Alien Sacrifice (Zerconian Warriors Book 9)

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Alien Sacrifice (Zerconian Warriors Book 9) Page 2

by Sadie Carter

  Why her? Why him? Of all the Zerconian warriors she’d met, he had to be the surliest, most officious, and unfortunately for her, the most thorough. There was no way he’d just pass on by without checking this building. She glanced around, but like she’d already confirmed when she’d entered, there was nowhere to hide. All this room held was two chairs and the mainframe computer portal.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she muttered as he grew closer.

  This was it. She was toast.



  Macon turned with a frown. He recognized Hagartha’s voice, of course, but he was surprised he hadn’t heard her walk up. Not that Hagartha made a lot of noise when she moved, unlike the human females who made more noise than a herd of Zonka beasts.

  Perhaps he had been so focused on getting to the building housing the main computer that he hadn’t been paying as much attention to his surroundings as he should have been. There was just something tugging at him, telling him something was wrong. He had volunteered to be on duty tonight. He had been in the main security room studying the camera feeds when this feeling had come over him. Nothing looked untoward, yet this voice inside him had urged him to check. His intuition had saved him many times and he’d learned not to ignore it.

  “Hagartha, what do you do out here?” He glanced around with a frown. “Are you on your own?” Zerconia’s rules about females needing an escort outside their homes had been lifted soon after the Emperor took a human mate, however, many Zerconians still adhered to those rules.

  She frowned slightly. “I admit, I have grown used to more freedom of late and no longer see the point of an escort.”

  He gave her a disapproving look. This was unexpected. And not welcomed. “I will expect my mate to be escorted outside our home.”

  Hagartha’s eyes narrowed, and for a moment he thought she would argue. But she gave a short nod.

  “It is for your own safety. Especially with all these humans now living here.”

  “Yes, we cannot trust the humans.” Hagartha sneered. “Their women act without thought or care. And the men are no better. They are intellectually and physically inferior. I cannot believe our Emperor is forcing human females on our warriors.”

  He would not say that Emperor Dex was forcing warriors to accept human females. After all, Dex only wished to save the Zerconian males from suffering mating fever.

  “What do you do here?” he asked again formally. He did not wish to seem impatient, but he had duties to perform.

  “I need to speak to you about our mating ceremony. As the first full-blooded Zerconian mating in years, I believe we should have a mating ceremony that befits our status and standing.”

  He did not know that he liked the sound of that. However, Hagartha had the right to a mating ceremony of her choice.

  “That is a female’s business. I will leave it up to you.”

  “Very well.”

  “Come, I will escort you home.” He pushed aside his slight irritation at having to leave his duties and walked alongside Hagartha, keeping an appropriate distance between them.


  “Wow. If that’s the way Zerconians act when they’re dating, then it’s no wonder the population is dying out,” Annabel muttered to herself as she watched Macon and Hagartha walk off. Strangers had warmer conversations than those two. She shuddered. She would hate to think what the sex would be like.

  “Please put your tongue here,” she said mimicking Macon’s deep voice.

  “Very well, and where should I place my hand?” she asked, pretending to be Hagartha.

  “Gah.” She shuddered. Imagining those two naked and heating up the sheets was too much of a stretch for her imagination.

  Thankfully, the door to the building she’d been hidden in was to the side of the footpath, so she’d been able to slip out while Macon was busy wooing Hagartha with his charming manner. She snorted. Guinea pigs had more charm than Macon did. She actually found herself feeling sorry for Hagartha. Now, that’s something she never thought possible. Hagartha wasn’t exactly the friendliest person in the world. The first time they’d met, she’d told Annabel she’d wait until she made a mistake and got sent back to Earth in disgrace. Annabel had pretended to be suitably cowed while holding her laughter inside.

  Sent back in disgrace. Uh-huh.

  She’d gone on to tell Annabel that it wouldn’t be her fault, she was human, after all, and therefore vastly inferior.

  Ah, wasn’t she just the sweetest.

  After sneaking out of the small building, Annabel hid behind some bushes, waiting for them to leave.

  She hadn’t even realized that Macon and Hagartha were in a relationship. Explained why he wasn’t at the mixer tonight. He didn’t need a human mate. Although it would have been funny to watch the big fella fall for a human. It might just have ruffled that calm exterior of his. He was too formal and serious by half.

  “Zoey’s right. There is definitely a stick lodged up his ass.” She’d overheard Zoey say that at the one and only mixer she’d attended.

  “That’s female business,” she mimicked, recalling what Macon had said about planning the mating ceremony. There wasn’t going to be a whole lot of passion going on in that relationship. Hell, she wondered if they’d even kissed. Shouldn’t they have been taking advantage of the moonlight and seclusion for a bit of hanky-panky?

  Ick. She shuddered at that thought.

  Annabel slipped back to her quarters. Actually, she’d been assigned a bedroom in a small house with three other women. It wasn’t ideal, but Mila was working on getting more permanent accommodation for her since she was staying.

  Or at least they believed she was staying.

  Guilt swirled inside her again. She actually liked Zoey and Mila; the Empress was a riot. And she didn’t take any bullshit. It was hard to imagine that Dex had coerced or forced her into anything. Annabel kind of hoped she didn’t find any evidence of wrongdoing on the Zerconians behalf. Maybe they’d bribed High-Councillor Duncan, but hey, they were desperate. Could she blame them?

  Rich would.

  Honestly, sometimes she’d like to tell her brother where to shove his demands. But she owed him. And he was family.

  So, she’d do what he asked.

  For now.

  Chapter Two

  “Did you enjoy the mixer last night?” Annabel asked.

  Macon looked down at the small female with surprise. This was the first time she’d spoken to him other than to answer a question or to give him a message from Dex. He wasn’t certain he liked this progression in their relationship.

  There was something about this particular human that bothered him. Perhaps it was merely that she was different to the other females who had arrived on the transporter. She was quiet. Serious. A hard-worker. Things he generally admired.

  Only, he couldn’t help but feel there was something more to her. He ran his glance over her dark hair which was pulled back in a bun, the glasses that covered half her face. Those green eyes were curious as she stared up at him.

  “I was not at the mixer.”

  “No? Me neither. Not my scene. Not yours either, huh?”

  His scene? “What does that mean?”

  “Oh, sorry. I meant it’s not for me. I don’t like large groups of people.”

  Ah, now he understood.

  “I thought all unmated males were supposed to attend?” she asked curiously.

  He did not wish to encourage this need to make conversation. However, he could not just ignore her. Empress Zoey had warned him that he at least had to be polite to these humans. And the small human assistant looked like she might have tender feelings. He frowned. He did not wish her to cry. What would he do if she started to cry? He had seen other warriors hug their human mates. He could not hug this human. What if he squeezed too hard and harmed her? Not to mention how inappropriate it would be to touch her. This is why he did not intend to take a human mate. They were far too complicated.
r />   “I have a mate.”

  “Oh, right, I didn’t realize. Human?”

  “Zerconian. We will be mated soon.” There, that should be the end to her questions. He turned away, prepared to move over to his post by the main door. Empress Zoey was currently in with Emperor Dex.

  “Congrats. I know it’s a big deal when you guys find your mate.”

  “Yes.” He did not explain the true nature of his relationship with Hagartha. He thought back to her actions last night. She had surprised him by coming out on her own, but he should allow her some leniency. The arrival of these humans had disrupted their lives considerably.

  He pushed aside any doubts he had about mating Hagartha. She was the right mate for him.

  “Anyway, I have to go back to work.”

  Macon gave her a startled look. She was dismissing him? Already her head was down as she tapped on her tablet. She was the one who had started this conversation. He had been walking past when she had interrupted him, and now she was acting like he was keeping her from her work.

  He turned to walk to the door then paused and glanced back at her, but she still had her head down. She’d apparently forgotten he was there.

  Irritated, he strode away.

  Annabel couldn’t explain her sudden irritation with the big dude. She didn’t know why, but the thought of him mating with cold, formal Hagartha just really, really pissed her off. Urgh, what was wrong with her? She was here to do a job. She wasn’t supposed to get involved with these people. She wasn’t supposed to like them.

  And she definitely did not like Macon. He was stern, rule-driven, and controlling. He probably made love using a formula. Touch here. Then lick. Swirl finger. Repeat. No doubt his bedroom skills were text-book perfect and boring as hell.

  It had just been too long since she’d had a good fucking. And that wasn’t going to happen here. Shy, sweet Annabel wasn’t the one-night-stand kind of girl. Leather-wearing, smart-mouthed Annabel was a totally different story. She seriously liked to get her kink on in the bedroom.

  But Rich thought she needed this disguise, and she had to admit he was probably right. If things went to shit, no one would look at her. They’d all assume she was too much of a mouse to break the rules.

  But she’d been breaking the rules long before she’d gotten here. Hacking wasn’t exactly legal. The only difference was this time she was dealing with real people. Flesh and bone.

  She snuck a look up at Macon. There was no denying he was gorgeous. Short, dark hair and those hazel eyes that didn’t miss a thing. And like all the warriors here, he was tall and muscular.

  Too bad his personality sucked.

  She turned as the door to Dex’s office opened and out walked Zoey, her adorable baby Elodie in her arms. Elodie smiled as she saw Annabel, holding out her chubby arms. Annabel immediately tickled her under the chin.

  “She’s been up half the night, she’s in a cranky mood, yet the minute she sees you, she lights up like a Christmas tree. What is it about you? Is it your perfume? The way you wear your hair? Come on, fess up. Desperate mom here who hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in so long, I swear, I’m actually seeing double right now.”

  “I don’t know what it is. Kids never react to me like this.” There was just something about Elodie that melted her heart. “Want me to watch her for a while? You can get some rest.”

  Zoey sighed. “Thanks for the offer, but I don’t think Dex would like me stealing his assistant to babysit.”

  Annabel didn’t think Dex would have a problem with it at all. She shrugged. “I’m all caught up. There’s nothing much to do around here other than answering any incoming communications and bring Dex refreshments. Any idiot can do that.” She bit her lip. Did she dare? It would be out of character, but ah, hell, it was just a bit of fun. “Hey, Macon.”

  He moved into the room as she stood and grabbed her handbag.


  “Look after things around here for a while, okay? I’ve got to take care of Elodie for Zoey.”

  Zoey turned her face away, but Annabel saw her shoulders move and knew she was silently laughing.

  “I am a warrior. Not an assistant.” He looked so offended, she had to bit her lip to keep from smiling.

  “Ah, don’t worry, big fella. It’s not that hard to do. Even you can handle it. This button is for answering any incoming communications. This button lets you speak to Dex. I’ll be back in an hour or so. Thanks so much.”

  Grateful that she was holding the baby, she just might need the extra layer of protection if the tick Macon had developed by his eye was any indication of his anger, Annabel sped past him. Zoey caught up to her halfway down the passage.

  “Oh, my God, I cannot believe you did that! You should have seen the look on his face. It was priceless.” Zoey gave her a look of disbelief.

  Shit. Had she totally blown her cover? Time to pull things back.

  Annabel bit her lip, trying to look worried. “Oh, sugar. Sorry, I know I shouldn’t have done that. Do you think the Emperor will be mad at me?”

  “I thought he told you to call him Dex. And nah, if he’s got a problem he can tell me. Besides, I know how often you work overtime. You’re owed a break. Don’t be scared of Dex. He’s a big softie underneath.”

  Was he? Maybe with Zoey and his family. Not with anyone else. Certainly not with anyone who was a threat to his people. Her stomach tightened. They’d never know of her betrayal. Besides, she was starting to think she wouldn’t find anything, anyway. She’d stayed up late last night searching through the files she’d downloaded. Nothing. Rich wasn’t going to be happy, but she couldn’t help that. He’d just need to find another way to take High-Councillor Duncan out. Annabel smiled down at Elodie who gurgled and spat up a little.

  “Oops, sorry.” Zoey wiped her mouth with a cloth.

  “No problem.” Elodie was cute, spit-up and all. They reached Zoey’s quarters and entered. Zoey came to a stop, just staring at her awkwardly.

  “Go. Rest,” she told the Empress. “Elodie and I will just chill.”

  Zoey paused, looking from Elodie to Annabel. She bit her lip. Annabel knew she was having second thoughts and she couldn’t blame her. Zoey hadn’t known her long, and she wouldn’t hand her baby over to just anyone.

  “I’ll stay here,” Annabel told her quietly. “Boris will be in here the entire time.” She nodded over at the dark-skinned, silent bodyguard. Now, this was a guy she wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley. He didn’t miss a thing. He nodded, his face never changing expression, but she saw a promise in his eyes. If she did anything to harm his two charges, she’d be in a whole world of pain. She turned her gaze away, hoping he would think she was suitably cowed.

  Mousy, quiet Annabel would be terrified by Boris. And truth be told, she didn’t really have to act scared. Boris was totally out of her league.

  “You know what?” Zoey said suddenly. “I can’t really nap during the day. Why don’t we just watch a movie and hang out? High-Councillor Duncan sent me some from his personal archives.”

  Annabel should make her excuses, go back to work. She didn’t know what she’d been thinking of coming here.

  Yes, I do. I needed to get away from him.

  For some reason, Macon affected her like no other male. He intrigued her. When he wasn’t looking, she found herself watching him. Studying him. It wasn’t because she was attracted to him. Nope, not at all.

  There was just something about him…

  This wasn’t good. She should be concentrating on her mission, not obsessing over a controlling, sexy warrior. He wasn’t even her type. She went for easy-going, funny men who knew the score.

  That she was never going to commit.

  She would never pine away for a man like her mother had. She wouldn’t ever make the mistake of believing she needed a man to take care of her. Annabel looked after Annabel, and that was the way it was always going to be.

  But she was here now. It would look weird
if she just walked out.

  “Please. I could use some adult company. Talking to a baby or Giz all day gets a bit boring.” Zoey patted the head of her furry companion. It was an odd looking creature, covered in fur with pointed ears and large eyes. Kind of cute.

  Annabel flicked a glance over at Boris.

  “Boris doesn’t count. In case you haven’t noticed, he’s not the greatest conversationalist. Plus, we don’t have the same taste in movies. He likes thrillers. You know, five kids go into the woods and only one comes out to tell the tale of the ax murderer who locked them in a barn and tortured then ate them.”

  Annabel gaped at Boris who shrugged.

  “He thinks they’re comedies.” Zoey shook her head. “Honest to God, it’s the only time I’ve heard him laugh.”

  “He laughs?” she couldn’t help but ask.

  Zoey nodded. “When the bad guy sliced off one of the teenager’s heads and it went rolling across the floor, I thought he was going to pee himself he laughed so hard.”

  Boris grunted with a frown. Annabel gulped. Yep, going up against Boris would be a bad, bad idea. She really didn’t get paid enough for that.

  “So what’s your poison?” Zoey asked cheerfully.

  Annabel glanced down at Elodie, who’d fallen asleep against her chest. “How about a comedy?”

  “Oh, I’ve got a good one about these guys on their stag night. They get drugged, can’t remember a thing, steal a tiger, end up with a baby, and lose their friend who it turns out is on the roof getting sunburned.”

  “Umm, right, that sounds hilarious.”


  He could not believe that she had left her duties. Just abandoned her post and left him to do her work. He thought that Annabel at least had a work ethic.

  He had misjudged her.

  When he had informed Dex of the situation, the Emperor had just told Macon to keep everyone out of his office for a few hours.

  He glanced up with a scowl as the door to the office opened and Koran walked in. The large warrior, who was a close friend of the Emperor, paused as he saw Macon sitting there.

  “What are you doing?”


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