Torrid Teasers Volume 41

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Torrid Teasers Volume 41 Page 5

by Christy Poff

  "Yes, Mister Elfman, what can I do for you?"

  "I'd like a simple contract drawn up,” Dan said, explaining what he wanted. “I'd also like to have your secretary—Miss Becke, I believe—bring the papers by my home at five thirty this afternoon for my signature."

  "That is something one of my clerks is assigned to do."

  "If you and your partner would like more of my legal affairs—both personal and business—sent your way..."

  "I don't like being threatened."

  "I don't like having my wishes questioned. If you feel my..."

  "No, no,” Ebenezer said, “of course, I'll have Miss Becke drop them off."

  "Very good,” Elfman said, before giving the attorney his home address. “I look forward to meeting her."

  Dan hung up, sat back and thought. He made some phone calls then called Sloane to have him make sure the house would be ready for a guest who'd be staying for a while—hopefully. He made some notes, answered a phone call from the EPA agent then left his office. He walked home, trying to calm his body.

  Dan Elfman had fallen deeply in love with a woman he'd known all of twelve hours, give or take. He dreaded he might have put an early end to any budding relationship but right now, he was in no position to explain what had happened. Once the federal government got involved, some of what had gone on had been classified and couldn't be talked about. The last thing he needed—the feds coming down on him with fines or anything else they decided to throw his way. Why now?

  A short while later he walked in the front door of his mansion, one the cornerstone stated had been built in the late 1700's. He loved the old house but it needed the sound of happiness filling it. It had been way too long since anyone in the family had opened the house to large gatherings of guests. His father had preferred holding any kind of galas uptown at one of the hotels, preferably the Francis Marion. Dan saw no reason to change—at least not until lately.

  Now he wanted to and he desired to have Noelle on his arm sharing the hosting with him. What has she done to me? He didn't know and could care less. His only worry—have I lost her?

  * * * *

  "I have a new client who requested you personally deliver these to him this afternoon at five thirty. Here's the address."

  Noelle looked at it, groaning.

  "But it's..."

  "I offered to send a clerk but he let me know in no uncertain terms that if you didn't do this, we could lose a very lucrative retainer."

  "Who is he? Scrooge?"

  "I don't know but we can't afford to lose any account, especially after Green learned one of our clients pulled everything this morning."

  "I heard about that. What happened?"

  "We're not sure. Rumors are flying about their corporate stability but I don't know too much more."

  "I'll take them over but this isn't right."

  "I'll make sure there's a bonus in your check. I appreciate what you're doing."

  Noelle smiled. In the back part of her mind, she knew he knew she had nothing better to do. She decided she'd take the papers over, wait while the client signed them then go home. His address wasn't too far away from hers so it wasn't really out of the way—just strange.

  "Merry Christmas, Noelle,” Ebenezer said.

  "Merry Christmas, sir."

  "Thanks,” he repeated.


  Noelle put her coat on over her classically tailored black pin-striped suit and, after grabbing the documents and placing them in her briefcase, she left the office. Walking toward the client's address, she thought about the last few days. One gorgeous day overshadowed by others full of loneliness and self-doubt.

  Dan had given her a wonderful night between dinner and his amazing and unforgettable cock. He'd promised her so much only to be gone in the morning with an unfulfilled promise to call her. What the hell had been so important that he couldn't call me and tell me to shove off? She had begun to wonder if she was sending vibes out saying look but no touch after one night.

  She looked at her watch as she stood in front of one of the stately old mansions that personified the City of Charleston, South Carolina. She'd dreamed of living in one after reading Gone With the Wind but knew it would never happen—not at this rate.

  She dropped the huge knocker then stood back to wait for someone to open the door. A few moments later, a young girl pulled it open and gazed at her.

  "Yes, ma'am?"

  "Miss Noelle Becke to see Mister Elfman."

  "He's expecting you,” she said, standing back to let Noelle enter the huge entry. She gasped at the sight of the huge Christmas tree adorned in silver ornaments and red lights. She gazed around her looking at the other rooms—more Christmas trees and decorations.

  The maid took her coat and led her into the dining room where an intimate dinner for two had been set.

  "I'm sorry. I'm interrupting Mister Elfman's dinner. I'll leave the documents and wait for him to call me so I can pick them up."

  "His dinner guest isn't due for a bit yet. He asked me to bring you in here. Would you like something to drink?"

  "I think the lady would prefer a glass of champagne,” a voice said from the doorway.

  Noelle spun around, her mouth dropping in shock.

  "You!” she said. “If I had known you..."

  "And you have every right to be mad. I left you with every intention of calling you as soon as I could but I spent the next several days tied up with the EPA and the Coast Guard plus several other federal agencies on something that quickly became classified."

  "You left me in a hotel room..."

  "With breakfast and orders for you not to be disturbed until you woke."

  "I brought these for you to sign. Please do so and I'll be out of your way."

  "Noelle, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you and I don't blame you but could you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

  "Why? What was so damned important that you could not call me to say shove off?"

  "A maritime accident with environmental impact and I don't want you to shove off. I want to share dinner with you then maybe give you your Christmas gift."

  Noelle looked at him, wondering if she should believe him or leave him and begin looking for another job. Her body betrayed her, her breasts aching for his touch while her pussy begged for his cock to be buried deep within her. Her mind ran in circles and she hated it.

  The maid handed her a flute of champagne then one to her employer and left as quietly as she'd come in. Noelle looked at it and gasped.

  "What is this?"

  "The first part of your Christmas gift."

  "It's a diamond ring."

  "And I'd like to slide it on your ring finger with a question."

  "I barely know you."

  "I think we both know each other very well, especially after the other night."

  "Mister Elfman, I can't accept this. I barely know you and I'm not sure I should forgive you for leaving me. I really think I should leave."

  "If you do, you'll never know."

  "Never know what?"

  "One—can we make it? Two—your true feelings toward me and us and three—what it would be like to not only live in a grand house like this but to be fucked in every room of it whenever you wanted to be."

  "You arrogant..."

  "I am and I admit it but I can also readily admit that I love you and have since the first time I saw you on Battery."

  Noelle fell silent realizing this man knew her better than she knew herself. She'd thought of him nonstop since she'd gotten up that morning but not in an angry way. She wanted him more than she could ever imagine plus he did things to her no one else had ever done before and she wanted him to do them again.

  She drank the rest of the champagne then dropped the ring into her hand. She looked at the beauty of the simple teardrop solitaire then at him. Lightheaded, she reached for a dining chair for support. She felt his arms around her before her world went dark.

  Noelle fainted,
overwhelmed by a proposal of marriage from a gorgeous guy who made her feel amazing. What the hell am I going to do?

  * * * *

  Dan caught Noelle when she passed out. He carried her upstairs to the master suite, stretching her out across the bed. He stood back gazing at her while he waited for one of the maids to bring in the cold compresses he'd requested.

  Wearing a classic pinstripe suit which showed off her body in a sexy yet seductive way, she couldn't have been more beautiful. His body wanted her but he remained in control. He needed her to be all right then he wanted her to forgive him and allow him the pleasure of being in her life. Call me old-fashioned...

  Dan covered her with an afghan after putting a cool washcloth on her forehead. He waited for her to come around hoping he hadn't overwhelmed her. Please...

  A few minutes later, Noelle opened her eyes and looked around the room before resting her gaze on Dan and his smile.

  "Welcome back,” he said. “You had me scared there."

  "For a moment, I thought you had proposed to me with a diamond ring in a glass."

  "I did."

  "You're serious?"


  "I am so sorry."

  "There's nothing to be sorry for. I hurt you and am in dire need of your forgiveness. I'm very sorry for that but it could not be helped and the timing sucked."

  "Answer me one thing."


  "Who are you?"

  "Daniel Elfman. I own Elfman Shipping which is a subsidiary of Elf Industries International and worth a great deal. I have been searching for the perfect woman to share my life with and I believe I found her the other night when she made a soulful wish upon a star. I haven't been able to get her out of my mind since then and she holds the key to my entire future."

  "Why me? I'm not special and I seem to drive men away."

  "You are very special and the others are fools. Of course, where they are foolish, I'm lucky to have the pleasure of your luscious body in my bed."

  "You cannot be serious."

  "I am. I gave you a five carat diamond teardrop ring hoping you would agree to be my wife. I have more gifts for you and I want you to wake up in the morning to celebrate Christmas with me."

  "Just Christmas?"

  "I want every Christmas, Valentine's and each holiday on the calendar with you. I want you every day and night for the rest of my life. Noelle, marry me, please."

  She gazed at him, seeing into his soul and somehow knowing he told her the truth.



  "Can you do to me what you did the other night?"

  "I thought you'd never ask."

  Dan bent to kiss her, slowly pulling back the afghan. He unbuttoned her jacket, finding her wearing a sexy silk camisole which told him her body agreed with his. The soft fabric covered her firm buds, her breasts obviously wanting his attention. He moved from her lips to her nipple, suckling it through the silk. She moaned, falling under his spell again.

  "Dan,” she gasped.

  "In time, Noelle,” he whispered, his hot breath driving her crazy.

  He helped her out of her clothes then undressed. He stood next to the bed, gazing at her. Noelle's beauty overwhelmed him. He gasped when she caressed his cock. It swelled in her hand seconds before he felt her tongue teasing his slit. She took him deep and went down on it bringing him to a shattering climax. He filled her then pulled back.

  She gazed at him, a puzzled look on her face though not for long. He parted her legs, his finger pressing on her clit. Her legs parted further, her invitation overwhelming. Dan thrust into her, Noelle crying out. Fierce passion took over, his thrusts powerful and without mercy.

  "Dan, my God!” she screamed.

  "Will you be my wife?” he asked just before he took her completely over the edge.

  "Yes, my God, yes,” she gasped. Her contented moans filled the room, Dan kissing her. Their tongues danced while he kept her on a sexual high she didn't want to ever come down from.

  "I love you, Noelle."

  "It's insane but I love you, too."

  "It's not insane, it's perfection."

  "Dan, tell me this isn't a dream."

  He took her nipple and nipped it. She jolted, her body craving more.

  "Does that prove anything?"



  "I want more,” she said. “Fuck me again and never stop."

  "Is this the only reason you said yes to my proposal?"

  "No, Dan,” she said. “I've spent the last few days thinking about you and not in anger. You are the best thing to walk into my life and I'll be damned if I'll do anything to lose you."

  Dan reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a velvet box. He opened it then showed her what lay inside.

  "These were my mother's and her mother's before. This is passed to the woman who will be the matriarch of the Elfman family,” he explained. He took the lavaliere and placed it around her neck then handed her a small mirror.

  She looked at it, her mouth dropping at the sight of garnets and diamonds dripping from a gold chain. She looked at him, speechless.

  "Do I have to pinch you again?"

  "Only if you pinch my nipple—I love the jolt you send through me."

  "Then I will have to remember to do it constantly.” Dan grinned then nipped her bud again, her body arching. He slid his cock into her soaked pussy and lay siege to her senses. Her legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer while he pounded his swollen shaft into her.

  She cried out his name, holding him as tight as she could. She feathered kisses over his shoulders until he got the better of her. When she finished leaving her mark on his skin, she turned red.

  "My God, I've bruised you."

  "It doesn't matter. You put your mark on me the night I first saw you."


  "Merry Christmas, Noelle,” he whispered, fucking her again.

  "I have nothing for you."

  "You've said you'd marry me. You are here in my bed—hopefully for the rest of our lives. What more could I want?"


  "Do you love me?"


  "Thank you for the most wonderful gift you could ever give me."

  They fell asleep in each other's arms, Dan pulling her tightly against his body. His hand held her breast while his cock lay nestled between them. He had never been happier.

  * * * *

  "Merry Christmas, Noelle,” he said, gently waking her.

  "What time is it?"

  "After ten. You slept very soundly."

  "Why didn't you wake me earlier?"

  "And miss one of the most beautiful sights a man could ever wake up to?"

  "And that is?"

  "Your naked body in my bed."

  "Flattery will get you everywhere."

  "Good, because I'm good at it."

  "You're still arrogant."

  "I know and I still get what I want."

  "And that is?"

  "Right now—you and only you. I want to flip you on your back and fuck you senseless. I want to watch your breasts moving in harmony to my cock pounding your pussy. I want you forever."

  "Then do it,” she said, lying on her back. She smiled when he groaned at the sight of her. “I want you to never stop fucking me. I need to feel the heat between us and know it's ours and ours alone. I've never met anyone as unique as you are, Dan, and I'm damned glad you didn't give up."

  "Never—persistence is my middle name."

  "And if I had said no?"

  "I'd spend more time presenting my case and convincing you this is where you belong."

  "I do?"

  "Definitely,” he said, sliding two fingers into her wet pussy. He suckled her nipple while he finger fucked her pussy. “You are an amazing woman, Noelle."

  "You're not so bad yourself,” she said between gasps.

  Dan took her to the edge, her body out of control. When she thought it coul
dn't teeter anymore, she felt his cock ramming her. Swelling inside her, Dan touched spots new to her and her body begged for more. They came together, Dan filling her with his life.

  "Will it always be this awesome?'


  "You arrogant..."

  "And you love me."

  "Oh, I do,” she agreed. “I do."

  Dan's cell phone rang, Dan answering with a growl.

  "Yes, what is it?” He listened then closed his eyes. “I'll be there in a few minutes."

  Noelle gazed at him, seeing the pain on his face.


  "I have to go,” he quietly said. “There has been a new development and it has to be dealt with now."

  "Then go and hurry back."

  "While I'm gone, check out the house. Sloane can answer any questions you have."

  "I should run back to my apartment and get some clothes."

  "My God, I almost forgot,” he said. He jumped out of bed pulling her with him. He led her to a huge dressing room and covered her eyes. Once he opened the door and turned on the light, he removed his hand, grinning at the sound of her shocked amazement.

  "Dan, I don't believe this,” she said. “How did you know?'

  "I'm good at sizing things—and you—up. I hope I made the right choices."

  "You did,” she said. “How can I ever thank you?"

  "You just did plus your being here when I come home..."

  "I will,” she said. “I promise."

  Chapter 4

  His Gift

  Daniel Elfman spent several hours dealing with another result of the maritime accident his ship had been involved in. Because of the possible impact to the coastline, it had to be dealt with immediately though still a classified situation. He appreciated this because the entire incident would be kept out of the press and his cooperation with the feds would only help his company instead of ruining it if nothing had been done. He prayed the same held with Noelle.

  "Sorry to pull you away like this,” EPA Agent Todd said.

  "The timing sucks,” Dan said. “I've just gotten engaged to a fantastic woman and I've spent more time here than with her."

  "This wraps it up. The other company will take care of the brunt of the clean-up and the entire cost of the penalties. Because you acted swiftly and took responsibility for your ship, you aren't suffering as much as you could have. We thank you for your prompt actions."


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