Her Mane Man (Online Shifter Dating Agency Romance)

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Her Mane Man (Online Shifter Dating Agency Romance) Page 5

by Sasha Winter

  “I wouldn’t want that to happen,” he replied. “Max is quite taken with you.”

  “And promise me you won’t get carried away at any point and start thinking you’re superman. That happened to me once; one of my clients decided to run a half-marathon.”

  “Wow. No, I have my moments but I’m not that daft,” he replied. “If it makes you feel better, I’ll consult with you over any changes to my daily activities.”

  “It does—and I’m only ever a call away. Well,” Ashley then said, putting her notepad down, “sounds like there’s been progress, but let’s have another examination and see if there are any visual changes.”


  Inevitably, his embarrassing memories of the week before came flooding back when Ashley asked him to take his pants off again. He was prepared for the procedure feeling that way, though, and he only hoped that, after undergoing her attention again but without the interruption of an erect penis, their close proximity would begin to feel much more like routine in the future.

  That was his hope, anyway, but the truth was he was still fearful of her magic hands and what they might do.

  “It really is a wonder what a week can do sometimes,” Ashley said, interrupting his train of thought. “It does appear that the results look very promising. Let’s hope things keep moving in the same direction and don’t underestimate mind over matter. Keep thinking positive.”

  “I guess it proves I didn’t get enough exercise before,” he replied.

  “Ah, but you could have done it as much harm as good, you see. Without my direction.”

  Marcus nodded. “A lot of people must really be indebted to you,” he said.

  “Perhaps, but it’s the least someone like me can do for those who offer their lives for our country and keeping us all safe,” she replied, endearing herself to his sentiments in the process, though also causing him to make a ‘Hmm’ sound, conflicted as his feelings towards the army were.

  He hadn’t meant to make that last response, and he noticed Ashley giving him a sideways glance, no doubt wondering what was behind it. Had he given away that he was not proud of his service record?

  “Okay, I’m going to repeat the massage I gave last week,” she informed him. “We’ll keep this moving in the right direction.”

  “Just so you know,” Marcus blurted out. “I’ve made sure the same thing won’t happen as it unfortunately did last time.”

  But after saying this, he then couldn’t help but mentally slap his palm to his forehead, having made another entry into his work in progress: 101 ways to make yourself feel mortified when in attractive female company.

  Having an erection the week before had been traumatizing, but to cap it all off, he had alluded to the kind of activity a man can do with an erection. He might as well have said, ‘It’s okay Ashley, I’ve been seeing to myself vigorously all week so I don’t get horny again.’

  “That’s quite all right,” she replied with a smile. “It’s really no big deal if your body is functioning as it should.”

  “I think it’s a big deal for a man to always remain civilized in female company,” he said, relieved that she found it funny.

  “Seriously, we were told in training that it would happen sometimes. And like I said last week, it’s happened to me before. It was with a couple of my older patients, if I recall correctly, but they weren’t as well-endowed as you.”

  “Oh, Ashley, what did you have to say that for?”

  He was laughing too now; it seemed the best way of dealing with the issue.

  “I’m just trying to make you feel better.”

  He grinned and arched a brow. “How does that make me feel better?”

  “By knowing that some men can get away with it and others can’t. You’re unlucky, that’s all—or lucky depending on which way you look at it.

  “True. Well, just so you know,” he said, “that moment is going to haunt and mortify me for quite some time.”

  “I’d have… never mind,” Ashley tailed off and tried to focus on his massage, which so far had proceeded without interruption.

  “What?” Marcus asked.

  “Oh, nothing. I was about to make an insensitive comment.”


  “It’s nothing.”

  “Oh, come on, Ashley. You’ll have me paranoid.”

  “No, it’s not that,” she replied, obviously desperate to dismiss the issue. “I was about to say that being haunted by a social faux pas must be nothing compared to what you guys have had to go through in the military. I was trying to make you feel better, but then I realized it might be insensitive.”

  “I see,” he replied, understanding what she was referring to. “Don’t worry, it’s normal for people to not know what to say to someone who’s seen action. You can see them wanting to ask sometimes; wanting to understand, but not knowing how to.”

  “Must be really tough.”

  “Of course. I haven’t talked about it much, if at all, but I’m pretty thick-skinned to any awkward comments people can make, so don’t worry.”

  “If it helps, you can talk to me,” she said. “I wouldn’t ask but you strike me as a guy who bottles things up.”

  Marcus paused for a moment. He could hardly blame her for asking, having virtually set her up by letting his tongue wag (anything to distract from the memory of last week), but he just didn’t know where to begin, or how to explain what he had done.

  “No, I… I wouldn’t want to bother you with all that, Ashley,” he said. “The attack seemed fairly simple at the time, but the army has a way of complicating things after they happen. No one warned me about that when I signed up.”

  The detour into army life brought their conversation to a bit of an abrupt end, and it felt like a shame considering they seemed to have been getting on well and becoming more at ease with each other. His awkwardness towards the previous week had lessened by a few notches, at least.

  Before leaving, Ashley gave him a couple more exercises to add to his daily routine, but he also left with a promise to himself that he would try to think more in the moment rather than on the past. Regret had clouded his thinking for too long, and there were probably many other changes to his life, besides physiotherapy, that he should have made previously. As much as he loved Max, for example, knowing that he had more conversations with his dog every day than with his fellow species was a bit of a sad scenario.

  “Doing much with your evening?” Ashley’s assistant—who he knew to be dating Blake—asked him as he made his way out.

  “Er, yeah,” he replied, snapping out of his reverie although not knowing how familiar to be with her. Was he supposed to know as much as he did?

  “Oh really, what’s that?” she asked.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “What are you doing with your evening?”

  “Oh, nothing much really.”

  His response appeared to exasperate her for some reason, but he decided it might be a good time for fulfilling his promise of saying something good about his friend.

  “Blake said I was in good hands here,” he said.

  “He should know,” Veronica replied. She had a devious look in her eyes, like she was hiding something, but Marcus had no idea what it was about.

  “Er…yes, he’s always been very passionate about good healthcare,” he replied.

  That was about all he could think of to say right then. Bragging on a friend’s behalf was not his strong point, and neither was knowing what women wanted to hear. All Veronica offered in response was the blankest of expressions, as if he was still only halfway through a sentence, so he gave up and said ‘goodbye’ before leaving with a smile. It might’ve been another slightly awkward interaction, but it wasn’t that bad, and the positive thinking was already helping him see through his usual fog.

  Things were definitely going to get better.

  Chapter 6

  Professionalism may have returned to Ashley and Marcus during their sec
ond session of physio, but little did they know there was deviousness in the air. A pair of certain individuals were plotting, and Ashley may have been aware that her assistant was on the phone to their ex-client Blake later that day, but without hearing the other side of the conversation, she was unable to clue on that she was also part of its subject matter.

  Veronica and Blake, already in something of a serious relationship—or as serious as it got with those two—were agreeing to meet up that evening, but there was a caveat involved this time.

  “How do I put this?” Veronica schemed, knowing she was being overheard. “Two’s company…”

  “But three’s a crowd?” Blake replied, wondering if there were any brownie points available for finishing off the cliché.

  “Well, on this occasion, I would disagree,” was her response.

  “How do you mean?”

  “Can’t you work it out?”

  “You want to invite someone else along?” he asked.

  “You’re getting warmer,” she replied.

  “Oh, you mean…erm…”


  “Marcus and Ashley?”

  “That’s right. I can sort my half of the equation out if you can sort the other.”


  “How many more erms do you have?”

  “I’m just…are you sure about this?” Blake asked. “Remember, you refused to date me for a while until our relationship was no longer professional. They’ve got a while to go yet.”

  “Yes, but this is a bit more urgent,” Veronica said.

  “How so?”

  “I don’t know yours too well, but I think that Lonely Girl and Gloomy Face could do with throwing a bit of caution to the wind. Or else I might go crazy waiting for something to happen that never does.”

  “But are you sure they even like each other?”

  “Oh yes, but there are just too many reservations there without a little nudge. Someone desperately needs to lighten up—as much as I love them, I might just go crazy, and you don’t want me going crazy, do you?”

  “All right, I give in, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. You’re the one risking your job, remember?”

  “Nonsense, just fulfil your end of the bargain. Okay?”

  He chuckled. “Okay.”

  “Oh, and Blake?”


  “Are you passionate about good healthcare?”

  “I’m passionate about you, baby,” came his response.

  “Never mind. I’ll let you both get away with that one.”


  Later that day, Veronica walked into Ashley’s office and stood over her without saying anything. Ashley knew instantly by her stance that it was one of those I know you’re the boss but this time I know what’s best for you moments.

  “What is it, trouble?” she asked with a wry smile.

  “You, girl,” Veronica replied, pointing a long and perfectly manicured fingernail down in her direction. “You need a night out.”

  “Oh, I don’t know, Ronnie. Friday nights feel like a bit much right now.”

  “Not Friday night. Tonight.”

  “Tonight? Ronnie, your hangover inducing sessions are…”

  “No, no, no! Have some faith, woman! I’m not talking about painting the town red. I’m talking about a bit of valuable respite with a friend; something relaxed but fun. More relaxing than having you sit at home worrying about that creep ex-boyfriend of yours for another evening. What do you say?”

  “Maybe….but I’ll need a change of clothes.”

  “Then we’ll go back to yours from here. I’ve got mine with me. So…?”

  “So, I’d resist if I didn’t know how damn persuasive you are. Maybe I should just let myself off the hook and give in.”

  “There’s my girl,” Veronica said, clapping her hands together with enthusiasm.

  “Just promise me one thing, Ronnie,” Ashley said, her eyebrows raised.

  “What’s that?”

  “No silly tricks.”

  “That’s the thing, you know I’m not out chatting up guys anymore, because I already have one.”

  “Oh yeah! Our client with the nice thighs,” Ashley teased.

  Veronica stuck out her tongue and retreated back to her desk: mission accomplished. Ashley was actually quite pleased with the idea of letting her hair down for a night, as long as her assistant avoided choosing some complete dive bar. An evening out was just the tonic she needed after a number of missed calls from her ex, and the ongoing failure to figure out a way of getting her stuff back without speaking to him. As was predictable, he was failing to play ball.

  What had she ever seen in that guy?

  Ashley really couldn’t remember.

  The dead relationship had not only been tumultuous, but had succeeded in robbing her of any kind of social life or interests outside of work. During the interim period, getting herself out and into a new apartment, accompanied by a minimum of necessary items, was as much as she had achieved. Her evenings were not full of very much yet. There was a plan to join a gym and take as much pride in her fitness as a self-respecting physiotherapist really should, but her persuasive assistant wasn’t dragging her away from anything at all, except for some rubbish television.

  Work had also been busy for a few weeks, with a number of new clients on board, so an evening out really was a good idea and would add to the strong bond of friendship that had grown between the two of them. Veronica had been the only person she had been able to confide in, and despite her advice being annoyingly smug, it was usually helpful. Though it had been Veronica’s idea, Ashley knew she should be the one buying the drinks, so she began by opening a bottle of white wine purchased on her lunch break. The drink itself turned out to be a bit sour—buying wine was always a bit of a lottery—but it was enough to help them relax and get their evening underway while they freshened up and found a change of clothes. Ashley lent Veronica a black lace top she had never felt comfortable in, but looked great on her friend, then got talked into wearing a low cut navy blue cropped top with a high-waisted A-line skirt.

  “It’s casual enough,” Veronica assured her. “And your banging curves make it look spectacular.”

  Ashley admitted the crop top did look nice on her. Better than the last time she had tried it on, though she was a little afraid of leaning forward and making a spectacle.

  “We can’t go anywhere too loud,” she said. “I need to keep good posture at all times. I’m afraid my boobs might fall right out of this top otherwise.”

  “Don’t worry, I know just the place. Anyway, I‘ve just had a text from Blake; he’s going to meet us for a drink. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “Of course not. It’ll be good to see him again so soon. Now that you’re looking after him, I want to see that you’re taking good care,” Ashley replied with a smile.

  “It also means we won’t be troubled by any leering creeps. You really do look great, you know. Shows what idiots men like Vince are. He won’t be scoring as high as you again, that’s for sure.”

  “It’s after five, by the way,” Ashley said. “I’m not paying you now, so you don’t have to flatter me so much.”

  “I’m after a raise, that’s all,” Veronica replied with a teasing grin.

  After they were all dressed and freshened up—with Veronica also insisting that Ashley try this great new perfume she came across—the two girls drained their wine glasses and headed out to meet up with Blake. He was waiting for them at Cozmos, which was a fairly laid-back and open plan place, where it was usually always easy to find a table and they could also grab a bite to eat as soon as they felt the need.

  Before they got in the back of the cab, Ashley couldn’t help wonder if she had gone too far, since a couple of guys had whistled in her direction, but it was too late to have second thoughts by that point. Hopefully there would be more girls dressed up once they reached Cozmos, and she wouldn’t stick out so much.

  On arriva
l, she saw this was the case and relaxed a little. By then, both ladies were hungry and could do with another drink as well.

  “Let’s find Blake and get some ordering done,” she said once they were inside, but this temporary sojourn into attempting to be the one calling the shots was doomed to failure. They found Blake well-tucked away after rounding the circular bar at the interior’s center. He had been saving a seat for them, but on approach, Ashley saw that he was with someone else, and the penny finally dropped.

  Veronica was setting her up with a man.

  This is going to be awkward, she thought, wondering who they had found for her—and then he turned around and she realized that ‘awkward’ was an inadequate word. The man sitting there was Marcus, and to his credit he was just as surprised to see her as she was to see him (so at least they would be on a level playing field).

  Veronica really had gone too far.

  Once they’d said ‘hello’ and she’d asked how Blake was, Ashley insisted that Veronica accompany her to the restroom before anything was ordered.

  “Ronnie, what are you thinking?” she asked her, once they were out of sight.

  “Nothing, he’s just brought a friend, that’s all.”

  “Don’t give me that, you knew very well he’d be here.”

  “All right, all right. I just got the impression there might be something between you—you know I’m intuitive,” Veronica said.

  “Well, you got the wrong impression.”

  “So what, no harm done. He’s cute, isn’t he?”

  “Ronnie! He… is… a… client!” Ashley stressed, as if laying down the law to a naughty teenager.

  “And you’ve been through hell, so I didn’t care about the professional rules as much anymore. Look, if you don’t like him it’s no big deal. We can still have a good night.”

  “I do like him, but…”

  “But what?”

  “It puts the both of us in a strange position.”


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