Taking Chances

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Taking Chances Page 19

by Melange Books, LLC

  “Is that it? Is that what you wanted to tell me?” Shana asked thinking she knew most of the story he’d just told her.

  “No. Almost seven months later, my friend a fellow doctor, who works at an abortion clinic, called me at the last minute and asked me to take care of a couple patients who had appointments set up with him that day, because he had a family emergency. His mother had a stroke and he had to leave town unexpectedly. He knew how I felt about abortions but talked me into going in anyway. It’s not that I am completely against abortions. In rare cases such as incest and rape, I agree it should be an option, however, one dealt with right away not months down the line.”

  “The first appointment at the clinic was a young girl who’d been raped by her uncle. That abortion I was okay with performing. The next one was a young woman age 30 who was approaching her 7th month. I read the file, including her story about why she wanted the abortion, and then read the name. It was your name—Shana Madden.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Shana stood up, her eyes darting wildly towards the door. “Oh my God!”

  “Shana, sit back down and let me finish. You promised, remember,” Kal said, willing her to sit back down.

  “I don’t know if I can listen to the rest,” she said, visibly shaken, running her fingers rapidly through her hair.

  “Sit down and take some deep breaths, Shana. It will be okay, just let me finish.”

  Shana reluctantly sat down and took deep breaths. Kal waited for her to relax a little before continuing.

  “Shana, I did the math. I knew the odds of the baby being my child were high. I was livid. I had the nurse draw the baby’s blood to run a DNA test. There was no way I was aborting that baby, so I had her sedate you so we could perform a C-section which would put the least amount of stress on the baby. The papers she had you sign were for the C-section and to give me all rights to the baby. I had the baby sent over to the pre-natal center at St. Francis Hospital for a couple of weeks and then I brought her home.”

  “You took my baby?” Shana shouted as her eyes flooded with tears. She stood up, lunged at him, pounding his chest with her fists. The anger she felt at that moment was overwhelming. After a few strikes she stopped and leaned against his chest, sobbing.

  “Yes. Our baby, Shana.” Shana felt Kal’s arms go around her but she backed away, her eyes still glittering with more unshed tears.

  “Do you have any idea what you put me through? And all for naught? If you hadn’t sedated me, I would’ve cancelled the abortion and left the clinic.” Shana sat back down on the couch.

  “I was so angry with you for even wanting to abort our baby, I don’t think I would’ve believed anything you said at the time,” Kal said. “I wouldn’t have trusted you.” He walked over to the couch, sat down next to Shana and puller her into his arms.

  “So she was alright? No complications?” Shana asked between sobs.

  “Perfectly healthy.”

  “I feel so bad. I was so overwhelmed with worry at the time that there would be serious complications from the German measles and without medical insurance, I was at a total loss as to how I would be able to deal with it. It was such a struggle, when I got to the clinic I still wasn’t sure and then I changed my mind, however it was too late.” Shana cried uncontrollably.

  “I did find out you changed your mind at the clinic, but it wasn’t until weeks later when Jennifer, my nurse, talked to Kari, the nurse who stayed over-night with you that night at the clinic. Kari told Jennifer what you said when you woke up after the C-section. Jennifer contacted me because she thought I should know. I was still angry at the time though and simply disregarded it. I’m so sorry. I should have contacted you then, unfortunately, I was afraid of what your reaction would be. And I knew what I’d done was wrong. I didn’t feel I could take the chance.”

  “I owe Kari a lot, she got me through that terrible night,” Shana said between sobs. “I’m glad I told her. Especially now.”

  “Shortly after that fateful day, I got the job down in Phoenix and moved. I couldn’t take care of Kalsha by myself, but luckily, Sadie, my sister lived in Phoenix and loves children. She has been a lifesaver for me. She loves Kalsha as if she were her own.”


  “Yes, you met her. My daughter. She is our daughter,” Kal admitted.

  Shana gasped, unable to believe the news that her baby was alive. “That’s why she reminded me of my baby pictures. I thought it was odd she looked so much like me when I was her age.”

  “Every time I look at her, I see you, Shana. Can you forgive me for what I did?” Kal pleaded.

  “I can’t even believe this is happening. That this is even real. That I am her mother.”

  “It’s all real and I am so sorry I had to deceive you to get us to where we are today. I love you Shana. To be honest I didn’t think I could love you after that day at the clinic, and then when you ended up working at my hospital I was prepared to hate you,” Kal admitted.

  “I never hated you for what happened. That I got pregnant,” Shana said, wiping at her tear-filled eyes.

  “After I actually got to know you, there wasn’t anything I didn’t like except that fateful day at the clinic. I fought it, but I fell in love anyway.”

  “I love you, too. But can you forgive me?” Shana asked searching his eyes for an answer.

  “Yes, I forgive you. We now have a chance to make this all right. Can you forgive me?” Kal asked.

  “Yes! You have made me so happy today. I have been given another chance to be a mother. Also, let’s make a pact now that we’ll always be honest with each other. Okay?”

  “Yes, honesty always,” Kal said, feeling a huge weight being lifted from his shoulders. He tipped Shana’s chin up so he could kiss her. She kissed him back. With the adrenalin high and racing through their bodies, the passion rose quickly and he carried her into the bedroom. He intended to make love to Shana, his woman, and for them to spend the night together. Kal kept his eyes on Shana as they both shed their clothes quickly. He pulled the quilt and covers back on the bed and within minutes their naked bodies were pressed together while his mouth devoured hers. His searching tongue finding haven in her warmth. He pulled Shana on top of his body so his searching lips and mouth could find her tantalizing pert breasts. He sucked on each one as she arched her body in pleasure. She straddled him and eased down on his rock hard shaft, bringing them both immense and immediate pleasure. He rolled over her so he was on top so he could control the rhythm, yet knew losing control was imminent, and he wouldn’t last long with such intense passion pulsating between them. It was certain to be a long night filled with lovemaking until the wee hours of the night, with the snow falling outside the window covering the landscape in white while he covered Shana with all his love. This would be a night they would always remember for more reasons than one.

  Shana woke the next morning lying naked in the king sized bed beside Kal. She remembered the long night with Kal and smiled. That was the best sex she’d ever had, but then it wasn’t sex—it was making love, which probably made all the difference in the world.

  She got up and peeked out the window curtain, and sure enough, it was still snowing. Her return flight wasn’t until Sunday, but she wasn’t sure on what day Kal’s return flight was booked. He definitely wasn’t leaving today she figured with the snow and all. She didn’t doubt the airport would have to close down for a couple of hours to keep up with snowplowing the runways, and flights would most likely be delayed for at least a couple of hours. Maybe they could have some fun while they were in Minneapolis. She was still staring out the window watching the snow fall when Kal came up behind her and kissed her neck in an effort to coax her back to bed.

  He proceeded to kiss her body everywhere, mixed with gentle caresses. Her body was on fire for him almost immediately. Soon they were making love again. Later, lying sated in each other’s arms, the topic of food came up. Kal picked up the phone and called for room servic
e to bring them breakfast. It arrived within the hour. Hot coffee and orange juice. A platter filled with fruit-strawberries, grapes, watermelon. Another platter was filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and hash browns. There was a pastry basket full of cinnamon rolls, croissants and muffins. They both sat down at the table devouring everything on their plates.

  “I guess we missed supper last night,” Kal teased.

  “Yes, we did. When are you going back to Phoenix?” Shana asked.

  “I thought we could go back together, so when is your return?”


  “Then I will make mine for Sunday and see if we can be upgraded to First Class.”

  “Since we will be here for a few days, do you want to see the Rockettes at Mystic Lake?” Shana asked. “I saw an advertisement for the show at the Mall of America.”

  “I haven’t been to Mystic Lake for years, except I did hear they have a new showroom. Sure, let’s go.”

  “Did you ever go to see the Christmas display at Dayton’s downtown store when you were little?” Shana asked, prodding and hoping he’d want to go.

  “Yes, it was a yearly event. Do they still do it?”

  “I saw it advertised in the paper. It’s the Nutcracker story. But it’s now the Macy’s store.”

  “Let’s go downtown on Friday. I haven’t been down there for a while either. We can check it out and have dinner. Maybe they still have the Holly Dazzle lighted parade, too.” Kal smiled as he saw Shana’s face light up. He was going to spend the rest of his life making her smile and this was only the beginning.

  Shana’s cell phone rang and she checked to see who was calling. It was Tara. She didn’t pick up in time though, and it went to voicemail. “I’m sure she is wondering if I’m okay. I’ll call her after I shower.”

  “She probably wants to know if I found you because I went to visit her when I arrived in town. I figured she would be the only one who could help me find you.”

  “And did she?”

  “You know she couldn’t say much due to the doctor/patient confidentiality laws and all, however she did suggest in a roundabout way that I try the Fort Snelling V. A. Cemetery. I think I owe her, because I had no idea where to look, and I don’t know if I would’ve found you if not for her.”

  Shana laughed. “That would be Tara. Always trying to get my life back on track one way or the other.” She walked into the bathroom to shower, but Kal was right behind her.

  “Care if I join you?” he asked pulling her into his arms.

  “Not one bit!” Shana answered as Kal followed her into the shower and began kissing her wet lips.

  After showering, Shana called Tara to fill her in on what had happened and planned a lunch the next day for the three of them at Doolittle’s Woodfire Grill.

  The next day they all arrived at noon at Doolittle’s.

  “Tara, good to see you,” Kal said, shaking her hand.

  “Glad everything worked out,” Tara said as they followed the waiter to their table and were seated.

  “Well, I for one definitely believe in miracles, now,” Kal said.

  “This is quite the story. Probably not many would believe it’s even true,” Tara said.

  “It’s not a story that needs to be told. Only a few know and it should stay that way,” Kal said.

  “Who knows?” Tara asked.

  “My sister, Sadie, and her husband, Mac. And my nurse, Jennifer, who assisted me that day,” Kal answered.

  “And now Shana and myself. As far as I’m concerned it is doctor patient information and completely confidential,” Tara said to ease Kal’s nerves.

  “Good,” Kal replied, much relieved.

  They ordered Doolittle’s specialty, Wild Rice Soup, and Chicken sandwiches with waffle fries.

  They ate. They talked. They laughed, as if they were good friends.

  On Friday, Shana and Kal drove over to Mystic Lake Casino to try out the dinner buffet, which was ranked the top buffet in the Twin Cities. The buffet boasted prime rib, ham, turkey with all the fixings, an Italian, Asian, and Mexican aisle, salad bar with homemade soups, breads, and a dessert bar with everything baked on the premises. It was delicious. Shana tried her luck at the slot machines on a Viking Ship themed machine, winning a measly ten dollars nonetheless having fun in the process. Then they made their way to the Performing Concert Theater and found their reserved seats. The Rockettes performed their touring version of the Broadway Rockettes Christmas show to a sold out audience. Their performance was flawless, at least as far as Shana was concerned. The showroom was state of the art and every seat had a great view of the stage. Shana was on cloud nine. She was sharing this wonderful experience with Kal and she couldn’t think of any place she’d rather be.

  The Nutcracker exhibit at Macy’s was on the list for Saturday. The only bad part was the long line to get in, yet in Shana’s mind, it was absolutely worth it. Simply being in the old landmark Dayton’s store in downtown Minneapolis brought back so many happy memories of times spent with her parents.

  “Kalsha would love this,” Kal said.

  “Maybe we could bring her next year and make it a family tradition for us,” Shana stated while leaning into Kal.

  “I think that’s a great idea, I’m all for it. I always liked Minneapolis at Christmas time,” Kal agreed and gave her a quick kiss.

  They grabbed dinner at Britt’s Pub and then found a place to stand along Nicollet Avenue to watch the parade. The Holly Dazzle Parade was a winter parade with floats decked out in a Christmas light extravaganza. They purposely chose a spot outside of Starbucks so they could get some hot chocolate to keep them warm while watching the parade.

  Sunday they boarded the plane back to Phoenix, with both of them seated in First Class. It had been a long time since Shana had been in First Class and she was going to enjoy every minute of it. Her nerves were on edge though because when they got back she was going to meet her daughter, Kalsha, not for the first time, however this time she was going to meet Kalsha as her mother. She was petrified yet excited. The flight attendant brought her a Baileys on the rocks. Shana took a sip hoping the Baileys would relax her a little and leaned back to enjoy the flight.

  Kal leaned over and kissed her. “I love you,” he said.

  Shana smiled at him. “I love you, too.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  It was a bright, sunny day in Phoenix when they landed, a drastic difference from the gray, overcast day they’d left behind in Minneapolis. Kal’s car was at the airport, so it was an easy in and out process, especially since neither of them had checked bags.

  Sadie was waiting at Kal’s house with Kalsha. It was the longest ride of Shana’s life. Thankfully, Sadie did not come out to meet them but waited inside. Shana needed this little bit of extra time to calm her nerves before meeting her daughter. She’d lost two precious years she could never get back. Making up for that lost time was foremost on her mind yet she knew she would have to go slowly at first to earn Kalsha’s love. Although, there was no doubt in Shana’s mind she would earn her daughter’s affection. Kal had reassured her Kalsha was normally a very loving child anyway, so she would take to Shana in no time at all.

  Kal opened the door to the house and Shana walked in with Kal close behind.

  “Sadie, we’re here,” Kal yelled out, assuming Sadie and Kalsha were in the back of the house. Minutes later, he heard the patter of Kalsha’s little shoes on the tile floor running towards him.

  “Daddy,” she said running into his outstretched arms.

  “Oh, my beautiful baby girl! Daddy missed you!” He showered her with kisses and lifted her up. Turning her towards Shana, he said, “Do you remember Shana?”

  Kalsha smiled a shy little smile and her eyes lit up. “Mommy? Pretty Mommy.”

  “I’ll explain later,” Kal said.

  Shana was taken back for a moment. Had he told Kalsha already she was her mother? It was a good sign if he felt good enough about their relationsh
ip to have already told Kalsha. She smiled back at this beautiful little girl who was hers and held her arms out. Kalsha reached for Shana and went into her waiting arms. Shana held her tightly to her chest for a heart-wrenching hug and a tear slipped down her cheek. “I love you,” Shana said in Kalsha’s ear.

  Kalsha leaned back and said with a huge smile, “Love you.” Then she kissed Shana on the lips as her daddy had taught her.

  Sadie stood quietly in the background watching this monumental moment for these three very important people in her life. A long overdue moment. She couldn’t have wished for a better outcome. Things must’ve went well in Minneapolis, with a quick glance to Shana’s ring finger, she knew the only thing left was for Kal to seal the deal with the ring.

  “Kal, Shana, glad to have you back,” Sadie said. She walked up to Shana and gave her a quick hug. “I’m going to let you take over from here,” she said to Shana who was still holding Kalsha. “Call me though if you need anything. I’m always willing to help out. I love that little girl, too.” And with that, Sadie picked up her purse sitting by the door. “Oh, ask him about Kalsha’s name.” Then she was gone.

  “Kal, what did she mean?”

  “Oh, I named her for us. Kal for my name and the first part of your name Sha. Kalsha.”

  “I didn’t put that together before, but I love her name, you chose well.”

  “She is a part of both us and so is her name.”

  * * * *

  It was a busy week trying to mesh their two homes and lives together. Shana wasn’t going to assume anything, as Kal had not actually proposed yet. She was pretty darn sure he would, but she wanted him to do it so she could make plans accordingly. Like giving notice on her condo.

  She still had most of her clothes there, so she was there the following Friday after work, getting ready to go on a dinner date with Kal. He only said they had things they still needed to discuss and since it had been such a crazy, hectic week, he wanted to treat her to a nice dinner. Besides, Sadie wanted Kalsha to spend the night.


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