Corbin's Bend Homecoming

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Corbin's Bend Homecoming Page 50

by Ruth Staunton

  Quincy snorted. “That was before I knew you were the same man in cahoots with the auctioneer and willing to cheat a poor woman out of what she saw first.”

  Henry had enough and shook his head. “That is not only rude, it’s ridiculous. Especially considering that you and Abby somehow managed to preview the items hours before anyone else. I didn’t see you accusing anyone else of cheating when you lost other bids. You, young lady, are a very sore loser with an attitude that definitely needs adjusting. All I can say is that if I did have a claim on you, I’d make sure you also had a very sore ass.”

  “What makes you think I need an HOH?”

  Straightening to his full height, he stepped closer, his fingers moving to cup her chin, forcing her eyes to his. He wanted to make absolutely sure she focused on his next words. “Because I haven’t been a wannabe for years. Honey, if any woman needs an HOH, it is you and, young lady, just so you don’t wonder about my abilities, I assure you I know how to wield a great many implements.” He ignored her gasp and the fact that her cheeks flushed even pinker, but couldn’t deny loving the flash he saw in her eyes. Even if he couldn’t swear it was one of flat out desire, it was definitely one of curiosity and had him equally curious and ready to take a chance.

  “When you are ready to welcome me properly, I’ll be more than happy to accept your kindness. When you are ready to admit you need to face the consequences of your actions and choice of words, I’ll be happy to accept your apology.”

  Removing his fingertips from her skin, he tapped them against her hand that clutched the rag. “I’m sorry but I don’t believe that stain is going to come out. Send me the bill for a new skirt. I’m in Jeff’s old house.” Without another word, he stepped around her and left. Not wishing to cause her or the other guests to feel uncomfortable at his presence and wanting to give Quincy the freedom to speak to her friends, instead of walking into the backyard, he left by the front door. He wasn’t truly surprised to see Jeff leaning up against the side of his truck.

  “Figured you’d be the gentleman,” Jeff said, straightening and pointing to a covered plate on the hood. “Venia fixed you a plate to go.”

  “Tell her thanks,” Henry said, shaking Jeff’s hand. “I hope Venia’s not too upset. I know she was looking forward to introducing me to her friend.”

  “I’m sure she’ll bounce right back.” Jeff pulled him into a hug, slapping his hand against his back before stepping away. “Even I never dreamed that when I told you you’d love Corbin’s Bend, you’d arrive with one of your neighbors already on your mind. The odds have got to be astronomical.”

  Henry laughed and nodded. “Never in a million years would I have even dreamed finding her here was possible. I feel like I’ve won the lotto without purchasing a ticket.”

  “I wouldn’t be spending that money quite yet,” Jeff cautioned. “Quincy is a wonderful woman but can be quite stubborn.” He chuckled and shook his head.

  “Well, I can promise she’s met her match,” Henry said. “Life is too short to let chances slip by, especially a chance to get to know her a whole lot better.”

  “I can’t argue that. I knew Venia was the one for me the first time we met. All I can say is that the chase was both entertaining and well worth the effort.”

  Climbing into his truck, Henry slipped the key into the ignition. “Let’s just hope Quincy comes to her senses and realizes the same. That is one very special woman. Now I just need to pray she’s not truly adverse to cowboys.” With a final nod, he pulled the door closed and gave Jeff a nod as he pulled out of the driveway already making plans.

  Oh, there was going to be some entertainment, that was a given. What form that entertainment would take was the question. Driving towards his new house, he smiled as he turned onto Spanking Loop. Yup, if push came to shove, he still had those trunks she had been negotiating trading a smack for a look inside. He just wondered how entertaining that feisty woman would find getting her backside swatted if she didn’t show up with a far warmer welcome and proper apology sooner rather than later.

  Quincy stood frozen, not aware of the clammy feeling of her skirt where it clung to her skin as she stared at the doorway where he’d disappeared. While the room had felt uncomfortably crowded only a moment earlier, it felt cavernous now that he’d left her alone. It was also quiet as a tomb without the rich timbre of his voice. His slight drawl as those words rolled off his tongue reminded her of the actor, Sam Sheppard, who, come to think of it, often starred in roles featuring cowboys or very domineering men. Remembering Henry’s last words, she moaned. It had been easy enough to brush off his warnings thinking not only were they simply idle threats, but also knowing she’d never set eyes on him again. However, not only had she seen him again, he was the newest resident of her community. A neighbor who definitely looked quite capable and seemed perfectly willing to be an HOH.

  After another moment, she remembered what else he’d said. He’s dreamed about me? What sort of dreams? Surely nothing like the ones I’ve been having?

  Ignoring the surge of what she absolutely refused to admit was arousal, she muttered, “Damn cowboy! Thinks he can scare me, does he! Telling me I’m in his dreams and then threatening to adjust my attitude. You are way too old for this crap, Quincy Lauder.”

  A last swipe of the rag and she had to admit the stain was not coming out. Send him the bill he’d said, but she knew she wouldn’t. She’d paid a mere five dollars for it at a thrift shop and could always dye it a pretty rose color to match the stain.

  Taking a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders. She’d show him that he had absolutely no effect on her. Those were her friends out there. They knew she was a good person and would support her and not some unknown interloper. Certainly they’d see a way to suggest that Mr. Hopkins not bother to unpack. Reaching up to smooth her hair, she was surprised to find wetness on her cheeks. Who was she kidding? She wasn’t a person who wished ill on anyone. Besides, she suddenly had an uneasy suspicion that her cowboy Henry was the same Henry that Venia had mentioned. If so, he was Jeff’s close friend and knowing Jeff, he wouldn’t suggest anyone moving into his community if he didn’t respect that person.

  “What am I going to do?” she whispered. A new face appeared beneath her closed eyelids. A face she hadn’t seen in five years. “Joe, I’ve really gotten myself into a pickle this time.” After a moment, she opened her eyes and shook her head a final time. “I can’t believe you’d suggest that, Joseph Lauder. I do not deserve a hot bottom!”

  Hearing voices approaching, she turned to sprint further into the house. Locking herself in the bathroom, she did the only thing she could. Pulling her cell phone out of her pocket, she sent a four letter message—HELP—and then sat down on the toilet lid to wait. Surely she’d get better advice from her friends.


  Wiping her cheeks again, Quincy cracked open the door.

  “Oh, honey,” Lizzy said as she pulled her friend into her arms. Quincy was released only to be enveloped into another set of arms.

  “It’s going to be okay,” Venia promised.

  Quincy just shook her head. “How can you say that? I feel like a fool. I can just imagine what he is telling everyone out there and what people are saying.”

  “Jeff told us Henry left and your friends are saying it isn’t fair that we kept them all from piling in here with us. These are people who love you. You are as far from a fool as anyone we know,” Lizzie assured her.

  “He left? Oh, I-I didn’t really mean to run him off. God, what sort of welcome…”

  As Quincy’s voice trailed off, Venia sat down on the edge of the tub, pulling Quincy down beside her. “Henry will be fine. We’re worried about you. Talk to us.”

  “Look at me, I’m supposed to be a mentor, not need one after all these years.”

  “Nonsense, even mentors need friends. Heck, we’re both mentors and we don’t pretend to know everything or not need someone to just talk to,” Lizzy said as she
sat down on the other side of Quincy.

  “I don’t even know what to say. What to do,” Quincy admitted.

  “What is your gut telling you to do?” Lizzy asked.

  “Wind back the clock?”

  Neither of her friends even cracked a smile. “This is us, remember? We know you too well to think you aren’t brave enough to face the truth,” Lizzy said.

  “She’s right, so what’s your Option B?” Venia asked.

  Quincy spent the next few minutes twisting the rag between her hands. Sighing loudly, she finally looked up. “I think I’m in big trouble. I don’t understand it, but, oh God, I like him. How crazy is that?”

  “Not crazy at all,” Venia said softly. “Why wouldn’t you? You know Brent and the selection committee thoroughly vet every applicant. Even though Henry’s a good friend of Jeffrey’s, if he didn’t pass muster, he wouldn’t be accepted to become a resident.” Pausing for a moment, she gave a soft laugh. “And, honey, all that blustering you’ve been doing tells its own story. If he hadn’t touched your heart, I’m pretty sure you’d have forgotten him the moment he walked away at that flea market. Let’s face it; that is one very attractive cowboy. I wish you could have seen his face light up when he walked into the yard and recognized you. It’s obvious he’s attracted to you, my friend, so what’s not to like?”

  Quincy looked at her in disbelief. “Seriously? He threatened to spank me! Twice, three times if you count what he said in the kitchen! I mean, who does that?”

  “Only someone who truly cares,” Lizzy quipped, squeezing Quincy’s hand. “If he didn’t care, why would he bother? Granted, you were probably shocked to see him in your own backyard so to speak, but instead of fighting it, why don’t you consider it a gift?”

  When Quincy didn’t speak, Venia placed her hand over the two of theirs. “People usually don’t get a second chance, and I’m not speaking about turning back the clock. I’m talking about possibly discovering that you have the opportunity to enjoy a relationship with another man.”

  “Hey, I’m supposed to be the matchmaker, remember?”

  “I don’t think the rules state you can’t make a match for yourself, do they?”

  “How can I feel like this? I’m not some pre-pubescent teen or a love-starved young woman. I’ve only seen him a few times and didn’t even know his name until tonight.”

  “Do you think I’m a fool?”

  “Of course not!”

  “Then, why should you feel the fool? Believe me, if anyone knows how remarkable it is to look up one day and have your entire life change in a glance, well, that would be me,” Venia said with a soft smile.

  “That’s right, Quincy,” Lizzy chimed in. “Venia opened her heart and took a chance and now look at her. She and Jeff couldn’t be happier. There is no timeline, Quincy. Life happens when we are making other plans. Remember you told me that you knew Joe was the one the first time he took you over his knee? Did you stop to think you barely knew him?”

  “No, but I’m not some spring chicken anymore.”

  “No, you’re not,” Lizzy agreed, “but neither are you ready to push up daisies.”

  “Honey, are you worried that allowing yourself a chance to love again is dishonoring Joe in some way?” Venia asked. “Just as I’m positive Greg would want me to be happy, I know Joe would want the same for you.”

  Quincy gave a soft smile and shook her head. “No, not really. As much as we loved each other, we talked about wanting the one left behind to find another to love. Joe wouldn’t want me to pretend that I don’t have emotions or desires. In fact, well, at the risk of you both thinking I really have gone off the deep end, I swear I heard him today.”

  “Really? What did he have to say?”

  “That I deserved a spanking.”

  Her friends burst into laughter and after a moment, Quincy joined in. “Well, then, perhaps now is the time for you to listen,” Venia said when she caught her breath.

  Lizzy shook her head as she added, “I’d have to agree with Joe. God knows you’ve gotten away with quite a bit in the last few years without an HOH.”

  Quincy’s laughter cut off. “You think I should actually go and apologize to Henry and ask him to spank me?”

  “If that is what your heart is telling you, then, yes,” Lizzy answered. “Venia, do you agree?”

  As Venia nodded, Quincy’s head swiveled between the two as if unable to believe what she was hearing.

  “Shit, who does that?”

  “Those honest enough to accept that deep in their soul they need to submit to someone who is willing to take them in hand,” Venia said. “There is a reason why we live in Corbin’s Bend remember?”

  “Easy enough for you to say. We all know you’ve turned into a spanko,” Quincy said with another shake of her head. “Henry will think I’m either a complete nut or some desperate old woman!”

  Venia stood and pulled her friend into another embrace. “Not likely, especially since you weren’t privy to the fact that he told Jeff he’d almost decided not to move away from Texas.” She grinned before she continued. “In fact, from his description about some very sassy and attractive woman he’d seen briefly, I had a sneaky suspicion that his paddle waver just might be right beneath his nose once he got here.”

  “I’m telling you, it’s fate,” Lizzy said as she also stood. “I mean, what are the odds? Two total strangers meet in not one but three different states in, what, a week’s time?”

  “Forget the odds, I’ll still feel like a complete fool if I do approach him and discover he has absolutely no interest in some old woman besides accepting her apology for the not so stellar welcome.”

  “Oh, I don’t think you need to worry,” Venia said. “I’d bet my next royalty check that he is very interested in exploring where this attraction might go. Henry just played the gentleman and put the ball into your court.”

  “Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn into some sort of fatal attraction,” Quincy said. “Hell, who would have thought my mentor and best friend would actually be encouraging me to ask for a spanking. It’s been so long I’m not sure if I can recall how to answer to anyone.”

  Lizzy laughed, “I don’t have any check to wager, but I can say that I believe it will all come back to you fairly quickly.”

  “It will,” Venia promised, “and once done, you’ll recall how much better you felt afterwards. Besides, you know this is going to gnaw at you until you do.”

  Quincy sighed. “Are you always so willing to send someone to their own end?”

  Her friend’s laughter filled the small room again. “Only when it isn’t our own asses on the line,” Lizzy answered.

  Venia grinned as her eyes glanced at the sink. “I do suggest you start praying he hasn’t had time to unpack the bathroom. You keep at it and I promise a bar of soap is going to take the place of all those cuss words.” She grinned as Quincy grimaced.

  “Smart ass,” Quincy teased, slapping Venia’s arm lightly. “I suppose it won’t be the first time I’ve faced the music.”

  “And definitely not the last if you don’t get that slapping thing under control,” Venia said and then pulled Quincy into a hug before smiling. “You are just begging to be taken in hand. Remember, my friend, where there is music to be faced, there is the possibility of sharing a dance.”

  With a groan that contained laughter as well, Quincy opened the door and they stepped through. “I’m pretty sure you are dreaming about some waltz or romantic tango while all I am visualizing is doing the jitterbug. It’s been a long time since I’ve, um, danced.”

  “Actually, I was wondering how long it will take you to learn the Texas two-step,” Venia offered, “after all, Henry is a native Texan.”

  Quincy’s face lit up as she nodded eagerly. “That’s right and there is a cute little dance called the cotton-eyed Joe that actually encourages participants to sing out the lyrics.”

  Lizzy shook her head. “Go ahead, make jokes but I promise t
hat if you start shouting out ‘bullshit’, your cowboy is likely to have you hog-tied and dancing to the tune of a paddle instead of fiddles and steel guitars.”

  “Good grief, he is not my cowboy!” Quincy said only to hear laughter pealing once again.

  Chapter 6

  Quincy had been amazed at the support she’d received the moment she and her two friends had rejoined the party. It hadn’t escaped her attention that every eye had seemed focused on the door and had felt almost overwhelmed with the looks of love and concern she’d seen. Far more used to giving comfort and advice rather than receiving it, she hadn’t known what to say, grateful when Abby had just given her a hug, tugged her hand to lead her back to the table and fixed her a plate. She’d received hugs from both Benjamin and Jonathon as well as from Rob. Jeff had pulled her into an embrace, softly assuring her that Henry was a not only a friend but was also a good man. Quincy had finally smiled when he added that, friend or not, he’d take him to task if he hurt her.

  “Thanks, Jeff. I admit I might have over reacted a bit.” Jeff kissed her cheek and pulled out her chair for her to sit and eat. She noticed that not a single person had made a teasing remark and understood that all probably had a very good idea of what had transpired in the kitchen. After all, these were good friends as well as residents of a community that understood the dynamic of various lifestyle choices. Quincy finished her meal and had to admit to herself that if any person at the cookout had been her HOH, the chances were pretty good she’d be sitting on a sore behind.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow to see if I need to endorse that check over,” Venia said, handing her a foil-covered plate. “I sort of forgot to include dessert when I fixed a plate for Henry. Not that I think brownies will be needed, but, heck, you can’t go wrong with gifts of chocolate.”

  “You make sure to call me if you need me,” Lizzy instructed as she walked Quincy to her van. “In fact, call me whenever you get home. I’ll be antsy until I learn what happened.”


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