Alien Sacrifice (Zerconian Warriors Book 9)

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Alien Sacrifice (Zerconian Warriors Book 9) Page 4

by Sadie Carter

  He frowned, something tugging at him. But before he could figure it out, Hagartha had picked up the hoverbee and flung it through the air and into the ocean. The two children looked on, their faces crestfallen. Macon scowled at Hagartha’s behavior. Not paying any attention to the two sad children, she turned and strode on.

  Suddenly, he heard a bark and watched as Norman raced off after the hoverbee. Right towards the ocean. The two moons gave enough sufficient light to see Norman make his way through the waves.

  “Norman!” Someone cried out. He turned to see Willa racing across the gathering, trying to make her way through the groups of people who stood between her and the water. “He can’t swim! Norman, come back!”

  Macon took off towards where Norman now bobbed up and down in the water. It was obvious he struggled to stay afloat as he rose and let out a mournful yelp. Behind him, chaos erupted as Zerconians and Joyadans raced towards the water. But none of them would reach him in time. Only Macon and Annabel were close enough to do anything.

  Macon watched in amazement and some level of fear as Annabel, who was surprisingly fast considering her long skirt, jumped through the waves. She dived down, and he held his breath as he sped towards her, splashing through the water. What if she didn’t surface? What if she drowned?

  No. No, he would not let that happen.

  As he grew closer, she resurfaced, holding a limp Norman in her arms. Suddenly, she dunked under, and he realized the weight of the wet creature was pulling her under. He grabbed for her, clasping hold of her shirt, and dragged her up.

  “Take the dog,” she yelled, her hair half covering her face, gasping for breath.


  “Take Norman. I can swim, but he’s too heavy.”

  It went against his protective instincts, but as she nearly slipped under again, he grabbed the dog. Someone came up beside him. Darac. He reached out and took Norman, carrying him to shore. Macon reached for Annabel once more, but she swam out of his reach, moving towards the shore slowly. He moved with her, resisting the urge to grab her. She came to a stop at waist level, staring over at the beach where Norman was now standing, shaking his fur with Willa hugging him.

  “Are you coming out?”

  “Oh, in a minute. Nice night for a swim, isn’t it?”

  He stared at her incredulously. “You could have drowned. You had no business going into the water after Norman. He weighs more than you do.”

  She turned to him. “No business? He was drowning.”

  “He is an animal, and there were others who were better equipped to rescue him than you.”

  “Wow. You really do take the cake, you know?”

  “Take it where?” he asked with a frown of confusion.

  She shook her head, and he noticed how long her hair was when it was out of her typical bun. It fell to her waist. The strange urge to reach out and touch it came over him. He shook his head. What was wrong with him? Her clothing was molded to her body, highlighting her curves. She was much slimmer than he had thought. Her nipples were hard, pressing against the wet material. His shaft stirred, and he worked hard to control himself. Her glasses were gone, and her eyes seemed large on her small face.

  “Talking with you guys can really test my patience at times.”

  Talking with him tested her patience? She had that the wrong way ‘round.

  “I am not the one talking about cake when I am trying to explain to you that you put yourself at great risk for no need.” His temper bubbled inside him as he thought of how easily she could have drowned. He needed to ensure she did not take a risk like this in the future.

  “No need?” She turned, her hands resting on her hips. “In case you didn’t notice, he was drowning.”

  “And so were you,” he pointed out.

  “I would have been fine,” she muttered. “What happened to ‘thank you, Annabel. Are you okay?’”

  Was she well? She looked well enough. Except that she was shivering, making him think she was not truthful when she said she thought it was a nice night for a swim.

  “You are shivering. Come out of the water.” He took a few steps, fully expecting her to follow him.

  “I’m fine.”

  Why was she balking? Did she not wish to get warm?

  “It is dark, and the water is cool. This is not a safe time to swim. I insist you come back to shore.”

  She made a low, growling noise that surprised him. “And I insist on staying in here.”

  “I will carry you if I must.” It was for her own protection. He could not allow her to grow ill through her own foolishness.

  “You can try.”

  He reached out to touch her, and she darted back.

  “Look, I can’t come out of the water, okay?”

  “Why not?” Did she need him to assist her?

  She sighed. “God, you’re irritating.”

  He was irritating?

  “If you must know, I lost my skirt while rescuing Norman and I’m now completely bare from the waist down.”

  “Completely bare?” he asked before he could help himself, images of her naked body filling his mind. His shaft hardened further, painfully pressing against his tight pants. Bad enough her tight nipples were teasing him, but now he learned she was only half-clothed his arousal was going into overdrive.

  “Yes. Bare.” She placed her hands on her hips. “I’m a bit behind on laundry. Figures the one time I go out without panties, I get caught out.”

  “Bare,” he repeated, almost in a stupor.

  She threw her hands into the air. “Yes. Naked. Unclothed. Going commando. Free-balling, only I’ve got no balls, so that doesn’t quite work.”

  Before he could ask her what she was talking about, a wave hit them from behind, sending her stumbling forward. Macon, whose body mass was far greater, managed to stand his ground. He grabbed hold of her wrist, pulling her towards him.

  He dragged her into his arms to steady her. Instead, she slumped against him, fainting dead away.

  Shock filled him as he drew her up into his arms. He froze as he caught a look at her slim, muscular legs.

  Arousal pumped through his body and he swallowed heavily. Oh, stars.

  “Macon!” The shout brought him back to reality. He could not get the image of her wrapping those slim legs around his waist out of his mind. He looked up and saw two warriors rushing towards him. Quickly, he turned his back to them then moved further into the water until she was covered.

  No one would see her this way.

  No one but him.

  And he decided not to think too closely about why those bare legs sent lust surging through his body.

  “Macon! Is everything well?”

  He glanced over his shoulder to find Jaxan and Racar standing there. “Do not come any further!”

  “Is the female well?” Racar asked. “She is not moving.”

  Macon saw him step forward and snarled back at the healer. “Do not take another step.”

  Jaxan reached out and grabbed the young healer’s arm. “Macon, what is going on?”

  “The female fainted.”

  “Then I need to examine her,” Racar said urgently. “She might have swallowed water.”

  “No.” Macon shook his head. He could not have another touch her. Except, what if she was truly injured? Why had she fainted? Had he inadvertently hurt her? But he had only pulled her from the water. What if she had swallowed water while she was briefly submerged. Stars! If only he could think past the lust filling his blood. He took a deep breath then let it out. “She is half-clothed. She lost her skirt while rescuing Norman. Bring some covering for her then you may examine her. She would not appreciate everyone seeing her half-clothed.”

  Despite Zerconia’s heat, Annabel was always completely covered. He liked that she did not bare her body as other females did. Her body should only be for her mate. Jealousy filled him at the idea of her mating someone else.

  She was supposed to be his.

; He shook his head. No, she wasn’t. Hagartha was going to be his mate. Not this tiny human who obviously had more courage than good sense.

  “Of course,” Jaxan said. “I will be back shortly.”

  “Is she breathing all right?” Racar asked, his voice displaying his concern. “Her health comes before her modesty, Macon.”

  What was he thinking? Racar was right. Her health did come first. He glanced down at her worriedly. “You may come and examine her.” He could not see anything with her body half-submerged.

  Racar moved forward, giving him a glare. Then he reached for her pulse. “Heartbeat is fine. A bit rapid, but nothing concerning. However, I will not be able to determine her full health until she is back at the medical ward.”

  Macon did not like the way the other warrior stared at her. His concern seemed to be personal.

  Racar frowned. “I will take her.”

  He reached for her and Macon took a quick step back, growling at the healer.

  Racar’s eyes widened. “What is wrong with you?”

  “You may not touch her.”

  “I am a healer. There is something wrong with her. Annabel is a friend. You do not even like her.”

  Macon frowned. What made him say that? “That is not true.”

  Racar snorted, but before Macon could question him, Jaxan returned.

  “We will speak later,” Macon warned him. He wished to know exactly how close the two were.


  Annabel came awake with a shock, her heart racing, her mind filled with warning. Looking around, she realized she didn’t recognize the room she was in. Where was she? She forced herself to remain calm, to search her surroundings for something familiar that might clue her in as to where she was.

  This happened more often that she liked. She’d moved around so much that she often forgot where she was when she first awoke. That moment of disorientation was annoying. It was a weakness that she wouldn’t admit to anyone else. For those first few minutes when she awoke she was nearly as vulnerable as a babe.

  You know, except for her kick-ass skills with a knife and training in Krav Maga. So maybe not quite as helpless as a babe.

  But as she breathed her way through the disorientation, she realized she still didn’t know where she was. She lay on a comfortable bed. It shifted, rising slightly. Not a bed then, but a masic. They were sentient and would move on command. Although from what she’d discovered, they were never really completely still. She didn’t mind them, but some of the other women she was housing with found them creepy.

  Zerconia. She was on Zerconia. But this wasn’t her room. This room was bigger, and it smelled strange. She sat up slowly. What the fuck had happened? What was she doing here? She lifted the soft blanket covering her. And why was she completely bare from the waist down?

  Fear filled her. Her hands shook. She’d never felt this level of vulnerability before, and she didn’t like it. Not one bit.

  The door slid open, and she tensed, ready to attack. If anyone had hurt her, they wouldn’t have a second chance. Racar entered and she while she remained alert, a part of her felt relieved. Racar wouldn’t hurt her; he was the gentlest Zerconian she’d met.

  “Racar? What’s going on? Where am I?”

  “You’re awake.”

  Uh, duh.

  She held those words back, though. They weren’t something sweet, shy Annabel would say. Also, she liked Racar. He was kind and thoughtful. Almost a little shy, which was odd for a Zerconian.

  “What happened?”

  “Do you remember the gathering to say goodbye to the humans?”

  She frowned. “Yes, of course.” She hadn’t particularly wanted to go—it wasn’t really her scene. But she’d thought it might be odd if she hadn’t attended.

  “Norman chased after a hoverbee into the water and was drowning. You went in to rescue him.”

  “Riiight.” It was coming back to her now. Macon had grabbed Norman from her. That’s when she’d realized she was naked from the waist down. Damn it, if she hadn’t been spending her evenings chasing after information for Rich she might have had time to do laundry.

  Really, spies shouldn’t have to do their own laundry. There had to be a rule about that.

  If she’d done some laundry, she wouldn’t have been standing in the ocean, completely starkers from the waist down with Macon within touching distance. And for some reason, having the annoying, uptight warrior so close had made her long for things she couldn’t have. Shouldn’t want.

  At least not with him.

  “Macon was demanding I come in, but I’d lost my skirt. Then this wave hit me, and he reached out to grab me…” She turned to Racar, shock filling her. “Was I knocked out?”

  That had to be it because there was no way she had fainted. Nope, Annabel Fisher did not faint.

  “I believe you fainted.”

  “Did not.”

  Racar stared at her in surprise. “That’s what my tests conclude.”

  “Then the tests are wrong. I didn’t faint. End of story.”

  Racar gave her a puzzled look then reached out and ran a wand over her. “If you say so.”

  “I do.”

  “All your vitals are fine. When you didn’t immediately wake up, however, I decided it was best to keep you here to monitor you.”

  “Can I go now?”

  He frowned slightly, looking as though he wanted to protest. “Yes. Of course. The Empress had some clothing retrieved from your room for you to change into.”

  She knew her room was clean. That there was nothing for them to find and still, hearing that someone else had been in there sent her heart into overdrive.

  “Annabel? Are you well?” Racar asked, looking at her with concern.

  She forced a big smile on her face. “I’m fine. Thanks for looking after me. Just not used to so much excitement. I live such a boring life on earth.” She gave a laugh. “I’ll just get dressed, and then I’ll be out of your hair.”

  He ran his hand through his dark hair. “There is something in my hair?”

  She waved her hand through the air. “Don’t worry. It’s an earth saying. I just want to get home and into my own bed.”

  Racar frowned and looked over at the door. “There is something you should know.”

  “What’s that?” she asked, looking around for her clothing.

  “Macon is waiting outside.”

  She looked over at him, surprised by the awareness that moved through her body at the mention of his name. “Macon? What does he want?” She was aiming for casual but wasn’t quite sure she achieved it when Racar narrowed his gaze and studied her closely.

  “I do not know. He has been most insistent on seeing you. If it were not for the guards, I think he would have pushed his way in here earlier.”

  What? Why? And why did she want to see him? There was something weird going on here.

  “Give me my clothes, I’ll get dressed and then I’ll talk to Macon.” She forced herself to smile sweetly, although it felt more like a grimace.

  Racar nodded, as he moved over to a wall, pressed his hand down, triggering an opening that revealed a small cupboard space. He drew out one of her long skirts. This one wasn’t a bad color, a pale green with white dandelions floating across it. She didn’t know why she’d bought it, but it had appealed to her.

  She wondered if Zoey had chosen it because it was the only half-decent thing in her wardrobe. Or maybe it was the only clean item she could find. She really, really needed to do some laundry.


  Macon paced impatiently outside the medical room where Annabel lay. He was still furious that Racar had refused him entrance to her room. But the healer had pointed out that he had no claim on the female. She was single. Alone.

  He clenched his fists, not liking the feelings coursing through him. Possessive, protective urges that kept slamming into him. He should not feel this way about her. He had a female who would soon be his mate.

  But the
re was no mating bond.

  Doubt filled him. He had been so sure that mating Hagartha was the right thing to do. They shared common beliefs and interests—or so he had thought. But he would never have acted as Hagartha had tonight. What if one of the children had jumped into the water, following the hoverbee? They could have drowned.

  He needed to speak to her. He should be back on duty right now, not waiting to see if a foolish, fragile human was well.

  The door opened and Racar stepped out, his face serious. “She will be out in a minute.”

  “Should she be leaving the medical ward so soon?” Macon asked.

  “Medically, she is fine,” Racar answered.

  “She fainted.”

  Racar stepped up to him, surprising him by getting his face. Healers were, generally speaking, much slower to anger and less confrontational than the other males of their race. “You best take care of her.”

  Macon resisted the urge to shove him back. “She is not mine to take care of.”

  Racar turned away with a snort. “You are in denial. Both of you. Just ensure you do not hurt her or you will have me to answer to.”

  Before Macon could address the threat, the door to her room opened, stealing his attention. He would deal with Racar later. Right now, his heart was racing so fast he was afraid he was suffering from some sort of medical issue. He studied her closely. She was now dressed in a plain black top and green skirt. Her hair, now dry, hung down her back in soft waves. Her face was still pale, her green eyes too large in her thin face.

  She was beautiful. His cock surged as he took a step closer to her. Her sweet scent reached out to him, pulling him even closer.

  “You didn’t have to wait for me.” She stared at him warily.

  He was taken aback at the confrontational note in her voice. “I had to ensure you were well.”

  “I’m fine.” She held her arms out from her body then did a twirl. “See?”

  Something tugged at him, trying to tell him there was something wrong, but he was too involved in her to pay attention.

  “You fainted. You should be in bed.”

  “Contrary to what you guys think, not all women are fragile little things who need a big bad man to boss them around. I can take care of myself.” She brushed past him, the touch of her skin against his sent small shivers through his blood. Lust pounded at him, stealing his breath.


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