Deep in Chaos (CKMC Book 2)

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Deep in Chaos (CKMC Book 2) Page 2

by Linny Lawless

  “Anything going on tonight at your motorcycle gang party house, Tanya?” Honey was a sweet, energetic woman in her late 30’s. She was a ginger with red hair and fair skin.

  “The Chaos Kings are not a gang, Honey. They are a club. A tribe. There is a big difference.”

  “OK, sorry ‘bout that. So, is the MC having a party tonight?”

  “Yeah. Why? You want to come along this time?”

  She was closing the cash register and doing all the accounting stuff only she knew how to do. She stopped counting the cash in her hand, then turned to me and grinned with a wink, “Sure, would love to!”

  She had recently had a bad break up with a longtime boyfriend and wasn’t having any luck with the online dating thing. She was getting tired of all the blind dates her friends were setting her up with. I figured she wanted to go out and be social again. Meet some of my friends in the Chaos Coven.

  The clubhouse was jumping early tonight. Music was blaring, cue balls knocking against each other on the pool tables, clouds of weed or cigarette smoke drifted our way as I walked in with Honey. Of course, Magnet was the first one to notice me and grabbed me around the waist, picking me up off the ground with his warm hug.

  “Hey baby!” I really needed that hug from Magnet.

  He was a child hood friend of mine. We knew each other since grade school. “Hey sweetie. Still love those hugs.”

  He put me down, and his eyes went straight to Honey. “Introductions, Tanya.”

  I rolled my eyes as he reached down and took Honey’s hand in his. “Honey, this is Magnet. Magnet, Honey.”

  Her eyes were wide when she looked up at him. He had that effect on women at first sight. That’s why he was called Magnet, as in “Chick Magnet”. I waved my hand in front of her. “Honey, I’ll grab us both a beer. Hang out with Magnet, if you like. He can show you around.”

  “Oh, I sure will babe…” Magnet winked at me, then started up a conversation with her.

  I left them, shaking my head, and walked up to the bar to see my favorite couple, Ratchet and Sam. They were sitting on bar stools, close to each other, kissing. Sam was so small next to Ratchet’s huge frame. He was a quiet one, had a low gruff voice, but a huge heart.

  Sam broke her kiss when she saw me coming toward her. She jumped off her bar stool and wrapped her arms around me. “Tanya baby!”

  I squeezed her back tight. She was the bravest woman I knew. She was abused and treated as property to the Hell Hounds MC. But had the courage to make a better life for herself and escaped that hell. And she landed right on Ratchet. You could see how much he loved her. They looked like two teenagers finding love for the first time.

  I remember that feeling. That first time with love. I felt that with Matthew.

  My phone vibrated in my back pocket as I released Sam. I pulled it out. Matthew appeared on the screen with a text:

  Matthew: “I’ll stop by your apartment this week to get the last of my things.”

  I did have a few boxes of his things. I packed it all for him and moved it with me to my new apartment. Not sure why. I should have just thrown it all away. I didn’t think he missed it anyway. It was just a few books and photo albums.

  Chicken shit couldn’t talk to me on the phone. I pushed the call button next to his name. It rang twice, and he answered.

  “What Tanya.”

  “Are you bringing your new blond girlfriend with you to my apartment?”

  “Her name is Melissa. And she’s not my girlfriend-“

  “You fucked her in OUR bed and you don’t even classify her as your girlfriend? Why not? She looked like she had nice child bearing hips.”

  It came out of my mouth. The most painful part of this break-up with him.

  “Tanya. That’s not the reason we are over. You know what those reasons are.”

  I couldn’t listen to his voice one second longer and hung up on him. I squeezed my eyes shut. When I opened them, Sam was looking at me and I realized she had heard all of it.

  Sam tilted her head. Ratchet came up and stood behind her, placing his big hands on her shoulders. “Don’t let him bring you down, Tanya. He doesn’t deserve someone like you.”

  I shoved the phone back in my pocket, looking down at my car keys. “I wish I could believe that.”

  “Sam’s right. He’s a low-life. He’s not worth one more minute of your time. ” Ratchet grumbled. He didn’t say much, but when he did, it meant something, and I appreciated it.

  I wiped the last tear I was going to shed for Matthew “Ok. I need a beer. And I need to get one for Honey, my boss. She’s over there getting verbally seduced by Magnet.” I pointed in their direction. Honey was now batting her eyes at Magnet, standing close.

  Three beers later, and I was a little buzzed and exhausted. Magnet promised he would give Honey a ride back to her house on his bike and she was ecstatic. I left the clubhouse alone, and drove the back roads home since I had had three beers and was worried I would blow past the legal limit if I got pulled over. My little crappy Ford Escort was acting like a grumpy bitch lately. I knew I needed to get her checked out because she had stalled on me a few times lately. I figured it had to be a bad fuel pump.

  And she decided to do it to me again only five miles from my apartment. I kept pressing on the gas, but she sputtered. I pulled off the two-lane road. It was dark out and I was surrounded by trees that blocked out the moonlight. I turned the ignition off.

  “Damit! Why now?” I yelled and leaned my head back and shut my eyes.

  It was hot and steamy out. The air was so thick with humidity that your clothes stuck to you. I felt it the moment I shut the damn car off. I popped the hood under the dashboard, and when I climbed out of the car, that sticky air hit me. I broke out in a sweat instantly. I pulled the hood up, not knowing what the hell I was going to be checking for anyway. I knew nothing about cars.

  I heard the pipes and saw the one headlight of a motorcycle just 50 yards, coming toward me on the dark road. I froze. I was alone. My phone was on the passenger side seat in my car. The bike pulled up behind my car, the headlight aimed at me. I couldn’t make out who the rider was, and I didn’t recognize the sound of the pipes. They didn’t sound like any of the Chaos brothers.

  This was bad. I snapped out of it and moved toward my car door to get my phone. But the biker was there before me. It was a Hell Hound. He was tall with long reddish hair tied back underneath a black lid with stickers all over it. He had a long beard, messy and wind-blown.

  “Let’s talk Chaos Cunt!” He was quick, and he grabbed a fistful of my hair. He slammed me against my car door. The air was knocked out of me as I braced my arms in front of me to cushion the impact.

  It hurt, and I was frightened for my life. I was in shock and couldn’t move. He wrapped his hands around my waist and flipped me around. This time, he slammed my back against the door. He reached up with one hand and wrenched both my wrists above me. His other hand was on the outside of my blouse and grabbed my breast.

  “Where is that gimp motherfucker hiding out, cunt?” It was Rusty. The Hell Hound that hurt Sam. He was looking for Skully. His breath smelled like cigarettes and liquor.

  “Get the FUCK off me you piece of shit!” I screamed at him. I spit in his face. His head snapped back when it landed between his eyes, on the bridge of his nose.

  “I like it when you bitches fight back…” The hand on my breast dove down the front of my jeans. I kicked and screamed.

  “No one is gonna hear you out here. What’s so special about your pussy? That gimp Skully seems to like it.”

  White lightening pain shoot through me as he plunged two fingers roughly up inside me. I screamed. I kicked him. Then he was wrenched out of me and out of my jeans. I heard a man’s roar and I felt the humid air against me again.

  It was Skully. He had Rusty by the shoulders as he pulled him off me. He swung him around and threw him to the asphalt in the middle of the road. Rusty landed hard on his back. Skully was top
of him. Punching him. Left. Right. Left again. Blood spewing from Rusty’s nose, his mouth.

  Skully stopped. He leaned back, breathing hard and fast. He looked back down at Rusty’s bloody face.

  “You ever fuckin touch her again, you’re dead.” He inhaled mucus from his throat and spit it in Rusty’s face.

  He leapt off him. Rusty didn’t move. I reached out to him. And landed against his chest. I grabbed him tight. I sobbed.

  His arms wrapped around me. He smelled of sweat and blood. He was so warm, breathing fast.

  “I’m here, Tanya. I got you.” He held me, let me scream and sob into is chest.

  I grabbed my purse and helmet from the backseat of the car and locked it up. I always had a lid with me in the car, just in case.

  I held on to Skully tight as he rode me back on his bike to the clubhouse at way above the speed limit. I was ok with that. I was still in shock and wanted to get far away from Rusty, who we left there in the road, bleeding.

  We pulled into the gravel lot of the clubhouse. Most of Chaos were still there, music blaring from inside and filtering outside. Skully stopped and planted his feet down on the gravel, yards away from the other parked bikes. The only thing the club members could see was his headlight. He turned his head toward me.

  “You ok to go to them by yourself? Don’t think they’d like it too much if they see me with you.”

  “Rusty was looking for you. All of them are after you. You’re not safe alone. Pull into the lot. I got this.” I said low against his ear.

  “If you say so, sweet-cheeks.” I wasn’t so mad this time to hear him call me that.

  We walked together from the lot into the clubhouse, all members staring with daggers in their eyes at Skully. We weren’t surprised of course. Ratchet and Magnet headed right for him as we entered the clubhouse. Honey followed behind Magnet. I put both may hands up to them. “I want him here with me. He just saved me from being raped by that nasty disgusting Hell Hound Rusty.”

  Sam was right there behind Ratchet. When she heard that, she came from around him and grasped both my arms. “Are you ok Tanya? Did he hurt you?”

  “Oh my God Tanya! Are you ok?” Honey was right there next to Sam, wide eyed and shocked.

  “I’m ok. He hurt me a little. But it could have been worse if Skully wasn’t there…” I turned my head to see him standing right behind me. Close. The cut on his lip scabbed over. His chin up, lips in a straight line, looking at Ratchet, then Magnet.

  Ratchet starred back at him. “Where’s your car Tanya?”

  “It stalled on me again… On Leeland road.”

  “Again?” Magnet’s eyes left Skully to focus on me.

  “Yeah… I think it’s something with my fuel pump. Filter? Something like that.”

  Ratchet rubbed his face with both hands and grumbled. “I’ll get it towed in the morning for you. And get it fixed. If you can’t afford it, the brothers will help. Don’t go driving the car again if you think it’s running funny.”

  “Ok… Thanks Ratchet. I learned my lesson… Now I need to be alone for a minute… And Skully is staying. He’s not leaving. The Hounds are after him. He’s not safe alone.” I walked into one of the bedrooms down the hall.

  Skully followed and shut the door behind him. “I’m Sorry, Tanya. If I’d only been there a minute sooner, h e wouldn’t have gotten to you.”

  “Not your fault. Glad you were there.” My voice was shaky.

  My body started to shake. I cried. He was there. His arms came around me.

  “Shhh… I got you… You’re ok now. You’re safe.” He whispered down into my hair as I sobbed. I gripped the front of his hoodie jacket with both hands. He was tall. The top of my head touched his chin, sprouting a week old dark growth of a beard.

  I pressed my cheek against his chest. His heart pounded hard, and fast. I hiccupped and sobbed. His deep voice rumbled in his chest against my ear, and it soothed me. I went silent, just to listen to that heart beat.

  “Your hair smells good… You use expensive shampoo, don’t you?” He mumbled in my hair. I started to giggle.

  “Well duh. I AM a salon specialist, Skully.” I looked up at him. His eyes. We both stood there frozen.

  He could have kissed me at that very moment. I wanted to know what his sensual mouth would feel like against my lips. But he lifted his eyes from me and looked up at the ceiling. He stepped back, but kept his hands braced on my arms.

  “You going to be ok? I better scoot on out. Your Chaos brothers don’t like me one bit.”

  “Well, you’re safer here with Chaos than alone. But I can’t stop you from leaving.”

  “Stay close to them, sweet-cheeks.” The side of his sensual mouth rose in a smirk, winking at me. And then he left.

  5 Skully

  The Chaos Kings let me be as I left their clubhouse. My blood boiled as I squeezed my throttle and my pipes thundered wide open back to my shitty motel. Ever since that morning I left Tanya’s apartment, I kept a distance, but kept watch over her. I was hiding out like a fucking coward. I knew Rusty and the Hounds would find some way to get to me. I’m sure they had tons of intel from that chick, Mandi. She knew most of the Chaos brothers, the women and ole ladies. It was my fault Tanya got hurt. I had come up on her car and Rusty’s bike. Then I’d heard her scream. When I saw Rusty touching her, I had been enraged. It happened so fast and I don’t remember every moment. I just remember pulling him off her and pounding his face in.

  I couldn’t get Tanya out of my mind. She was such a spitfire. A protective she-lion over Sam that night I got her out of the Steel Cage. I had had my share of chicks. Some in high school and of course, I banged some of the Hell Hound club whores. Always made sure I kept my decent size cock wrapped every single time too. But there was something about Tanya. She had those high cheek bones and cute lips. I jacked off every night thinking only of her.

  I should have left town. I was done with being a fucking Hell Hound. I was done even before I helped Sam get away that night. I did my share of things for the club. Money, drugs, anything they needed. But now I had a reason to get out. And the moment Tanya cried in my arms I knew. I also realized that night that Chaos were different to the Hounds. They weren’t a diamond club. But they didn’t beat and humiliate their women like the Hounds. I witnessed it time and time again and never did anything about it. What could I do? I knew what it felt like to be humiliated, beaten down. So, I wanted to change my tune. And I knew what I needed to do first before I could move on.

  It was noon the next day and hot as fuck out. No clouds, only humidity. I walked into the darkness of the Steel Cage. It was cool inside. I bought a burner phone and called Knuck, the President of the Hell Hounds MC. Told him I’d come in, but that I wanted a meet. Just us two. The heavy beat of the music was already pounding through the whole club as I walked in. Some of the girls were into their first round of dances either on the stage or the three cages set in each corner.

  Some of the Hounds were there, sitting with Knuck at the same booth those Russians sat at the day they made the deal with Sid to buy Sam. I walked, showing as much confidence as I could, trying to improvise my slight limp so that it was in rhythm to my stride. I was scared shitless though. Knuck told the other Hounds to leave the fuckin table as I stepped into the light from the overhead ceiling lamps.

  Knuck leaned back in the booth, exhaling a drag off a cigar. “You got balls, Skully.”

  “I’m out, Knuck. Done. If that means you put a bullet in my head, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

  “And you’re a dumb shit for not leaving town, brother. You know I can’t let you hang around my town after that fucked up stunt you pulled getting that club whore out and fucking up Sid’s plans.”

  “I was going to leave. But can’t.”

  Knuck sucked in and blew another drag out of his cigar. He tapped the ashes in to the red glass ashtray. He chuckled, shaking his head. “Well I gotta admit. You helped me out. I’d never make that kin
d of deal my dipshit son made with those Russians.” And he handed his son over to them.

  “So, what do we do now?” I wasn’t backing down. I wasn’t leaving.

  “You’ve been my best money maker, Skully. You don’t gotta leave. Sit down. Let’s talk.”

  “Rusty got to her last night. I could have killed him. So, before I do sit, I need your word that Tanya is safe from this minute on.”

  6 Tanya

  The next morning, Ratchet towed my car to a local mom and pop auto shop not too far from my apartment. I was right. It was the fuel pump and it had to be replaced. My car would be in the shop for a few days. Honey gave me the day off after what had happened the night before. I was shaken up. Rusty violated me. I woke up with bruises on my wrists and one on my back from where he had slammed me up against my car. I felt disgusting. I took a hot shower to wash off the filth I felt covered my body.

  The next day Honey picked me up for a full day of work at the salon. She had gone home with Magnet after the clubhouse party. I looked at her as she drove. She was blushing with a glow to her face and smiling ear to ear. “How you feeling sweetie? I hope you got some rest yesterday.”

  “I’m feeling better. Thanks Honey. So, was Magnet a gentleman the other night? You tell me if not. He’s like a brother to me and I will kick his ass if he wasn’t.”

  She turned to me and her face went a shade deeper than before. “Yes… He was a total gentleman… And totally naughty too…”

  I just rolled my eyes at her. “Oh god… Don’t want to know. I’ve heard way too many stories of his naughty side.” I loved Magnet like a brother, his sexual conquests was just not something I wanted to hear about.

  Honey sighed. “OK sweetie. Enough about me. I was so afraid for you the other night… Are you going to report the assault to the police?”

  I never thought of reporting it to the police. I was still shaken up inside. Thinking about Skully. How he held me before he left. How he comforted me. How I wanted him to kiss me. How I shouldn’t think about him.


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