otherwise.”

  He leaned forward and murmured, “My accent is Norwegian. But I’m not, nor have I ever, been a part of the European pack. Or any pack, for that matter.”

  I couldn’t focus on his words, not with my traitorous heart beating at a million miles a minute.

  “I’m what you Americans call a lone wolf.”

  “And I’m just supposed to believe that?” I whispered, shivering.

  He lifted a hand and toyed with a single curl dangling near my cheek, his rough knuckles brushing against my cheek. “I can only give you my word, elskan mín.”

  “My name is Lucy,” I breathed. “Not…whatever you just called me.” Though I had to admit, I loved the sound of his language rolling off his lips.

  “Lucy,” he repeated as he studied my face. “A lovely name for a lovely woman.”

  I cleared my throat and stepped back, putting space between us. “Are you here as a bachelor then?”

  Bemusement tugged on his mouth. “I’m flattered. But no.”

  “So, if you aren’t here as a bachelor, and you’re not part of the European pack…” I let my sentence dangle with the hope that he’d answer my unspoken question. What other reason could there be for his presence? Unless…understanding dawned. “Are you here to bid on one of the bachelors?”

  Surprise widened his dark eyes, and he choked back a laugh. “Uh, no. While I’m sure they’re fine men, they’re not the one I’m interested in.”

  Heat spread through my cheeks.

  “Um. We’ll just…be elsewhere,” Bailey said. “Like, over there. Yeah, over there works.”

  “What?” Evelyn asked.

  “Come on, dummy.” Bailey grabbed Evelyn’s arm and wrenched her toward the bar.

  The blush spread down the back of my neck. Within five minutes, the entire pack would hear about this. Those two women were the absolute worse sort. Gossip was like air to them.

  “So.” I shot him another look, my tongue suddenly heavy in my mouth.

  This was ridiculous. I wasn’t the sort who gummed up in front of a man. I was the sort who took initiative, who dragged them out onto the dance floor for a good time, who used them, then ditched them the next morning. Yet, here I stood, nervously fiddling with my glass, my mouth drier than the desert. All because Mr. Europe was hotter than hell itself.

  I cleared my throat and tried again. “What are you here for then?”

  His brows furrowed. “I came to see someone. But they didn’t show.”

  A woman someone? I wanted to ask. Except, the words died in my throat. “And you’re really not part of the European pack?”

  “No.” He chuckled, the expression lighting up his face. I loved the sound of it, deep but gentle, as though he laughed a lot. “In fact, I only arrived in America this afternoon.”

  My lips parted. “Wow. You even managed to score a sweet tux, too. Impressive.”

  He bowed his head. “I aim to please.”

  “Did you come to America to meet this friend of yours?”

  “I did. Guess that won’t be happening tonight, though.”

  “And this friend…” Just ask! “A female friend?”

  His smile broadened, flashing a pair of dimples. “No. Just an old friend. But he’s not here, and you are. So, I call that a win.”

  I ducked my head, the bunnies in my stomach launching into full-blown butterflies. Damn it, stop playing coy! Reagan often called me a man-eater. Time to put up or shut up.

  “Well then.” I handed my empty glass to the next server who strode by and grabbed two fresh drinks, handing him one. “If you’re not from the European pack, then I offer you my sincerest apology for the way I spoke to you earlier.”

  “That so?” His mouth ticked upward. “I’m honored. I get the impression you don’t apologize often.”

  “I’m not often wrong,” I said with a playful wink.

  “Ah, beauty and brains, then?” Before I could respond, he plowed onward. “I take it you’re here to bid on one of these fine gentlemen tonight?”

  “Yup.” Not that I wanted to anymore. The only devilishly handsome werewolf I wanted to play with was the one standing in front of me. “You sure you’re not s
upposed to be up there?”

  “Do you want me to be?”

  Most definitely. I’d bid every last cent on him. Problem was, from the many hungry glances sliding his way, I wasn’t the only one interested. And I wasn’t known for sharing. After a moment’s consideration, I shook my head. “No, you don’t belong up there.”

  He clutched at his chest. “You wound me, madam!”

  “It’s for your protection, and everyone else’s too. I wouldn’t want to have to kill everyone who bid on you just to get what I want.”

  He stepped closer, his scent overwhelming my senses. “I’m intrigued. What is it you want?”

  “You tell me,” I murmured, my voice taking on a husky note.

  His fingers brushed against mine, teasing, taunting…playing the game. I gave a slow blink and lifted my gaze to his, my mouth curling into a sensuous smile.

  “I know what I want,” he said.

  “Do tell.”

  Without warning, he cupped the back of my head and brushed his lips against mine. Slowly at first, tasting what I had to offer. Teasing me with the promise of something more. I’d expected him to ravish my mouth, but instead, he took the time to seduce me. Heat spread through my body, and my damn knees buckled. His touch feathered against my bare back, eliciting a shiver unlike anything I’d ever experienced. My whole body attuned to his, and he’d done little more than offer a chaste brush of our lips.

  We parted, my chest heaving beneath my dress. His gaze dipped to my plunging neckline, his eyes sparkling at the sight of my flushed skin.

  “I have a room upstairs,” he rasped.

  Hallelujah. Because we sure as hell wouldn’t make it back to my place.

  “Only if you’re interested.”

  I laughed. “You damn well know I’m interested.”


  Screw the auction. Gabriel had sent me to smooth over the press, and to donate money to a good cause. Neither of which I’d done. But I’d already won the night as far as I was concerned, without spending a single cent. I could easily donate the money without bidding.

  I licked my lips, excitement dancing in my stomach. “Now,” I murmured. “Right fucking now.”

  He flashed me a grin. “A woman after my own heart.”

  Grabbing my hand, he pulled me through the hotel toward the elevators. I spared a backward glance, only to find Bailey and Evelyn watching from the bar, their expressions a mixture of awe and envy. Bailey had the gall to give me two thumbs up before lifting her phone and pointing to the screen. I knew what that meant. In a few minutes, everyone would know I hooked up with—

  I cocked my head and pulled him to a stop. “I don’t even know your name.”

  The corners of his mouth tugged upward. “It’s Leif. Leif Erikson.”

  Chapter 3

  I almost laughed when I heard his name. Leif Erikson. Right. Like I believed he was the Leif Erikson. But, hey, what did I know? Maybe Leif was a popular name in Norway. Lots of people named their children after the famous and historical. And at the moment, I didn’t care enough to ask. Not when he was gazing down at me, his deep brown eyes blazing a burnished gold. My breath caught in my throat, and my heart skipped an entire beat. The men I conquered were always werewolves, but few ever displayed their emotions so openly. So eagerly.

  He pulled me into the nearest elevator, then slid his fingers through my loose curls and brushed them back from my face. “Beautiful. I knew the moment I saw you.”

  “Knew what?” I whispered.

  That damn smile again. The one that hinted to his secrets, but never revealed them. My heart sputtered at the sight of it, and my damn pulse thundered in my ears. He ran his thumb along my jaw, then tilted my head back and claimed my mouth. My eyes fluttered shut, and I sank into him, reveling in his touch. I’d kissed a lot of men, but none had ever struck me senseless. Not like Leif. The man had a great mouth—and knew how to use it. The slightest touch of his tongue left me reeling. He stroked my bottom lip, and, with a soft growl, I opened to him. Velvety soft, with the perfect amount of pressure.

  I moaned and slipped my arms around his neck, pressing my body against his. Hidden beneath his tux’s elegant folds was a rock-hard body, one I was eager to devour. His arms tightened around me, giving me a taste of the muscles that awaited beneath. It took every bit of restraint I possessed not to tear his clothes off right here and now. Not that PDA bothered me, but for some reason, I wanted to wait until we reached his room. There were cameras everywhere, and I didn’t want anyone getting a taste of him—except me.

  The elevator chimed, and Leif pulled back just as the doors slid open. A couple stood on the other side, and the moment they caught sight of us, they snickered under their breath. I didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was the feel of Leif’s hand in mine.

  He led me into the hallway, his pace unhurried. A frustrated growl echoed through the corridor, and it wasn’t until Leif glanced at me with a raised brow that I realized it’d come from me.

  “I know how you feel,” he murmured.

  “Then hurry up,” I teased.

  It felt like an eternity had passed before we reached his room and he pulled out his key card. One confident swipe and the door unlocked. Leif pushed it open and swept me up.

  “Thank God for high slits,” I murmured as I wrapped my legs around his hips.

  He grunted his appreciation, then kicked the door shut and pressed me against it. He buried his head against my neck and raked his teeth over my flesh, nipping and nibbling his way down to my breasts. The bodice of my dress had very little give, but that didn’t stop Leif. He tugged down one shoulder strap, then the other, baring my shoulders.

  “Zipper’s in the back,” I panted.

  “Not yet.”

  I gave another growl, then cupped his cheeks and lifted his head. Golden eyes stared up at me, glowing in the room’s inky darkness. Jesus, I’d never seen anything so hot. Both man and wolf as one, watching, waiting… I plunged my fingers into this thick hair and brought our mouths together. I loved kissing. I found everything about it intoxicating, from the taste to the feel of him moving with me. A precursor to tonight’s main event.

  I broke from the kiss and stared up at him, a sense of feminine accomplishment welling within me at the sight of his swollen mouth. I leaned down and nipped his earlobe. He shuddered against me, his teeth scoring their own nip against my collarbone. With a wicked grin, I went after his ear again, unsurprised when his body flexed against mine. Without a moment’s hesitation, I gripped his lapel and practically ripped off his jacket. I enjoyed a man in a fine tux as much as the next girl, but I wanted to see him, wanted to lick my way down his chest to what I only imagined would be a rippling abdomen. Tossing his jacket aside, I held his gaze while I slowly opened his shirt buttons. Once stripped of his shirt, I finally let my attention drop, and when I did, my mouth parted. The man was more than ripped.

  With a very masculine chuckle, Leif swept me up once more and deposited me on the bed. He crouched before me, and with a pleased smile, reached for my heels. He removed them one at a time, depositing them next to the bed. I lifted a brow, surprised that he cared. Most men would have thrown them across the room without a second thought, oblivious to the amount of money that went into a good pair of heels. But Leif seemed different than other men.

  His hands slid up the back of my calves and over my thighs before settling at the small of my back. He guided me to my feet, and amusement widened his grin when he noticed my head only came up to his chest. “I knew you were wearing heels, but I didn’t expect you to be this short.”

  I laughed with him and shook my head. “I’ve been told I come off a lot taller.”

  “Well, four-inch heels will give that impression.”

  My hair was next. He took the time to unpin it, tormenting me with the faintest touches at the back of my neck. His hands slid down my back, and my heart leapt when his fingers finally found their way to the dress zipper. It parted lik
e butter, tooth by tooth, and so torturously slow. The dress finally slipped from my body and pooled at my feet. Leif didn’t take as much care this time, too hung up on the sight of me naked except for a thin scrap of lace.

  I’d dressed with a singular seductive purpose. I’d known how I’d wanted my night to end, and I’d chosen the appropriate underwear to slay whatever man I’d ended up with. That it was Leif staring at me in my lacy black G-string and nothing else pleased me.

  He stroked his fingers down my side and shook his head. “So damn beautiful.”

  A faint blush warmed my cheeks. Determined to take back control of the situation, I stepped out of the dress and reached for his pants. Time to get back on equal ground. I popped open the button and spread the two halves apart. I half-expected to find him nude beneath the slacks, but I should have known better. A rented tux wasn’t something someone went commando in. I slipped my hands into the material and nudged his pants over his thighs. Much like my dress, they slipped to the ground.

  Leif didn’t waste any time. He kicked everything off, including the snug boxer briefs, and guided me back onto the bed. He caught my gaze, then claimed my mouth in a searing kiss that told me everything I needed to know. I ran my hands over every inch of his body, enjoying the peaks and valleys as I sucked on his tongue.

  He broke from the kiss and headed south, his teeth scraping against my flesh along the way. My wolf purred every time he nipped and bit. I’d never shied away from a little pain with my sex, and it seemed he didn’t either. He grazed my puckered nipple just before his lips closed around it. I moaned and arched my back, giving him everything he wanted and more. His every touch and stoke primed my body and practically left me begging. I wanted more. Wanted to feel him move inside me, wanted to climb on top and ride him.

  So lost to his touch, I nearly jumped out of my skin when he settled between my thighs. He parted my thighs, then pushed my underwear aside and gave a long, slow lick. Both my wolf and I growled, eager for more. But Leif wasn’t some randy horndog. He knew how to drag it out, how to make me beg and plead. With every flick of his tongue, I felt a familiar warmth spread through my limbs.


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