Unknown Protector

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Unknown Protector Page 28

by Maggie Mundy

  He turned back to the bed and could see her condition remained unchanged. She looked like she was in a coma lying there. He was about to alter that.

  “She’s meant to recite the words after me,” he said to Kaylie. She smiled at him.

  “When she healed you she managed to get into your thoughts. You can’t heal her, but your minds are connected in some way. Reach her and get her to say them in her head. What choice do you have?”

  “There has to be four witnesses.”

  “Peter and I will stay, and I’ll ask Frieda, and Heath said he wishes to be here for you.”

  Kaylie returned with the others while Ridge sat next to Nicole. A hand touched his shoulder. It was Heath. The tall dark-haired Midworlder always appeared in control of his emotions. His English veneer for once was ruffled by the sorrow showing openly in his eyes.

  “If it’s not working I will end it swiftly for her. If you want to return to Homeworld I’ll come with you to Pergor.”

  Ridge took his hand and squeezed it. “Thank you, but I don’t know they will allow me to go home, even to die. Let’s begin.”

  Ridge sat down on the bed next to her and undid his shirt. Taking her hand in his he pressed her palm against his chest above his heart. Her icy touch caused a shiver to spread through his body. The wound she had recently healed on him was gone but for a tiny scar. The same could not be said when he opened her blouse. A dark bruise was already forming where the bolt of energy from Liliath had struck. Nicole’s lips were darkening to a purple resembling the bruise. When he placed his hand on her chest she didn’t flinch.

  He closed his eyes and tried to reach into her mind. The connection was immediate, and so was the pain. Ridge drew a deep breath in and knew even if he couldn’t save her, he couldn’t let her die like this. Alone and in agony, and not just her but their child as well. He fought to reach into her mind.

  Nicole, don’t shut me out. Let me take some of the pain.

  I’m so tired, Ridge. I’m sorry I couldn’t go on for you and the baby.

  Don’t you leave me, little lady. I need you to repeat some words, even if it’s in your mind. If I can convert you then you’ll heal and save our child. You have to trust me.

  I want the pain to end, just make it go away.

  It will.

  He recited the words and helped her repeat them. They were in the language of their old world. A language not used anymore, but this oath was known by heart by every Midworlder.

  I am no longer one, but joined to you forever. The bond is sacred, and only death will pull it asunder. What was before no longer exists, for we are one where once there were two.

  Ridge opened his eyes and saw his own hand glowing where it was placed against her chest. Her hand glowed but only faintly. She was trying but was too weak. There had to be something more. It could not end like this. He looked to the others around the room and it was Frieda who came and sat next to him.

  “You told me these words before, but she is different. You cannot change her to be like you. You have to take some of her as well, so you both change. You must both become different. You cannot love like this and stay as you were before. I don’t know how, but you must do this or lose her. I’m sorry my friend.” Frieda kissed both of his cheeks and stood up.

  Ridge picked Nicole up and stood in the middle of the room. He let her legs down but she was limp in his arms. He held her to him so their bodies touched with her head resting against his chest. He kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes again. There was an older oath. One not used for millennia. It had been outlawed on the old world and all but forgotten on the new.

  When a Commander died on the battlefield he could give up part of himself to the new leader. It went both ways and the new commander lost a portion of his life as well, but might well win the battle with the memories and knowledge of the old commander. It had never been considered to be something to use in bonding. Someone touched his shoulder.

  It was Heath. “I know what you contemplate doing my friend. You may both die,” Heath spoke quietly as he placed his hand on Ridge’s arm.

  “It’s a risk I’m willin’ to take. I love her. She’d want me to. I never thought I would meet anyone like her. I can’t give it up.”

  Heath nodded and moved away. Ridge sent his thoughts out to Nicole.

  Nicole, repeat this after me. I am no longer me; you are no longer you. Shared memories and shared bodies. You will share my death as I share your life.

  He sensed the panic in her mind.

  What death. I won’t live if you die, Ridge.

  Listen to me and say the words in your mind. You won’t die. You said once before that you trust me. Trust me now.

  She hesitated, but the words came out and the result was swift. Her body arched away with her arms spread wide. Her eyes were still closed as tremors grew stronger throughout her frame. She opened her eyes and screamed. Screamed as if her body was being torn apart, but it appeared no different. He shouldn’t have done this. His need for this woman had made him forget what she would experience. He hardened himself as all Midworlders did to the change, but she’d had it thrust upon her in a moment.

  The door opened as people rushed in from the other room. He couldn’t look up as her memories came to him. He closed his eyes and could feel the punches from her stepfather as he hit her across the face and the force made her hit the wall. As she had slumped to the ground he felt the kicks to her abdomen. He sensed more as internal organs were ripped apart. He felt the knife as her skin was cut and the word carved into her.

  There were flashing lights and an operating theatre. He saw and felt it all. Her spleen was gone, one of her kidneys and her left ovary. Ridge had felt each cut and suture, and each artery cauterized. He would not scream, he would take her pain.

  He cried silent tears. He knew from Nicole they were the only safe ones because if her stepfather heard her crying he would have hurt her mother more.

  A dead man’s face was before him. He recognized him as Ben. Then he was in Nicole’s old apartment and Peter was there. They sat on the floor crying and holding each other and rocking back and forth.

  Whiskey he could taste whiskey. There was another bitter taste in his mouth. He saw a pile of tablets. There was a guardian. It must have been Mira.

  He had to call her back or they would both be lost in these memories forever going in circles reliving the pain.

  Come back to me. Those memories can’t hurt you anymore.

  Nicole opened her eyes and said the most wonderful words he’d ever heard.

  “I love you.”

  She uttered the words and her eyes closed. Her body shook but this time she was glowing and so was he. His body didn’t feel any different and yet for the first time since he came to this world he knew he was dying. His body was repairing itself but not at the rate it did before, it didn’t matter. Who wanted to live forever? Nicole opened her eyes and clenched his arms so her fingers were digging in.

  “I can feel the change. It’s ripping me apart. She can feel it to. It’s a girl.”

  He couldn’t stop the smile that came to his face at the thought he might have a daughter.

  Nicole screamed.

  “I can’t do this. It’s too much.”

  “We share more than minds, my darlin’. Give me some of the pain.”

  She hugged him around the waist. Energy was being taken from him to help with the formation. He clenched his back and sprouted his wings as he felt the growth of her wings commence. He could sense the mind of their child. Somehow Nicole was protecting her from this. Something was wrong.

  Nicole’s heart was beating too fast. She would die if the change didn’t happen now.

  “Take what you need.”

  The glow around their bodies intensified as her wings
erupted from her shoulders. Her fingers dug so deep into his back he was sure they had drawn blood. People cheered but all he could see was the face before him and he had only one thing to say to her.

  “I love you so much.”


  That was the only word she said before she passed out.

  Ridge didn’t want to move. She had been so restless since her wings had retracted, and had only just managed to fall asleep. Celebrations had been brief as two of his men were still sick. This changed everything. They couldn’t stay here. Every Demonic on the planet would be here waiting for his daughter to be born. A female not bonded to either side that could reproduce. Liliath would not give up either. Nicole had been the experiment and now that they knew it could work there was a way to Earth for all of them.

  It didn’t matter for now as he would watch her. She smiled when she was asleep, he wondered if he did. He placed his hand on her lower abdomen. His daughter was there and whatever she was he would love her. This new breed would not be like the Midworlders. They would be free.

  Chapter 27

  First Flight

  “For goodness sake I can look after a baby. I come from a family of ten,” Kaylie said as she hugged Jessie to her. “Plus Sara is here for protection as she doesn’t have a motherly bone in her body, and Carrick and Jane will be as gooey and clucky as ever. Hope you’re not setting a precedent my boy. Go have some fun.”

  Nicole bit her lower lip and peeked at the door to the balcony and back at her baby girl. Jessie was three months old and appeared like any other human baby. They had to keep her safe and wait for her adolescents. If she was a new species that was probably when it would become apparent but what did any of them know. She wanted to wrap her up and protect her, but that would never work. This place was like a fortress with more than enough Angelic Midworlders to keep her safe. Ridge took her hand in his.

  “She’ll be okay, and you know it’s time. You can’t put this off forever.”

  “If she ever gets wings I am going to be a mess.”

  “She will, and you won’t because you’ll be beside her. Another box of gifts arrived today, from Heath. I know Sara won’t say it but she was as pleased as him at being asked to be a protector of our cute little bundle.”

  Nicole walked over and kissed Jessie on the head. She turned back and took Ridge’s hand before she changed her mind. He led her out to the balcony. The cabin was on the top of a hill. Cabin was a mild description as minor fort would have suited it better. Ridge let go of her hand and moved away and a moment later his magnificent wings appeared. She could do this. She had come through so much she had to. He was staring at her.

  “If you are going to watch, I’ll clam up.”

  He laughed, smiled and turned away. She loved him so much, this Midworlder with his beautiful eyes and his wonderful body and crazy wings. Wings she had as well. She had found herself in him and she had to believe she could do this. She closed her eyes and concentrated on making the wings appear. She hoped it would become easier as at the moment it was like dragging her arms through sludge. Every time she made them appear she thought of Mira. Someday she hoped they would talk again, but for now they were worlds apart.

  Ridge sauntered over to the edge of the balcony and opened the gate to thin air. He stopped and turned back to her with his hand outstretched. So many times before he had done this but she wouldn’t fly. She wanted to, but when it came to that moment she didn’t believe enough. She had risen into the air a few feet and panicked. She moved slowly forward and took a deep breath. She wouldn’t close her eyes. She had to do this seeing what was before her, or rather below her. Damn she hated heights. This was ridiculous. She had wings and hated heights.

  Her wings appeared. She had grown accustomed to them being there but not flying. Spreading her wings, she flapped them. Ridge stood in front of her holding her hands in his. She flapped again and felt her feet leave the ground.

  “You can do this. It’s what you were meant to be.”

  She could see the roof of the house move away and stopped and fluttered.

  “You’re so much more than this. Don’t deny yourself what you can be.”

  Ridge let go of her hands and for a moment she faltered, but then a gust of wind moved her and she was gliding on its current above the treetops. The exhilaration made her heart beat fast. She wanted to scream with delight. Ridge was right there next to her matching every move.

  “I’m here if you want for anythin’.”

  Nicole didn’t need to be asked twice and flew higher towards the distant mountain range. She was aware as they flew that Ridge was constantly scanning. She also knew Jake and six others were flying in front and behind them. They flew over trees and passed a waterfall and followed its descent. At the bottom Ridge landed gracefully. Nicole couldn’t slow down and slammed straight into him, throwing him backwards across the grass as she straddled him.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  He laughed and reached up and tugged her down towards him and kissed her. Would she ever tire of him and his touch? She didn’t think so. He retracted his wings and she closed her eyes and concentrated on doing the same.

  “As much as I enjoy this position I wanted to show you somethin’.”

  “It didn’t hurt when they came in.”

  “I told you things would get easier.”

  Ridge took her hand and guided her through the mouth of the cave. He had placed lanterns all around the walls and the light sent reflections onto the water. He stripped and dove in beckoning for her to follow. Her body was already heating up at its core at the prospect of their lovemaking.

  “I asked Jake and the others to stay a respectable distance away, so try not to yell too loudly.”

  Nicole stripped and stepped into the water. He still gazed at her with such passion even though her body was not what it had been before the baby.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  The water was cold but Ridge’s body was warm as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her so that her legs encircled his hips. She relished the pressure of him against her. Rising up slightly she eased herself onto his shaft as he kissed her breasts. His mouth warm as his tongue encircled her nipple. Slowly they moved bodies, rubbing against each other as the ripples from their movements moved across the water. The feel of the length of him inside her was the most wonderful thing in the world. The crescendo was building within her and she hoped the echoes from her scream didn’t reach Jake or the others or she would go bright red the next time they spoke.

  They climaxed together and she saw her own love for him reflected back in his eyes.

  “I love you, Nicole, and I’d given up believin’ a long time ago I’d ever have this.”

  “I love you, too, and I can assure you I’m not going anywhere.” As they dressed and sat on the side of the rock pool she sighed with contentment that she could really be this happy.

  “I’ve somethin’ for you,” Ridge said as he took a little box from the pocket of his jeans. ”I should’ve done this a long time ago, but I wonderin’ if you’d do me the honor of becoming my wife.”

  The box contained an exquisite diamond ring.

  “Hell yes, Mr. Galen. It’s about time you made an honest woman or whatever I am now out of me.” She laughed as he placed the ring on her finger and kissed her once more.

  She followed him as they flew home to their child, a child of a new race. Humans were no longer being used but were now part of the game.



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