Corbin's Bend Homecoming

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Corbin's Bend Homecoming Page 28

by Ruth Staunton

  Not two minutes later the television suddenly turned off.

  “Hey, did you accidentally hit the power button on the remote?” she asked Sebastian, laughing. “I was just getting into that.”

  He stood and approached where she sat, legs tucked underneath her. “No, I shut it off on purpose.” He held out his hand, pulling her up off the couch when she placed her hand in his. “I wanted to show you something in the basement, and talk to you about a few things.”

  The flutters in Nancy’s stomach returned full force, though she knew she didn’t really have anything to be worried about. He probably put some boxes down there and wanted to make sure that she was okay with where they were, and knew where everything was located. Sebastian was so great about making sure she was fully informed about everything going on in their lives, unlike her… Nope, she told herself, not going there tonight. Tomorrow was soon enough.

  She followed him down the stairs and into the unfinished room. Boxes were stacked along the far wall as she’d suspected, but laid out on the floor was an old area rug that they didn’t need because there was wall to wall carpet in the bedrooms. On top of that was a bistro set from their old kitchen made useless by the breakfast bar in this house.

  It looked strange and out of place, this table and two chairs on a fake oriental rug, floating in the middle of a cement room.

  “Are we having a private dinner down here tomorrow, Sebastian?” she asked, laughing nervously. What in the world was he up to?

  “I suppose sometime we could if you wanted to, but that isn’t the reason I set this up.” He put an arm around her waist and guided her to one of the chairs, waiting until she sat down before he took the other. “We need a private place for ourselves.”

  “I don’t understand.” Nancy said the words, but deep down she was beginning to have a sinking suspicion she knew exactly what was happening.

  She’d never seen Sebastian like this before. He sat straight and tall in his chair, but he wasn’t stiff. Rather, he looked serious and focused, like he was conducting business and knew something she didn’t. His arms rested on the table, hands clasped comfortably. No white knuckles or twitching to be found. Whatever was going on, Sebastian was confident and sure of himself.

  In comparison, Nancy wanted to crawl under a rock and hide from the guilt. His knowing stare penetrated every pore in her body, urging her to confess, while sweat began to bead at her hairline and her hands went clammy.

  The silence dragged on interminably, increasing Nancy’s tension until she thought she’d pass out, until finally he spoke. “Is there anything you want to talk to me about, Nancy?”

  His seemingly innocent query stunned her speechless.

  He knew! There’s no way he would ask that question or be behaving this way if he didn’t know the truth about Corbin’s Bend.

  But how would he have found out? Had he walked around town and spoken to a few of the locals? Maybe gone to the Community Center and done reading there? They probably had spanking information there, plus she remembered that the Community Center held the Application Office. Panic consumed her, and in a split second, she knew her face revealed everything when her jaw dropped and her eyes shimmered with tears.

  “Before you say anything, you should be aware that I had visitors this morning.”

  It took some time, but she eventually made her mouth form coherent words. “Who came over?”

  “I’m not going to answer that question until you answer mine.” He paused, pinning her with his stare. “Is there anything you want to tell me?”

  Knowing, deep in her soul, that now was the time to confess, and if she didn’t, their future might be in jeopardy, Nancy forced herself to start talking.

  “Corbin’s Bend is a spanking community. Everyone who lives here either practices domestic discipline or supports it in some way. I found their ad online and applied for the job after I researched the town. I thought it was the only way I could have domestic discipline in our lives since you keep saying ‘no’ every time I asked you about it.”

  “So, you basically decided to force me to move to a place where spanking is the norm, and hoped I’d just change my mind and agree to live a domestic discipline lifestyle. Even though I’d repeatedly said ‘no’ to incorporating more spanking into our relationship? Why would you think I’d change my mind once we arrived?”

  It had all made sense in her head when she first came up with it weeks ago, but now, when Sebastian put it that way, the whole crazy plan just seemed ridiculous. She couldn’t come up with a good answer, so she ended up mumbling like a naughty child. “I don’t know.”

  “How did you manage to get us accepted into this community, Nancy? I learned today that they have a pretty rigorous application process.”

  She couldn’t bear to look him in the eye, so instead she focused on her hands, twisting the material of her jersey skirt. “I filled out your portion of the application with the answers I figured they wanted and stuck the signature page in with everything else you signed for the house.”

  “What else?” he prompted. Obviously he already knew everything and was just torturing her by making her recite all her indiscretions.

  “I lied to Brent during the interview and said you were sick so you weren’t available.”

  “What else?” What did he mean what else? She glanced up and found him watching her intently. Her confusion must have shown because he prompted her further. “Who else did you lie to?”

  Oh. Right. There was that. Her gaze drifted back down to her lap. “I lied to you about Corbin’s Bend.”

  “Yes, you did, Nancy.” Sebastian shifted in his chair, leaning forward and raising her chin to meet his eyes. “Can you please explain to me what you were thinking, and what you want to happen now?”

  His second question confused her, but also lit a spark of hope. Maybe he would be willing to give living in Corbin’s Bend a try?

  “I saw the ad and submitted my information without fully considering the outcome,” she admitted, and the words she’d been holding back for weeks came pouring out. “It seemed like the perfect opportunity. Better hours for me, a smaller town for you and spanking out in the open. I applied right away and figured if I happened to get a response, I would talk to you about it then. But everything happened so quickly, and I… I just got caught up in the excitement and all the details of the move.”

  She floundered at the end, trying to explain the unexplainable, so Nancy paused to take a breath and check Sebastian’s reaction. He looked the same, serious and stern, but he nodded encouragingly, prompting her to continue.

  “There were so many times it was on the tip of my tongue to explain it all to you, but I just kept convincing myself that it would all work out. That once we were here, you’d see how domestic discipline worked and want to live the lifestyle.”

  “There’s one of your first problems, Nancy. You said you wanted to ‘explain’ it to me, not ask me about it, or talk to me about it. That’s the first thing that’s going to change in our marriage. You’re not going to just explain things to me any longer. We will have conversations where we fully talk about any issues, and I will be making the final decisions going forward since I can’t trust you to be honest with me right now.”

  His words both pained and encouraged her. It hurt to be told that he didn’t trust her, but she really couldn’t blame him for that based upon her recent behavior. However, Sebastian had never asserted himself like this before. Whatever happened that morning seemed to have changed his way of thinking – drastically.

  And she liked it.

  Before she could question his new attitude, he continued. “I can see that you have questions, and I’ll answer them all in a minute. First I want to apologize to you for not spending more time considering your requests to incorporate more spanking and discipline in our marriage. I didn’t realize how important it was to you, and I’m sorry for that. Of course that doesn’t excuse your behavior, but I wanted to be accountable for my
failure too.”

  Nancy’s mind spun trying to process Sebastian’s words. “Does that mean you’re going to hold me accountable?” Her voice squeaked at the end as the reality of their conversation started to penetrate.

  “I’m going to tell you what happened this morning and then we’re going to talk about how we’re going to move forward as a couple.” Sebastian paused as if searching for the words to begin, though it didn’t take long. “To say I was surprised when two men walked up our driveway and asked if I was ready for my interview would be a huge understatement.”

  Shit. Nancy’s stomach dropped to somewhere near her ankles at his revelation.

  Brent had really meant it when he said he wanted to interview Sebastian immediately. Nancy wanted to get up and run away, or at least cover her ears so she didn’t have to listen to her husband tell her about Brent’s reaction to her lies.

  She squirmed in her seat, shame and embarrassment washing over her as she imagined the conversation. Of course, the newly attentive Sebastian noticed.

  “I see that you’re uncomfortable hearing about this, but can you imagine how uncomfortable I was, Nancy, when I had to admit that I had no idea what they were talking about, and that my wife had lied to me and forged my signature?”

  Sebastian spoke calmly and in an even tone, without being accusatory or mean, but tears pooled in her eyes as the situation she’d put him in sunk into her stubborn brain.

  “I felt awkward and embarrassed at first, and then I began to worry about what would happen to our family. You obtained permission for us to move here based upon lies, Nancy. What if Brent and the Disciplinary Board decided we couldn’t live here? Did you consider that?”

  No, no she hadn’t.

  Shock and dismay made the tears flow down her cheeks. She hadn’t considered what would happen if the town leaders found out about her lies, only how to deal with Sebastian. “They didn’t say we had to leave, did they?” she asked, frantically trying to figure out what they would do.

  Sebastian stared at her, not answering for long moments. “No,” he finally said. “They didn’t say we had to leave.” Nancy released a breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. “But Brent did raise a few concerns about employing you at the clinic given the way you lied and manipulated him to get what you wanted.”

  That had her straightening in her chair. “What? I would never do anything to threaten the health of my patients!” she cried, panicking at the implication, and outraged that someone questioned her professional abilities. “This has nothing to do with my work.”

  “I’m aware of that, but Nancy, stop and consider this scenario from his point of view. In your first interactions with the man you lied to him, both in writing and on the phone, and you kept the truth of Corbin’s Bend from your husband. That would certainly make me wary of putting that type of person in a position of responsibility. In this community honesty and trust are even more important given the activities people engage in.”

  Sebastian’s reasoned response only made her guilt and embarrassment grow. How did she end up in this situation? She, a doctor, a grown woman who’d never been so dishonest in her life?

  “I can see why he would have concerns,” she said slowly, knowing she had to ask but not wanting to hear any more. “What did he say after you told him I’d never be unprofessional?”

  “You mean after I acknowledged how atrocious your behavior was and asked for an opportunity to stay? After I assured him that you’re a fantastic doctor and your recent actions were extremely out of character?” Nancy cringed, imagining Sebastian’s mortification at essentially having to beg for a chance to stay in Corbin’s Bend. “He asked me to step into the hall so he and Jonathon could talk it over. I sat out there for a good twenty minutes, like a naughty child waiting for the principal, Nancy. The upside was that it gave me quite a bit of time to think about our relationship, and several things became glaringly clear to me.”

  Sebastian sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest, the first hint of the extent of his irritation. “I’ve been too complacent in letting you make decisions and lead our relationship, and I think what you’ve been asking me for when you asked to incorporate discipline was really a request for me to step up and take more control in our life.”

  Nancy instinctively opened her mouth to protest, but closed it before she said something that would make the situation worse. She considered his words carefully, trying out that idea and finding that it fit. She had to make so many decisions at work that it would be nice for Sebastian to take over and call the shots on more things at home.

  “I agree that you’re right about that,” she conceded. “I would like to not have to make so many decisions.”

  “Why didn’t you just ask me, Nancy?” he asked, leaning forward again and spreading his palms on the table. “I would have been happy to step up and ease some of the burden for you. I understand that it’s a lot of pressure to be the sole provider for our family.”

  “I’m not sure. I guess I didn’t know how to admit I wanted help.”

  “I’m not a mind reader, Nancy. You have to communicate with me. Which brings us to our next topic.”

  Sebastian paused again, studying her, but for what she couldn’t fathom. Their discussion so far had her mind reeling, and she didn’t want to even try to guess what would spill out of his mouth next.

  “After Jonathon and Brent called me back into the office, they informed me that, after consultation with the Disciplinary Board, they were going to allow us to stay.” Nancy breathed a sigh of relief. Having to retreat back to Rochester, tail between her legs, and beg for her job back, was not an appealing option. But then Sebastian continued and almost blew her mind. “There are conditions though. After speaking to them at length about domestic discipline, I told them that I wanted to live the lifestyle here in Corbin’s Bend, and part of the reason they agreed to let us stay was because they felt that our situation could be helped by DD.”

  Finally! After years of broaching the subject with no progress, Sebastian was agreeing to a spanking relationship. “That’s great, honey. I really think it will help our relationship, and that you’ll love the effects.”

  “I’m not so sure you’re going to love the next part, Nancy.” He chuckled under his breath and sat back in his chair once more. “Did you do your research on how the Disciplinary Board works?”

  Nancy searched her brain, trying to recall what she’d read that first night. She’d been so excited to find the position and learn about the town that it was hard to remember every detail. “The board enforces discipline in the town, and will administer punishment if appropriate…” Her eyes grew to the size of saucers as his implication set in. “Do they want to discipline me?”

  How embarrassing! She would just die if a stranger disciplined her like a child!

  “No, they don’t want to discipline you. They want me, as your Head of Household, to discipline you.”

  Nancy had never seen the look that she now saw on Sebastian’s handsome face.

  Determined, but calm. In charge, but not out of control.

  If there was any glimmer of doubt in her mind that he would follow through with the spanking, or that she’d be able to talk her way out of it… it was gone with one glance at her husband.

  “But first,” he continued, “I need to make sure you’re consenting to this type of relationship, and everything it entails. That you’ll follow the rules we agree to. That you’ll let me lead. And that you agree to be punished when you break the rules.”

  “Of course I do, Sebastian.” She’d wanted this for forever. No way was she turning it down now. Even though she was facing a punishment spanking.

  “Okay then. Stand up and get over my lap.” He pushed his chair back and patted his thigh. Nerves made her hands tremble, but she stood up and slowly made her way over to him. Nancy knew that this spanking would be nothing like the half hearted, playful spankings he’d administered in the past. Armed wi
th his new knowledge of the domestic discipline lifestyle, and a mandate from the Disciplinary Board, Sebastian meant business.

  Chapter 6

  Sebastian tracked Nancy’s movement as she traversed the few short feet from her chair to his lap, watching for any signs that she didn’t want to do this. Part of him couldn’t believe he was about to put his wife, the love of his life, over his knee and really, truly spank her. But there was another, larger, part of him that knew domestic discipline was the right path for them. She wanted it, and maybe even needed it.

  In a few short minutes they’d find out if he agreed.

  “Come here,” he said softly when she stood next to him. Taking her hand and helping drape herself across his thighs felt right and loosened some of the tension he’d been trying to hide. He could do this. No, he wanted to do this.

  He pulled her long skirt up and bunched it at her waist so it was out of the way. Her round bottom was perfectly centered on his lap, covered only by a thin pair of black lace panties. Slowly he inched those down too, so her bare behind lay exposed.

  Thinking back to the advice Jonathon gave him earlier, he laid a heavy hand on her backside, feeling her flinch slightly. “Before we start, I want to go over the rules in our relationship going forward, and make sure it’s very clear why you’re being punished, Nancy. I’m going to tell you what I want the rules to be and you can tell me if you agree, okay?”

  “Okay,” her answer came at once.

  “My first rule is no lying, to anyone, ever. And I don’t mean social necessities like saying you like someone’s cake when it’s really dry as dust. I mean purposely lying to hide something or to get what you want. That means me, your boss, and your friends.” He paused, letting her absorb what he’d said. “What do you think of that?”

  “I agree. No lying.” He didn’t expect her to argue with that one, or with any of the rules he’d come up with on his walk home from the interview with Brent and Jonathon. They’d advised to start simply and target the areas where improvement was needed the most.


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