Reyna's Vampyr

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Reyna's Vampyr Page 18

by Zena Wynn

  “There’s plenty of time for that,” he said, still not certain she was ready to make that level of commitment to him.

  “This weekend for sure,” she mumbled, her words dragging.

  He stroked her hair and adjusted their positions so her head rested on his shoulder. “We’ll see.”

  Reyna made a small sound that reminded him of a kitten and dropped into slumber. Tariq lay awake staring into nothing, wondering how long it would take to rid himself of his fear of letting her out of his sight.


  Early the next morning, Reyna teleported to her lair to change into work appropriate attire since Jorlan hadn’t packed any. Afterwards, she drove her car to the office, slightly amused at how mundane this mode of transportation seemed. In the last few days she’d gotten used to ‘porting wherever she wanted to go, now that there was no one making her feel guilty about using the ability.

  She arrived at Illuminator Incorporated before most of the human staff and went straight to Jorlan’s office. Entering without knocking, she said in greeting, “I promised Alvaro a tour.”

  “Well, good morning to you, too, Kitten. Feeling perky, I see,” Jorlan said. He was seated behind his desk, busy on his computer.

  Reyna flushed with embarrassment. “Good morning. Sorry, I just realized this morning how awkward it would be, having him here. There’s no telling what the rumor mill will think when they see vampyrs walking around the place.”

  Jorlan raised an eyebrow and relaxed back into his chair. “Plural, as in more than one?”

  “Tariq wants to come too,” she explained. “I’m so out of the loop. What’s your agenda look like today?”

  “I have a few hours this morning around ten I can keep clear. As for the rumor mill, since when do we care what conclusions the humans draw?” he asked, grinning.

  “I care,” she reminded him.

  Jorlan sobered. “I know, Kitten. You care too much what others think of you. That’s why you hide. Speaking of vampyrs, yours caused quite a stir when he went storming through the den looking for you.”

  Her jaw dropped. “Tariq came to our den?”

  “Yes, he did. Right before he called here. He was really freaked out by your abrupt departure,” he said.

  “I didn’t mean to worry him. The cat wanted out and needed to run, so I left,” she explained.

  “Without giving him any warning or explanation?”

  She frowned. “There wasn’t time. The change took me over so quickly, I couldn’t fight it.”

  Jorlan stood and walked around the desk to stand in front of her. “It happens. Whether we’re on two legs or four, we’re more beast than human, Kitten. You’re going to have to let her out consistently on a daily basis or she’ll take over. Give her time out to play and she stays manageable.”

  Reyna had already come to the same conclusion, so she asked the question which had been on her mind since last night. “Tariq says he can’t sense me when I’m in my feline form. Did you know?”

  “Isabella told me. For some reason the bond between Felini and Vampalien doesn’t register when you’re not in the same form,” he admitted.

  Her brow wrinkled in confusion. “We can’t even communicate telepathically?”

  He shook his head. “From my understanding, it’s the bond that allows you to mind speak. With the bond missing…”

  She thought about it. “Is that why Alvaro was convinced Isabella was dead?”

  Jorlan sighed heavily. “If we’re going to have this conversation, let’s sit down and be comfortable.” He led her over to the couch in his office. “I’d hoped Isabella would have told you this part.”

  “I haven’t seen her since that night in the main pride den in Arizona. Honestly, I’m not sure I want to,” Reyna admitted as she settled next to him.

  Jorlan laid a hand on her knee and squeezed. “Give it time. You may change your mind. Anyway, the day of the attack, Isabella had snuck off into the desert to see Alvaro. She was in her feline form to lessen suspicion. If anyone spotted her, they’d think she’d simply gone out for a run. It was something she’d done plenty of times with no problem. Unfortunately, this time on the way back her path crossed with Ragnor’s. He scented Alvaro on her, put two and two together, and wasn’t happy with his conclusions.”

  He stared off into space. Reyna imagined he was remembering what had occurred and stayed quiet.

  “I’d trailed behind Isabella, as I often did, though she’d never spotted me. Isabella was always a lousy hunter. I had some crazy notion I was her protector, though she was several years my senior. I saw the whole thing happen. He would have killed her if I hadn’t intervened. As it was, he came pretty damn close,” Jorlan said, shaking his head, his expression one of regret.

  “Because she was in her feline form when the attack came, she wasn’t able to call to Alvaro for help. After the attack she didn’t have the energy to change.” Jorlan’s gaze met hers. “Once we received word of Alvaro’s death, she lacked the heart. Isabella fell into a deep depression, stayed in her feline form, and refused to speak to anyone. It was only when she realized she carried you that she came out of it. As far as the pride was concerned, Isabella’s actions gave weight to Ragnor’s story she’d been raped.”

  Reyna nodded, able to relate. She’d only been with Tariq a short time and already she’d be devastated if something happened to him. “So that’s how they were able to fool Alvaro? With Isabella in her cat form he couldn’t sense her?”

  “Yes, and with Alvaro convinced Isabella was dead, he stopped trying. Call your husband and tell him to meet us here at ten.” Personal time over, Jorlan stood and walked over to his desk, took a seat, and brought her up to speed on what she’d missed. With nothing really pressing on her agenda, Reyna returned to her office and called Tariq to tell him what time he and Alvaro should arrive. He was busy so the conversation didn’t take long.

  That task completed, she settled down and began working on employee evaluations. It wasn’t something she enjoyed doing but with the upcoming bonuses, it was necessary. Illuminator Incorporated only rewarded deserving employees.

  The evaluation system she’d devised was as fair as she could make it. Everyone had input. Each quarter, Felini and human employees alike evaluated themselves, their teammates, and their supervisors. Up the chain it went until it reached her desk. It made for a lot of reading between the lines—not everyone was honest—but the system worked.

  Reyna had worked her way through a quarter of the staff when security alerted her Alvaro and Tariq were in the lobby. She buzzed Jorlan and made her way down.

  Chapter Twelve

  Reyna saw her mate and her father as soon as the elevator doors opened.

  The two men were a sight to behold. Alvaro was dressed in a crisp black suit that emphasized his long, lean build. His white hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, giving him an artsy look. Tariq looked big and dangerous in black jeans, black t-shirt, and a black motorcycle jacket. The unrelieved darkness made his witchy blue-gray eyes stand out. Unlike Alvaro’s neatly groomed hair, Tariq’s was disarrayed, as though he’d run his hands repeatedly through the short mane. Reyna resisted the urge to smooth it into some type of order with her fingers.

  “Hello,” she greeted as she joined them. “Jorlan’s finishing up a few matters and will be down in a second. Then we’ll begin.” Conscious of the eyes watching, Reyna linked her fingers together to keep from touching Tariq as her cat demanded.

  Tariq didn’t share her restraint. He curled an arm around her waist and tugged her close. Cupping her jaw with one hand, he bent and tasted her mouth in a kiss that awakened every slumbering hormone. Her panties dampened as her sheath clenched and moistened.

  “Missed you,” he murmured when he finally lifted his head.

  How am I supposed to get any work done now? she wailed inwardly, her ability to concentrate shot. All she could focus on was sex.

  He gave her a slow, sexy smile. “I
heard that.”

  Mortified, Reyna glanced around and hastily took a step back. “Behave.”

  “You know I’ll be good,” Tariq said wickedly.

  Remembering exactly how good he could be, Reyna retreated another step before she pounced on him, right there in the lobby. The dinging of the elevator chime saved her from disgracing herself.

  Jorlan strode out, a welcoming smile on his face. “Alvaro. Tariq. Good to see both of you. Let’s begin.” He motioned them in the direction he wanted to go.

  Alvaro sauntered after Jorlan, his head swiveling from side-to-side as his avid gaze took in everything. Tariq came even with Reyna, slid a proprietary arm around her waist, and led her after them. As they went from floor to floor, Reyna could feel the stares, hear the hushed murmurs and staccato spurts of high, excited speech that trailed in their wake.

  Tariq, being a high profile Vampalien leader, was recognized immediately by her human employees and from what Reyna overheard, much speculation was given over the nature of their relationship. His body language spoke volumes. When Tariq’s hand wasn’t at the small of her back, it was on her waist, or draped across her shoulders. Once he’d stood behind her, both hands intimately gripping her hips as he listened intently to Jorlan.

  Reyna couldn’t have repeated a word of Jorlan’s spiel. Her body was on fire. She caught herself on more than one occasion arching into Tariq and rubbing her lower body against his rapidly hardening erection. The man brought out the feline in her.

  Two torturous hours later the tour ended in her office.

  “You two have done very well for yourselves,” Alvaro said. “Reyna, I’m very proud of all you’ve accomplished.”

  “Thank you,” she said, very aware of Tariq plastered to her back.

  “Quite impressive,” Tariq echoed Alvaro’s approval, his voice a deep rumble vibrating in her chest.

  “If you like, I have some contacts I could give you,” Alvaro continued. “I know quite a few people who’d be interested in your services.”

  Jorlan looked at her, brow arched in inquiry.

  Correctly interpreting he was leaving it up to her to respond, she said, “Thanks but we already have more projects than we can handle without expanding the business again.”

  Alvaro nodded, accepting her answer. “Thanks for the tour. I’d love to invite you both to lunch, but I need to leave. I’m afraid Isabella isn’t adjusting well to being away from her pride. Tariq?”

  “Go ahead. If you don’t mind, take the car. I’ll follow along later,” Tariq said.

  “All right. Reyna, why don’t you and Tariq plan on joining us for dinner? Jorlan, you’re welcome to come as well,” Alvaro said.

  “Thank you. I accept. What time?” Jorlan asked.

  “Let’s say sevenish and keep it informal,” Alvaro answered.

  “Sounds good. Now, I must make my apologies. I have a lunch meeting with a potential new client,” Jorlan said as he walked to the door.

  “We’ll be there, as well,” Tariq said.

  Alvaro smiled. “Wonderful. I’ll get out of your hair now. I’ve taken up enough of your time. See you tonight.”

  Reyna murmured something incoherent. Her focus totally on the male behind her, she barely noted the door closing as her father left. She spun around and leapt on Tariq. Now, she needed him now.

  He caught her midair and hoisted her higher. “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

  She instantly obeyed. Her mouth was busy pressing kisses to his face, his neck, any part of him she could reach.

  “Your scent’s been driving me crazy. That and those fuck me boots paired with this tight little skirt,” he said, pulling said skirt up around her waist.

  Reyna tightened her legs and arched upwards, rubbing her damp crotch against his rock hard erection. Tariq reached beneath her, got a good grip on her panties, and ripped them off. Then his long, calloused fingers were penetrating her slit. She mewled, so great was her need.

  “Should have…stayed home…like I…wanted you to,” he panted as he struggled to free his cock. Reyna was pressed too closely to his fly and wouldn’t give him the space he needed to undo the zipper. The feel of the rough denim against her sensitive flesh was too good.

  Tariq cursed and lifted her higher, moving that delicious bulge out of reach. Reyna made her displeasure known by sinking her teeth into his neck. He hissed out another profanity, but then the heat of him was right where she needed it most. The head of his penis nudged her opening. He got a good grip on her hips and pulled down while thrusting up. They both groaned as he sank hilt deep.

  He paused, giving her a minute to absorb the impact. Then he moved. The ride was hard, fast, and deep. It called to the she-cat within her. Reyna’s claws sliced out, her spine rippled, and she came with a scream that would have sent people running to her office to see what the commotion was if it hadn’t been soundproofed.

  The blunt tips of Tariq’s fingers dug into Reyna’s ass as he pulled her impossibly closer and erupted with a growl. She could feel his cock pulsing, jerking with each pulse of semen. It set her off again.

  When she came back to herself, Reyna discovered they were on the carpeted floor. Tariq was on his knees. She straddled his lap, arms around his neck. His forehead rested on her shoulder as he gulped in air. To her amusement, she was purring. Yes, he definitely brought out the feline in her.

  Reyna took silent inventory. Other than her panties, her clothes seemed to have survived this latest sexual encounter unscathed. She laughed huskily.

  “Share the joke,” he murmured into her neck.

  “You didn’t rip all my clothes off this time,” she told him. “I’m impressed.”

  He lifted his head and stared directly into her eyes, his expression cocky. “You should be. I was trying to be considerate, but it was a near miss. Next time you might not be so lucky.”

  Tariq made her feel so many emotions she wasn’t used to experiencing. Sometimes she didn’t know how to handle it. This was one of those times. Instead of analyzing or worrying it to death, she kissed him, hoping he’d know and understand.

  “Me, too,” he murmured, returning the kiss. “Me, too.”


  Reyna cleaned up in the half-bath attached to her office. Tariq stood in the doorway watching.

  “That’s a sexy outfit you’re wearing. You always dress like this to come to the office?” he asked.

  She glanced at her image in the mirror. The two-pieced knit suit had a military styled, long-sleeved jacket which nipped in at her waist and had gold embellishments. The short, fitted skirt came to mid-thigh and was the same red as the jacket. With it she wore her favorite knee-high black boots. “Or something similar. It’s professional but still comfortable.”

  “And sexy as hell,” he muttered. “The men probably can’t take their eyes off you long enough to get any work done.”

  Taking his comment at face value she said, “If that were the case, they’d quickly find themselves in the unemployment line. We don’t tolerate slackers.”

  Tariq entered the bathroom and stood close behind her. Their gazes met in the mirror. “You’re a tough taskmaster.”

  She shook her head. “We pay people to do a job, and I expect them to do it. You should see our application list. There are plenty of others willing to work if they won’t.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “Like I said, tough.”

  Reyna shuddered when he hit a sensitive spot. “You need to stop. I have work to do. I’m behind enough as it is.”

  He gave the spot one more lick and straightened. “Lunch first. You left this morning without eating breakfast.”

  Right then her stomach growled, nullifying any protest she might have made. Reyna sighed. “Fine, but it will have to be here. I don’t have time for an extended lunch today. The deli on the corner sells really good food. I have a menu in my drawer. To save time, we can call in our order.” She glanced at the watch on her wrist. It was a little after twelve-
thirty. Still the middle of the lunch hour rush. “If you go pick it up, I’ll snag us a table on the roof.”

  Frowning, Tariq asked, “They don’t deliver?”

  “Sometimes, if the order is large enough and you order it early in the day. In the middle of lunch hour? No.”

  They examined the menu, called in the order, and separated to tend to their assigned tasks. As she rode up in the elevator, Reyna estimated her friends should have returned to their workstations by now. Since all of them arrived before eight, they tended to take their lunch at eleven-thirty. It also gave them the added benefit of beating the crowd.

  As soon as she stepped out into the atrium, Reyna heard her name being called and winced. What were her friends still doing here?

  “Reyna, over here! What took you so long?”

  “Where’s the hunk? Did he leave?”

  “Was that Tariq Bastien, owner of The Gladiator?”

  “Where have you been? They told us you were sick. Are you feeling better?”

  “Is Tariq investing in Illuminator Inc.?

  “I heard they were buying us out.”

  The comments and questions came fast. Each person spoke over the other so Reyna had trouble distinguishing who said what. Mentally she braced herself to endure the ensuing interrogation.

  “Hi,” she said with fake cheer. “I’m surprised to see you here. I thought you’d be back at your desks by now.” Hint, hint. Get back to work, ladies.

  “We were waiting for you. Your floor is off limits so we had to corner you here,” Caitlyn said.

  “Why are you standing?” Delany asked, scowling. “Pull up a chair.”

  Caitlyn, Lexy, and Delany were so excited they didn’t seem to notice Reyna had no food in her hands. Reluctantly, she did as ordered. Jacey watched quietly, nibbling on her salad.

  As soon as she was seated, Caitlyn demanded to know, “How are you feeling? We were told you were ill. I’ve never known you to be sick before.”


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