Mackenzie's Surrender [The Solace Dawn 1] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour)

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Mackenzie's Surrender [The Solace Dawn 1] (Siren Publishing PolyAmour) Page 20

by Jorja Kish

  Clear of weapons, the courtier deeply bowed and respectfully moved forward, keeping his eyes downcast.

  Mackenzie looked around and found her Sentinel escorts paying homage to the Guardian Sentinels who protected the sacred walls of the Pod Council. Their eyes were downcast as they stepped closer to the doorway.

  Curiosity wanted her to look at the giants, but her fear and common sense begged her to be compliant and follow without question or insult. Taking a fortifying breath, Mackenzie kept a measured pace, almost stately as she proceeded forward.

  This is it. I’ll see Setti soon. I’ll be with my mate.

  * * * *

  The council chamber was circular in structure with what appeared to be polished wood tiers that lined the walls. Crimson plush seating for respected members accompanied the unusually archaic décor. She would have thought more chrome and colourless, futuristic bleakness more appropriate.

  Today, however, only three members sat in a raised dais that was separate from the tiers, a focal point for those of governing supremacy. Each male, dressed in their clan or pod ceremonial uniforms, sat patiently in their seats.

  They all turned as one when the exterior doors opened and in strode the escort of the female who may have had her rights impinged. There unique faces remained impassive only their inclining heads to acknowledge her presence met.

  Okay, they’re a friendly lot. Wishing for a better vibe than that from all the doom and gloom in the chamber, she knew the charges were serious, but in her heart, she was Setti’s life mate, or would be if he ever got around to claiming her. No doubt, it would involve lots of hot kisses, delicious roaming licks and hard fucking. Oh god, she was getting wet!

  Trying to distract her growing arousal, Mackenzie scanned the circular chamber that reminded her of an old-fashioned university chamber where students sat surrounding the professor in their tiered seats. This room was larger, surprisingly airy and far more elegant and alien to her senses.

  Her heart surged when she found Setti standing on a lone podium, facing the five council members. She took a step toward him, but was blocked by her escort who stepped in front of her.

  He shook his head and instructed quietly, “It’s forbidden.”

  Her heart sank as she nodded, but kept her starved eyes on her man. Everything else faded but the sound of her rapid heartbeat pounding against her chest. Her palms grew slick and the faint scent of her apprehension tainted her fresh, sweet scent into a slightly bitter aroma.

  Careful not touch the surrounding Sentinels, Mackenzie forced her hungry gaze away from Setti’s stoic features. The tightening of his jaw was the only reaction to her entering the chamber. She shivered and ached to be with him.

  She found herself placed in a podium directly in front of the council members, between the two opposing Alphas. Mackenzie climbed the few stairs and faced the three distinguished males who made her skin creep from their cold, pitiless gazes as she stood on the podium.

  Mackenzie kept her features contained, even though her heart was ready to burst out of her chest. She tried not to shake from their eyes roaming her face, not knowing what to do. Inhaling softly, she focused on her breath and tried to relax, knowing Setti was behind her, guarding her back. Peace slowly settled in her limbs and she relaxed.

  “I can see why there is a challenge to your claiming, Mackenzie Chambers. You are exquisite to behold,” an elegantly dressed council member remarked his eyes quickly warmed from his earlier coldness. Yet each male held a similar approving look in his unique eyes as they stared at her.

  Mackenzie inclined her head and opened her mouth to reply, but snapped it shut. Was she supposed to answer or remain silent?

  The blond-haired council member chuckled softly.

  “We have only one rule here, milady, and that is for you to keep your back to the Alphas as we proceed with this summons. Beyond that, you may voice any concerns.”

  Relief mixed with chagrin fluttered over her features. It was apparent she wanted to turn around and look at Setti. Instead, she slowly nodded and placed her hands on the smooth surface of the railing.

  “Why can’t I turn to face the Alpha who refutes my claim on Alpha Setti Prime?” She inwardly grimaced at the question that blew out of nowhere.

  Right, good going. Mac, let’s start on the wrong foot.

  “It is our custom to keep you impartial, despite where your interest may lie,” a raven-haired council member replied in a raspy tone that somehow sounded made from gargling shards of glass. His scarred face commanded respect, which she offered by inclining her head and lowered her eyes.

  “Anything else?” a third man asked, dressed in dark green that matched his hair. His bright yellow eyes gleamed with interest and a cheerful light that had Mackenzie startled from the dire situation.

  She frowned, confused, but blurted anyway, “What will happen to me?”

  A blond-haired rogue with the mischievous smile readily answered, “You will go with the Alpha who we deem suitable for your needs.”

  “But I thought I had the power to choose my Alpha? I claimed Setti. I want Setti,” she replied forcefully, curling her hands around the railing that surrounded her lithe form.

  “We shall see, Mackenzie Chambers,” the sinister-looking council member answered in a clipped tone. His ebony eyes blinked emotionlessly before he turned and nodded his head at someone over her shoulder. He quietly reminded her to remain facing forward.

  Bristling from the command and pissed at the hypocrisy of being the one who supposedly could choose who she wanted to be with for the rest of her days, Mackenzie bit her tongue to stop the retort. Damn, where was that calm she relied on so much in the past?

  Measured footsteps from boots echoed in the chamber, heavy and precise, getting closer to what would be the empty podium she passed when entering the chamber. Her skin prickled from the foreign eyes that felt like they were undressing her. Shifting to one leg and gripping the railing until her knuckles blanched from the strain, Mackenzie fought the urge to whirl around.

  Dammit, she wanted to face the alpha that did this, to scream at him and claw at him for being an arrogant asshole.

  Her cheeks flushed from anger as she tried to calm down. Her chest heaved from the rampant emotions that clustered in her body and heart. She wanted Setti, she wanted her men, and the council couldn’t do anything about it.

  She’d rather die than be with another Alpha.

  She needed her family, her home, and the three men who vowed to claim her were hers, and hers alone, to fight and claim.

  Chapter 32

  Setti’s discipline kept him from leaping across the podium and sweeping Mackenzie in his arms. He trembled from her intoxicating scent and almost growled at the faint bitterness of her unease tainting her unique aroma. She was his peace and passion, and that was what kept him from snatching her from the podium and stealing her away.

  My sweet, sweet beauty, you’ll be back where you belong, I promise.

  Calmness eased into his tension-filled muscles. He had invaluable information that would get her back. There was no doubt in his mind that she would be in his arms later, claimed by him and his bond mates.

  The side door opened, opposite from where he earlier strode when he arrived for the summoning. Setti kept his face emotionless as he faced the Alpha and ally, Dendrik Quinn. He blinked back his surprise when he looked at the once-proud formidable warrior and saw a shadow of a great Alpha.

  Dendrik’s pallor was greyish and his uniform hung on his too-lean frame that once boasted with passion and rigor. His haunted gaze dipped in sorrow only found light when he looked toward the stiff back of Mackenzie. Setti’s brows furrowed as he watched the approaching Alpha.

  Something was dreadfully wrong.

  A sable-haired council member waited patiently for Alpha Dendrik Quinn to mount the few steps of his podium before commencing the hearing.

  He cleared his throat once the Alpha settled and noted the palsy of Dendrik’s hand
as it gripped the railing.

  “Today marks 3235 of the Cycle. We council members of the Fire, Water, Air, Metal and Spirit sit before Alpha Setti Prime and Alpha Dendrik Quinn to clear a claiming dispute of said Terran female Mackenzie Chambers. Let us proceed with honour and truth.”

  As one, the council members bowed their heads then raised their eyes and focused on Alpha Dendrik Quinn. The raspy voiced council member, Hamelin Quarzar addressed the Alpha.

  “Alpha Quinn, you have brought charges against fellow Alpha and ally Setti Prime of tainting a Rights of Claiming of this female. State your case before the council.”

  Dendrik bowed, his once-vibrant golden locks falling across his gaunt face, limp and dull. Normally coiffed in a tight queue with a leather band, his drab hair hung past his shoulders, barely presentable for the council. Oblivious to his shambled appearance, although his uniform was immaculate, the rest of his stature was frighteningly frail.

  His deep baritone voice, completely at odds with his appearance, had the council members sitting taller in their seats. Each member took a closer look at the dishevelled Alpha.

  “Alpha Setti Prime has my destined mate.”

  Mackenzie gasped, turning her head to face the Alpha’s outrageous claim, but hesitated when she saw the sharpness in the eyes of blond council member who previously shared a mischievous glint in his aqua gaze. Heart drumming in her chest, Mackenzie felt the blood drain from her face as she struggled to remain calm.

  No, no. I’m not his destined mate. I don’t even know what he looks like. I’ve never met him. Did I and not remember?

  Mackenzie shook her head, not giving the thought more concern. She would have known if she belonged to another male. Even listening to his deep voice did nothing for her, unlike Setti’s smooth, whisky-rich tone that made her wet and aching whenever he spoke. This Alpha was surely mistaken and a tinge of sorrow clouded her face.

  “What proof do you have of such a claim when, from our knowledge, this is the first time you have seen Mackenzie Chambers? You were not at the Audience Chamber, therefore unable to see the Terran female claim Alpha Setti Prime in front of the audience of females and Alphas,” Hamelin Quarzar inquired impassively.

  The alpha shook his head and clenched his fists. He visibly shook and stepped forward on his dais.

  “I was not there at the Audience Chamber. However, my bond mate, Thoral Shaw, saw her in the Menagerie with Alpha Prime’s bond mates, Braydok Hixson and Keene Aloysius. He informed me of her presence on the Solace Dawn. Once I heard she was to be among the females in the Audience Chamber, I knew that Alpha Prime could not be her true mate. It was unfortunate that I could not attend due to my restrictions, so I did what I could only do and brought charges of a violation in the Rights of Claiming.”

  Dendrik faced Setti, a well of sadness and regret shined from his bloodshot eyes that were normally a molten-gold hue, now sallow.

  “You have my mate, Setti. I need her, and I want her back where she belongs with me and my pod.”

  Setti watched as anguish washed over Dendrik’s once-handsome features. The man’s sorrow, so deep and nearly debilitating from the Alpha’s haggard appearance, rang an ache in Setti’s chest as he shook his head. A part of him would regret what he was about to uncover, yet the part who needed Mackenzie just as much as this misguided Alpha was stalwart in his decision.

  “Dendrik, your female bond mate, Anyala, is gone, my friend. She died two years ago in childbirth. Mackenzie is not your mate.”

  Dendrik furiously shook his head. “No, you speak lies, she is my mate. You just have to look at her and see that she is identical to my Anyala. She is the reincarnation of my mate, mate to my bond mates. Why would you say such lies?” Dendrik beseeched his friend, the pain of his loss and hope of a new love tangled his voice.

  Mackenzie covered her mouth to stifle the sob that wanted out. Tears shined in her eyes as she listened to the heartbreak in the faceless Alpha. She trembled and silently cried when she heard Setti’s gentle tone.

  “Taking my woman will not bring back Anyala, Dendrik. You are wrong to assume by appearances that Mackenzie is the reincarnation of your beloved mate.”

  “No,” Dendrik yelled, swaying from the sudden weakness that nearly folded his legs from under him. He grabbed the railing and pulled himself up while softly panting with his head hung down. When he raised his golden eyes, despair haunted those who witnessed his confusion and sorrow.

  “No,” he pressed, fighting the tremors in his limbs. “No, I demand trial by—”

  “No!” yelled a new voice that startled Mackenzie, almost making her turn to face the newcomer.

  “No, Dendrik, you must stop this madness,” a slender male with a windstorm of furious locks strode into the chamber with a blue-toned man at his side. “Please, Denny, stop this. She is not our lost mate.”

  Dendrik turned and staggered back, leaning in the railing. He fell to his knees and pleaded to his bond mate, Shinn Darrx.

  “She’s ours, don’t you see? She looks just like our Anyala.”

  The two men approached their distraught mate, knelt beside him, and tenderly stroked his quivering shoulders with loving caresses. The pale-blue male who was broader and more powerful than his slender mate Shinn gathered Dendrik in his arms and held the weeping Alpha. He kissed his mate’s hair and said, loud enough for the council members to hear above his mate’s soft crying, “I was the one who told you that a female looked like our Anyala, but I didn’t say she was our mate. Dendrik”—he pulled away and forced his mate to look at him—“there is only one way to know if she is ours. Her scent will tell us if she is Anyala reincarnated.”

  Thoral stood and faced the council members. “With your permission and the Terran female’s permission, I would like to approach with my bond mate Shinn and scent the female.”

  The blond-haired council member looked at Mackenzie’s tearstained features and gave her an inquiring look. She nodded her head, knowing in her heart that she was not the woman this poor man claimed. He gracefully inclined his head Thoral Shaw.

  “Thoral and Shinn will approach the dais of Mackenzie Chambers.”

  The two men gently kissed their Alpha before they left his dais and walked hand-in-hand toward Mackenzie. As they approached, their steps faltered as grief struck them tenfold, and even before they stepped closer to her, they knew. Thoral was first to climb the few stairs and face the beauty that looked so much like their beloved. He leaned forward and gently inhaled her unique fragrance before taking a step back and letting Shinn do the same.

  Their faces were shadowed with regret as they stared at the face that haunted their dreams. They turned and faced the council.

  Thoral spoke in a deep voice edged with sorrow. “Mackenzie Chambers of Terra is not our mate.”

  A howl of anguish erupted behind them as Dendrik railed at the finality of Thoral words. Another of his bellows roared out when Shinn gave the second confirmation. The two mates had open tears as they faced the council. Shinn stepped forward and humbly dropped his head.

  “Please, spare our mate. His grief and his hope of being with our beloved injured his heart. He is lost. Please, I beg you, give him a chance to heal,” Shinn implored.

  Hamelin stared at the pleading man with passionless eyes before he turned to Mackenzie. “It is not our right to sentence your mate, but by law, it is the offended party, which is the Terran female Mackenzie Chambers and her true mate Alpha Setti Prime, who hold your mate’s life. They will decide.”

  Dagon Brushmere, the blond-haired council member, motioned to Setti to approach the dais of the Terran female.

  “Alpha Setti Prime, both you and your female have a serious decision to make concerning the charges brought to this council. The punishment is life forfeit, or claiming the offending Alpha’s pod as your own. Either way, both will kill Alpha Quinn, one quick, the other slow. It is both your right to decide his fate, a quick or slow death.”

  Setti quickly strode t
o Mackenzie, his hands itching to gather her in his arms and inhale her sweet, womanly fragrance. He wanted it so bad that he trembled with emotion and need, but he knew from the deep grief of his friend he would refrain from touching his Mackenzie. He prayed that he would never know that anguish etched deep in Dendrik’s features.

  A wave of compassion unsettled his ruthless need to destroy what Dendrik tried to do to him and his pod. He faced the same conundrum that soured his gut.

  The spicy, musky scent of Setti had Mackenzie’s knees weak from relief and arousal. She felt his warm body heat, as he stood behind her, towering over her lithe frame, making her feel delicate and safe. His power and strength were like a drug to her, a drug she craved like a strung-out junkie. The urge to step into his warmth had her shivering with want. Instead, she sighed.

  “I have missed you, Setti,” she said, eyes fluttering closed when she felt him lean down and nuzzle her neck before huskily rasping his reply.

  “I will never let you go, baby.”

  She turned to her mate and lover, who stirred darker, wanton passions that made her eager to explore all that he could give her. Setti was one of three men who surrounded her heart, and each gave her a unique passion and love that she didn’t know she craved. Standing facing her mate, Mackenzie didn’t fight the tears that streaked down her cheeks. She gave a watery smile just as a cloud of sadness darkened her bright-pink irises.

  “I cannot cause more pain and grant the death of a man, an Alpha, for loving and cherishing a woman who was taken from him by death.” Her eyes were hopeful and shining with the emotion, the same emotion Setti envisioned since the moment Braydok swept her in their chamber and placed her on their bed that first night when he came back from his mission.

  His callused fingertips brushed against the sides of her arms, trailing up them, feather-light and deeply arousing, from her silky smoothness until he caressed her delicate jaw with his thumbs. He bent his head, pressed his forehead to hers, and whispered, “I cannot grant death to a man, an Alpha who loved so fiercely and passionately. I can only pray to the Gods that he finds the solace to heal such a burden of loss. I have hope, seeing how his bond mates care and love him, that he’ll find that peace. We will give him that precious chance to heal.”


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