A Fool for You (The Cochran/Deveraux Series Book 7)

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A Fool for You (The Cochran/Deveraux Series Book 7) Page 10

by Melanie Schuster

  She reached for his free hand and entwined her fingers with his before returning his kiss. “This goes way beyond enjoyment, John. This evening is so wonderful I never want it to end,” she confessed. “No one has ever done anything for me like this in my whole life.”

  John looked at Nina with an expression so tender she felt her heart turn over. “Mi Corazon, I’m glad you’re happy but this is just the beginning. Don’t you know by now I’d do anything for you? I plan to make every dream come true for you, Nina. Every fantasy you have is mine to make reality.” He kissed her again, a soft little kiss that radiated through her body and made her dizzy with sensation.

  All it took was that tiny, sweet caress to push Nina over the edge of reason. The hard shell of practical common sense shattered into pieces and like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, she felt free for the first time in years. He might not be hers to keep but he was all hers right now and the only thing she cared about was making John as happy as he made her. She leaned against him with a soft little sigh that made John her face to his. “Are you tired, sweetheart?”

  “Absolutely not,” Nina assured him. “I couldn’t possibly be better.”

  “How about something sweet? They have this incredible coconut flan that’s supposed to be the best in the world.”

  “That sounds good, but that’s not what I want,” Nina said softly.

  “What would you like for dessert, baby?”


  “Check, please.” John signaled the waiter and pulled his wallet out with one smooth motion while Nina collapsed in laughter. John, who never hurried for any reason, was moving like he was in fast-forward mode.


  When they returned to the suite, John opened the door and was happy to see the lamps were already lit in the living room and his other instructions had been followed to the letter. A gorgeous array of gift-wrapped boxes had been placed on the coffee table in front of the sofa, boxes he’d arranged to have delivered while they were out. Nina’s eyes widened at the sight and she turned to John. “Where’d these come from? What are they, John?”

  John tried to look surprised as he took Nina’s hand and led her over to the sofa. “I have no idea, chica, maybe you should open them.”

  Nina just stared at the boxes without moving to touch them. John had to sit down and pull her into his lap to make her pay attention to him because she was mesmerized by sight of the pretty packages.

  “Nina, aren’t you going to open them?”

  “But what are they, John? It’s not my birthday,” she said lamely.

  John laughed gently and put his arms around her, burying his face in her neck. “You are truly one of a kind, baby. These aren’t for your birthday, they’re just something I wanted you to have because I love you and I want to make you happy. That’s all,” he breathed.

  Nina’s eyes filled with tears. She blinked furiously, trying to keep them from overflowing but they coursed down her cheeks unchecked. John kissed them all away, crooning to her in Spanish and in English. “Aww, now, don’t cry. I wasn’t trying to upset you. I’m trying to show you how much you mean to me.”

  “Oh, don’t be ridiculous, can’t you see how happy I am? I thought you were supposed to be a genius or something. Can’t you see when someone is overcome with joy?” she replied irritably.

  John laughed out loud as he wrapped her more securely in his arms. “My bad, chica, I’ll know better next time.”

  Nina rubbed her face against his shoulder and said, “Just see that you do. Now, what’s in those boxes?”

  Her voice was both curious and wistful and the sound of it tugged at John’s already overloaded heart. He reached for one of the smaller packages and handed it to Nina. “Why don’t you open this one and find out:”

  She turned the box over and over in her hands, smoothing the exquisite wrapping paper with her fingers. Finally she began to remove the paper, opening it slowly as she tried to preserve the paper. When the wrapping was finally off she took the lid of the box off and revealed the cloisonné butterfly hair combs she’d looked at earlier. With a cry of surprise she turned to John. “John, I saw these today at that butterfly place! How did you know…”

  John took over when Nina’s voice faded away. “I know a lot of things, baby, although I have a lot more to learn. Just trust me enough to let me in, won’t you?”

  Nina was too busy trying to kiss him to answer. John succumbed for a moment, then pulled away. “Okay, we need to slow down, Nina. Here, open this one.”

  John insisted that she open all the boxes and soon there was only one left. The things he’d selected dazed Nina. Somehow he’d made a mental note of everything she’d looked at with longing and he managed to purchase every piece and present it to her tonight. Besides the hair ornaments, there was a fabulous hot pink silk umbrella covered in colorful butterflies, a pair of dangling cloisonné butterfly earrings and a crystal bottle of her favorite perfume. There was also another pair of earrings; these were diamond studs that looked like they were a carat each. Nina looked at him quizzically after opening the earrings.

  “These weren’t in the butterfly store. Neither was that perfume,” she pointed out breathlessly.

  John slid his hand up her warm thigh under the delicate silk of her dress. “I know baby, but I can use my own judgment from time to time, can’t I?”

  Nina didn’t answer because she was too busy sucking his earlobe and trying to get his shirt off. “Nina, baby,” John’s voice roughened with desire. “Do me a big favor and just open that last one before we, umm before we…we…oh please, Nina open the box,” he said desperately.

  “Oh fine,” Nina said with a mock pout. The last box was the biggest one and it contained beautiful lingerie, a half-cup bra and matching black thong with silk butterflies embroidered in strategic places. There was also a short, sheer gown that wouldn’t conceal anything and a matching kimono.

  Nina was so pleased with the items she grabbed John around the neck and began kissing him all over again. “You are without question the most thoughtful man in the world,” she said, her eyes filling with tears.

  “Don’t do that, Nina. My heart can’t take it when you cry,” John entreated her. “Why don’t you try that on for me, hmm?”

  Nina wiped the tears away with her forefinger and smiled. “Okay. You just go in the bedroom and I’ll be in shortly. And then your heart will really have a problem,” she promised. She gathered up the lingerie and turned to go into the master bedroom. “I’ll meet you in fifteen minutes so be ready, John,” she purred and blew him a kiss.

  John broke into a broad grin and held up his hand like he was catching the kiss. “I can’t wait, baby.” When she disappeared into the bedroom he waited until he heard the bathroom door close before going into the bedroom to collect a few things. He also called room service and ordered a couple of bottles of non-alcoholic sparkling wine, since he couldn’t consume alcohol and he’d never seen Nina touch a drop. Then he went to the other bathroom to take a quick shower and to shave; he didn’t want to scratch Nina’s delicate skin . The fifteen minutes was turning into thirty minutes, but John didn’t mind. Room service came and he had everything prepared for Nina whenever she was ready.

  He piled all the pillows up at the head of the bed and lay against them, his bare body partly covered with only a sheet. The lights were dimmed and John had opened the door to the balcony so the soft ocean breezes would refresh the room. There was soft Latin jazz playing and the atmosphere was sexy and inviting, just what he wanted for Nina. Any impatience he might have felt melted away when Nina finally appeared in the doorway that led to the bathroom. She looked like the embodiment of every fantasy he’d ever entertained in his life.

  Her hair was released from the updo and looked like it was ready to be tousled by his hands. She was wearing the short gown he’d brought for her and as beautiful as it had been in the box, it was a hundred times more enticing on her body. It was made of silk organza cut on the
bias to be more accommodating to the body. The nude fabric was a perfect match for Nina’s skin. She looked like she was completely naked, except for the silk butterfly appliqués that were so realistic they looked as though they were perched on her body. She wore nothing else except for a pair of high-heeled pink satin mules like the kind of slippers worn by glamorous movie starts back in the day.

  She walked slowly across the room to John and sat down on the bed next to him. He held out his hands to her and she took them with an unreadable expression her face. He gently pulled her towards him, coming forward to meet her halfway in a tender kiss.

  “You are beautiful, mi mariposa. That means my butterfly, Nina. You’re so incredibly lovely, did you know that?” Without waiting for an answer he let go of her hands and threw the sheet aside, patting the space right next to him. “Come on, woman, don’t make me wait. You were right, Nina; my heart can’t take this much longer. I need you right now,” he said in a low, passionate voice. His thick, engorged sex was proof of his need; he was magnificently aroused and ready for her.

  Nina gave him a little smile worthy of the Mona Lisa as she let the little mules slip from her feet and she got into bed. She knelt next to John and put her hands on his shoulders, gently stroking them as she looked into his eyes. Leaning forward, she kissed him, gently at first and then with a wild, sweet hunger that shook John even as it increased his need. He reached for her, only to have her stop him.

  “Not yet, John,” she whispered. “Tonight it’s all about you, my love.”

  She kissed his neck and his chest, holding him against the pillows so he couldn’t reciprocate her strokes and caresses. When her warm lips reached his nipples, a giant tremor went through is body at the unexpected and very welcome assault on the highly sensitive area.

  “Nina,” he rasped. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  Nina didn’t answer him because she was licking and sucking her way down his body, stopping to pay some sensual attention to his navel. She traced it with her tongue, and then kissed it the way she would his mouth, sending shock waves of sensation through John’s body and creating a longing that was painful in its intensity. When Nina took his manhood in her hands, John became the slave of her passion. The feel of her soft hands stroking the most sensitive part of his body, the intoxicating cent of her perfume, the sight of her so beautiful and uninhibited brought all his senses together in an incredibly erotic dance of delights. When Nina’s intentions became clear, John felt compelled to stop her.

  “Nina, you don’t have to do that,” he told her, although the look on his face said otherwise.

  “I want to do it, John. You do it for me, why can’t I do it for you?”

  It was getting harder for John to speak with Nina’s hands caressing him and her body looking more and more exciting. The strap of the gown had slipped off her shoulder and her breasts were almost completely exposed. She looked sexier than any other woman he’d ever been with and she was letting him know in no uncertain terms she wanted to give him a precious gift of the ultimate intimacy. John was so aroused he was about to lose his mind.

  “Nina, baby, just because I do it for you, you don’t have to…” he began, groaning when he felt her lips surround him and her heated mouth take charge of his need. He moaned from sheer pleasure and gasped her name again.

  Nina raised her head and looked at John; she looked flushed with love and radiated sensuality from every pore of her body. “Do you like that, John? Does it make you happy?” she asked softly.

  “More than you know, baby, but…”

  Nina brought her mouth to John’s for a kiss, and then put her finger against his lips. “Shh. This isn’t just for you, John, it’s for both of us,” she murmured before continuing to show him the same kind of selflessness he’d bestowed upon her so often.

  He had no choice but to abandon himself to the rapture of the moment, watching the woman he loved so dearly give herself to him so sweetly and freely. It was a moment he would treasure as long as he loved her and that would be forever.

  Chapter 10

  The next morning, after a torrid night of passion, John seated Nina in the restaurant and leaned over to sample the sweetness of the nape of her neck while he did so. Sliding into his seat, he noted the look of contentment on her face and smiled in satisfaction. That was the way he wanted her to look always.

  “Well, chica, what would you like to do today?”

  “What are our options? It’s such a beautiful day, anything would be fun.” She studied her menu, looking for something authentically Puerto Rican for breakfast.

  John took her menu, saying he would order for her. “I’ll order you what we used to have for Sunday breakfast,” he told her. “Afterward, we can go to the beach, we can sightsee some more, we can go visit my relatives in Carolina, we can go horseback riding…”

  “Horses?” The look of anticipation of Nina’s face told him all he needed to know.

  “Okay, horseback riding it is. Now, I’m going to get you something for breakfast so wonderful you’re never going to want to leave San Juan,” he teased her.

  “It’s too late, John. I’m already smitten. I could stay here for the rest of my life,” she admitted with the dazzling smile that won his heart anew every time he saw it.

  In a short while the waiter brought their breakfast, which consisted of huevos revueltos con salmon, guineitos ninos, and domplines. There was also a chilled mixture of passion fruit and guava juices, and the excellent Puerto Rican coffee Nina was beginning to crave. John told her what each dish was, although she figured out the scrambled eggs with salmon on her own. “The domplines are little fried dumplings and the guineitos ninos are fried finger bananas. I hope you like it.”

  He needn’t have worried as Nina had already taken several bites and was making a sound of delight.

  “This is absolutely delicious, John, just fabulous. You do take good care of me, don’t you?” She reached across the table and put her hand on top of his in a gesture of complete trust and he caught the hand up and gave it a squeeze before releasing it.

  “I try to, Nina. It’s the least I can do since you take such good care of me. And as soon as we’re done here we’ll go to the stables. Have you done much riding?”


  On their way back to the hotel, John conceded the answer to that question was a resounding yes. Nina was more than competent on horseback; she rode with a singular grace and beauty and a posture that was indicative of riding lessons at some point in her past. When they arrived at the stable, Nina was like an eager little girl; she couldn’t wait to get started. Even the helmet the stable required her to wear didn’t detract from her beauty as she rode. It was an amazing experience for John. Nina was lime a totally different person at the stables. She was animated and excited and totally at ease with the animals. Even the legendary smell of the manure didn’t bother her. John was expecting a turned-up nose and one of her pithy comments, but to his amazement she took a deep breath and smiled happily. She looked a little embarrassed when John caught her at it.

  “Old habit,” she said sheepishly. “I know it’s sick but I actually like this smell, it brings back good memories for me.”

  Nothing more was said about her olfactory peculiarities. They selected their mounts and took off on the trail laid out by the stables. John watched with admiration and adoration while Nina rode like royalty, posting perfectly like a trained equestrienne. She was full of smiles all morning and when the ride was over she showed genuine sadness at leaving her mount, a sturdy roan stallion named Gaucho. She was leading the horse back to the stables and talking to him as she did so.

  He laughed out loud when she pulled Gaucho down to her level for a good-bye kiss. “Thanks for the lovely ride, Gaucho. You were magnificent,” she said with a wistful sigh.

  John looked fondly at her when they were on the way back to the hotel. “I don’t think I have to ask if you had a good time,” he remarked.

  “I had the best t
ime, John. I can’t thank you enough for this. I used to ride a lot when I was little. My brother had a pony at his birthday party one year and we got so excited Mommy bought us one. We had to take care of him, but that was fine with us because we all loved that horse. We learned how to groom him and walk him, and we all took riding lessons so we’d know what we were doing. We didn’t keep him at home, even though we had a really big house. Our house was in the city and it wouldn’t be fair to Ranger to try to keep him there. So he lived at a riding stable that wasn’t too far away from our house, and we went over there every day to take care of him. We called him Ranger but you know, I can’t remember if we gave him that name or if he came that way,” Nina said with a slight pucker in her forehead.

  “He was a beautiful little horse and he loved us, especially me. I was his favorite,” she said gleefully. Her face was alight with happy memories and she looked more carefree than John had ever seen her. She was wearing one of her ponytails and it was blowing in the breeze from the open window. She had on a crisp white shirt, jeans, which were, as usual, pressed and creased, and she had on her running shoes in lieu of riding boots. Even though they’d spent the last couple of hours riding, Nina looked like she’d just left the house. She had some kind of built-in dirt repellent, John decided. He didn’t think Nina was aware of what she’d just revealed and to prove it, he asked her a question.

  “So why were you Ranger’s favorite, chica?” he asked gently.

  It was like a veil dropped over her face. Her eyes grew dull and evasive and her smile vanished. “I don’t know.” She looked out of the window and refused to utter another sound or look at John again.

  He let her have her silence for a while but when they pulled into the hotel he turned to her before relinquishing the rental care to the parking valet. “Nina, you made me promise not to pry. I’m not going to try to get in your head or anything like that. But you have to understand you can trust me with your life. All I want is your happiness. I’d never do anything to cause you any pain, and I hope you know that by now. I just hope you’ll be able to talk to me one day, querida. There’s nothing you could tell me to make me love you any less, nothing that would make me think less of you. Remember that, Nina.”


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