Bloodlines: Currents

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Bloodlines: Currents Page 3

by Mechele Armstrong

  Bellario finished feeding, pulling both mouth and hand from him. He pulled his body away so that it no longer touched Jacques.

  Bellario sat up, leaning back on the pillows that had been procured for him by Jacques. The dead couple who’d served as a meal had no need of them now. “What is the status on my boy?”

  Jacques’s hands tightened in irritation. Bellario could go from sex to business with a speed akin to race horses. And this whole interest in Nathan was a big annoyance. “My boy”, his ass. “The village is up in arms over all his displays of skin. And that his mother is so sick. I’m not having trouble convincing them he’s a witch. They are looking for someone to blame for her sickness.” The witch trials in other places had ended long ago. But in small rural pockets similar to this one, with someone who knew how to work people, sentiment could still get riled up.

  “It’s going too slowly.”

  “I don’t understand why you don’t take him by force. It wouldn’t be that hard.” They could have Nathan with them by the morning if Bellario would let him do it his way.

  “Ahh, but Madeleine is a respected member of the community. Her passing will ignite the flames you’ve been fanning.” Bellario thoughtfully stroked his chin. “Take him before he’s been ostracized, and the community might rally around him. That would create too much...drama. I’d prefer to avoid that.”

  Jacques huffed. “I still don’t understand why you want the boy. I told you, he’s nothing. A nobody.” His voice took on bitterness that even he could hear.

  “To you, perhaps. To you.”

  Jacques frowned. If only everyone saw Nathan the way he did. Why was he so important to the vampire? Jacques clamped down on memories that were best left as that. Two curious boys had experimented once upon a time. Until Nathan had gotten high and mighty and rejected him. I cannot ignore the evil in you any longer. Not after that girl. Jacques shook off Nathan’s voice echoing in his head. “I still don’t get it.” There was nothing special about him, except that he was a pain in the ass.

  “Perhaps we should help his mother along to her...end.”

  “Nathan hasn’t left her side for long since his father died. He’s a mama’s boy.”

  Bellario shrugged, his wide shoulders seeming even broader in the small space. Jacques looked him up and down. He re-hardened. The man was “pure sin”, as Jacques’s mother used to say. His body was muscular and he had dark hair, eyes, and skin. His eyes seemed to see right into one’s soul. He was a contrast to Nathan if there ever was one. Not that Nathan meant anything to Jacques anymore.

  “Service me again, and I’ll let you feed.” He grinned up at the man with a sexy twist to his mouth.

  Bellario arched a brow. “You are getting a little arrogant, my human servant.” He hissed the last word. “I feed when I want. Not because you let me.”

  Jacques swallowed, his hand clenching. He refused to bow before anyone, although, a little groveling never hurt. Not when it meant keeping your blood in your body. He presented his neck. “Hungry?”

  Bellario glowered, his fine face ugly with the effort. “I’m fine for now. You don’t have to understand why I want Nathan. But I want him. And you’ll deliver him to me when it’s time. Or, I’ll break your fucking neck.”

  Jacques pulled back his throat. He’d known once he’d thrown in with Bellario, there would be no backing out. “We will have him.” He cocked his head to the side. “Once we have him where we want him, what do you intend to do with him? Kill him?” The latter was spoken hopefully. Even if he didn’t get the pleasure, perhaps, Bellario would let him watch.

  “Kill him?” Bellario guffawed. “I’d rather kill you.”

  Jacques moved inches away from the vampire. “You’re not going to kill him?” Damn. There went that hope.

  “I want him to be mine. I will turn him. He’ll become my lover.”

  Jacques folded his arms across his chest. “What about me? You said you’d turn me when I delivered Nathan.” And he’d assumed they’d stay lovers after they were both vampires. No way was he sharing with that freak of nature. He’d heard the term on a trip with his father to a bigger city. It applied to Nathan. It had also been where he’d found more out about men. But when he’d tried to share that knowledge with Nathan, he’d been rebuffed. Stupid bastard.

  “I will, my boy. I’ll make you a vampire as soon as I have Nathan in hand.”

  Dammit. Bellario said nothing about remaining together after Jacques had been turned, unlike Nathan, who he had plans for. It didn’t look as if he’d be asked to share with the freak. What was so damn special about the stupid blond man? Just because he liked to go without clothes when he could, and he said whatever he wanted. He didn’t understand the vampire’s obsession.

  “Go. Work to bring me what is already mine. I’ve sensed another vampire in the area. I don’t know who it is, but we must work faster to secure my boy.” Bellario stretched out, uncurling his body.

  Jacques watched Bellario’s muscles unfurl with frustration. His shaft sprang back to attention. Not that the bastard would do anything about it.

  He’d bring Nathan to Bellario and become a vampire. Then, he’d find a way to make Nathan pay for his rejection. Even if that meant taking out Bellario. There’d be no happily ever after or riding off into the sunset for the blond-haired bastard.

  Chapter Three

  Henri turned over for about the hundredth time in the last couple of hours alone. After walking around in the night, trying to scent out the other vampire, he’d come back to find Madeleine and Nathan both sleeping. Bellario was probably in hiding. He didn’t understand the vampire’s interest in the single human.

  Henri couldn’t get comfortable. There seemed to be rocks under his pallet. He’d refused Nathan’s bed and made up a nest of blankets on the floor. The real reason he couldn’t sleep was because he couldn’t get the human out of his head, not something that had ever happened before.

  Light snores erupted from Nathan’s bed, which sat down the hall. He was so close. Too close. Nathan had made his preferences obvious to Henri’s well-developed psyche. He didn’t have a problem with having sex with a man. His overt sexuality was tempting. Henri could wake him and take full advantage of the early morning erection that most men attained.

  But, somehow, fucking while Madeleine lay dying in the same house seemed rude. The human side of Henri still had propriety, no matter how much that was a dying ideal. The animal side had no such qualms. It wanted to throw Nathan down and make him Henri’s immediately. It wouldn’t have waited this long except that Henri’s human side had so far managed to keep control.

  Make Nathan yours.

  Why, whenever he looked at Nathan, did his beast roar “mine?” Since the first moment he’d met the man, something in him thought Nathan belonged to him no matter how hard Henri tried to ignore it.

  There was a good explanation for that. One he refused to entertain.

  Nathan could be his mate.

  No, it was impossible.

  He’d given up on finding that eons ago. For all he’d done, Henri was never meant to locate that part of him. It couldn’t be that he’d find it in his former lover’s son. And especially not now, when each day he struggled, about to lose control of the leashed animal inside him. The last time he’d been so close to losing it...

  He closed his eyes. No, he wouldn’t lose control this time. Never again. The fact remained that each time he’d gone through this, he’d lost the fight in the end. And humans had paid the price. Some vampires could harness their beasts under humanity. How Henri envied them, even when he’d been the one to create them. Some vampires never even tried to keep themselves under control. Those were the ones Henri made sure never saw another night.

  Nathan stirred things deep within in him that had never been touched before. Things he didn’t want to admit.

  It’s pure lust and nothing more.

  A lie.

  He knew it, even as he tried to convince himself o
therwise. Up until now, he’d always been brutally honest with himself as he’d been with others. Lying wasn’t going to be believed now.

  With a sigh, he rolled over again, his cock standing at rigid attention.

  What was the big deal? Nathan was under his care, attracted to him, and he was attracted to Nathan. Sex shouldn’t be a problem.

  Was the boy a virgin? Would he be the first to breach him?

  He rolled over to the other side, pressing his cock into the mattress. It would feel so good pressed into Nathan.

  His eyes shifted to the place where Nathan’s snores still echoed through the house.

  The beast reared up much as if it were a stallion on two legs.

  Take him. Claim him.


  He’s yours. Take what’s yours.

  Henri gritted his teeth together. Lust filled every orifice of his body. His blood surged through in a mad rush around the pathways. His breathing deepened and quickened to rapid pants.

  The last vestiges of humanity shook themselves off as the beast took over completely. Henri’s chest moved up and down in a low growl, the sound of it more animal than human even to his own ears.

  His body shook as his human fought to regain control.

  Blood lust joined the desire.

  He couldn’t control the two cravings waging war on his humanity.

  He could hear the pumping sounds of the vitae rolling around the two humans in the house. It sounded like raging rivers, accompanied by the drumbeats of their hearts. He could take all the blood. It would feed his hunger. First, the lust could be sated by pounding into Nathan, then, the all-consuming blood hunger could be sated by sinking his fangs in deep.

  He salivated. His breath pushed out from his lungs with effort, the slight air tickling his throat through his open mouth.

  He scented them, the disease overwhelming Madeleine’s scent. But, Nathan, oh, Nathan, smelled similar to a minty dessert. Henri licked his lips, bringing the scent as much as he could into his nose. He’d never smelled anything so sweet, so delectable.

  He pushed himself to his feet, leaping off the bed, letting out another low growl. His body flexed, muscles honed. His hair prickled as his senses went on alert.

  No more snores came from Nathan. Silence reigned.

  Was he awake? Did Nathan think to hide from him? Henri chuckled. As if anyone could evade him for long. He’d run him down, find him wherever he crouched. Let the beast have its due.

  He moved the few steps to where he could see Nathan still resting in bed. He lay still, as if he were a bunny evading the fox. It wouldn’t help him. Nothing could save him now.

  Henri grabbed the foot poking out from under the blankets. Nathan turned to look at him, arching a brow.

  No fear.

  There was no scent of it, no hint of it in the young man’s face.

  Nathan should be afraid.

  Had he showed even an ounce of panic, Henri had no idea what would have happened next. The beast had always liked the fear. It exalted in it. But there was none to be had in Nathan. He looked calm, as if men came stalking into his room every night.

  Nathan’s clear eyes met his. “You want me.”

  It wasn’t a question. Henri snarled, not an answer but as close to one as Henri could give at the moment. He struggled against the beast, his human side knowing the wrongness, wanting to warn the young man to run. Of course, if Nathan ran, his beast would hunt him down.

  Nathan took the sound for the affirmation it was. “I want you. But not now.”

  Six simple words, and the beast scampered down. It settled back within Henri, letting the human side retake control. Henri gasped in stunned amazement, able to think beyond the blood lust and desire in his mind. Nothing had ever pacified his animalistic side as this did, except for acting on it.

  Nathan’s eyes glittered as his hands shook slightly. He balled them into fists, throwing back his head.

  And Henri knew why his beast had settled down.

  Nathan had somehow drawn off some of the emotion. Not much at all. But that small amount had been enough to bring Henri back to himself.

  “What did you do?”

  Nathan struggled, his body giving another little quiver. His lips twitched. “I don’t know.” He stopped shaking, getting control over the turbulence wandering around his body. “I don’t know.”

  Before Henri could speak, Madeleine called from her room in a low whisper. “Nathan. Henri.”

  * * * * *

  Nathan didn’t look at Henri as they crossed the threshold into his mother’s room. Her chest rose and fell, but with considerable effort.

  “Maddy?” Henri reached her side first. He looked back at Nathan and shook his head. Henri moved around to the other side of the bed, taking her hand in his.

  “Maman.” Nathan reached to grasp her other hand. It didn’t hold his back for the first time ever. Swallowing, he passed his thumb over it.

  “Henri.” She gasped for breath as if she were a fish pulled from a stream. “Henri.”

  “I’m here, Maddy. Right here.”

  “ of him. Don’t make him. Only to save his life.”

  “You have my word, my friend.” He leaned down to softly kiss her cheek.

  A half-smile formed on her lips. “Ease me. My pain.” Henri’s eyes widened with unconcealed surprise. “After I talk to Nathan.” Her eyes slowly closed.

  “No. Maman!” Nathan’s fingers tightened on her hand. He wasn’t ready. Not for this.

  “Calm yourself.” Henri’s eyes blazed. “Don’t upset your mother.”

  Her eyes slowly reopened.

  Nathan’s breathing eased back to normal. She wasn’t gone. Thank God.

  “Nathan.” Her words came with much more effort and somewhat slurred. “Good boy. Be what you are. Don’t...don’t let them get you.”

  A single tear escaped his eye and slipped down his cheek. He leaned in to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. After rising back up, he kept his head by her, holding her hand.

  One last sigh, and her eyes closed shut again.

  He turned slightly to look at Henri. “Is she?”

  “No. She’s resting.” He walked out of the room and came back with syringe.

  “What’s that?” Nathan frowned.

  “It’s morphine. It will ease her pain.” Henri met Nathan’s eyes steadily. “She didn’t want to use it while she still had things to say. But she gave me permission to use it now. I’d brought it in case she needed it.” He injected her arm, then they settled back into silence.

  How long they stayed that way, Nathan had no idea. Time crawled by as if it had been days. He stayed for a while with his head down by her, listening to her erratic breathing.

  Henri stayed with him. He sat on the bed beside her, stoic, holding her hand and whispering words of comfort occasionally, but mostly letting Nathan do any talking. Somehow, his presence helped Nathan with his loneliness. Even though he did want to offer Henri a bath so he wouldn’t itch so much. Sitting in the muted light from the dusty window, Henri had scratched at his clothes often.

  The windows darkened as night fell. Nathan barely noted when Henri left the room. He’d left a few times, fetching water for Nathan. This time, he came back with soup and a piece of bread.

  “Here. Eat this.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  Henri extended his hand further to hold it out. “You’ve been in here all day, eating nothing. You’ll do your mother no good if you pass out from hunger.”

  Nathan blew out a breath. “Are you always this sensible?” He took the bowl of soup and dipped the bread in it.

  “Pretty much.” Henri tipped his head to the side.

  “I never am.”

  “Somehow I figured that.” Henri ambled back to the other side of the bed. “Her breathing grows more erratic.”

  “I know. I can hear it.” It had sounded worse and worse as the hours passed. She’d also begun groaning as if something in her
hurt, even with the morphine that Henri had administered. Nathan had debated sending Henri for a doctor. But his mother hadn’t wanted treatment. So he’d given up the idea. By the time Henri found one, it would probably be too late anyway.

  Henri’s voice softened into a deeper baritone that was somehow soothing. “She’s not got long, Nathan.”

  He took a big bite of the now soup-soaked bread. It tasted good, making him realize how hungry he was. “I know that, too.”

  They lapsed into silence while Nathan ate. He finished, but didn’t want to leave his mother to even take the bowl out of the room. If it happened, when it happened, he wanted to be with her. When Henri came to get the bowl, Nathan touched his arm. Sparks tossed off from the mere brief contact of skin. “Thank you.”

  “It was nothing.”

  “I don’t mean for the soup. You’ve stayed here today. To be with her. And me.”

  Henri shrugged, heading for the door.

  “You’d better get something to eat, too. You must be famished.” Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen Henri eat since he’d been there.

  “I’m fine, Nathan.” He walked out without a backwards glance.

  Maybe he’d eaten when Nathan hadn’t been with him? But what? Nathan hadn’t noticed any food missing.

  He turned back to his mother. Her chest rose and fell with a slowness, as if it couldn’t quite expand. He took her hand again, stroking it. She moaned, the sound hideous in the stillness. Maybe he should have gotten a doctor. The sounds continued from his mother. She was sounding more and more as if she was in pain. Dammit.

  Henri came back in with another needle. He retook his space by the bed, giving her morphine in the other arm. They listened to her moan for a few minutes. It was all they had to help her, and it wasn’t enough.

  Henri looked thoughtful, a hand stroking his chin. “Go out of here for a bit. You need a break.”

  “I don’t want to leave.” Nothing Henri could say would make him leave his mother’s side.

  “You haven’t pissed all day. You’re going to hurt yourself. Take a small break. I’ll be here with her.” Henri motioned at the door with his hand.


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