Heat of the Moment

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Heat of the Moment Page 11

by Diana Duncan

  The first time, passion had rampaged between them, hot and fast. A flamethrower that had incinerated all reason. She hadn’t had time to think, to breathe. She’d let herself be swept out to sea, riding the crushing riptide.

  Now, his soft lips beguiled, coaxed her into the warm slide of desire. Her eyelashes floated down in willing surrender. Some things hadn’t changed. Liam’s tender touch, his intoxicating taste, his brisk scent all immersed her in him. Only him. Everything faded away. Nothing existed but her and Liam…and the seductive lure of shimmering pleasure.

  “Mmm,” she sighed into his mouth. Oh, she’d dreamed about his kisses. But dreams didn’t even touch reality.

  He cradled her head in his big hands and urged her nearer. His warm, silky tongue slid inside, flirted with hers…teased, withdrew, then thrust in again. Degree by exquisite degree, he notched up the heat. His fire licked at the wall of ice inside her, and melted her control.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled into him. He was hot and hard, and fiercely aroused. But it wasn’t just chemistry. Their bond was more than physical. More than wanting. She cared about him in a deep, elemental way she’d never felt before. Didn’t understand. Couldn’t explain.

  She told him the only way she knew how. She kissed him back, loosening her restraints on the deluge of emotions.

  His heartbeat kicked against his chest. He groaned, and deepened the kiss. He drank in her essence, made love to her mouth as if he would go on kissing her until the world ended. Fine tremors vibrated in his steely muscles, restrained energy fighting to be freed. His need was as strong as hers.

  She knew without a doubt that he wanted her—as she’d never been wanted before.

  Her pulse scrambled and every neuron in her brain fired. She would give him anything.

  She would give him everything.

  There it was. The moment Liam had unknowingly waited for his entire life. The contented hum as the universe settled into place. Except it was more like a sonic boom exploding inside his skull.

  He reeled, drunk on Kate’s flower petal fragrance, on the feel of her skin, soft and sleek beneath his fingertips. On her taste, spun sugar melting on his tongue.

  He was losing the battle for control. Losing his sanity.

  Losing his soul. Damn!

  It was a price he couldn’t afford. Wouldn’t pay. He yanked back, broke the kiss. Kate’s small cry of protest, her fingers clutching his shoulders, bruised his already battered heart.

  Fully engaged in survival mode, he panted for breath and propped his forehead against hers. “This isn’t good.”

  “It isn’t?” Her graceful features crumpled with hurt, and she tried to pull away. “I’m sorry, I’m terrible at this.”

  He held her tight. They were both trembling. “I didn’t mean…You’re not terrible at kissing.” Good Lord, she’d short-circuited his brain. If she were any better, his boxers would have spontaneously combusted. He stared into her amazing eyes. They were dark and dilated with passion, her expression dazed.

  His mouth slanted in wariness. “The kissing is good. No, make that great.” He released a sharp laugh. “Really great.”

  She worried her bottom lip between her teeth. He tracked the unconsciously sexy gesture, and his body twitched. He swore.

  She frowned, visibly trying to mesh his words with his contradictory actions. She appeared as confused as he felt. “And that’s bad?”

  “No. Yes! Crap!” He propped his palms on the wall beside her and banged his forehead against it. He never had a problem with self-control before. Or self-expression. “Aw, hell, you have me stuttering like a rookie on his first bust.”

  “My kisses made Obi-O’Rourke, master golden tongue, stutter. Wow.” Something that looked suspiciously like awe glimmered in her gaze. “So much for the gift of blarney.”

  A rush of adrenaline-laced fear zinged through his veins. He was in way over his head. And for the first time in his life, didn’t know how to finesse himself out. His charm didn’t influence her like it did every other woman. Kate demanded, and deserved, a higher standard he couldn’t maintain.

  She’d been worried about him for crying out loud.

  Women never worried about him. Never shed tears over his welfare. He was careful not to get close enough to give them cause. He kept his relationships breezy and casual. And extremely short. However, around Kate, his best intentions took the express train to hell.

  “You declared we should keep it just business between us.” He flicked a glance at his watch. “Less than three hours ago. Even though I razzed you about it, I agreed.”

  “Yes.” She rested her palm over his heart, which bucked in response. She was still trembling, her expression a tangle of shock and unsatisfied hunger. “Yet…”

  “Yeah, here we are.” He couldn’t resist the urge to glide his fingers through the cool silk of her hair. He stifled a groan. He was in deep trouble. Up to his arse in alligators. “Why does this keep happening? Most important, how do we stop?”

  She tried to mask the strain, but he saw it anyway. “Heck if I know. For one thing, don’t buy Aubrey any more goldfish.”

  How was a guy supposed to think, with her so close, looking, smelling, tasting so damn sexy? “Who knew fish did it for you, honey? Damn good thing I didn’t bring her an orca.”

  She fought a brief round with a wobbly grin and lost. “Technically, whales are mammals.”

  He eased back from the warm haven of her body. In spite of the cavalier attitude he’d donned for his own protection, he was painfully turned on. Distraction needed, fast. He made it to a three-count, then chagrined, shook his head. Not enough Gaelic in the freaking galaxy. “Do I look like I give a rip about a biology lesson right now?”

  “It certainly feels like it.” She gulped. “Guess it depends on whose biology you’re studying, huh?” She shook her head. “You’re right. We have to nip this in the bud.”

  Liam stroked a fingertip down her soft cheek, and she quivered beneath his touch. There was something strange at work here. A compelling force. He had power over Kate, and she over him. She wasn’t like any other woman. Nobody had ever needed him the way she needed him. He’d never needed anyone the way he needed her. Around her, he found it impossible to be breezy and casual. The more they resisted, the more fate seemed determined to bring them together. Thunderstruck, his heart staggered in his chest.

  Maybe Pop’s wild claim wasn’t bogus.

  The revelation was exciting. Intriguing. His throat tightened. And scary as hell. What was he supposed to do now? He wanted to explore the possibilities. He wanted to turn tail and run. Circumstances, and Kate’s safety, demanded he do neither.

  He took a fortifying draught of oxygen. No matter how confused, how scared he felt, it was his job to jerk them out of the quagmire. And keep them there. At all costs, he had to protect her. “I’ll keep my hands to myself, Just Kate.”

  “And your lips.” She drew a quavery breath. Her gaze traveled down his body, and his skin tingled as if she’d run her hands over him. All over. “And your…goodies.”

  He chuckled unevenly. Yeah, especially the goodies. He strode to the door and swung it open. “Let’s bug out.” Before I totally lose it, toss you on the floor and have my way with you.

  Kate tiptoed to the bed and tenderly kissed the sleeping child’s forehead. “Sweet dreams, baby girl,” she whispered.

  Murphy pushed to all fours as they exited the room. The big canine stretched and yawned, showing a curling pink tongue and sharp white teeth. No bad guys showed up. Let’s eat.

  Kate squeaked and scurried to Liam’s right.

  They ambled down the hall, and Liam rested his palm on Murphy’s soft, warm head. She’s terrified of your partner. Remember that next time you’re tempted to taste her, boyo. Priority number two, after Kate’s safety, was clearing her with the FBI. As long as they suspected her of terrorist activities, neither of them were free. He had a buttload of obstacles to hurdle before h
e could even think about possibilities.

  Kate stopped at the nurses’ desk and requested they phone her immediately if the child’s status changed.

  They slogged five floors to street level, and walked out of the hospital into the blast of sunlight and grinding heat. Liam winced. He wasn’t a fan of the desert climate, either. A true Oregonian, he slept best when a rainstorm drummed the roof.

  He started to shove a Phil Collins CD into the player—another modern addition to his classic muscle car—thought better of it and switched to Queen. As they drove toward the Venetian, he watched his rearview mirrors, but no tail appeared. A grin sneaked out. Maybe biker dude had spread the word.

  He caught Murphy’s bright gaze in the mirror, and the dog grinned in response. Yeah. Don’t screw with Murphy and O’Rourke unless you want to lose some hide.

  Though regularly checking her side mirror, Kate was quiet and subdued in her seat. No doubt dealing with the backlash from their volcanic kiss.

  “Do you keep a mailing list of gallery visitors and clients?” At her affirmative nod, he continued. “I’ll need that, along with names of your doctors, physical therapists and anyone you regularly do business with.”

  “Okay. Mostly it’s art supplies and photo developing…” She sat bolt upright. “I almost forgot! I was snapping shots of the outside of the hospital and my film broke. I need to drop my camera off at Custom Developers and have them extract it. Maybe I caught some evidence.”

  A cold fist gripped his gut, squeezed with icy fingers. “You stood at the window and took pictures…with a possible sniper gunning for you?” He stomped the brakes for a red light, jolting them forward. “I told you to stay clear.”

  “I’m not stupid. I stayed below the sill.”

  He fisted his hands on the wheel. If she’d gotten hurt…or worse… He broke out into a cold sweat as the awful images scored his brain. Had she experienced this wrenching panic when he was outside and all she could do was wait? What did that say about the depth of her feelings? About the depth of his?

  The car behind them honked, and he belatedly realized the light was green. He ground his teeth. The stalker could have sashayed right up to the car and blown her away while he was gobsmacked. Get a handle on it, O’Rourke. Blast it all, he was doing the work of three men—Larry, Moe and Curly.

  She directed him to a small building tucked between a dry cleaner and a discount craft store in a nondescript strip mall. “It doesn’t look like much, but they’re the best in town.”

  “Don’t argue with success.” He made a covert visual sweep of the perimeter as he escorted her into the shop. Murphy trotted at his left, watchful but relaxed.

  A stocky guy with short, curly blond hair challenged Liam the second they cleared the automatic glass doors. “Sorry, sir, you can’t bring that dog inside.” Of average height, skating toward over-weight, he was wearing tan chinos and a white button-down oxford shirt. His red, yellow and blue striped tie matched the store’s color scheme. Liam pegged his age around thirty. Way too old to be dressed for career day in junior high.

  The guy did a double take and then paled. “Is that a gun?”

  Liam plucked his badge from his back pocket and snapped it open. “Police K-9.”

  “Do you have police business here?” he shrilled.

  Kate stepped forward. “He’s with me, Brice.”

  “Ms. Chabeau! I didn’t see you at first.” Brice’s amber eyes widened. “I hope there’s no trouble.”

  “Officer O’Rourke is helping me with security for the Allete auction. We’re on our way over there right now.”

  “Oh, wonderful!” The man slapped the counter, suddenly effusive. “It’s been awhile. Work does get in the way of living your life.” He nodded sagely at his own wisdom. “You look fabulous, as always.”

  Liam scowled. Nerd boy was a tad too enthusiastic.

  “Nice to see you again, too.” Kate offered her camera. “The film broke. And I need priority processing.”

  “Right away. I always give you my very best.”

  She smiled. “I appreciate it.”

  “Since the film is broken, you’ll have to leave the camera. As long as you trust me with your treasure.” Brice offered her a toothy grin, and the back of Liam’s neck prickled.

  This guy was too happy to be real. Too interested. Too everything. Liam would have Aidan and Zoe check him out, ASAP.

  Brice wrote a receipt. “I’ll phone you when it’s ready.”

  When they were once again in the car and heading for the strip, Liam glanced at Kate. “How long have you known him?”

  “I don’t, really. I’ve used the shop for the past couple years when I’m in town visiting Aubrey.”

  “Happen to know his last name, or address?”

  “Why?” She gasped. “You don’t think Brice…”

  “He blipped my weirdo radar. He likes you. And someone who specializes in custom developing is proficient with chemicals.”

  “He is a bit odd. But very sweet. He’s never given me trouble, or any reason to think badly of him.”

  “Stalkers are clever. Devious. Evil. And they disguise it well. The whack job who’s after you could be your best friend, and you wouldn’t know until it was too late.”

  He grabbed his cell phone and called Aidan, then Zoe with Brice’s info. Afterward, he checked in with the local precinct. Frustrated, he hung up and shared the bad news. “Biker dude escaped before EMS or the cops arrived.”

  “I feel so…violated.” Kate shuddered. “Someone I might know wants to kill me, for whatever warped reason.”

  He clasped her hand and gave her fingers a reassuring squeeze. “Nobody will hurt you as long as I’m still breathing.”

  Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at the Venetian. Liam reluctantly accepted valet parking as the fastest way to get Kate to the relative safety of the hotel’s interior.

  The sun hadn’t set, but the graceful white columned archways were lit, washing the facade in a welcoming glow. He monitored their surroundings as they entered the hotel.

  Inside, Kate preceded him through the lobby and around the ornate gold fountain. The Renaissance art ceilings, imposing columns and intricate molding never failed to amaze. With Murphy following, they strolled down a side hallway.

  The second they walked into the foyer outside a private reception room, a young man rushed them. Liam registered the guy’s black leather pants, billowy red satin shirt and shoulder-length platinum hair in the same millisecond he whipped out his Glock. “Freeze!” he ordered. “Police.”

  Murphy stiffened and rumbled a menacing growl. The dog’s ears flattened and his tail lowered. Let me at him!

  The guy slid to a halt and flung his hands in front of his face as if to ward off bullets. “Mon Dieu!” he screeched. “Katherine!” He pronounced Kate’s name Cat-a-rin. “Aidez moi!”

  “Liam, no!” At the terrifying sight of Liam pointing a gun at her friend, Kate’s heart jammed in her throat. She threw herself forward. Whirling to face Liam, she spread her arms, becoming a human shield. “This is my administrative assistant!”

  “Dammit, Kate.” Fury lit Liam’s green eyes. He crossed the distance in three strides and yanked her toward him. The pulse in his neck throbbed a rapid tattoo. “I could have shot you.”

  She gulped down dismay and cast a distrustful glance at the bristling K-9. The hostile dog scared her way more than the gun. “You wouldn’t have.”

  “Don’t bet your life on it.” He shook her. “Don’t ever get between me and a target again. Do you hear me?”

  His glare scalded her. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, yet she was spooked. And it was only a fraction of the intimidation he threw at the bad guys. Gad. It was a wonder they didn’t wet themselves and surrender on sight. “Y-yes.”

  Panting, Etienne peered over her shoulder. “Tres macho!”

  “Macho to the wazoo.” Kate pressed a hand to her racing heart and waved with the other. “Officer Liam O’Rourke
, this is my administrative assistant Etienne Duplais.”

  Metal scraped leather as Liam holstered his weapon. Murphy sat, his dark, observant gaze trained on Etienne. She warily eyed the dog. It was freaky how in a blink he could go from attack weapon to vigilant partner. Liam was obviously safer with Murphy on his side. She wasn’t sure about everyone else.

  Liam extended his hand. “Etienne.”

  “Mon plaisir de vous rencontrer!” Etienne sidled out and clasped Liam’s hand. “Le paradis sur terre existe!”

  Kate risked a cautious look at Liam. Not one flicker of a gorgeous eyelash. Whew! He obviously didn’t speak the lingo.

  Etienne still hadn’t released Liam from his grasp. “It is my extreme pleasure to meet you, Monsieur O’Rourke.”

  Liam quirked an inquiring brow at her over Etienne’s head. The intuitive cop didn’t have any problem reading between the lines. Etienne’s flamboyant awe was enough to make him wonder.

  She shook her head in answer to his unspoken question. “Etienne has an eye for beauty…in all its varied incarnations.” Etienne definitely loved women, and they returned his affection.

  Liam finally extracted his hand from Etienne’s fervent grasp. “Thanks, I think.”

  Etienne turned so he could look at both her and Liam. “Mon coeur, if you do not think this Irishman is magnifique, you need to have more than your vision checked.”

  Liam frowned. “How do you know I’m Irish?”

  “Your name, it is not exactly Italien.” Etienne quirked a sardonic gilded brow. “Aside from that, it is obvious, no? The bone structure, the eyes, the hair…” Etienne’s forehead furrowed. “Are you dating this policeman, Katherine? If so, we must have a talk, monsieur, how you say…man-to-man.”

  She tossed visual daggers at her friend. Could he get any more possessive and protective? “Knock it off, Etienne.”

  Etienne flapped his arms. “Where have you been, Katherine? I left message after message, and have worried myself silly.”


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