Sweet Surrender

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Sweet Surrender Page 12

by Jill Sanders

  She lay around enjoying the sun until she grew thirsty. A resort worker had come and hauled the remains of the picnic away shortly after Calvin had left. She noticed a few of them standing around the beach, most likely on guard, watching out for her. Thanks to Calvin.

  Dusting her jeans off, she made her way away from the beach. She had just stepped onto the pathway when she heard an argument. She thought about turning back and finding another way to the pool bar area.

  She stopped when she heard the slap. There was no mistaking the sound of skin on skin followed by a woman’s slight cry of pain. Rushing forward, she went on the defense as all thoughts of her own safety fled her mind.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Calvin remained so busy after lunch that by the time the rehearsal party rolled around, he hadn’t had any free time to think about Bella again.

  The finishing touches were in place as the wedding party started arriving. Everyone was standing around waiting for the groom and bride to arrive when the bride’s mother rushed over to him.

  “What have you done?” she hissed at him as she tugged his arm, trying to get him away from the group of family members he’d been chatting with.

  “Is there a problem, Miss Wright?” he asked, stepping aside so their conversation wouldn’t be heard.

  “Yess,” she hissed again as she glanced around. “You are the problem. I can’t believe the lack of professionalism.” She shook her head. “Your boss will hear about this.”

  He waited until she was done. “I’m sorry, if there’s anything my staff has…”

  The woman laughed sarcastically. “Your employees are not at fault. You are. I’m going to hold you financially responsible for everything.”

  He shook his head. “I’m sorry, I’m not following you.” He looked around and saw Fredrick Stafford heading his way. To say the man looked pissed would have been an understatement.

  He waited for the man to stop in front of him, but instead, the guy threw his fist back and swung it at Calvin’s head. Thankfully, Calvin had seen the move coming, since the man wasn’t in any shape to fight.

  Before he could respond, two of his staff members rushed over and, between the three of them, they held the man’s arms down to his side as he filled the air with colorful curse words.

  “Would one of you like to tell me what this is all about?” he asked when the man ran out of steam. It didn’t take long. There was a bead of sweat rolling down the heavy man’s face, which had turned a bright red.

  “That,” Fredrick spat out, “was for sleeping with my virgin bride.”

  The entire group of family members had all gathered around to watch the show. Everyone gasped at this and glared in his direction, as if already judging him as guilty.

  Calvin couldn’t help it, he laughed. “This is some sort of joke.” He looked around. Catching Kathleen Wright’s eyes, he knew that they weren’t joking.

  “I haven’t slept with or, for that matter, done anything with Miss Wright except having a very brief conversation with her yesterday,” he responded. Then he remembered how the younger woman had thrown herself at him and frowned.

  “See.” Fredrick tried to point a beefy hand at him. “It’s written all over your face. You can’t deny it.”

  “I can and I am,” he said again. “I’m involved with someone else at the moment,” he added.

  “So? Once a cheater…” someone in the growing crowd called out.

  He glared around and shook his head. “I’m not sure what brought this matter up. If I’m being accused, please tell me, who is it that witnessed this act?” Everyone was silent, so he added. “Now, if we’re all settled.” He moved closer to Fredrick and lowered his voice. “Have you considered this rumor was started to stop the wedding?”

  The man’s eyes narrowed, then he turned on Kathleen. “Where is your daughter?”

  “She’s here.” Calvin heard Bella’s voice and watched the crowd part as she marched towards them, holding onto Eliza’s arm.

  The blonde woman was holding an ice pack to her cheek and looking as if she wished she were anywhere else but in the middle of a crowd.

  The look on Bella’s face had Calvin holding his breath. He’d never seen her so riled up before. She was obviously pissed about something. Standing back, he waited to see what was going on.

  “I’ve called the police,” she informed him and turned her body towards the man still being held back by two of the resort’s employees.

  “Good,” the man sneered. “They’ll sort this mess out and—”

  “Arrest you,” Bella finished as she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Me?” Fredrick balked. “For what? He’s the one who slept with my virgin bride.”

  “Virgin…” Bella hissed. “You disgust me.” Bella stood closer and Calvin’s arms moved to her shoulders, trying to keep her a safe distance from the man. “And no, he didn’t. You crossed the line when you hit her.” Bella motioned to the woman, who was trying to hide behind them.

  A hush fell over the crowd as every eye turned on her now. She avoided everyone’s gaze.

  “Is this true?” Kathleen gasped, rushing over to her daughter. The mother gently raised her hand and pulled the ice pack away from Eliza’s face. There, on the girl’s cheek, was a nasty red mark, clearly in the shape of a hand. Her skin was marred with red lines, as if the blood vessels had burst under her pale skin.

  Gasps once again circled amongst the group as stares turned towards Fredrick.

  “She’s lying,” the man screamed out. “It was probably him.” He motioned towards Calvin.

  “Enough,” Calvin barked out. “I will not be dragged into this. I’m in a committed relationship and have not cheated, nor do I have the desire to.” He narrowed his eyes and circled the group, waiting for anyone to challenge him. “Now, I suggest we wait until the police get here to deal with this matter instead of throwing around accusations.”

  “I saw it all,” Bella chimed in suddenly. “I was just heading to the pool bar for an iced tea after my picnic at the beach and was around the corner when I heard the slap. I showed up just as he”—she pointed towards Fredrick— “was leaving. I helped Eliza back up from the ground.” She motioned to the woman. “She has cuts on her hands and knees as well.”

  “I guess that settles it,” someone in the crowd said. “Guess the wedding’s off.”

  “Thank god,” Calvin heard someone else say. Suddenly, the crowd broke up as two Silver Cove police officers arrived.

  “What’s this all about, Calvin,” Brock asked as he stopped by him.

  The key players were moved into Calvin’s office for privacy. He sat behind his desk, listening to the entire story again as Bella sat in one of his chairs and Eliza cried softly on her mother’s shoulder.

  “This is all lies,” Fredrick barked out when Bella got to the point of witnessing the slap. “To cover up the fact that that man”—he pointed at Calvin again— “slept with my bride.”

  “You keep saying that,” Calvin said easily. “It makes it no truer than before.”

  Calvin heard Brock chuckle. “Calvin?” Brock shook his head. “No way.”

  “Why not?” Fredrick asked with a frown.

  “Because,” Brock started, “everyone in town knows he and Bella…” He stopped talking. “Well, they’ve just started seeing one another.”

  “Thank you, Brock,” Calvin broke in. “Who started this nasty rumor anyway?” he asked Fredrick, whose eyes moved over to Eliza.

  Everyone turned to her. The woman swallowed and then shrugged.

  “I met with Fredrick to break things off.” She looked down at her hands. “After the other day…” Her eyes moved up to his. “I’m sorry I kissed you.”

  Fredrick barked out. “See!”

  “Shut up,” Brock said then turned to Eliza. “Go on.”

  “Well, I just wanted to know what it was like, to kiss someone I wanted. For once. I decided I didn’t want to go ahead with this marria
ge.” She turned to her mother. “I know I promised, but I can’t marry someone I don’t love. I don’t even like him.” She motioned toward the man.

  “It’s okay, sweetie, we’ll figure something out.” Kathleen sighed and hugged her daughter, who started crying again.

  “I swear,” she said as she cried, “I haven’t slept with anyone. I just told Fredrick I kissed him and had changed my mind about the wedding.”

  Brock turned towards the man. “Did you hit Eliza?” he asked.

  Suddenly, Fredrick’s entire demeanor changed. It was like someone had turned on a switch and he had turned back into Dr. Jekyll. He watched as the guy started oozing charm.

  “I think we can all see how she misled me.” He chuckled and relaxed. “She led me to believe that he’d taken advantage of my sweet, young, innocent bride. This is all an obvious misunderstanding.” He moved to get up, dusting off his slacks and straightening his shirt. When he made a move towards the doorway, Kathleen stood up.

  “My daughter wishes to press charges against Fredrick Stafford.” She held her hand and pointed at the man who currently had a hand on the doorknob, looking like he was desperately trying to escape.

  The man turned and was once again Mr. Hyde. “It’s a lie,” he screamed, his face turning red. “I never touched the girl.”

  The yelling started again, and Calvin glanced over at Bella, who looked over at him and then leaned towards him and whispered.

  “You never told me your job was so… exciting.”

  He couldn’t help it, he laughed and pulled her into his arms right there.

  An hour later, they sat in his office alone. The group had broken up shortly after the police cuffed Fredrick Stafford and hauled him into the local station.

  No doubt the guy would post bond and be out before the fingerprint ink could dry, but at least it was all legal and on record. Kathleen had convinced Eliza to sue the man for abuse and emotional turmoil, no doubt seeking to recoup some of the funds they had lost putting on the elaborate show.

  The mother and daughter checked out less than ten minutes after the police had left and requested as much of a refund as possible. Calvin assured them that he would have a look at the expenses and refund what they could.

  “Come here,” he said, wiggling his finger towards Bella.

  She smiled and stood up from the chair and slowly made her way across the room towards him. She’d had to tell her story officially once more and had signed a statement before Brock had left.

  She didn’t stop when she got to him, instead she straddled him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He pulled her down to a kiss and sighed when he realized just how right it felt.

  “I just can’t get over that man thinking Eliza was his property.” She sighed against his neck as she hugged him. “He kept saying ‘my bride,’ as if he owned her.” She leaned back. “Did he actually say, my innocent virgin bride?”

  Calvin thought about it and nodded. “Yes, I believe those were his words.”

  “That’s disgusting. I mean, it sounds like he was paying for a virgin sacrifice.” He felt her shiver.

  He chuckled. “You watch too many movies.”

  She shook her head and smiled slightly. “I hope Eliza finds happiness now.” Then she leaned back even further, and her smile grew. “Does that mean you have the night off now?”

  He laughed and kissed her. “It does,” he agreed. “What did you have in mind?”

  The last thing he’d expected when he secured the Dame back in her slip at the Silver Cove docks was that an hour later he’d be standing in Serenity’s Attic holding bags full of clothes Bella had purchased from other stores while he waited for Bella to step out of the dressing room again.

  “This isn’t what I had in mind,” he said softly when she stepped out wearing a soft blue sundress.

  “You don’t like it?” She twirled, sending the skirt flowing around her. The back had a sexy strap of thin material that crossed her body.

  “I like it,” he said, his voice going low with desire. “But I had hoped we would skip the shopping.”

  She chuckled and waved him away as she turned to the mirror to look at her image. The smile on her face told him that she liked the dress herself and he would, no doubt, be carrying it, along with the other three items she’d already decided on, home that night.

  “We have time,” she said over her shoulder. “Besides, I needed some retail therapy.”

  He remembered that most of her things had been destroyed that morning and nodded. It really wasn’t a hardship, watching her try on sexy outfits or helping her pick out things he liked.

  They had stopped at the boutique a few doors down, and he’d helped her pick out all new underwear and bras. She’d been very interested in his opinions, but all he could think about was getting her back to his place after then. He hadn’t planned on making two more stops.

  “Oh, I like that one,” Crystal said. The woman had three more dresses in her hands and set them across the back of a chair near the dressing rooms for Bella to try on. “It sets off your aura nicely.”

  The woman’s eyes went soft and she sighed as she looked between them. “It’s so wonderful.” She walked over and wrapped an arm around Calvin’s waist. “You and my Calvin.” She chuckled.

  Since he’d met Sarah’s mother, the woman had taken to him like a second mother. Well, actually, Crystal was the mother he’d always wished he’d had instead of his own.

  “I knew the two of you would be a great pair,” Crystal added. “Oh, you need some jasmine.” She snapped her fingers and quickly disappeared.

  Bella chuckled and turned back to him. “I missed being home.” She grabbed up the other dresses, kissed him, then disappeared into the dressing room again.

  Chapter Seventeen

  It was so nice having a different place to sleep. One where someone hadn’t broken in. Just the little intrusion was enough to creep her out.

  Stepping into Calvin’s house again this night was a lot different than the night before. Sure, she felt passion for him bubbling up inside her again, but tonight they were both weighed down by bags of items she had purchased.

  Her luggage, filled with her remaining clothes, sat just inside his front door.

  “Want me to help you put your stuff away?” he asked, setting some of the bags on his sofa.

  She had been dying to ask him how long he expected her to stay. After all, she only had a week left of her planned vacation time.

  Her brother and his family were due back tomorrow. They’d heard about the break-in and had cut their trip short.

  She’d assumed Calvin had invited her to stay at his place for the night, until she could move over to Ben and Sarah’s place.

  “That depends,” she said after setting down the bags she’d been carrying.

  “On?” He moved over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close.

  “Your plans,” she said under her breath.

  “My plans?” he asked, his dark eyebrows slowly going up. She nodded and swallowed at the feeling she got when looking into his eyes. Feeling his body next to hers always caused her breath to catch in her lungs. “Well, currently, I plan on helping you get settled upstairs.” He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. “Then I plan on eating something before taking you to bed and making love to you slowly for the rest of the night.”

  She closed her eyes on a moan at the thought. “I mean…” She shifted slightly so she could look up at him again. “How long do you plan on me staying with you?”

  His smile slipped slightly. “As long as you want.” He shrugged. “I’ve got plenty of room. For your own safety, I plan on you coming to work with me each day so I can keep an eye on you.” He frowned even a little more. “Or you’ll be hanging out with your brother or Sarah. We’ve all decided not to let you out of our sight for too long.”

  She groaned when she remembered the conversation she’d had with her brother. “
Right.” She nodded. “I didn’t know if you expected…” She shook her head and leaned against him further.

  “If you want, I’d like you to remain here with me.” He used his fingers to raise her chin up until she was looking into his eyes again. “Is that what you’re asking?”

  She nodded. “I’d like that.” She smiled.

  “Good. Now that that is settled, let’s get your stuff upstairs.”

  They spent the next hour hanging her clothes in his massive walk-in closet. Over half of the space had been sitting empty except for the empty boxes from when he’d moved in two years ago. He folded them up and took them out to his garage as she hung each of her new items and inspected the other clothes that had been salvaged.

  She was thankful that most of her shoes had survived the attack. When she was done, she moved into his bathroom and found an empty drawer to put her toiletry items in.

  “Settled?” he asked from the doorway. He’d disappeared about a half an hour ago to head downstairs and make them dinner.

  “Yes.” She turned to him and looked around. “I don’t want to invade…” He stopped her by walking over and kissing her.

  “You aren’t,” he said smoothly. “Don’t even think about it. While you are here, treat this like your home. Don’t be one of those guests that make it weird.” He chuckled. “Okay?”

  She nodded. “Okay.”

  “Good, now come on downstairs. You can set the table while I finish up with dinner.” He kissed her again and then pulled her downstairs.

  She busied herself setting the table after he showed her where to find everything. She was happy that he didn’t treat her like a guest. When she stayed with Ben and Sarah, they had treated her the same way.

  It was strange to remember living with her parents. She had always felt like a guest in their home growing up.

  The last time she’d visited them, before she’d graduated school, they had put her up in a guest room, since they’d changed her bedroom into a study for her mother. Like her mother needed a study. The woman hadn’t held a job Bella’s entire life.


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