Unknown Protector

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Unknown Protector Page 2

by Maggie Mundy

  “What are you?” she asked, but he didn’t bother to answer. He just glared at her.

  His foot connected with her midsection propelling her back against the sofa. Her gut twisted, and her chest tightened. She struggled to get air into her protesting lungs. This wasn’t going the way she thought it would; she needed to put a lid on the panic bubbling up inside her to stay calm. He picked up the paperweight and gripped it until glass crystals fell from his hand in pieces, crushing it like it were sand on the beach. He peered down and shook his head at her as if she were an annoying bug struggling at his feet.

  Ben had given her the paperweight on their third wedding anniversary. It contained a wattle flower inside to remind her of Australia. Rage fumed in her. She forgot the pain and lurched forward, grabbing his feet to bring him down again. Before she could touch him, he kicked. This time her back hit the coffee table and the room spun from the overwhelming pain. She wanted to stay mad and fight, but her hands shook and every part of her body was in agony.

  “You’re becoming somewhat taxing.” He wandered around the room touching her belongings as though they might tell him something about her. He was like some sick serial killer who wanted to know intimate details of his victims before he murdered them. Nicole cradled her abdomen and tried to block out the raw ache. Mr. Designer Suit turned around holding her wedding picture.

  “He doesn’t appear so special.” He tossed the frame so it smashed on the floor. “When you find out what I’m about to offer you, this attitude of yours should disappear if you know what’s good for you.”

  Sometimes it’s good to fight, sometimes it’s better to run, and this time she decided on the later. She ran for the door of her apartment. Glass crunched beneath her feet. It was the picture of her and Ben. She reached for the handle and in that instant her body froze. Not out of fear, but from an external source. Somehow he was taking control of her. He stalked over until he was close enough for her to cringe from the heat of his body as he pressed against her back. He was aroused and made sure she knew by thrusting against her. Pulling her hair aside he breathed on her neck before kissing below her ear. She might not be able to move, but a shiver of disgust went through her body. As he licked her neck there were pictures in her mind of him taking her from behind. The images made her flesh crawl, as if she was walking through a spider web.

  Get out, she shouted in her mind, not knowing if he could hear, Get out, or God help me I’ll make you pay if you touch me again. I don’t know who you are, but I’ll find some way to get you back for what you’ve done to Mira.

  He moved away, so maybe she was getting through to his mind, but she still couldn’t move.

  “What an interesting little outburst, if somewhat impolite and a complete waste of my time. The God, you called upon doesn’t exist. Your Mira, wasn’t even really an angel, and I’m not really a demon.” He exhaled slowly, as though bored.

  Nicole tried to put together the words in her mind. He stood in front of her and ran the back of his finger across her lips. It made no sense. Mira was an angel and had been real to her, she was sure of it. His face drew close. His breath smelt sweet like cotton candy as his lips pressed hard against hers. She wished she could vomit right at that moment. He jerked away and slapped her face so hard it stung. Then he drew closer and whispered in her ear.

  “That wasn’t a very nice thing to think. Did she teach you that little trick about communicating? Made you think she was a good little angel did she? At least I don’t hide what I am. Anyway, I would like to put you somewhere I’m able to see you better.”

  Before he moved away he bit her earlobe. After the sting of the bite subsided, a trickle of warm blood flowed down her neck. She wanted to scream; she wanted to stop the fear building in her. Instead she rose off the floor and within seconds was spread-eagled in the same spot on the ceiling where Mira had been. Trapped like metal on a magnet. Her tormentor moved beneath her. His feet kicked up a cloud of white feathers. Nicole had seen them, but never touched them like real feathers. Now they were separated from Mira, they were all she had left.

  “Now we’ve dispensed with your guardian and your pathetic attempt to fight me. It’s time to turn our attention to the reason for my little visit. I should introduce myself. I’m Sayell, and I’ve specific instructions from my superior on my home world. She wants you pregnant, and she gets what she wants. It seems I must combine my superior DNA with your pathetic human body so our offspring can pave the way for her to come down here. She didn’t state I couldn’t have some amusement first. I love to tease and torture, but I think you already guessed that.”

  Nicole tried to move her fingers, her feet, or any part of her body, but nothing responded. She wouldn’t be raped by this freak. Her mind still worked and she would find some way to get free.

  “I’ve always liked human females. Your bodies are wonderful to lose yourself in, a bit delicate though. Unfortunately I’ve severely damaged a few on occasion, but with you I promise I’ll be somewhat gentle.”

  Sayell blew her a kiss. Bile rose in her throat at the idea of those lips ever touching her again. He raised his right arm towards her and winked, she wanted to spit on him. Damn it, she couldn’t even manage that. Goosebumps came up on her skin. Her red tracksuit top and T-shirt were shredded into pieces and falling to the floor. They lay like little patches of red amongst the dust and feathers. As if her own blood mingled with what had been Mira. So much for her dreams of what her life would be when she got her act together again. Was it too late? At least she could close her eyes and prepare for the worse, because she’d be dammed if she would let him see the fear in her eyes.

  Chapter 2

  Mr. Mint Julep

  She needed to be brave, but her old training was gone and she was terrified. Her heart pounded and her stomach twisted in knots. Wait, something was different, she could smell cigar smoke.

  “Come on, Sayell. That ain’t any way to treat a lady after you messed up her guardian and all.”

  Someone else was here. Nicole opened her eyes to see Sayell with someone else directly below her. She couldn’t make out the new guy’s face from where she was. His long brown hair was drawn back in a ponytail and he appeared well-built. Here’s hoping he was the aid Mira said was coming, or she was done for. How were these guys getting into her apartment anyhow? Then again she had never met anyone who could do the things Sayell did, so why would a door stop them? They had both probably called on Scotty to beam them in.

  The new voice had a Southern twang to it. Southerners always sounded romantic and chivalrous, but there was nothing romantic about this situation. She needed a Kung Fu warrior, not some guy from the South offering mint julep drinks while they discussed her problems. The problem being she didn’t want to be raped and impregnated by some freaky creep with superpowers.

  If this guy was here to rescue her she wanted him to kick the crap out of Sayell. She wanted; no she needed revenge for Mira.

  “Let’s not argue over such a trifle,” Sayell replied as he indicated towards her with a flick of his wrist. “I’m a reasonable person. Ridge, I see you as my friend as well as my adversary. You know I’m only acquitting myself of the spoils, and anyway you should be the last to complain. Your reputation precedes you. I’d be surprised if there’s a female on this planet you haven’t copulated with.” Sayell smirked.

  “Ain’t had any complaints from the ladies I’ve been with. Can’t say I’ve heard the same about you.”

  So this was Ridge.

  “I’ve gained her fair and square.” Sayell tugged at his jacket lapels, and brushed the dust off his suit sleeves before running his hand over his smooth black hair. “I see what this is. You know I’ve never been adverse to threesomes, but in this instance I’d rather enjoy her alone, and in private.”

  “Neither of those things is ever gonna happen. She’s one of ours
and you’ll be in trouble enough already for this little stunt.” Ridge shook his head and didn’t hide the contempt in his voice as he stood with his arms folded.

  Nicole tried to yell out that she didn’t belong to either of them. Her mouth opened but nothing came out.

  “Liliath wants her pregnant. She will be displeased if she doesn’t get what she wants. I’ve no argument with you but orders are orders, especially from a Demonic Elevated. I accept it appears a little unorthodox, but these are changing times. You should run along and leave me to what I came here for.”

  Why weren’t these Neanderthals considering involving her in the conversation? Hey, I’m up here. Then again, calling them Neanderthals indicated somewhere in their past they were related to humans, and she considered the concept highly unlikely. Ridge glanced up and winked. Flirting wasn’t what she needed, even if his blue eyes were amazing. Why the heck was she thinking of his eyes at a time like this? What she needed was for him to get rid of Sayell, so she could get off the ceiling.

  “Never took no heed to what she wanted before, can’t say I’m about to now. Plus I don’t reckon the other Elevated will be agreeing to this little caper of hers. I mean I ain’t denying my reputation, but we both know as Midworlders, we can’t mate with a human unless they’ve a guardian attached. I don’t believe the rules changed in the last few days.”

  Sayell’s left eye twitched. “She wasn’t meant to be one of yours. It appears there was a mix up with her guardian allocation. We’re simply taking her back.”

  “Don’t reckon so. Liliath has gotta stop with her games. Humans aren’t her personal toys to play with and this ain’t happening on my patch, so if you want your pecker blasted off, go ahead. Then again I know how important your little appendage is to you. Little being the word.”

  If Ridge’s aim was to annoy Sayell, then he was doing a good job, but he wasn’t making her heart beat less frantically about her impending rape. A knight in shining armor was actually meant to save you. He needed to do a bit better as she was still stuck to the ceiling.

  “You care for humans too much. As a fellow Midworlder you should be siding with me. But if you insist we’ll fight as we have before. As usual you’ll lose again.”

  “Last time we fought, in Kansas, as I recall I whipped your butt. Guess you’ve selective memory.”

  “We’re not in Kansas anymore,” Sayell answered, as a blast of red flame erupted from his palm.

  Nicole struggled to breathe as the rising hot air burned her throat and lungs. If this kept up her eyeballs would turn to liquid and be soup. That might be a good thing as she wouldn’t be able to see any more of the crazy stuff happening around her then. She squinted at Sayell’s hand. It appeared normal and yet the red flame it emitted looked like molten ore aimed straight at Ridge. Sparks flew around the room and cushions on the couch ignited. Magazines on the coffee table turned to ash. Her anger boiled again as she was made to watch like some frightened rabbit while her future was decided.

  Ridge blasted a streak of blue light at Sayell, and steam rose in the air where the two beams of energy collided. The rug on the floor between them smoldered and the stench of burnt wool rose up filling her nostrils and making her wheeze. There would be nothing left of her apartment by the time they finished. A cool blast of air struck her face and brought some relief as the blue stream of light pushed back against the red. Within a second both streams of power vanished as quickly as they appeared. Her breathing calmed a little but her heart still thumped. If only she could leave these two alone. She would run and find the nearest cop, though she didn’t have a clue what she would tell them. It didn’t matter. She just needed to get away.

  Ridge shook his head. “I don’t have time for this. I got high rollers back at my place, and a pretty lady waiting. Not that the scenery’s bad here, but didn’t your mother ever teach you it’s not polite to take a lady’s clothes off without her permission?” He tipped his head and smiled up at her.

  Don’t smile at me, kill him, Nicole wanted to shout.

  Mira sent me. Her Sym was in trouble. I’m here to help.

  He spoke in her mind. What the hell? She would ask questions later, like what the heck a Sym was, and why this shit was happening to her? Ridge removed his backpack and threw a soccer-sized ball across the floor in front of him. Nicole dreaded what was coming next. Something inside the ball squirmed and little snakeheads pressed eagerly to get out. Sayell’s perfect face went pale. She didn’t have any sympathy for him, except the snake ball seemed to have taken his mind off holding her. Her scream filled the air as she fell towards the snakes waiting to rip her face and body. She never made the floor as Ridge caught her.

  Before she could get a closer look at his face her body went into spasm. It brought back memories of having been tasered in training in the police force. If Ridge was the answer according to Mira, he was an extremely painful one. From the way he gritted his teeth and clutched her tight against his chest, he must have been in agony too. “Thanks for catching me. But can we get out of here and away from that creep?” Nicole yelled, once she got her breath back.

  “Love to, darling, but I’m enjoying our little cuddle since you’ve stopped trying to zap me.”

  “You’re the one hurting me.” He must have got his breath back quicker than she did because he was leering at her breasts. He didn’t give the impression of being a hero, more an unshaven handsome rough diamond, but at this exact moment she wasn’t in a position to argue. She wriggled in his arms but he held her firmly, his stubbly face scratching her cheek. Suddenly huge wings appeared arising from his shoulders. To match his persona, they were off-white.

  “You’re my new guardian angel?” She breathed a sigh of relief. He certainly wasn’t what she would have chosen for a replacement, but if he could get rid of Sayell, she wouldn’t complain. She must have said something funny because he laughed.

  “I’m no angel, darling. I’m just here to get you a new one. Hold tight, little lady, it’s going to get rough.”

  Darkness closed in as he wrapped his wings around them and let her feet down so she could stand. He held her snug with her back pressed against his chest. Now she was close she recognized another smell on him, whiskey. There was something else she noticed, his hard on pressing against her back. She wanted to be angry but as the pain of earlier wore off, sensual thoughts came from Ridge. Thoughts she wanted to respond to. This was Mira’s answer? A sex maniac.

  “I’m not your darling, or little lady. If you’re not my angel, then it would be great if you could get me out of here.” Her comment made him squeeze tighter. Then the screams started. Her body went cold with fear. She guessed the snakes must be doing their job well on Sayell.

  “Can’t go yet. My plan’s simple. Hold on tight and save your ass.”

  Get lost, was what she should be saying, but self-preservation wanted him to tighten his grip. She had a feeling she would regret it later, but she needed help. Any thoughts left her mind as both of them were thrown back across the room still encapsulated within his wings. She sat between his legs with his arms still holding her tight against his torso. Winded and with her chest in spasm, her lungs protested yet again. The world became fuzzy and the only steady things in it were Ridge, and his strong arms.

  “I can’t breathe.” Her fingers tingled and her body ached from being beaten, kicked and controlled. “Help,” she gasped.

  “It’s what I’m here for, darling. Listen to me. Feel my chest rise and lower. My thoughts will help you control your body.”

  Nicole wanted to refuse. She didn’t want him poking around in her head; she didn’t want anyone in there. Then again, he had spoken in her mind already. At least he asked permission this time. A wave of calmness seeped through her. She leaned her head back against his chest and closed her eyes.

  “You’re doing fine. You panicked, whi
ch ain’t surprising. Take one slow breath at a time.”

  Ridge touched her earlobe as he spoke and a shiver passed through her body. It wasn’t an electric shock sensation like before, but an ache at her very core, which made her yearn for more of his touch. She hadn’t reacted to a man since Ben’s death, and this wasn’t the time or the place. It made no difference. She couldn’t stop the heat building between her legs and instinctively pressed back against him. Dizziness overcame her, but before she blacked out she could have sworn she heard Ridge groan. It didn’t sound like a groan of agony, but one of pleasure. It would appear their thoughts went both ways.

  She must have only been out for a moment because when she came to her chest still ached like a truck was pressed against it, or rather Ridge, and his arms of steel. She realized three things once her head stopped spinning. First off, Ridge’s erection still pressed into her back. Second, his wings were gone. Last, but not least, she didn’t like what she could see in front of her.


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