Four Weddings & A Vendetta (Remington Ranch #5)

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Four Weddings & A Vendetta (Remington Ranch #5) Page 25

by SJ McCoy

  “For the fourth and final time today, I’d like all to join me in bringing together this man and this woman.”

  Shane’s tears dried up and the laughter returned at the look on Cassidy’s face. She’d said she was going to ask him to say this woman and this man.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chance slipped away as soon as Shane and Cassidy had said, I do. He’d needed to see each and every one of them say their vows, but he’d kept going back to the barn in between. Now he was free to get back there and check in with all the men he’d had riding out around the ranch—and the ones he’d sent up to the Preston ranch, too. One way or another he was going to find Guy today and put an end to him. It’d be the best wedding gift he could give the Remingtons—no matter how it turned out.

  He needed to get Matt out of the barn, too. Summer’s sister had been getting ever more irritated with him. The poor guy didn’t need to take that kind of grief for helping out. Plus, Chance didn’t want him around if Guy did show his face.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket. It was a text from April.

  Any sign of him?

  Chance didn’t want her worrying. He wanted her to go back to Summer Lake and forget all about Guy and everything she’d been through here.

  No. I’m working on it.

  Luke and Mike are here if

  he does show.

  He knew that wouldn’t be enough to stop her worrying, but hopefully it’d keep her at the reception with the other guests. He didn’t want her wandering around trying to help.

  When he reached the barn, he could hear movement inside. It sounded like a fight. Shit! He made his way down the row of stalls, careful to stay in the shadows. It was Guy, grappling in the hay with Matt. Neither of them had noticed him; they were both too busy landing blows. As Chance grabbed a pitch fork, Guy landed a punch on Matt’s temple and he went down. Shit! Chance swung the handle of the pitchfork around and aimed it at Guy’s head. Guy turned just in time and managed to bring an arm up. He tried to pull it out of Chance’s grasp, but Chance freed it. He made no mistakes with his second try. He poked it into Guy’s stomach hard and as he crouched forward, winded, Chance pulled it clear and landed a clean blow to the side of his head. Guy’s knees buckled and he went down. He was out cold. Just like Matt.

  Chance checked Matt’s pulse; it was strong and steady. Then he checked Guy’s. Unfortunately, it was, too. He looked around wildly and spotted a reel of baling twine. He grabbed it and bound Guy’s hands and feet. Once he was done, he looked around. He should get help for Matt. But first he needed to make sure of something. He used the blanket to pick up one of the gas cans and carried it over to Guy. He couldn’t do what he really wanted to. Instead, he closed Guy’s limp hand around the handle, making sure he imprinted each fingertip clearly. He wouldn’t allow any possibility of Guy getting off the hook this time.

  Once he’d done that he checked on Matt again and slapped his cheek gently. Matt’s eyes fluttered. “Huh?”

  “You’re okay, bud. You just saved the day. Help’s coming.” Confident that Matt would be fine other than a nasty headache, Chance dug out his phone. He sent one text to all four brothers and Luke.

  Check the barn.

  He sent another to April.

  Relax. It’s over.

  Then he made his way out the back and waited to see who arrived. Carter was first with Mason and Shane close on his heels. Beau came hurrying in seconds later, accompanied by Luke.

  Chance watched through the boards from outside as they found Matt and Guy. Beau pointed at the gas cans while Carter tried to bring Matt around. Luke examined everything carefully as he talked into his radio. Chance took three deep breaths then made his way back inside.

  All eyes turned to him.

  “What happened?” asked Matt.

  “You saved the day,” Chance told him.

  “I did?”

  “You sure did, you’re a real hero.”

  Mason gave him a puzzled look.

  Luke’s gaze bored into him. “What do you know about all this?”

  Chance shrugged. “All I know is I came in here, Matt’s out cold, and so’s that piece of shit.” He toed Guy’s leg with his boot.

  “And you had nothing to do with it?”

  Chance shrugged again. The less he said the better. He jerked his head toward Matt who was now sitting up with Carter’s help. “He’s the guy you need to thank.”

  Mike Nolan appeared in the doorway. “What’s going on?”

  Luke gave Chance another stern look then turned to face his boss. “It took a Nashville star to do what we haven’t been able to for months.” He pointed at Guy, “Catch him, take him down, and keep him with the evidence.”

  Mike looked at the gas cans. “You think that’s going to be admissible evidence?”

  Luke smirked at Chance. “I have a feeling it will be.” Chance made for the door. Luke, he could handle; Mike was another story.

  Mike’s hand came down on his shoulder as he tried to sneak past him. “Good job, son.”

  Chance tried to look as innocent as possible and was about to deny any knowledge of what Mike was talking about until he met the older man’s gaze. Then he simply nodded.

  ~ ~ ~

  The Sunday brunch for all the newlyweds was turning out to be a huge success. Monique smiled as she watched her family chatting and laughing with each other. She hadn’t lost her sons; she’d gained four daughters—and a granddaughter.

  She watched Gina and Mason sitting with Al Delaney and Anna. Maybe there’d be another wedding soon—or maybe not. If they made each other happy, that was all that mattered.

  Corinne was chatting with her sister and brother-in-law. They had a house in the valley now, and with no parents left alive, maybe they’d become a part of the family.

  At one of the long picnic tables, Cassidy was laughing with her father’s wife. Monique had thought she was Cassidy’s sister at first. Thankfully, Shane had warned her before she’d put her foot in it. It seemed the two of them were getting along nicely. Perhaps bridges were being built there? Monique hoped so.

  Carter was laughing and joking with Clay McAdam. Monique looked over to check on Dave, he knew she had the tiniest crush on Clay and blushed every time he spoke to her. Apparently, Dave knew what she was thinking and wagged his finger at her sternly. She chuckled and gave him a little wave. Summer and her sister Autumn sat with them, chatting happily.

  A little ways away Chance was deep in conversation with the singer—Matt. Monique didn’t like the look of that. She was grateful that Matt had been in the barn yesterday and that he’d had something to do with stopping Guy. But whatever he was talking about with Chance now looked to be getting a little heated. She started making her way toward them.

  ~ ~ ~

  “I can’t take the credit for something I didn’t do.”

  “You did do it, though. You were fighting with him when I got there.”

  “Yeah, and he knocked me out. If you hadn’t arrived when you did he could have killed me. In fact, I’m convinced he would have. That is one crazy bastard.”

  “You got that much right. But you took care of him.”

  Matt scowled. “I didn’t and we both know it.”

  Chance knew he was pushing his luck, but this seemed like the perfect solution to him. He didn’t want or need to get involved in any of it. He didn’t want Luke questioning him and certainly didn’t want to have to be a part of Guy’s trial—or to have to lie about gas cans. Matt, on the other hand, was being handed a great PR opportunity. He could be the hero who saved the day.

  “Okay. But wasn’t coming here an attempt to repair your reputation? And don’t you think that taking down a bad guy and saving not just one wedding, but four, being seen as the hero, would go a long way to getting you some good press?”

  Matt shook his head. “Of course it would, but that’s not what I’m about. I’m about doing what’s right.”

  Chance nodded. “Sorry. I mi
sjudged you.”

  “Damned straight you did.”

  “So how about you help me do what’s right. Take the credit for me?”

  “You should take it yourself.”

  “I can’t. I’ve been to prison before for beating the crap out of a bad guy. There’s no way in hell I want to go anywhere near anything like it again. It’d be torture for me, and it’ll be useful for you. So I’m asking you, please?”

  Matt thought it over, then nodded slowly. “You’re going to owe me one though.”

  Chance frowned. “What do you want?”

  Matt smiled. “Don’t worry, I don’t, and probably never will. But if I ever do need a friend, it’d be nice to think I’ve got one of life’s good guys in my corner.”

  Chance smiled back. “You sure do. Anything. Ever.” He shrugged. “You’ve got my number.”

  Monique appeared at his side with a smile. “And why aren’t you two boys eating?”

  “We were just coming.” Chance put an arm around her shoulders and walked back up the porch with her to where Beau was grilling burgers.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “It is. I was just thanking him.”

  Monique shook her head. “Why do I feel we should all be thanking you?”

  Chance shrugged and gave her a hug.

  ~ ~ ~

  Dave tapped his spoon against his glass to get everyone’s attention. They all stopped talking and eating and came to gather around. He stood on the porch steps looking down at them.

  “You all know Monique and I are leaving soon. I want to drink a toast with you before we go.” He smiled at his sons and their wives and families. This was hard. He was happy, but it was hard.

  “I want to raise my glass to the five finest sons a man could have, and to the four wonderful ladies who are now a part of our family.” He found Chance in the crowd and caught his eye. “And to the mythical lady I know is out there somewhere who will become number five.” He’d wondered if he should skip that part, but Chance raised his glass slightly and nodded. There was hope.

  “I’m not a man of many words, and I’m certainly not a man of clever words. All I want to do is wish each and every one of you all the love and happiness your hearts can hold.” He held his arm out and Monique came to stand by his side. “It won’t always be easy.” He grinned at his wife. “At times you’ll wonder what you’ve gotten yourselves into.” She slapped his arm and he laughed. “I meant you wondered what you got yourself into with me, dear. Honest!”

  Everyone laughed and Dave smiled at them. “I said that because I want you all to remember that the love Monique and I still share shines just as brightly now as it did the day we got married all those years ago. It shines because we’ve treasured it and nurtured it and cared for it, even through the tough times.”

  “Especially through the tough times!” added Monique.

  Dave raised his glass. “So love each other, treasure each other, nurture each other.” He shrugged, “It may sound corny, but in short, all I’m saying is, always be Remingtons.”

  He couldn’t stop the tears escaping as he watched his boys raise their glasses.

  It was Cassidy’s voice that rang loud and clear. Her words summing up everything Dave had wanted to say. “Remingtons forever.”

  Every single one of them echoed her toast. “Remingtons forever!” ;

  A Note from SJ

  I hope you enjoyed your visit to Montana and spending time with the Remingtons. Please let your friends know about the books if you feel they would enjoy them as well. It would be wonderful if you would leave me a review, I'd very much appreciate it.

  Chance is holding out for his own three book spinoff –and it’s getting closer. If you know me at all, you know I hate committing to dates, BUT I will say Chance’s three books are in the pipeline for late spring / early summer 2017. I plan to release them a month apart – and don’t worry, I won’t publish the first one until all three are written! ;0) Click here to learn more.

  In the meantime, you’ll see glimpses of him in my Summer Lake series. If you haven’t read them, you can get started FREE.

  There are a few options to keep up with me and my imaginary friends:

  The best way is to Sign up for my Newsletter. Don't worry I won't bombard you! I'll let you know about upcoming releases, share a sneak peek or two and keep you in the loop for a couple of fun giveaways I have coming up :0)

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  And I’m always in the process of updating my website at with new book updates and even some videos. Plus you’ll find the latest news on new releases and giveaways in my blog.

  I love to hear from readers, so feel free to email me at [email protected].. I’m better at that! :0)

  I hope our paths will cross again soon. Until then, take care, and thanks for your support—you are the reason I write!



  PS – Project Semicolon

  You may have noticed that the final sentence of the story closed with a semicolon. It isn’t a typo. Project Semicolon is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and love to those who are struggling with depression, suicide, addiction, and self-injury. Project Semicolon exists to encourage, love and inspire. It’s a movement I support with all my heart.

  "A semicolon represents a sentence the author could have ended, but chose not to. The sentence is your life and the author is you." - Project Semicolon

  This author started writing after her son was killed in a car crash. At the time I wanted my own story to be over, instead I chose to honour a promise to my son to write my ‘silly stories’ someday. I chose to escape into my fictional world. I know for many who struggle with depression, suicide can appear to be the only escape. The semicolon has become a symbol of support, and hopefully a reminder – Your story isn’t over yet


  Also by SJ McCoy

  Summer Lake Series

  Emma and Jack in Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt FREE!

  Holly and Pete in Work Like You Don't Need the Money

  Missy and Dan in Dance Like Nobody's Watching

  Smoke and Laura in Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded

  Michael and Megan in Laugh Like You’ve Never Cried

  Kenzie and Chase in Sing Like Nobody’s Listening

  Gabe and Renée in Smile Like You Mean It

  Missy and Dan’s wedding in The Wedding Dance

  Ben and Charlotte’s backstory in Chasing Tomorrow

  April and Eddie in Dream Like Nothing’s Impossible

  Coming Next

  Ride Like You’ve Never Fallen

  Remington Ranch Series

  Mason FREE!




  Four Weddings and a Vendetta

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  A Note from SJ

  PS – Project Semicolon

  Also by SJ McCoy

  />   SJ McCoy, Four Weddings & A Vendetta (Remington Ranch #5)




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